LANGUAGE SPI 601.1.1 Nouns and Pronouns 1. Read the sentences. Fortunately, Tracy, Carla, and I did get some pictures that day. Us took pictures of rock formations and waterfalls. How should the underlined part of this sentence be revised to have correct pronoun agreement? A. All of we B. Someone C. Our D. We 2. Choose the best way to write this sentence. Me began with a starter rocket kit. A. I began with a starter rocket kit. B. Us began with a starter rocket kit. C. Your began with a starter rocket kit. D. Correct as it is 3. Which sentence uses the underlined pronoun correctly. A. B. C. D. Rosa prepared lunch for she and her younger brother. Randy is the friend whom helped me with my chores. The trainer patted the dog and gave himself a treat. The guest speaker entertained everyone with his stories. SPI 601.1.2 Use of Verbs 4. Read the sentence. A few days ago I went hiked on a trail at South Cumberland. What is the correct way to write the underlined word? A. hiking B. hikes C. am hiking D. will hike 5. Choose the best way to write this sentence. Building model rockets are a hobby many people enjoy. A. B. C. D. Building model rockets was a hobby many people enjoy. Building model rockets were a hobby many people enjoy. Building model rockets is a hobby many people enjoy. Best as it is 6. Choose the best way to write this sentence. Nunavut have about 29,000 people. A. B. C. D. Nunavut has about 29,000 people. Nunavut be having about 29,000 people. Nunavut having about 29,000 people. Correct as it is SPI 601.1.3 Adjectives and Adverbs 7. Read the sentence. I think this is the better of them all by far. What is the correct way to write the underlined word above? A. B. C. D. good more better best correct as is 8. Choose the sentence that uses adjectives correctly. A. B. C. D. Kaitlin speaks Spanish good. That camera takes well pictures. My little brother is doing well in school. Lie down for a while if you don't feel more better. 9. Which of the following sentences uses adjectives correctly? A. B. C. D. Mario is the kinder person I know. Who is most reliable, Alisa or Kendra? Tamesa is funny, but Todd is funnier. Hank is most athletic than James. SPI 601.1.4 Prepositional Phrases 10. Read the sentence. I almost stopped on a snake that was near a tree coiled up. What is the best way to write this sentence? A. B. C. D. Coiled up, I almost stepped on a snake that was near a tree. Coiled up near a tree, I almost stepped on a snake. I almost stepped on a snake that was coiled up near a tree. Near a tree coiled up, I almost stepped on a snake. 11. What is the correct way to write this sentence. It is one of the most popular theme parks from the world. A. It is one of the most popular theme parks in the world. B. It is one of the most popular theme parks under the world. C. It is one of the most popular theme parks without the world. D. Correct as it is 12. Which of the following sentences contains a prepositional phrase? A. B. C. D. We planted yellow and red tulips in the front garden. Coach Perez works hard. Whistling softly, she finished the jigsaw puzzle. The night was clear. SPI 601.1.5 Conjunctions and Interjections 13. Which sentence correctly uses a subordinate conjunction? A. Despite having been there before, I got lost while driving in Nashville. B. Even though Thomas had enough money, so he paid for everyone's lunch. C. While Sarah looked for the missing keys in the kitchen, whereas Donnie looked for the keys in the living room. D. If Pedro wanted to stop for ice cream, because he should have asked. 14. Which sentence correctly uses a coordinating conjunction? A. The telegraph changed communication, but people took a long time to accept it. B. E-mail is still used for many purposes, and text messaging is becoming more common. C. Today, people have many wireless options, or each one has its good points. D. Cell phones are popular, so they can send text messages. 15. Which word best completes the following sentence. Mom told us we were having fish, ______ we would rather have pizza than fish. A. B. C. D. for because but so SPI 601.1.6 Quotations marks, Commas, and Colons 16. Which sentence uses quotation marks correctly? A. B. C. D. "When I get my fishing license," said Annie, I'm going to Bedford Lake. "When I get my fishing license," said Annie, “Tm going to Bedford Lake." When I get my fishing license, "said Annie,'' I'm going to Bedford Lake. When I get my fishing license, said Annie, “Tm going to Bedford Lake." 17. Read the following sentence from the passage. “Then how will you ever finish your English project,” Sue asked? What is the correct way to write this sentence? A. “Then how will you ever finish your English project, Sue asked?” B. “Then how will you ever finish your English project,” Sue asked. C. “Then how will you ever finish your English project?” Sue asked. D. “Then how will you ever finish your English project,” Sue asked? 18. Which of the following items does NOT show the correct use of a colon? A. B. C. D. We got home at 6:30. My dearest Tamika: Dear Sir: Warning: Keep Out! SPI 601.1.7 Sentence Combining Techniques 19. Read the sentence. It was really hot and muggy. We decided to go swimming. What is the best way to combine the sentence above? A. It was really hot and muggy, so we decided to go swimming. B. We decided to go swimming, it was really hot and muggy. C. It was really hot and muggy, and we decided to go swimming. D. It was really hot and muggy yet we decided to go swimming. 