First Aid -

First Aid
Steele Canyon High School
ENS Department
First Aid Overview and Objectives
• Basic review of common health issues that you
may encounter in day to day life
• Sensible approach to understanding causative
• Care and treatment of various disease processes
• A tiny bit of humor added along the way…
Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis
• An allergic reaction is an inflammatory process triggered by allergens..
Common allergens include animal dander from cats or dogs, airborne
allergens like pollen, and various drugs such as penicillin and sulfa.
• Allergies
▫ Symptoms of allergic reactions include hives, tongue or facial swelling,
sneezing, itchy eyes, nausea, vomiting, and rashes. Allergic reactions may range
from mild, to life-threatening conditions such as anaphylaxis. in which the
mouth and tongue may swell to a point that makes it difficult to breathe.
▫ Physicians diagnose allergic reactions based on clinical signs and symptoms.
▫ Allergic reactions are treated with medications like antihistamines and steroids.
▫ For life-threatening allergic reactions, may have epinephrine pens available.
The best treatment for allergic reactions is to avoid the allergen if at all possible
• Immediate medical care (call 911) for serious symptoms of an allergic
reaction, such as chest pain, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, rapid
heartbeat, swelling in the throat or mouth, dizziness or unconsciousness,
flushing with hives, or wheezing.
Allergic Reaction
enough to
look at…
Imagine if
it was on
Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis
• Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic
reaction. It can occur within seconds or minutes of exposure
to something you're allergic to, such as a peanut or the venom
from a bee sting.
• The flood of chemicals released by your immune system
during anaphylaxis can cause you to go into shock; your blood
pressure drops suddenly and your airways narrow, blocking
normal breathing. Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis include
a rapid, weak pulse, a skin rash, and nausea and vomiting.
Common triggers of anaphylaxis include certain foods, some
medications, insect venom and latex.
• Anaphylaxis requires an immediate trip to the emergency
department and an injection of epinephrine. If anaphylaxis
isn't treated right away, it can lead to unconsciousness or even
Life Threatening disease process…to both children and adults!
Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis
• Anaphylaxis symptoms usually occur within minutes of
exposure to an allergen. Sometimes, however, anaphylaxis can
occur a half-hour or longer after exposure. Anaphylaxis
symptoms include:
• Skin reactions, including hives along with itching, and flushed
or pale skin (almost always present with anaphylaxis)
• A feeling of warmth
• The sensation of a lump in your throat
• Constriction of the airways and a swollen tongue or throat,
which can cause wheezing and trouble breathing
• A weak and rapid pulse
• Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
• Dizziness or fainting
Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis
• What to do in an emergency
If you're with someone who is having an allergic reaction and shows
signs of shock caused by anaphylaxis, act fast. Signs and symptoms
of shock caused by anaphylaxis include pale, cool and clammy skin,
weak and rapid pulse, trouble breathing, confusion, and loss of
consciousness. Even if you're not sure symptoms are caused by
anaphylaxis, take the following steps immediately:
▫ Call 911 or emergency medical help.
▫ Get the person in a comfortable position and elevate his or her
▫ Check the person's pulse and breathing and, if necessary,
administer CPR or other first-aid measures.
▫ Help give medications to treat an allergy attack, such as an
epinephrine autoinjector or antihistamines, if the person has
Assessing ANY Situation and Rescues
Is anyone in danger?
If yes, can the danger be easily managed?
If it cannot, call for the emergency help and protect the scene.
Move the quietest victim first (Usually this is a telling sign)
Gently shakes the shoulders and ask him or her a question.
If there is a response, treat any life-threatening condition before checking the next person.
If there is no response, check the airway.
Assessment and Actions
**An unconscious person is always at risk of the airway becoming
blocked by the tongue. There is also the possibility of choking on vomit. If
there is mouth or internal injuries, a person may a choking on blood.
Most unconscious people are safest if placed in the
recovery position while waiting for help to arrive.
This position keeps the airway open
and allows liquids to drain from
the mouth.
If somebody is unconscious
(not responsive)
but breathing, your priorities are:
to ensure that they stay breathing by
keeping the airway; unblocked and
regularly looking, listening,
and feeling for breaths;
to treat any life-threatening injuries such as serious bleeding; and to call for an
emergency help.
Assessment and Action
1. Kneel beside the victim. Ensure the airway is open by lifting the chin and
tilting the head. Make sure both legs are straight, then place the arm nearest
to you straight from the victim’s body.
2. Bring the arm furthest away from you across the victim’s chest and hold the
back of the hand against the cheek nearest to you.
3. With your other hand, grasp the far leg just above the knee and pull it up,
keeping the foot flat on the ground.
4. Keeping the victim’s hand pressed against his or her cheek, pull on the far
leg and roll the victim toward you and on to his or her side.
5. Tilt the head back so that the airway remains open. Call for emergency help
if this has not already been done. Check the breathing regularly
Assessment and Action
Assessment and Action
If the victim has been involved in an accident that
involved a lot of force, such as a fall, tackle, strike
from a blunt force object, or automobile accident,
the back or neck may be injured. The priority in an
unconscious person will always be ABC. If you
suspect a person may have a neck or back injury, or
other broken bones, you may wish to adjust the
recovery position to minimize movement. Gently
move the head to a position where vomit or blood
can drain out. If you are concerned about breathing
the person must be moved into a safer position.
Assessment and Action
The priorities for an unconscious child are to ensure that the child stays
breathing by keeping the airway clear, and to call 911. If an unconscious child
is breathing, do a quick check for life-threatening injuries and treat if
necessary, then turn the victim into the recovery position.
