Formed Elements of Blood

Formed Elements
Formed Elements
Includes all cellular
parts of blood
 Composes approx.
45% of total blood
 Originate from stem
Red Blood Cells
A.K.A. erythrocytes
 Most abundant formed element – 95% of
elements and 40% of total blood volume
 Small, flexible cells shaped like discs; thin
in center, thicker on the edges—biconcave
 No nuclei or other organelles
 Shape provides more surface area; lack of
organelles means more room for
RBCs continued
Function is to bond to oxygen (O2) to
carry it from lungs to body tissues
 a small amount of CO2 can also be carried
by RBCs, but most of that is dissolved in
 Short life cycle – last 120 days on average
 Any shortage in number of RBC’s or their
capacity to carry O2 is referred to as
White Blood Cells
Also known as leukocytes
 Represent less than 1% of total blood
volume, increase or decrease in numbers
indicate a diseased condition
 All contain a nucleus and can wander
outside of the blood to fight infections in
body tissues by either phagocytosis or
secretion of antibodies
 See p. 351 for types of WBCs
Also known as thrombocytes
 Fragments of complete cells
 Consist of cytoplasm wrapped with a
membrane; contain most types of
 Play a role in hemostasis
Loss of blood can threaten homeostasis;
hemostasis is the process by which the
body prevents blood loss
It is a process that involves three steps
1. Blood vessel spasm
2. Platelet plug formation
3. Coagulation
Blood Vessel Spasm
Walls of blood vessels contain smooth
muscle tissue
 When vessel is broken these muscles
contract, causing the ends of the vessel to
“pinch in,” decreasing the size of the
 Sometimes this completely stops bleeding,
sometimes not
 Spasm can last for up to 30 minutes
Platelet Plug Formation
Platelets passing through area of damage
change in characteristics; increase in size,
become irregular shapes, and become
very sticky
 Sticky platelets adhere to rough edges of
injury, usually collagen fibers
 This forms a plug which can stop the
Most effective and complex of clotting
 Involves substances that are normally present in
plasma (fibrinogen) and substances secreted by
platelets at the site of injury
 Begins when platelets release thromboplastin,
which interacts with Ca ions to convert
prothrombin (present in small quantities in
plasma) into thrombin
Coagulation cont’d
Thrombin works as an enzyme to link
molecule of fibrinogen into fibrin
 Fibrin molecules very long, sticky, and
insoluble in water
 They form a net that traps formed
elements; this makes a blood clot
 Process takes 2 – 8 minutes, depending
on size of injury to blood vessel
Coagulation cont’d
Once the clot is formed, repair of the injury can
begin through the action of fibroblasts from
neighboring connective tissues
 Blood clots sometimes form where they are not
needed, especially if the blood vessel is not
 Undesirable clot which is stationary can is called
a thrombus, free-floating ones are called an
 Both can block blood vessels and be dangerous
Animation of Hemostasis
Blood Groups
First discovered when blood transfusions
became medically possible
 In blood types that are incompatible cells
will clump together (agglutination)
 Blood grouping relies on proteins located
on the surface of RBCs called antigens and
their interaction with proteins found in
plasma called antibodies
Blood Groups cont’d
Red Blood Cell
Type A
Antigen A
Type B
Antigen B
Type AB
Antigens A and B
Antibody B
Antibody A
No antibodies
Type O
No antigens
Anitibodies A and B
(anti-A and anti-B)
The Rh System
First discovered in the rhesus monkey
 People with Rh antigens on cells are referred to
as Rh positive, those lacking them are called Rh
 Unlike anti-A and anti-B, anti-Rh is not present
from birth
 In order for the plasma to contain anti-Rh
antibodies, the individual must first be sensitized
through exposure to Rh positive blood