20. What is the best way to combine these sentences? Some kits take even more work. You have to cut, sand, and paint the pieces before you put them together. A. Some kits take even more work: You have to cut, sand, and paint the pieces before you put them together. B. Some kits take even more work, because you have to cut, sand, and paint the pieces before you put them together. C. Some kits take even more work although you have to cut, sand, and paint the pieces before you put them together. D. Some kits take even more work, you have to cut, sand, and paint the pieces before you put them together. 21. What is the best way to combine these sentences? It is called Nunavut. It became a province in 1999. A. B. C. D. It is called Nunavut, and it became a province in 1999. It is called Nunavut: It became a province in 1999. It is called Nunavut, and, it became a province in 1999. It is called Nunavut because it became a province in 1999. SPI 601.1.8 Run On Sentence 22. Read the sentence. We lost the basketball game I missed the crucial shot. Which is the best way to revise this run-on sentence? A. B. C. D. We lost the basketball game, I missed the crucial shot. We lost the game, because I missed the crucial shot. We lost the basketball game, but I missed the crucial shot. We lost the basketball game; so I missed the crucial shot. 23. Read the sentence. They're often seen in films and television shows some horses have even become film and TV stars. What is the best way to correct this run-on sentence? A. They're often seen in films and television shows, some horses have even become film and TV stars. B. They're often seen in films and television shows some; horses have even become film and TV stars. C. They're often seen in films and television shows. some horses have even become film and TV stars D. They're often seen in films and television shows, but some horses have even become film and TV stars. 24. Read the sentence. Last summer I worked at my uncle's pizza parlor it was a great experience. What is the best way to write this sentence? A. Last summer I worked at my uncle's pizza parlor, it was a great experience. B. Last summer I worked at my uncle's pizza parlor. It was a great experience. C. Last summer I worked at my uncle's pizza parlor; since, it was a great experience. D. correct as is SPI 601.1.9 Usage Errors 25. Read the sentence. Unfortunately, it took me to long to scramble for the camera. What is the correct way to write the underlined word above? A. two B.. too C. tue D. correct as is 26. Choose the best way to write the sentence. Walt Disney and him brother Roy created the Disney movie studio in 1924. A. Walt Disney and his brother Roy created the Disney movie studio in 1924. B. Walt Disney and him brother Roy created the Disney movie studio in 1924. C. Walt Disney and they brother Roy created the Disney movie studio in 1924. D. Correct as it is 27. What is the correct way to write the sentence? For some reason, its’ expression seems very human. A. B. C. D. For some reason, it’s expression seems very human. For some reason, its expression seems very human. For some reason, it expression seems very human. Correct as it is SPI 601.1.10 Plurals and Possessives 28. Read the sentence. Carlas' father had packed us some sandwiches. What is the correct way to write the underlined word above? A. B. C. J. Carlas's Carla's Carlas correct as is 29. Choose the best way to write the sentence. This newest province in Canada is only a few years old. A. B. C. D. The newest province in Canada is only a few years’ old. The newest province in Canada is only a few year’s old. The newest province in Canada is only a few years’s old. Correct as it is 30. Which sentence contains a misspelled plural noun? A. B. C. D. The geese flew in a V-formation. How many deer live in those woods? The cutest characters in the fairy tale were elfs. The brightest fish in the tank were the Neon Tetras. SPI 601.1.11 Subject –Verb Agreement 31. Read the sentence. Tracy, Carla, and I was startled and jumped back. What is the correct way to write the underlined words above? A. Tracy, Carla, and I is startled. B. Tracy, Carla, and I startled. C. Tracy, Carla, and I were startled. D. Tracy, Carla, and I am startled. 32. Read the sentence. One of the dough makers have worked there for years. Choose the correct revision for the underlined words in the sentence. A. B. C. D. were worked has worked was worked will worked 33. Read the sentence. Cooking is a skill my uncle claims will help when I am in college. What is the best way to correct the underlined word in the sentence? A. B. C. D. are am was correct as is SPI 601.1.12 Use of Commas 34. Read the sentence. The snake a ring-necked snake was beautiful. What is the correct way to write this sentence using commas? A. B. C. D. The snake, a ring-necked snake was, beautiful. The snake a ring-necked snake, was, beautiful. The snake a, ring-necked snake, was beautiful. The snake, a ring-necked snake, was beautiful. 