Glossary of Constitutional Terms Glossary of Constitutional Terms The Glossary contains explanations for words and phrases that you may encounter or hear during conversations on Constitutional Review Process. A Terms Act of Parliament Ad hoc Adopt Appropriation Page 2 2 2 2 2 Assent B C D E F G H I J Attorney-General Bicameral Bills Binding referendum Branches of state Bylaw Cabinet Civil & political rights Common law Constitution Constitutional conventions Constitutional monarchy Declaration of inconsistency Dissolution of Parliament Entrenched legislation Executive, the Federal countries Fixed election date General Election Government Head of state House of Representatives Institutions of the state Judicial review Judiciary, the Jurisdiction 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 L M O P R S 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 T U Terms Legislature, the Magna Carta Official information Parliament Parliamentary supremacy/parliamentary sovereignty Proportional representation Regulations Responsible government Rule of law Semi-fixed election date Separation of powers Social, economic and cultural rights Sovereign, the Sovereignty Standing Orders of the House State, the Statute Striking down legislation Subordinate legislation Sunset clause Supply and Confidence Supreme law Term of Parliament Territorial authorities Unconstitutional Unicameral Unitary state Unwritten constitution Vote of No confidence Westminster System Written constitution Page 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 1|Page Term Definition Act of Parliament A law made by Parliament and given assent by the President. Ad hoc For a particular purpose only, e.g. an ad hoc select committee to deal with a specific issue. Adopt Agree and act in accordance with a policy or law. Appropriation Allocation of public money to a specific purpose. Assent Final step in Parliament’s process of making law which is carried out by the Governor-General. Also known as President assent. Attorney-General The Attorney-General is a member of the Government. He or she is the senior law officer of the government, with principal responsibility for the Government’s administration of the law. Bicameral Two Houses of Parliament, e.g. Britain’s House of Commons and House of Lords. 2|Page Bills Laws that are introduced to Parliament but have not yet become Acts. Binding referendum Opportunity for the public to decide on a particular issue, e.g. the MMP referendum at the 2011 General Election. Branches of state The different bodies that make up the state. This includes the head of state, the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary. Bylaw Rule made by a local body or council which applies in that region. Cabinet Collective group of decision makers within the Government, made up of the President/Prime Minister and Ministers. Civil & political rights The rights of citizens to freedom and equality. These rights include freedom of speech, the right to a fair trial, and the right to vote and take part in political life. Central to the proper functioning of a democratic society. Common law Collection of decisions from the Courts that develop the law. Creates precedents that other decisions must follow. Constitution The set of rules about how we are governed and how we live together as a country. 3|Page Constitutional conventions Practices that develop over time in order to fill certain gaps in constitutional arrangements, but are not always written down in the law, e.g. that the head of state only acts on advice from Ministers. Constitutional monarchy The monarch is the head of state but only acts on the advice of Ministers and cannot make law without Parliament. Declaration of inconsistency Formal power allowing a Judge to say that one piece of legislation is inconsistent with another. Dissolution of Parliament The end of the Parliamentary term before a General Election. Entrenched legislation Laws which are more difficult to change than others. This could mean a large majority in the legislature or direct public participation to enact change e.g. a 75% majority in Parliament or more than 50% of voters in a referendum. Executive, the One of three branches of state and includes the President/Prime Minister and Ministers. Federal countries Rather than having provincial governments which effectively administer services for the central government, the provincial governments have similar lawmaking powers, e.g. Australia. Boundaries of legal authority between central government and regions or provinces are generally constitutionally defined. 4|Page Fixed election date General Election Government Where the date of the General Election is fixed in law, meaning that an early election cannot be called. Voters’ opportunity to elect members of Parliament. In many countries elections are held every four to five years, but can be held earlier. The body or system through which a country is governed. In Sierra Leone, government consists of the President, Minister and Ministers. They set policy direction, propose laws to Parliament by introducing Bills and implement the laws Parliament passes. Head of state The President/chief public representative of a country, though their functions will differ between countries. New Zealand’s head of state is the Queen. House of Representatives The single legislative chamber consisting of democratically elected members of Parliament. Institutions of the state Judicial review The different bodies that make up the state. In Sierra Leone this includes the head of state, the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary. A review that takes place in the High Court as to whether a decision made by a public authority has been made properly. In jurisdictions with supreme law, judges may also review