1. Kneel beside the child. Ensure the airway is open by lifting the chin and tilting
the head. Make sure both legs are straight, then place the arm nearest to you to
straight out from the child’s body, with the elbow bent and the palm placing
2. Bring the arm furthest away from you across the child’s chest and hold the
back of the hand against the cheek nearest you.
3. With your other hand, grasp the child’s far leg just above the knee and pull it
up, keeping the foot flat on the ground.
4. Keeping the child’s hand pressed against her cheek, pull on the far leg and roll
the child toward you and to her side.
5. Tilt the head back so that the airway remains open.
Assessment and Action
Bleeding Control
• Severe bleeding requires direct, firm pressure to the
affected area.
• If possible, elevate the any bleeding extremity above
the level of the heart.
• Do NOT remove any imbedded object , unless it
interferes with breathing or respirations.
• Remember gloves are a protective barrier…that are a
must to use.
• ANY bloody or body fluids you come in contact with
should be washed away with soap and water
Bleeding Control
Burns can be
Awful…painful…disfiguring…life changing!
• Many avenues provide ways you can get burned.
Certainly by heat and fire, radiation, sunlight,
electricity or chemicals.
• There are 3 degrees of burns:
 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree.
Burn- 1st Degree
• First-degree burns are red and painful. A
sunburn is an excellent example. Occasionally, they
swell a little. 1st degree burns “blanch” or turn white
when you press on the skin. Damaged skin over the
burn may peel away after 1 or 2 days, which makes
you look like a lizard.
Treatment. Soak the burn in cool water (NOT ice).
Apply a skin care product like aloe vera cream or an
antibiotic ointment. Protect the burned area with a
dry gauze bandage or clean clothing. Over-thecounter pain relievers, such as Tylenol or Motrin can
to help with the pain. Remember, sunscreen!
Burn- 1st Degree
• Red
• Painful
• Minimally invasive
• Treatment
▫ Stop the burn
▫ Cool the burn
▫ Cover the burn
Burn-2nd Degree
• Second-degree burns are thicker burns, have associated blistering
and are VERY painful. Multiple skin layers are damaged, the skin is very
red or even splotchy, and it may swell significantly.
Treatment. Soak the burn in cool water for 15 minutes. If the burned
area is small, put a cool, clean, wet cloths on the burn , then apply an
antibiotic cream, or other creams as prescribed by your doctor. Cover the
burn with a clean, dry nonstick dressing held in place with gauze or tape.
Check with your doctor's office to make sure you are up-to-date on
tetanus booster.
• Change the dressing every day. Remembering to wash your hands with
soap and water before any dressing change . Be gentle as you wash the
burn and put antibiotic ointment on it. Watch for signs of infection, such
as increased pain, redness, swelling or pus. If you see any of these signs,
see your doctor right away. Avoid breaking any blisters that form.
• Burned skin itches as it heals. Keep your fingernails cut short and don't
scratch the burned area. Burned areas will be sun sensitive for up to one
Burn- 2nd Degree
Loss of skin
Fluid filled
Burns- 3rd Degree
• Third-degree burns cause damage to all layers of
the skin. The burned skin looks white or charred
black. These burns may cause little or no pain
because the nerves in the skin are damaged.
Treatment. For third-degree burns, go to the
hospital right away. Don't take off any clothing that
is stuck to the burn. Don't soak the burn in water or
apply any ointment (do NOT use any home
remedies…that involve food... No lemon juice,
mayonnaise, Crisco, ice cubes,etc.). You can cover
the burn with a sterile bandage or clean cloth until
you receive medical assistance.
Burn-3rd Degree
Multiple skin
layers involved
Minimal pain
Do not walk
through fire!
Bruises ( Contusion, Ecchymosis, Hematoma)
• A bruise is a mark on your skin caused by blood trapped
under the surface. In trauma, injury crushes small blood
vessels but does not break the skin. Those blood vessels
break open, leaking blood under the skin’s surface.
• Bruises are often painful and can become swollen. There
are skin, muscle and bone bruises. Bone bruises are the
most serious.
• Healing can take months for fading to occur, but most
last only about two weeks. Initially reddish in color, then
turning bluish-purple, and finally greenish-yellow before
returning to normal. Ice minimizes the injured area.
Elevation above your heart is also helpful. Any bruise
appearing to be infected, should be check by a physician.
People on blood thinners should be especially cautious with bruising!
• Choking
Food or small objects can cause choking if they
get caught in your throat and block your airway.
This prohibits oxygen from traveling to your
lungs and brain. When your brain goes without
oxygen for more than four minutes, bad things
begin to happen.
• Young children are especially high risk for
choking. They choke on common foods like hot
dogs, nuts, grapes, and on many small items like
toy pieces and coins. Keep small objects out of
their reach and supervise them when they eat.
Choking…maybe not….
• Not choking, but very messy! Supervise your
children when they eat!!
• To remove a lodged or stuck object in the
throat, do NOT stick your fingers in
anyone’s mouth UNLESS you can see the
object clearly.
• Removing or clearing an airway
obstruction is best performed by utilizing
the Heimlich Maneuver, which forces air
from the stomach upwards to clear the
object from the airway.
Choking Rescue TechniquesHeimlich for Adults
• To perform the Heimlich maneuver:
Stand behind him or her. Form a fist with one hand and place
your fist, thumb side in, just below the person’s rib cage in the
front. Grab your fist with your other hand. Keeping your arms
off the person’s rib cage, give four quick inward and upward
thrusts. You may have to repeat this several times until the
obstructing object is coughed out.