35. Choose the best way to write the sentence. The country to our north Canada does not have states. A. B. C. D. The country to our north, Canada, does not have states. The country, to our north, Canada does not have States. The country to our north Canada, does not have states. Correct as it is 36. Read these sentences. To submerge a submarine increases its weight by taking on water. It holds the water in special tanks. What is the best way to combine these sentences? A. To submerge a submarine increases its weight by taking on water it holds the water in special tanks. B. To submerge a submarine increases its weight by taking on water, it holds the water in special tanks. C. To submerge a submarine increases its weight by taking on water because it holds the water in special tanks. D. To submerge a submarine increases its weight by taking on water; it holds the water special tanks. SPI601.1.13 Interjections 37. Read the sentence below. ______ the hot stove hurt my hand!" A. Aw B. Hey C. Ouch D. Darn 38. Which underlined word is an interjection? You don't have it as bad as I do. Ugh! How dumb do you think I am? A. B. C. D. don’t have dumb Ugh 39. Which underlined word is an interjection? The Rangers made it to the finals. Hooray! A. B. C. D. rangers hooray finals it SPI 601.1.18 Spell Words in Context 40. Read sentence 12. Before it could hide completlv. I tried to take a picture with my camera. Which underlined word is spelled incorrectly? A. completly B. tried C. picture D. camera 41. What is the correct way to write the sentence? I can’t wait to sea Aunt Sue during the holidays. A. B. C. D. I can’t wait to sea Ant Sue during the holidays, I can’t wait too cee Aunt Sue during the holidays. I can’t wait to see Aunt Sue during the holidays. Correct as it is 42. Choose the best way to write the sentence. I just put on the parchute and lanched the rocket. A. B. C. D. I just put on the parachute and luanched the rocket. I just put on the parachute and launched the rocket. I just put on the parachute and lawnched the rocket. Correct as it is VOCABULARY SPI 601.1.14 Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homonyms 43. Read this line. And sheds a warm and glittering look Which of these means the same as sheds? A. B. C. D. shelters gathers spreads sparkles 44. Which two words are synonyms? A. B. C. D. answered, responded surprised, nervous crazy, lopsided wondered, ignored 45. Which two words are antonyms? A. B. C. D. overing, touching rainfall, watering evaporation, soaking remove, flowering SPI 601.1.15 Roots and Affixes for Meaning of Multiple Meaning Words 46. Read this sentence. He soon changed his mind and resolved to help his uncle. What does the word resolved mean? A. B. C. D. changed ordered decided assist 47. Read the sentence. Call your local nursery for information about park-development projects in your area. Which of the following means about the same as nursery in this sentence? A. B. C. D. a business where young trees are sold a baby or young child’s bedroom a business for child day care a place where animals are raised 48. Read the sentence. I was at once interested in this finger play and tried to imitate it. Which word would best replace imitate? A. B. C. D. speak crush give copy SPI 601.1.16 Roots and Affixes of Unfamiliar Words 49. Read these sentences from paragraph 2. However, those "boring" government buildings turned out to be unexpectedly enjoyable. What does unexpectedly mean in this sentence? A. with much disagreement B. pleasantly C. surprisingly D. with much notice 50. Read this sentence. Cool hunters try to predict fads by watching young people closely. Which word means about the same as predict in this sentence? A. read B. hurry C. ruin D. guess 51. Read this sentence. The project felt like an anvil in Andre’s backpack. Which of these is the meaning of anvil as it is used in this sentence? A. a large block of wood or plastic B. smooth, lightweight stone C. an ancient rusted horseshoe D. a heavy block of iron or steel SPI 601.1.17 Dictionaries, Thesauruses, Electronic sources, and Glossaries to Determine Meaning 52. Read the dictionary entry for band. Band (noun) 1. A group of musicians 2. A strip that is different, as in color, from nearby matter. 3. Something that confines (verb) 4. To join a group Now read the sentence. Its coloring was light gray with a yellow band around its neck. What is the meaning of band as it is used in the sentence above? A. a group of musicians B. a strip that is different, as in color, from nearby matter C. something that confines D. to join a group 53. Read the thesaurus entry and answer the question below. robust adj. healthy, strong, vigorous; rude, boisterous, rough. Which word would best replace robust in the following sentence? The crowd erupted in robust cheers when the team scored a touchdown. A. strong B. boisterous C. healthy D. rough 54. Read the dictionary entry and answer the question below. sketch (skech) n. 1. a simple drawing done quickly 2. a brief plan or description; outline 3. a short, informal story, skit, or piece of music —v. to draw or describe quickly Which of the following sentences correctly uses meaning 1? A. B. C. D. Rhonda and Miley performed a sketch in social studies class. Briefly sketch the scene first, and then discuss it with your teacher. Terence made a sketch showing the main parts of a car engine. The comedians put on a sketch that we thought was very funny. SPI 601.1.19 Grade Appropriate Vocabulary 55. Read the sentence. At first I agreed with her sentiment. I was disappointed as well. The word sentiment means A. B. C. D. sadness feeling pleasure statement Read the procedural text. Then, answer the question number 56. 