legislation and strike it down if it is inconsistent with supreme 5|Page law provisions. Judiciary, the A collective term for the Judges who work in the Courts. Jurisdiction The limits within which legal authority exists. May refer to territory which the state controls or to the matters which the Courts have the ability to make decisions on. Jurisprudence The study, philosophy and theory of the law. Justiciability The limits on whether something can or cannot be decided on by the Courts. Legislation Legislature, the Laws that have been passed by Parliament or under the authority of Parliament. The main sorts of legislation are Acts and regulations. Can also describe laws that Parliament is still considering. An assembly with the power to make laws for the country, e.g. Sierra Leone’s legislature is Parliament which consists of the House of Representatives plus the monarch. 6|Page Magna Carta Official information Parliament Parliamentary supremacy/parliamentary sovereignty A charter forced upon King John of England in the 13th century that placed limits on the power of the ruler, for example that no freeman could be imprisoned and punished without trial by their peers. Information held by institutions and officers of the state as well as local authorities. Can be requested by members of the public through the The Right to Access Information Act, 2013 [No. 2 of 2013] In Sierra Leone, Parliament consists of Members of Parliaments. Parliament makes laws and monitors the Government. The term used to explain that Parliament is the most powerful law-making authority in the state. Parliament can make laws about anything and can revoke and replace existing law. Proportional representation Parties are represented in Parliament at a level roughly equivalent to their popular vote in an election. Regulations Detailed laws that Parliament empowers the Government to make. They can be scrutinised by Parliament and reviewed by the Courts. 7|Page Responsible government Government’s actions are scrutinised and debated by Parliament to hold them to account. This is essential for democratic legitimacy. Rule of law Fundamental principle that all members of society, including the government, obey the law. Semi-fixed election date Separation of powers Social, economic and cultural rights Sovereign, the Where the date of the General Election is established in law, but there are some exceptions allowing for early elections, e.g. in the case of a Government losing a vote of confidence. The division of power between the main decision making institutions. In countries its refer to the Parliament, the Executive and the Courts. Each has separate and independent powers which are vital to the functioning of responsible government. Rights that give people social and economic security, e.g. rights to an adequate standard of living, to work, to social security, to health, and to education. Generally require the state to act to provide the basis for these rights. A person, collection of people or institution of state possessing the supreme public power. 8|Page Sovereignty Supreme and independent authority to govern held by a state, e.g. Sierra Leone is a sovereign state. Can also refer to the supreme authority within a state, e.g. the sovereignty of Parliament. Standing Orders of the House The rules by which Parliament conducts itself day-to-day. For instance, the Standing Orders govern the select committee procedure and the hours that it sits. State, the The combination of the Legislature (Parliament), the Government (President/Prime Minister, Ministers and Government Departments) and the Courts. Statute Usually refers to a law passed by Parliament. Striking down legislation Ability for the Courts to invalidate legislation that is inconsistent with supreme law. Subordinate legislation More detailed laws that are made by public bodies other than Parliament, e.g. regulations made by the Executive. These can be scrutinized by Parliament and reviewed by the Courts. Sunset clause An expiry date on legislation or parts of legislation. Supply and Confidence Government needs Parliament’s permission to spend money. Requires the confidence and support of a majority in Parliament. Without that support, 9|Page government would be unstable. Supreme law A law that has a higher legal status than other laws, meaning that Parliament must only pass laws that comply with the supreme law. The Courts would be able to strike down inconsistent law. Term of Parliament The length of time that Parliament sits before a General Election must be held. Territorial authorities Local government bodies, e.g. local councils. Unconstitutional Legislation or government action that is inconsistent with constitutional principles. Unicameral One House of Parliament. Unitary state Unwritten constitution There are no separate states within a country which can make laws for themselves. This is the opposite of a federal system. A constitution which is not in a single document. Lots of different elements set the constitutional rules, e.g. different statutes, court decisions, conventions and international treaties. 10 | P a g e Vote of no confidence Westminster system Written constitution Where a majority of MPs in Parliament vote that they no longer support the Government. Democratic system of government named after the United Kingdom’s Palace of Westminster. Some aspects include that the head of state and head of government are separate, Parliament is elected, Ministers must be MPs, and the concentration of Executive power in the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Usually refers to a single document called “the Constitution” which sets the rules for how government operates and how people live together as a country, e.g. the Constitution of the United States. 11 | P a g e