Moon and Earth

Moon and
By: Jonah Jimenez
The Size
The Moon’s size is 3476 kL! That’s
really big!
The Earth’s size is 5.9736x1024kg!
That is a huge number!
Landforms and Craters
There is a crater on the moon called the
Ptolemaeus crater.
Types of landforms are valleys, mountains,
plains etc.
The gravity on the moon is 83.3% less than
The gravity on earth is six times more than on
the moon.
Weather and Atmosphere
There is no atmosphere on the moon.
The weather on the moon can go
from zero degrees celsius to one
hundred degrees farenheight!
The layers of the earths
atmosphere are the troposphere,
the ozone layer, and the
stratosphere. The weather on
earth is constantly changing. We
have rain, snow, wind, etc.
Astronauts discovered 25 chunks of ice on the
moon. That’s not a lot of water!
Here on earth, water covers about 70% of the
Weathering and erosion
The moon has some weathering and
erosion, but it goes at a much slower
rate than the earth.
The earth’s weathering and erosion
are caused by rain, snow, wind etc.
Time to rotate on its axis
The moon’s time to rotate on axis is 27.3 days.
The earth’s time to rotate on it’s axis is 24 hours (1
Time to revolve/orbit once
The moon takes 27.3 days to orbit around
the earth.
The earth takes 365 days to revolve around
the sun.
Effects on other cycles
The gravitational pull on the moon causes the tides we see today.
The reason that we have seasons is because of the tilt of the earth.