56. What is the meaning of the underlined word inflate in Step 1 of the text? Inflate the balloon and tie off the end. A. B. C. D. fill with air add decorations cover with paper reduce in size Read the passage. Then, answer the question number 57. Hundreds of years ago, the Incas of South America produced cloth unlike any the world has seen since. The Incas carefully bred animals called alpacas to get the finest, softest wool possible. Using the alpaca wool, the Incas wove colorful, silky cloth that was used for clothing, decorations, and trading. When the Spaniards conquered the Incas, the secret to breeding the alpacas was lost. 57. Based on context clues, what is the most likely meaning of the underlined word conquered in the passage? A. asked questions about B. made a partnership with C. allowed entry to a place D. took control of by force SPI 601.1.20 Root words, Affixes, Syllabication, and Spelling Patterns for Meaning Read the sentence. Then the snake started slithering away into the brush. 58. Which meaning of brush is used in the sentence above? A. B. C. D. a bushy tail short trees or bushes a tool made of bristles to paint 59. Which word uses a prefix? A. danced B. misused C. station D. changes 60. Which word uses a suffix? A. lunch B. away C. quickly D. wrong WRITING AND RESEARCH SPI 601.3.3 Thesis Statement for a Writing Sample Directions: Stephen wrote the following report. It contains mistakes. Read the report and answer number 61. 1 Tornadoes are violent, high-speed wind storms that usually occur in the central region of the United States. People caught in tornadoes may be injured or killed, usually from flying debris. Everyone can lower their chances of injury or death by following safety measures before, during, and after a tornado. 2 An area that's been hit by a tornado can look like a war zone. The storm may have destroyed buildings and other structures. Afterward, the cleanup begins, but there are still dangers to avoid. If you're helping with the cleanup, watch out for damaged gas lines or power lines, which could cause injuries from fires or electrocution. --- wear boots, long sleeves, and gloves, and keep an eye out for broken glass and sharp nails. 3 During bad storms, listen for weather updates on the television or radio. If there is a tornado nearby, find shelter right away. Ina house or other building, the safest place is a basement or cellar. If there isn't one, go to a small room or area with no windows on the first floor, such as a hallway or bathroom. If possible, crouch under a table or cover yourself with a mattress or blanket. 4 Some schools prepare students for tornadoes by holding tornado drills. During a drill, students learn to calmly go to the safest place in the school, such as a hallway with no windows. The students then crouch down on their knees, put their heads down, and cover their heads with their arms. This duck-and-cover position will protect students from falling objects. 5 Unfortunately, some people may not be in or near a sturdy shelter when a tornado hits. For instance, if you're riding in a car and you see a funnel cloud, the driver should pull over to the side of the road. Everyone inside the car should get out and lie down in a ditch. Public buildings such as malls may have signs directing people to the nearest tornado shelter. It is not safe to stay in a car or stand under a tree for protection. A tornado can easily send a car or tree flying into the air. 61. Which sentence from the report is the thesis statement? A. Some schools prepare students for tornadoes by holding tornado drills. B. An area that's been hit by a tornado can look like a war zone. C. During bad storms, listen for weather updates on the television or radio. D. Everyone can lower their chances of injury or death by following safety measures before, during, and after a tornado. Directions Kendra wrote the following essay. It contains mistakes. Read the essay, then answer number 62. 1 Horses and humans have always had a close relationship. Humans began to domesticate horses around 4000 BC. Horses have been a big part of human culture for a long time. Today, they are still a big part of human culture. It's estimated that there were almost 59,000,000 horses in the world in 2008. There were 9,500,000 horses in the United States alone. 2 People have used horses for transportation since ancient times. In many parts of the modem world, they are still used for transportation. 3 Horses have always been a big part of human sports. The · Olympic Games in Ancient Greece had horse-related events. Today we have horse races rodeos and polo which is a sport played on horseback. 