English 1302 (Dual Credit) 2015 4th Nine Weeks Syllabus Primary

English 1302 (Dual Credit)
4th Nine Weeks Syllabus
Primary objective: To provide students with the tools necessary to think, read and write critically. This course
is also designed to help students understand the writing process and to become fluent in a variety of writing
styles. Students will be asked to both evaluate and create different writing techniques. Students will also be
exposed to a variety of different rhetorical strategies and will connect those strategies to meaning within certain
literary works.
Course Description:
English 1302 builds upon what students learned in English 1301, emphasizing more complex research,
analytical, and rhetorical skills that are needed for their college courses, no matter what their major field of
study may be. Students are prepared to write more advanced essays and research papers, and they are
introduced to the formal study of texts selected from a variety of genres (historical, philosophical, political,
literary, and ethnographical, among others)
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will…
1. Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative research processes.
2. Develop ideas and synthesize primary and secondary sources within focused academic arguments,
including one or more research-based essays.
3. Write in a style that clearly communicates meaning, builds credibility, and inspires belief or
4. Analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of texts for the ethical and logical uses of evidence.
5. Apply the conventions of style manuals for specific academic disciplines (e.g., APA, CMS, MLA,
Core Objectives:
1. Critical Thinking Skills: To include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and
synthesis of information
2. Communication Skills: To include effective written, oral, and visual communication
3. Teamwork: To include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with
others to support a shared purpose or goal
4. Personal Responsibility: To include the ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical
March 23-27
Mon: continue groups discussions
Tues: Writing Workshop (formative): Introduction and one body paragraph due. All work must be typed and properly formatted. The
introductions should have no fewer than 6 sentences. Two copies are required. Email the work by 3 pm if you will be
Wed/Thurs: Unit 11 Vocabulary quiz (formative); continue workshop
Fri: Friday free-write
March 30-April 3 (TESTING WEEK)
Mon: Writing Workshop: Bring 2 copies of the full essay. No handwritten work will be accepted. No late work will be accepted.
Email by 3 pm if you will be absent.
Tues: Food, Inc synthesis essay due (summative); Notes: Existential Philosophy and Camus, Free-write
Wed/Thurs: Unit 12 Vocabulary Quiz (formative);
HW; Read Part 1 of The Stranger
Friday: Student Holiday 
April 6-10
Mon: Read “The Myth of Sisyphus” and discuss
Tues: Reader-response timed writing; (Journal check #1)
Wed/Thurs: Reading Quiz, Part 1 of The Stranger (formative); begin discussion of the novel
Friday: Friday free-write
HW: Read Part 2 of The Stranger
English 1302 (Dual Credit)
April 13-17
Mon: Discussion of The Stranger
Tues: Part 2 Quiz (formative); continue discussion of the novel
Wed/Thurs: Grammar Diagnostic review; discussion of the novel
Fri: Unit 13 Vocabulary Quiz (formative); Friday free-write
April 20-24
Mon: Continue discussion of The Stranger
Tues: continue discussion
Wed/Thurs: Grammar Test; Read and discuss “A Future Not Our Own,” continue discussion of the novel
Fri: Unit 14 Vocabulary Quiz (formative); Continue discussion of the novel
April 27-May 1
Mon: Conclude discussion of the novel
Tues: Review for exam (Journal Check #2)
Wed/Thurs: Unit Test (The Stranger and other topics related to existentialism) (Summative)
Fri: Senior Picnic 
May 4-8
Mon: Unit 15 Vocabulary Quiz (formative); review for semester exam
Semester exam will be given on tues/wed due to EOC tesing.
May 12-17***Class attendance is still required. You will use this time to work on assignments for other classes.
May 19-23 ***Remaining senior exams will be given this week.
Tutoring: room 2403 Tues/Thurs B Block or by appointment
Make-ups: If you need to make up a quiz or test, please see me and we will work out a time. Students have one week to make up a test or quiz.
Absences: If you are going to be absent, the courteous thing to do is to let me know. If you are out for an extended time, please email me to make
arrangements to get any work you have missed. In addition, please check my website for handouts/notes/announcements. Personal
responsibility and organization are KEY to success in this and any other course. It is your responsibility to keep up with the syllabus.
You are held accountable for all quizzes, tests, and coursework EVEN if you missed the previous class. Again, contacting me when
you are absent will help you stay on track.
Grading Policy:
75% summative
25% formative
AP/Dual Credit courses do not allow for retesting on either formative or summative assessments.
Summatives: 4 total—see syllabus for dates
Food, Inc essay
Reader response timed writing
The Stranger unit test
The Stranger timed writing
Formatives: 10 total—see syllabus for dates
The Stranger reading checks (2)
Writing Workshop (2)
Vocab. Quizzes (5)