• If you're the only rescuer, perform the Heimlich
maneuver before calling 911 for help. If another person is
available, have that person call for help while you perform the
Heimlich maneuver.
Choking Rescue TechniquesHeimlich for Adults
• Hands locked
above the belly
• Pressing upwards
into the
• Continue until the
foreign body
becomes dislodged.
Choking Rescue TechniquesHeimlich for Unconscious Adults
• Heimlich maneuver on an unconscious
If the person is lying down or unconscious,
straddle him or her and place the heel of your
hand just above the waistline. Place your other
hand on top of this hand. Keeping your elbows
straight, give four quick upward thrusts. You
may have to repeat this procedure several times
until the obstructing object is coughed out.
Choking Rescue TechniquesHeimlich for Unconscious Adults
Heel of your hand above the waistline.
Elbows straight
Deliver 4 upward thrusts
Repeat as necessary
Choking Rescue TechniqueHeimlich on Children
• Heimlich maneuver on a child:
Stand behind the child. With your arms around
his or her waist, form a fist with one hand and
place it, thumb side in, between the ribs and
waistline. Grab your fist with your other hand.
Keeping your arms off the child's rib cage, give
four quick inward and upward thrusts. You may
have to repeat this several times until the
obstructing object is coughed out.
Choking Rescue TechniqueHeimlich on Children
Choking Rescue TechniqueHeimlich on Infants
• Heimlich maneuver on an infant:
Place the infant face down across your forearm
(resting your forearm on your leg) and support the
infant’s head with your hand. Give four forceful
blows to the back with the heel of your hand. You
may have to repeat this several times until the
obstructing object is coughed out.
If this does not work, turn the baby over. With two
fingers one finger width below an imaginary line
connecting the nipples, give four forceful thrusts to
the chest to a depth of 1 inch. You may have to
repeat this several times until the obstructing object
is coughed out.
Choking Rescue TechniqueHeimlich on Infants
Cuts and Scrapes
• Stop the bleeding. Minor cuts and scrapes usually stop bleeding
on their own. If they don't, apply gentle pressure with a clean cloth
or bandage. Hold the pressure continuously for 5 to 10 minutes.
Don't keep checking to see if the bleeding has stopped because this
may damage or dislodge the fresh clot that's forming and cause
bleeding to start again. If the blood spurts out or continues to flow
after continuous pressure, seek medical assistance.
• Clean the wound. Rinse out the wound with clear water. Soap can
irritate the wound, keep it out of the actual wound, if possible. Any
dirt or debris remaining in the wound after washing, must be
removed, or it will become an infection, or create a bigger scar. Use
tweezers cleaned with soap and water to remove the particles. If
debris remains deep in the wound after cleaning, see your doctor.
Areas around the wound can be washed with soap, water and a
cloth. No need for hydrogen peroxide, iodine or an iodinecontaining cleanser, as these irritate living cells. If you choose to use
them, don't apply them directly in the wound.
Cuts and Scrapes
• Abrasions
come in all
sizes and
They only
look bad,
and are not
Cuts and Scrapes
• Apply an antibiotic. After you clean the wound, apply a thin layer
of an antibiotic cream or ointment like Neosporin or Polysporin to
help keep the surface moist. These don't make the wound heal
faster, but they deter infection and allow the healing process to close
the wound more normally.
• Cover the wound. Bandages can help keep the wound clean
keeping bacteria out. After the wound has healed enough to make
infection unlikely, exposure to the air will increase wound healing.
• Change the dressing. Change the dressing at least daily or
whenever it becomes wet or dirty. If you're allergic to the adhesive
used in most bandages, switch to adhesive-free dressings or sterile
gauze held in place with paper tape, gauze roll or a loosely applied
elastic (ACE) bandage. These supplies generally are available at
pharmacies. (Do NOT hold dressings in place with rubber bands,
hairclips, or shoelaces).
Cuts and Scrapes
• Get stitches for deep wounds. A wound that cuts
deeply through the skin or is gaping or jagged-edged and
has fat or muscle exposed usually requires stitches or
staples, A strip or two of surgical tape may hold a small
cut together, but if you can't easily close the largest part
of the wound, you must see your doctor as soon as
possible. Proper closure within a few hours.
• Watch for signs of infection. See your doctor if the
wound isn't healing or you notice any redness, drainage,
warmth or swelling.
• Get a tetanus shot. Doctors recommend you get a
tetanus shot every 10 years. If your wound is deep, dirty
and your last shot was more than five years ago, your
doctor may recommend a tetanus booster. Booster are
usually required within 48 hours of the injury.
Cut and Scrapes
and a Gnarly Head
Definitely needs sutures…
Definitely needs a head CT..
Definitely won’t be growing
hair here for quite some
Diabetic Emergencies
• Diabetes mellitus is a medical condition in which
the body is unable to effectively regulate the
amount of sugar in the blood. The pancreas, an
organ in the body) normally produces a hormone
called insulin that regulates blood sugar level. In a
person suffering from diabetes this does not happen
effectively and as a result blood sugar levels
become too high (this is known as hyperglycemia).
Most diabetics control the condition through a
combination of diet and injections of insulin. Too
much insulin can lead to a condition known as
hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
Diabetic Emergencies
Low blood sugar level has a quick and serious
effect on the brain. Most commonly it is caused
by somebody with diabetes either taking too
much insulin, or taking the right amount of
insulin and then either not eating enough or
burning off sugar through vigorous exercise.