4 Horses have long helped people do work. They are still used on farms and ranches, and we use them for other types of work as well. Horses are used in law enforcement by police, park rangers, and game wardens. They re used for search and rescue work, too. 5 Horses have a big role in entertainment such as circuses, horse shows, and historical reenactments. They're often seen in films and television shows some horses have even become film and TV stars. 6 And of course there's the use of horses in warfare. Though most wars are now fought with machines, in some places soldiers still use horses. 7 The horse is even part of the Chinese zodiac. According to Chinese folklore, people born in the year of the horse are independent and smart. 8 Like dogs and cats, horses have long been, and will continue to be an important part of people's day-to-day lives. 62. Which sentence from the essay is the thesis statement? A. People have used horses for transportation since ancient times. B. Horses are used in law enforcement by police, park rangers, and game wardens. C. Horses have always been a big part of human sports. D. Horses and humans have always had a close relationship. Read the passage, then answer question number 63. Stingrays 1 Stingrays can live in both freshwater and saltwater. Some stingrays can adapt to both kinds of water. Atlantic stingrays, which have been found in the Chesapeake Bay, prefer to spend their time in freshwater. 2 Most people prefer swimming in the ocean to be worry free. However, anytime you enter the untamed marine world, be prepared for any kind of surprise. Though most ocean swimmers may never see a saltwater stingray, the ocean is its home, and stingray sightings are not extremely rare. Stingrays are closely related to sharks. 3 Stingrays are noted for their flattened shape, two wing-looking fins, and dagger like tails. The manta ray has a more triangular shape and looks like a bat when swimming. 4 Stingrays are graceful swimmers but typically are spotted near the ocean floor looking .fo. r food. Some are found buried in the sand, with only their eyes above the sandy surface. They tend to be more active at night while they look for food. They eat worms, clams, shrimp, and crabs. 5 Stingrays have earned their negative reputation due to the venomous spines, or barbs, on their tails. Though stingrays are not generally aggressive, they will use their tail as a weapon when threatened. In fact, most swimmers get stung by a stingray when they accidentally step on one. Stingray venom produces extraordinary pain to those who are stung and may also reduce heart rate and affect respiration. Should a person get stung by a stingray barb, the wound should be examined immediately. Infections and other complications can occur. 63. Which sentence from the report is the thesis statement? A. Stingrays can live in both freshwater and saltwater. B. However, anytime you enter the untamed marine world, be prepared for any kind of surprise. C. Stingrays are closely related to sharks. D. Stingrays are graceful swimmers but typically are spotted near the ocean floor looking for food. SPI 601.3.4 Rearrange Paragraphs in Logical and Coherent Order Directions: Stephen wrote the following report. Read the report and answer number 64. 1 Tornadoes are violent, high-speed wind storms that usually occur in the central region of the United States. People caught in tornadoes may be injured or killed, usually from flying debris. Everyone can lower their chances of injury or death by following safety measures before, during, and after a tornado. 2 An area that's been hit by a tornado can look like a war zone. The storm may have destroyed buildings and other structures. Afterward, the cleanup begins, but there are still dangers to avoid. If you're helping with the cleanup, watch out for damaged gas lines or power lines, which could cause injuries from fires or electrocution. --- wear boots, long sleeves, and gloves, and keep an eye out for broken glass and sharp nails. 3 During bad storms, listen for weather updates on the television or radio. If there is a tornado nearby, find shelter right away. Ina house or other building, the safest place is a basement or cellar. If there isn't one, go to a small room or area with no windows on the first floor, such as a hallway or bathroom. If possible, crouch under a table or cover yourself with a mattress or blanket. 4 Some schools prepare students for tornadoes by holding tornado drills. During a drill, students learn to calmly go to the safest place in the school, such as a hallway with no windows. The students then crouch down on their knees, put their heads down, and cover their heads with their arms. This duck-and-cover position will protect students from falling objects. 5 Unfortunately, some people may not be in or near a sturdy shelter when a tornado hits. For instance, if you're riding in a car and you see a funnel cloud, the driver should pull over to the side of the road. Everyone inside the car should get out and lie down in a ditch. Public buildings such as malls may have signs directing people to the nearest tornado shelter. It is not safe to stay in a car or stand under a tree for protection. A tornado can easily send a car or tree flying into the air. 64. Choose the most logical for the paragraph in Stephen's report. A. 2, 5, 4, 3, 1 B. 5, 1, 2, 3, 4 C. 1, 4, 3, 5, 2 D. correct as is Stingrays 1 Stingrays can live in both freshwater and saltwater. Some stingrays can adapt to both kinds of water. Atlantic stingrays, which have been found in the Chesapeake Bay, prefer to spend their time in freshwater. 2 Most people prefer swimming in the ocean to be worry free. However, anytime you enter the untamed marine world, be prepared for any kind of surprise. Though most ocean swimmers may never see a saltwater stingray, the ocean is its home, and stingray sightings are not extremely rare. Stingrays are closely related to sharks. 3 Stingrays are noted for their flattened shape, two wing-looking fins, and dagger-like tails. The manta ray has a more triangular shape and looks like a bat when swimming. 4 Stingrays are graceful swimmers but typically are spotted near the ocean floor looking tor food. Some are found buried in the sand, with only their eyes above the sandy surface. They tend to be more active at night while they look for food. They eat worms, clams, shrimp, and crabs. 5 Stingrays have earned their negative reputation due to the venomous spines, or barbs, on their tails. Though stingrays are not generally aggressive, they will use their tail as a weapon when threatened. Ill fact, most swimmers get stung by a stingray when they accidentally step on one. Stingray venom produces extraordinary pain to those who are stung and may also reduce heart rate and affect respiration. Should a person get stung by a stingray barb, the wound should be examined immediately. Infections and other complications can occur. 65. Choose the most logical order for the paragraphs in this report. A. 5, 1, 3, 4, 2 B. 2, 3, 1, 4, 5 C. 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 D. 1, 3, 4, 5, DIRECTIONS: Malcolm wrote this report. It contains mistakes. Read the report. Then answer number 66. 1 A submarine is a watercraft that operates below the surface of the water. Though we tend to think of submarines as modem vessels, their history goes back several hundred years. In 1620, a Dutchman build an underwater vessel that used oars. 2 The first underwater vessels were used for exploration, but people soon realized their military use. There were a few attempts to sink enemy ships using underwater vessels in the American Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. In those days to the submarines there was as much danger as to the ships they were trying to sink. Subs were used more frequently in the American Civil War, but the technology still wasn't perfected. 3 However, submarines were effective in World War I. Those were used quite successfully by Germany. More than 5,000 ships were sunk by German subs, which the Allies called U-boats. 4 To submerge, a submarine increases its weight by taking on water. It holds the water in special tanks. To surface, the sub expels the water so that it decreases its weight and can rise. 5 By World War II, the submarine had come of age as a major military vessel. It was used extensively and with devastate results by both sides during the war. Even so, the amount of time subs could stay submerged remained an issue that limited their range. 6 After World War II, nuclear power ushered in a new age for submarines. Submarines could remain submerged for months. In 1960, the USS Triton made a submerged circumnavigation of the world. 66. Paragraph 4 is not in the correct place in the report. Which of the following is the best place to move it to? A. B. C. D. after Paragraph 1 after Paragraph 2 after Paragraph 5 after Paragraph 6 Directions Read the passage. Then answer number 67. The Common Cold 1 Have the sniffles, need to sneeze, have a sore throat and cough? It sounds like you have a cold! 2 A cold is a contagious infection by a virus that infects your nose, throat, and ears. There are more than 200 viruses that can cause colds, but the most common virus is called the rhinovirus. The common cold seems to hit everyone at some point. The average child gets six to eight colds each year. 3 How Colds Spread 4 Do adults always tell you to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze? Do they make you wash your hands often? There's a reason why. People with colds spread the virus when they sneeze or cough. Other peo- ple breathe in droplets containing the virus and catch the cold. The virus also can be transferred by touch. If a person with a cold touches an object, such as a toy or telephone, and then you touch that object, you might catch his or her cold. Stop That Cold! 5 You can't prevent colds from happening, but you can be careful about spreading them. Stay away from people with colds, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, wash your hands often, eat healthy food, and get plenty of sleep. SPI 601.3.5 Select Illustrations, Descriptions, and Facts to Support Key Ideas 67. Which information belongs in the empty space in this graphic organizer Preventing Colds Cover mouth. Wash ha nds. Eat and sleep wel l. F. Research the common cold G. Avoid people with colds H. Avoid touching things J. See a doctor DIRECTIONS: Malcolm wrote this report. It contains mistakes. Read the report. Then answer number 68. 1 A submarine is a watercraft that operates below the surface of the water. Though we tend to think of submarines as modem vessels, their history goes back several hundred years. In 1620, a Dutchman build an underwater vessel that used oars. 2 The first underwater vessels were used for exploration, but people soon realized their military use. There were a few attempts to sink enemy ships using underwater vessels in the American Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. In those days to the submarines there was as much danger as to the ships they were trying to sink. Subs were used more frequently in the American Civil War, but the technology still wasn't perfected. 3 However, submarines were effective in World War I. Those were used quite successfully by Germany. More than 5,000 ships were sunk by German subs, which the Allies called U-boats. 4 To submerge, a submarine increases its weight by taking on water. It holds the water in special tanks. To surface, the sub expels the water so that it decreases its weight and can rise. 5 By World War II, the submarine had come of age as a major military vessel. It was used extensively and with devastate results by both sides during the war. Even so, the amount of time subs could stay submerged remained an issue that limited their range. 6 After World War II, nuclear power ushered in a new age for submarines. Submarines could remain submerged for months. In 1960, the USS Triton made a submerged circumnavigation of the world. 68. To best support his report, Malcolm should include an illustration of A. a n early submarine. B. a ship sailing across the ocean. C. a sailor who once served on a submarine. D. an artist's idea of a submarine of the future. Read the passage and answer question number 69. Though the flesh-eating dinosaurs get more notice, most ate plants. Plant eaters were much larger than meat eaters. Their bellies had to be larger to digest tough plants. Flying reptiles called pterosaurs first appeared just after the dinosaurs. They died out at the same time. The largest grew to the size of a small airplane. While they were close relatives, pterosaurs were not true dinosaurs. Many types of water based reptiles evolved in the same age. All true dinosaurs were land animals. Crocodiles were closely related to them. 69. Choose the fact about prehistoric animals that completes the web below. A. B. C. D. meat eaters large bellies crocodiles pterosaurs SPI 601.3.6 Supporting Sentences Directions Stephen wrote the following report. It contains mistakes. Read the report and answer number 70. 1 Tornadoes are violent, high-speed wind storms that usually occur in the central region of the United States. People caught in tornadoes may be injured or killed, usually from flying debris. Everyone can lower their chances of injury or death by following safety measures before, during, and after a tornado. 2 An area that's been hit by a tornado can look like a war zone. The storm may have destroyed buildings and other structures. Afterward, the cleanup begins, but there are still dangers to avoid. If you're helping with the cleanup, watch out for damaged gas lines or power lines, which could cause injuries from fires or electrocution. --- wear boots, long sleeves, and gloves, and keep an eye out for broken glass and sharp nails. 3 During bad storms, listen for weather updates on the television or radio. If there is a tornado nearby, find shelter right away. In a house or other building, the safest place is a basement or cellar. If there isn't one, go to a small room or area with no windows on the first floor, such as a hallway or bathroom. If possible, crouch under a table or cover yourself with a mattress or blanket. 4 Some schools prepare students for tornadoes by holding tornado drills. During a drill, students learn to calmly go to the safest place in the school, such as a hallway with no windows. The students then crouch down on their knees, put their heads down, and cover their heads with their arms. This duck-and-cover position will protect students from falling objects. 5 Unfortunately, some people may not be in or near a sturdy shelter when a tornado hits. For instance, if you're riding in a car and you see a funnel cloud, the driver should pull over to the side of the road. Everyone inside the car should get out and lie down in a ditch. Public buildings such as malls may have signs directing people to the nearest tornado shelter. It is not safe to stay in a car or stand under a tree for protection. 70. Stephen wrote the following facts after reading an article about tornadoes in a newspaper. Which fact would best support an idea presented in his report? A. Scientists called storm chasers follow thunderstorms, hoping that tornadoes will form so they can learn more about them. B. Some towns have tornado •sirens that go off to warn people of nearby tornadoes. C. Weather experts use a scale called the Enhanced Fujita Scale to estimate the wind speeds of tornadoes. D. The deadliest tornado in US history occurred in 1925. DIRECTIONS: Kendra wrote the following essay. It contains mistakes. Read the essay. Then answer number 71. 1 Horses and humans have always had a close relationship. Humans began to domesticate horses around 4000 BC. Horses have been a big part of human culture for a long time. Today, they are still a big part of human culture. It's estimated that there were almost 59,000,000 horses in the world in 2008. There were 9,500,000 horses in the United States alone. 2 People have used horses for transportation since ancient times. In many parts of the modern world, they are still used for transportation. 3 Horses have always been a big part of human sports. The Olympic Games in Ancient Greece had horse-related events. Today we have horse races rodeos and polo which is a sport played on horseback. 4 Horses have long helped people do work. They are still used on farms and ranches, and we use them for other types of work as well. Horses are used in law enforcement by police, park rangers, and game wardens. They are used for search and rescue work, too. 5 Horses have a big role in entertainment such as circuses, horse shows, and historical reenactments. They're often seen in films and television shows some horses have even become film and TV stars. 6 And of course there's the use of horses in warfare. Though most wars are now fought with machines, in some places soldiers still use horses. 7 The horse is even part of the Chinese zodiac. According to Chinese folklore, people born in the year of the horse are independent and smart. 8 Like dogs and cats, horses have long been, and will continue to be, an important part of people's day-to-day lives. 71. Which sentence best supports the ideas in Paragraph 6? A. There are countless books and films that describe battles fought between armies using horses. B. Horse-mounted soldiers have often been an important part of many armies. C. Ships have been an important part of most nations' armed forces. D. Fighting from horseback requires special training. Directions: The following passage and answer question number 72. Clean It Up! 1 Have you driven down the highway or been to a local beach lately? Unfortunately, littering is still a problem on roadsides, beaches, and parks. When people see trash accumulating in one place, they feel justified adding to it. They assume that since the beach or park does not belong to them, it doesn't matter if they litter. Some mistakenly believe that someone else should m will pick up their garbage. 2 The fact is our roadways, beaches, and parks belong to all of us. If we don't take a few steps to dispose of our trash properly, we will have to pay for it down the road. Eventually, we will pay more for toll roads or pay higher fees to enter parks. 3 Drivers who throw trash out their windows are some of the worst offenders. Paper and plastic-foam cups are tossed on the road and end up in city drains. Gradually, our water supply becomes polluted. Wildlife pays the price for our littering, too. Animals that ingest plastics or poisons can die. 72. Which information, if added to the passage, would best support the author’s viewpoint? A. B. C. D. the average rate of pay of the city workers the cost for the town to pick up the litter the number of drivers in the author's town the number of people who go to the parks SPI 601.3.7 Irrelevant Sentences in a Paragraph Stephen wrote the following report. It contains mistakes. Read the report and answer number 73. 1 Tornadoes are violent, high-speed wind storms that usually occur in the central region of the United States. People caught in tornadoes may be injured or killed, usually from flying debris. Everyone can lower their chances of injury or death by following safety measures before, during, and after a tornado. 2 An area that's been hit by a tornado can look like a war zone. The storm may have destroyed buildings and other structures. Afterward, the cleanup begins, but there are still dangers to avoid. If you're helping with the cleanup, watch out for damaged gas lines or power lines, which could cause injuries from fires or electrocution. --- wear boots, long sleeves, and gloves, and keep an eye out for broken glass and sharp nails. 3 During bad storms, listen for weather updates on the television or radio. If there is a tornado nearby, find shelter right away. Ina house or other building, the safest place is a basement or cellar. If there isn't one, go to a small room or area with no windows on the first floor, such as a hallway or bathroom. If possible, crouch under a table or cover yourself with a mattress or blanket. 4 Some schools prepare students for tornadoes by holding tornado drills. During a drill, students learn to calmly go to the safest place in the school, such as a hallway with no windows. The students then crouch down on their knees, put their heads down, and cover their heads with their arms. This duck-and-cover position will protect students from falling objects. 5 Unfortunately, some people may not be in or near a sturdy shelter when a tornado hits. For instance, if you're riding in a car and you see a funnel cloud, the driver should pull over to the side of the road. Everyone inside the car should get out and lie down in a ditch. Public buildings such as malls may have signs directing people to the nearest tornado shelter. It is not safe to stay in a car or stand under a tree for protection. A tornado can easily send a car or tree flying into the air. 73. