Review Sheet for End of Term Test

Review Sheet for End of Term Test
1. The order of the steps for asking consent from a patient
a. Identify yourself to the patient
b. Inform the patient of your level of training
c. Describe what you observed
d. Explain what you want to do
2. Know the difference between tendons and ligaments
3. These bones make up the shoulder
a. Clavicle (collar bone)
b. Scapula
c. Humerus
4. What makes young children (2-3 yr old) more at risk for airway obstruction?
5. When should you leave a person in the H.A.IN.E.S position?
6. Know the difference between:
a. Stair chair and backboard
b. Wheeled stretcher and scoop stretcher
7. Your safety and the safety of bystanders are the first things to consider when arriving to
a scene of an emergency.
8. What are the steps for removing disposable gloves?
9. Define the following Prefix’s
a. Hyperb. Hypoc. Bradyd. Tachy10. The acronym SAMPLE stands for what? Give an example question for each.
a. S
b. A
c. M
d. P
e. L
f. E
11. The range of duties and skills allowed and expected to be performed is known as Scope
of Practice
12. Standard Precautions considers all body fluids, secretions and excretions as being
potentially infective.
13. Basic understanding and knowledge of what the following body systems
a. Endocrine
b. Immune
c. Respiratory
14. What are restraints and when would you use them?
15. Know the difference between diastolic and systolic blood pressure
16. Give an example of each type of medical control
a. Indirect
b. Online
c. Direct
d. Immediate
17. What is the difference between head-tilt and jaw thrust for opening an airway?
18. The mnemonic AVPU for documenting level of consciousness (LOC):
a. A
b. V
c. P
d. U
19. What is the medical term for a heart attack?
20. The following S/S would lead you to recognize the airway is open
a. Person is talking/crying/screaming
b. You hear air coming out of nose and mouth
c. You see the chest is rising and falling
21. What are the S/S of the following conditions:
a. Renal failure
b. Heat Exhaustion
c. Shock (hypoperfusion)
d. Sucking chest wound
e. Internal bleeding
22. Know the different ways of poisoning
a. Absorption
b. Inhalation
c. Injection
d. Ingestion
23. Explain what each of the following are:
a. Base station
b. Dispatch
24. The use of OPA’s (oral airways)
a. Patient must be unconscious
b. Measure from earlobe to corner of the mouth
c. No gag reflex
d. No oral trauma
25. What is the difference between capillary, venous, and arterial bleeding?
26. Describe the different types of dressing for wound management
a. Occlusive dressings
b. Roller bandage
c. Trauma dressing
d. Adhesive compress
27. What are the following types injuries, give an example of each
a. Amputation
b. Avulsion
c. Crush injury
d. Puncture wound
28. What type of care would you provide for:
a. Thermal burns
b. Dry chemical burn
c. Electrical burn
29. Define the different roles of the individuals in the incident command system.
a. Operations section officer
b. Incident commander
c. Planning section officer
d. Logistics section officer
30. Geriatrics
a. Clear, slow, calm explanations are important
b. Reduced ability to hear high frequency sounds
c. Skin becomes thin and fragile
31. What is most important when working a crime scene?
a. Take care not to disturb any item at the scene
32. When assisting a conscious choking victim and they become unconscious always
make sure you lower them to a firm flat surface.
33. What are the steps for using manual suction on a patient?
34. The first thing to do when a patient is experiencing status epilepticus is to summon
more advanced personnel
35. What care do you provide a person having a stroke?
36. What is the leading cause for cardiac arrest in children?
37. What do you wear to prevent disease transmission?
38. Always summon advanced personnel when there are internal organs exposed.
39. How do you treat the different heat illnesses
a. Heat cramps
b. Heat exhaustion
c. Heat stroke
40. Review oxygen section
a. How to use it
b. The parts such as the regulator, cylinder, pressure gauge
c. Precautions
41. How do you perform manual stabilization? When you find the head sharply turned
should to try to straighten it?
42. What I the difference between a hot zone and a cold zone?
43. Looking in all directions looking for dangers is known as a 360 degree assessment
44. What are S/S of elder abuse?
45. What are the steps involved to control bleeding
46. Birth is imminent when contractions are 2 minutes apart
47. When does the stage of labor begin with?
48. How to you treat an open fracture?
49. What is a dislocation?
50. When triaging a patient “delayed care” means the patient is alert with appropriate