Evolution Unit AP Biology What is Evolution? • Change in the genetic makeup of a population over time. • Fitness – those with favorable variations for survival and reproduction. – Populations can evolve, not individuals. • Diverse gene pool good for long-term survival of a species. Genetic variations are important! • How do genetic variations occur? Where does Variation come from? Mutation random changes to DNA errors in mitosis & meiosis environmental damage Sexual reproduction mixing of alleles genetic recombination new arrangements of alleles in every offspring new combinations = new phenotypes AP Biology Genetic variation in a population Essence of Darwin’s ideas Natural selection heritable variation exists in populations over-production of offspring more offspring than the environment can support competition for food, mates, nesting sites, escape predators differential survival successful traits = adaptations differential reproduction adaptations become more AP Biology common in population Lamarckian vs. Darwinian view LaMarck in reaching higher vegetation giraffes stretch their necks & transmits the acquired longer neck to offspring Darwin AP Biology giraffes born with longer necks survive better & leave more offspring who inherit their long necks Natural Selection • • • • Major mechanism of evolution Environment is always changing Acts upon the phenotype of the population Based on Darwin’s idea that resources are limited and that there is competition for those resources. • Adaptation = a genetic variation favored by natural selection. • When allele frequencies shift, speciation occurs – Thus, the frequency change is NOT RANDOM Effects of Selection Changes in the average trait of a population DIRECTIONAL SELECTION AP Biology giraffe neck horse size STABILIZING SELECTION DISRUPTIVE SELECTION human birth weight rock pocket mice Natural selection in action Resistance… NOT immunity! AP Biology MRSA Heterozygote Advantage Keeps the recessive allele in the population Ex: Sickle Cell Anemia aa – dies of sickle cell anemia Aa – some side affects BUT resistant to malaria! AA – no disease present BUT prone to malaria AP Biology Hidden variations can be exposed through selection! Terminal bud Lateral buds Cabbage Artificial selection Brussels sprouts Leaves Flower cluster Kale Cauliflower Stem Flower and stems Broccoli AP Biology Wild mustard Kohlrabi In addition to natural selection, evolutionary change is also driven by random processes… AP Biology Genetic Drift Chance events changing frequency of traits in a population not adaptation to environmental conditions not selection founder effect small group splinters off & starts a new colony it’s random who joins the group bottleneck a disaster reduces population to AP Biology small number & then population recovers & expands again but from a limited gene pool who survives disaster may be random Ex: Cheetahs All cheetahs share a small number of alleles less than 1% diversity 2 bottlenecks 10,000 years ago Ice Age last 100 years poaching & loss of habitat AP Biology Conservation issues Bottlenecking is an important Peregrine Falcon concept in conservation biology of endangered species loss of alleles from gene pool reduces variation reduces adaptability Breeding programs must consciously outcross AP Biology Golden Lion Tamarin Human Impact on variation How do we affect variation in other populations? Artificial selection/Inbreeding Animal breeds Loss of genetic diversity Insecticide usage Overuse of antibiotics resistant bacterial strains AP Biology