Diabetic Emergencies
History of diabetes (sometimes a diabetic suffering a
hypoglycemia attack is often confused or aggressive and
may not admit to having a diabetes)
Feeling faint or dizzy
Strange behavior: confusion, aggression, or even
Pale, cold, sweaty skin
Rapid loss of unconsciousness
Shallow breathing
Evidence of diabetes, e.g. medic alert, sugar solution, or
syringe in pocket
Evidence of recent heavy exercise or drinking
Diabetic Emergencies
If the person is unconscious, watch the airway and
breathing, respond 911. If the person is fully
conscious, help him to sit down or to lie down with
the shoulders raised. Give something high in sugar
and easy to consume, such as chocolate or a sugary
drink. If this marks an improvement, give more. If
the condition does not improve, seek medical advice.
Stay with the person until he recovers. If the
condition continues to deteriorate or does not
improve, call 911.
Diabetic Emergencies
• It is not unusual for diabetes to be mistaken for other
common situations such as drunkenness, substance
abuse. The treatment in all these situations is to monitor
and maintain the airway. Use the recovery position if the
person becomes unconscious, and seek medical advice or
call emergency help.
• Do not make assumptions as to the cause of the problem.
Somebody who is drunk may also be suffering from head
injury; the syringe in a person’s coat may be for diabetic
medication or for drug abuse. While you do not need to
know the cause the medical staff do and any clues that
you can hand over could be potentially life-saving. Please
do not hide important information from caregivers.
Drinking and Driving- Doesn’t make
you a better, more carefree driver!
Drinking and DrivingShe had NOT been drinking…but the person who
hit her had!!
Drinking and Driving
Pardon me
Mr. Fireman…
Can I park my
3 ton helicopter
I’ll just be a
Drinking and Driving
This is as real as it gets..
Everyday, somewhere,
Healthcare People…
Like those on Mercy Air
Wait patiently
hour by hour …
To address the consequences
Of EVERY action you make!
Drinking and Driving- Is STUPID!
Drinking and Driving- Isn’t Cool!
Drinking and Driving
Drinking and Driving- Kills…
Please Don’t Make ME come take care
of you…like this!
• Drowning Treatment
• Call 911 if:
Someone is drowning
• 1. Get Help
Notify a lifeguard, adult, teacher, if one is
If not, ask someone to call 911.
If you are alone, follow the steps below.
2. Take the person out of the water.
3. Check for Breathing
Place your ear next to the person's mouth and nose. Do you feel air on your cheek?
Look to see if the person's chest is moving.
4. If the Person is Not Breathing, Check Pulse
Check the person's pulse for 10 seconds.
5. If There is No Pulse, Start CPR
Carefully place person on back.
For an adult or child, place the heel of one hand on the center of the chest at the
nipple line. You can also push with one hand on top of the other. For an infant, place
two fingers on the breastbone.
For an adult or child, press down about 2 inches. Make sure not to press on ribs. For
an infant, press down about 1 inch. Make sure not to press on end of breastbone.
Do 30 chest compressions, at the rate of 100 per minute or more. Let the chest rise
completely between pushes.
Check to see if the person has started breathing.
6. Repeat if Person Is Still Not Breathing
If you've been trained in CPR, you can now open
the airway by tilting the head back and lifting the
chin. Pinch the nose of the victim closed. Take a
normal breath, cover the victim's mouth with yours to
create an airtight seal, and then give 2 one-second
breaths as you watch for the chest to rise.
Give 2 breaths followed by 30 chest compressions.
Continue this cycle of 30 compressions and 2
breaths until the person starts breathing or
emergency help arrives.
attempt a water rescue of a
drowning person by
jumping in the water….
if you have not been trained!
AND NEVER…EVER attempt an in-water rescue
If you can not swim!
ONLY Use Rescue Aides!!
• Electrocution
▫ The insult from an electrical shock is dependant on the voltage, the
current path traveled through the body, the person's overall health.
• Call 911 immediately if any of these signs or symptoms occur:
▫ Cardiac arrest (WOW…there’s a surprise)!
▫ Heart rhythm problems, racing heart, fluttering in the chest
▫ Respiratory failure (inability to breathe, or shortness of breath)
▫ Muscle pain, contractions, open fractures or open wound (indicative of
where the electricity may have left the body)
▫ Seizures
▫ Numbness and tingling
▫ Unconsciousness
• While waiting for medical help, follow these steps:
• Look first. Don't touch. The person may still be in contact
with the electrical source. Touching the person may pass the
current through you.
• Turn off the source of electricity if possible. If not,
move the source away from you and the affected person, using
a non-conducting object made of cardboard, plastic or wood.
• Check for signs of circulation (breathing, coughing or
movement). If absent, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR) immediately.
• Prevent shock. Lay the person down and, if possible,
position the head slightly lower than the body, and elevate the
EYE Injuries
• First Aid Procedures for Eye Injuries
Administering the right first aid procedures when dealing with eye injury is vital in preventing
permanent damage and even blindness.
• Chemicals
If a chemical or toxin gets into the eye, immediately flush the eye with clean, drinkable water. Open
the eye as wide as you can and pour the water over it. If a container is not available, wash your
hands quickly and use them to help flush the eye. Continue to flush the eye for up to 15 minutes. Do
not bandage the eye after it has been flushed, as chemicals may become trapped. Seek medical
• Cuts and Punctures
If the eyeball or eyelid become punctured or cut in anyway, do not try to flush the eye. Medical
attention is required immediately. In the meantime, cover the eye with a rigid eye shield. If you do
not have an eye shield, the bottom half of a paper cup can be used.
• Foreign Objects
If a foreign object becomes stuck in the eye, let the eye tear in an effort to naturally flush it out. The
alternative is to flush the eye with clean, drinkable water. If irritation persists, examine the eye to
locate the object. Pull down the lower lid and look up, then hold the upper lid while looking down.
Do not rub the eye, as this can lodge the object into the eyeball and require medical extraction. If
flushing with water does not work, lightly bandage the eye and seek medical attention.
• Medical Consultation
Because actions that are taken soon after eye injury occurs can be the difference between sight and
blindness, it is very important to consult a doctor or medical professional if irritation persists.
Eye Injuries
• Fracture
▫ A fracture is a broken bone. It requires medical attention. If the
broken bone is the result of a major trauma or injury, call 911 or
your local emergency number.
▫ Also call for emergency help if:
 The person is unresponsive, isn't breathing or isn't moving. Begin
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if there's no respiration or
 There is heavy bleeding.
 Even gentle pressure or movement causes pain.
 The limb or joint appears deformed.
 The bone has pierced the skin.
 The extremity of the injured arm or leg, such as a toe or finger, is
numb or bluish at the tip.
 You suspect a bone is broken in the neck, head or back.
 You suspect a bone is broken in the hip, pelvis or upper leg (for
example, the leg and foot turn outward abnormally, compared
with the uninjured leg).
• There are several different categories of fractures:
▫ Simple fracture
 Single Inline break
▫ Complex fractures
 Multiple angle breaks
▫ Compound fractures
 See Kevin Ware video
 Open wound, exposed bone
 Require surgical intervention
Symptoms of a
fracture are:
 Out-of-place limb
 Joint Swelling,
 Bruising or bleeding
 Intense pain
 Numbness and tingling
 Limited mobility or inability
to move a limb
Fracture Care
• Take these actions immediately while waiting for
medical help:
• Stop any bleeding. Apply pressure to the wound with
a sterile bandage, a clean cloth or a clean piece of
• Immobilize the injured area. Don't try to realign the
• Apply ice packs to limit swelling and help relieve
pain until emergency personnel arrive. Don't
apply ice directly to the skin — wrap the ice in a towel,
piece of cloth or some other material.
• Treat for shock. If the person feels faint or is
breathing in short, rapid breaths, lay the person down
with the head slightly lower than the trunk and, if
possible, elevate the legs.
Fracture Reminders
• Remember ICE:
▫ "I" is for ice - if possible apply an ice pack or ice
cubes to the injured area. This will keep down the
swelling and reduce pain.
▫ "C" is for compression - if the wound is bleeding,
apply direct pressure with a clean cloth to reduce
blood flow.
"E" is for elevation - try to keep the injured area
as high above heart level as possible. This will
reduce blood flow to the injury and minimize
• In cold temperatures, skin and underlying tissues may freeze,
resulting in frostbite. The areas most likely to be affected by
frostbite are your hands, feet, nose and ears.
• If your skin looks white or grayish-yellow, is very cold and has a
hard or waxy feel, you may have frostbite. Your skin may also itch,
burn or feel numb. As the area thaws, the flesh becomes red and
• Gradually warming the affected skin is key to treating frostbite
▫ Protect your skin from further exposure. If you're outside, warm
frostbitten hands by tucking them into your armpits. Protect your face,
nose or ears by covering the area with dry, gloved hands. Don't rub the
affected area and never rub snow on frostbitten skin.
▫ Get out of the cold. Once you're indoors, remove wet clothes.
▫ Gradually warm frostbitten areas. Put frostbitten hands or feet in
warm water Wrap or cover other areas in a warm blanket. Don't use
direct heat, such as a stove, heat lamp, fireplace or heating pad, because
these can cause burns before you feel them on your numb skin.
▫ Don't walk on frostbitten feet or toes if possible. This further
damages the tissue.
▫ Get emergency medical help. If numbness or sustained pain remains
during warming or if blisters develop, seek medical attention.
Head Injury
• Head Injury
▫ Millions of people in the U.S. sustain head and
brain injuries yearly. Some are minor because the
skull is thick and good at protecting the brain.
More than half however, are bad enough that
people must go to the hospital. Serious head
injuries can lead to permanent brain damage or
death. Symptoms of minor head injuries usually
go away without treatment. Serious head injuries
need emergency treatment and care.
Head Injuries
• Where do Head Injuries come from??
Football, Track
Baseball, Cross Country
Soccer, La Crosse
Wrestling, Band
**If you don’t move, you
Softball, Flag Corp
may be safe in
Gymnastics, Dance
in show choir..
Even the pool has potential to create a head injury!
Head Injury
• Dial 911 or call for emergency medical assistance if
any of the following signs are apparent:
A headache that gets worse or does not go away
Repeated vomiting or nausea
Convulsions or seizures
An inability to awaken from sleep
Dilation of one or both pupils of the eyes
Slurred speech
Weakness or numbness in the arms or legs
Loss of coordination
Increased confusion, restlessness or agitation
Head injury
• Stop any bleeding. Apply firm pressure to the wound
with sterile gauze or a clean cloth. Don't apply direct
pressure to the wound if you suspect a skull fracture.
• Watch for changes in breathing and alertness. If
the person shows no signs of circulation (breathing,
coughing or movement), begin CPR.
• If severe head trauma occurs:
Keep the person still. Until medical help arrives, keep
the person who sustained the injury lying down and quiet.
Don't move the person unless necessary and avoid moving
the person's neck.
Head Injury
• Pictures of head injuries
the head
with a
stick will
do it too…
Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)
Heart Attack
This medical condition is also known as a
myocardial infarction and it is a situation where a
coronary artery from the heart is totally blocked .
The cardiac muscle is not getting enough blood. It
is a very serious situation, one which can result in
death very quickly. In fact, it is the number one
cause of death in adults in North America.
Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)
• Signs and Symptoms of a Heart Attack
• The major symptom of a heart attack is chest pain or discomfort
that persists for 10 minutes or more. This pain may be similar to
pain caused by indigestion or muscle spasms. Stabbing chest
pains or pain that gets worse when you bend or breathe deeply is
usually not caused by a heart attack. Other common signs of a
heart attack are:
▫ Severe pain in the chest, arms, shoulders, neck, and even the upper
▫ Tightness/ discomfort in
the upper body.
Feeling weak or tired.
Nausea or vomiting.
Fast irregular pulse.
Excessive sweating, moist face.
Shortness of breath.
Pale, bluish skin.
Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)
• Causes of Heart Attacks
▫ Heart Disease causes are complex, but it basically is plaque
building up inside the walls of the arteries preventing
adequate blood from getting through. Plaque builds up over
time and there are many risk factors that can increase the
chance of build-up. Risk factors are long term activities that
can include:
Lack of exercise
Poor eating habits.
High Blood Pressure (hypertension).
Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)
• Women may feel no chest pain at all.
• Women are more likely to deny treatment than
• Men are more likely to believe the symptoms to
be gas or indigestion.
• Hormones, stress, and poor medical health are
all contributing factors to a heart attack.
Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)
• Prevention
▫ Preventing heart attacks involves modifying the
risk factors so coronary artery disease does not
happen. Along with health behavior, getting
regular check-ups can also help detect problems
before a heart attack occurs.
Heart Attacks (Myocardial Infarctions)
• First Aid for Heart Attacks
• If you believe someone is having a heart attack, you
• Immediately call 9-1-1 and wait with the person.
• Make the person comfortable (e.g. semi-sitting)
• Ask them if they have any medical conditions or if they
have any medications they normally take for this.
• Suggest taking 2 baby aspirin if they are not allergic.
• Keep them warm.
• Do not give them any food or drinks.
• If they become unconscious, and you are trained, begin
rescue breathing and/or CPR
Heat Emergencies
• Heat-related illness can be caused by overexposure to the sun or any
situation that involves extreme heat. Young children and the elderly
are most at risk, but anyone can be affected.
• Here you will find information about heat cramps and heat stroke
and exhaustion.
• Heat Cramps
• Symptoms include muscle spasms, usually in the legs and stomach
• To treat, have the person rest in a cool place and give small amounts
of cool water, juice or a commercial sports liquid. (Do not give
liquids if the person is unconscious.)
• Gently stretch and massage the affected area.
• Do not administer salt tablets.
• Check for signs of heat stroke or exhaustion.
Heat Emergencies
Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion
• Heat Stroke and Exhaustion
▫ Early heat exhaustion symptoms include cool, moist, pale or flushed
skin; headache; dizziness; weakness; feeling exhausted; heavy
sweating; cramps, and nausea.
▫ Symptoms of heat stroke (late stage of heat illness) include flushed,
hot, dry skin; fainting; a rapid, weak pulse; rapid, shallow breathing;
vomiting; and increased body temperature of more than 104
degrees. A change in level of consciousness may occur.
▫ People with these symptoms should immediately rest in a cool,
shaded place and (if conscious) drink plenty of non-alcoholic, noncaffeinated fluids.
▫ Apply cool, wet cloths or water mist while fanning the person.
▫ Call 911.
▫ For late stage heat stroke symptoms, cool the person further by
positioning ice or cold packs on wrists, ankles, groin and neck and in
▫ Administer CPR if the person becomes unconscious.
Heat Emergencies
• Hypothermia
▫ Exposure to cold temperatures or to cool, damp environments for long periods,
your body's control mechanisms may not be able to keep your body temperature
normal. Hypothermia can result. Hypothermia is when your internal body
temperature is less than 95°F, with gradual symptoms such as shivering, slurred
speech, slow breathing, cold, pale skin, loss of coordination, fatigue, lethargy, or
apathy. Children and elderly people have a higher risk of developing hypothermia.
• First Aid for Hypothermia:
▫ Call 911 and monitor the person while waiting for help to arrive.
▫ If you are able to, move the person out of the cold or attempt to protect the person
from the wind and cold ground.
▫ Remove all wet clothing, cover with a warm, dry coverings. Never apply direct
heat like a hot-water bottle or heating pad; use warm packs applied to the neck,
chest wall, and groin.
▫ Avoid attempting to warm the arms and legs, because the heat will force cold
blood back to the heart, lungs, and brain, causing a drop in the core body
temperature that can be fatal.
▫ If the person is not vomiting, give them warm, nonalcoholic drinks. Handle the
person gently, don't massage or rub them because a person with hypothermia is at
risk of cardiac arrest.
• Nosebleed
• Nosebleeds are common. Most often they are a nuisance
and not a true medical problem, caused by little fingers.
But they can become a problem.
• Among children and young adults, nosebleeds usually
originate from the septum, just inside the nose. The
septum separates your nasal chambers.
• In middle aged and older adults, nosebleeds can begin
from the septum, but they may also begin deeper in the
nose's interior. It may be caused by high blood pressure.
Nosebleeds often begin spontaneously and are often
difficult to stop. Sometimes they require a specialist's
• To take care of a nosebleed:
▫ Sit upright. By remaining upright, you reduce blood
pressure in the veins of your nose. This discourages
further bleeding.
▫ Pinch your nose. Use your thumb and index finger
and breathe through your mouth. Continue the pinch
for five to 10 minutes. This maneuver sends pressure
to the bleeding point on the nasal septum and often
stops the flow of blood.
▫ To prevent rebleeding after bleeding has
stopped, don't pick or blow your nose and don't bend
down until several hours after the bleeding episode.
Keep your head higher than the level of your heart.
• Seek medical care immediately if:
▫ The bleeding lasts for more than 20 minutes
▫ The nosebleed follows an accident, a fall or an
injury to your head, including a punch in the face
that may have broken your nose.
• Nose bleeds
can sustain
major blood
• Persons
taking blood
should seek
if they
develop a
nose bleed.
Puncture Wounds
• Puncture Wounds
• A puncture wound — such as results from stepping
on a nail or being stuck with a tack — can be
dangerous because of the risk of infection. The
object that caused the wound may carry spores of
tetanus or other bacteria, especially if the object had
been exposed to the soil. Puncture wounds resulting
from human or animal bites, including those of
domestic dogs and cats, may be especially prone to
infection. Puncture wounds on the foot are also
more vulnerable to infection.
Puncture Wounds…
I am
Punctures Wounds
• Stop the bleeding. Minor cuts and scrapes usually stop
bleeding on their own. If they don't, apply gentle pressure with
a clean cloth or bandage. If bleeding persists — if the blood
spurts or continues to flow after several minutes of pressure —
seek emergency assistance.
• Clean the wound. Rinse the wound well with clear water. A
tweezers cleaned with alcohol may be used to remove small,
superficial particles. If larger debris still remains more deeply
embedded in the wound, see your doctor. Thorough wound
cleaning reduces the risk of tetanus. To clean the area around
the wound, use soap and a clean washcloth.
• Apply an antibiotic. After you clean the wound, apply a thin
layer of an antibiotic cream or ointment to help keep the
surface moist. These products don't make the wound heal
faster, but they can discourage infection and allow your body to
close the wound more efficiently. Certain ingredients in some
ointments can cause a mild rash in some people. If a rash
appears, stop using the ointment.
Punctures Wounds
• Cover the wound. Exposure to air speeds healing,
but bandages can help keep the wound clean and
keep harmful bacteria out.
• Change the dressing regularly. Do so at least
daily or whenever it becomes wet or dirty. If you're
allergic to the adhesive used in most bandages,
switch to adhesive-free dressings or sterile gauze
and hypoallergenic paper tape, which doesn't cause
allergic reactions. These supplies are generally
available at pharmacies.
• Watch for signs of infection. See your doctor if
the wound doesn't heal or if you notice any redness,
drainage, warmth or swelling.
Punctures/Bite Wounds
• Bite Wounds
• For minor wounds. If the bite barely breaks the
skin and there is no danger of rabies, treat it as a
minor wound. Wash the wound thoroughly with
soap and water. Apply an antibiotic cream to
prevent infection and cover the bite with a clean
• For deep wounds. If the animal bite creates a
deep puncture of the skin or the skin is torn and
bleeding, apply pressure with a clean, dry cloth to
stop the bleeding and see your doctor.
• For infection. If you notice signs of infection such
as swelling, redness, increased pain or oozing, see
your doctor immediately.
Puncture Wound/Bite Wounds
Puncture/Bite Wounds
• Domestic pets cause most animal bites. Dogs are
more likely to bite than cats. Cat bites, however, are
more likely to cause infection. Bites from nonimmunized domestic animals and wild animals
carry the risk of rabies. Rabies is more common in
raccoons, skunks, bats and foxes than in cats and
dogs. If an animal bites you, thoroughly clean the
wound by washing with soap and water as soon as
possible. A light scrubbing should occur during the
wash. Place a clean, dry bandage over the area. This
treatment should never replace proper evaluation by
a doctor.
Puncture/Bite Wounds
A seizure is a sudden surge of electrical activity in the
brain that usually affects how a person feels or acts for a
short time.
Some seizures are hardly noticed. During other seizures,
the person may become unconscious, fall to the floor,
and jerk violently for several minutes.
Many people (including some people with seizures) think
that the only real seizures are ones with strong,
uncontrolled movements. However, this is not true. All
interruptions in electrical brain activity big or small, are
Seizures Care
• Many seizure types involve relatively brief episodes of
unresponsiveness and don’t require any specific first-aid measures.
▫ Stay calm NEVER PANIC!
▫ Prevent injury, do not put anything into the persons mouth (especially
During the seizure, you can exercise your common sense by insuring
there is nothing within reach that could harm the person if she struck it.
▫ Pay attention to the length of the seizure
▫ Do not hold the person down
If the person having a seizure thrashes around there is no need for you to
restrain them. Remember to consider your safety as well
• Do not give the person water, pills, or food until fully alert
• If the seizure lasts for longer than five minutes, call 911
• After the seizure, the person should be placed on her left side. Keep
in mind there is a small risk of post-seizure vomiting.
• Be supportive
Seizures Therapies
workups to
the cause of
the seizures.
to control
the outward
signs of the
Identified seizure foci on a head scan..see the arrows??
• A severe loss of body fluid will lead to a drop in blood pressure. Eventually
the blood’s circulation will deteriorate and the remaining blood flow will be
directed to the vital organs such as the brain. Blood will therefore be
directed away from the outer area of the body, so the victim will appear pale
and the skin will feel cold and clammy.
• As blood flow slows, so does the amount of oxygen reaching the brain. The
victim may appear to be confused, weak, and dizzy, and may eventually
deteriorate into unconsciousness. Body systems try to compensate for this
lack of oxygen, the heart and breathing rates both speed up, gradually
becoming weaker, and may eventually cease.
Potential causes of shock include: severe internal or external bleeding;
burns; severe vomiting and diarrhea, especially in children and the elderly;
problems with the heart.
• • Pale, cold, and clammy skin
• Fast, weak pulse
• Fast, shallow breathing
• Dizziness and weakness
• Confusion
• Unconsciousness
• Breathing and heartbeat stopping
Shock kills, so it is vital that you can recognize these signs and
symptoms. With internal bleeding in particular, shock can occur
some time after an accident, so if a person with a history of injury
starts to display these symptoms coupled with any of the symptoms
of internal bleeding, advise her to seek urgent medical attention. Or
take or send her to hospital.
• Warmth
• Air
• Rest
• Mental rest
• Treatment
• Help this???
Keep the victim warm but do not allow them to get overheated. Wrap blankets and coats around if cool outside, paying particular
attention to the head, through which much body heat is lost.
Maintain careful eye on the victim’s airway and be prepared to turn them into the recovery position if necessary, or even to
resuscitate if breathing stops. Try to keep back bystanders and loosen tight clothing to allow maximum air to victim.
Keep the victim still and preferably sitting or lying down. If the victim is very giddy, lay them down with her legs raised to ensure
that maximum blood and oxygen is sent to the brain.
Mental rest
Reassure the victim but keep your comments realistic. Let the victim know that everything that can be done is being done and
that help has been called for.
Treat the cause of the shock and aim to prevent further fluid loss.
Ensure that appropriate medical help is on the way.
Shock states
do not wait for
the best
Be ready to
think quick
and act fast!
Strains and Sprains
• When you twist an ankle, you probably don't care whether you call it a
strain or a sprain, it just hurts. But there is a difference between the two!
• A strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon, a sprain is an injury to a
ligament. Structurally and functionally tendons and ligaments do different
jobs. Strains and sprains are classified by degrees of severity, from first to
third degree. The differences reflect the degree of overstretching or
damaging to the tendon, muscle or ligament.
• First degree: This is a stretching of the tissue (a sprain in ligaments, or
strain in tendons) without tearing the fibers. It is characterized by pain and
loss of function of the tissue or body part. There is minimal to no swelling.
• Second degree: This is the stretching and partial tearing of fibers. It is
characterized by pain, swelling, bruising and moderate to severe loss of
function of the tissue or body part.
• Third degree: This is the complete tear or rupture of the structure. It is
characterized by severe pain, severe bruising and loss of function of the
body part.
Strains and Sprains
1. Control Swelling With RICE Therapy (Not REAL rice….)
Rest the sprained or strained area. If necessary, use a sling for an arm
injury or crutches for a leg or foot injury. Splint an injured finger or
toe by taping it to a finger or toe.
Ice for 20 minutes every hour. Never apply ice directly to skin.
Compress by wrapping an elastic (Ace) bandage or sleeve lightly (not
tightly) around the joint or limb.
Elevate the area above heart level.
2. Manage Pain and Inflammation
Over-the-counter pain meds work well, like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
or aspirin. Do not give aspirin to anyone under age 18. Tylenol can be
a good choice.
Strains and Sprains
3. See a Health Care Provider
All but minor strains and sprains should be evaluated by a health care
provider. Consult a health care provider as soon as possible if there
are symptoms of a possible broken bone:
There is a "popping" sound with the injury.
The person can't move the injured joint or limb.
The limb buckles when the injured joint is used.
There is numbness.
There is significant swelling, pain, fever, or open cuts.
4. Follow Up
Continue RICE for 24 to 48 hours.
The health care provider may need to immobilize the limb or joint
with a splint, cast, or other device until healing is complete.
Strains and Sprains
OUCH x2!
• A stroke also known as a cerebrovascular
accident or CVA, is a condition, which occurs
when blood vessels that deliver oxygen-rich
blood to the brain rupture and part of the brain
does not receive the blood flow it requires. The
nerve cells deprived of oxygen in the affected
area of the brain are then unable to function
causing them to die within minutes. The
traumatic effects of a stroke are often
permanent, because brain cells are not replaced.
usually on
one side of
the face
• Here are the most common signs and symptoms to look for
related to strokes.
• -The victim of a stroke commonly experiences weakness,
numbness or paralysis of the face, arm or leg on one side of
the body.
• -The victim may express that their vision has blurred or
decreased, especially in one eye.
• -The victim may have problems speaking or understanding.
• -The victim may complain of having a severe, sudden and
unexplainable headache.
• -The brain may be affected by a lack of oxygen causing the
victim deviation of the eyes. Therefore the pupils would
become unequal in size and non-reactive to light.
• First aid for a victim suffering from a stroke is
limited to supportive care until medical assistance
arrives. Yet, do not underestimate this role. Caring
for the victim with a calming presence and collecting
important medical data to pass onto emergency
medical personnel is very important.
• Insure the airway is open and clear.
• Provide physical support to the patient if one side of
the body is not responding. Lying down with the
head slightly elevated is best.
• Give nothing by mouth, as the victim may not be
capable of swallowing, or tolerating secretions.
911 Resources
• Dialing 911 is the single greatest activation of
emergency resources.
• Cellular 911 calls are received by California
Highway Patrol and routed from their site. (You
MUST know where you are)!
• Home 911 activations route through the
emergency dispatch jurisdiction for the home
locale. (You don’t need to know where you are)!
911 Resources
• Emergency calls are forwarded for response as
quickly as possible, but dispatchers may stay on
the line, and give instructions to the caller.
• If you are UNSURE what to do in a crisis or
emergency, ASK the dispatcher for guidance.
They can instruct on CPR, bleeding control,
child birth, seizure care, altered level of
consciousness, and much, much more.
The End…
Thank you for your
RahRah Cougars!!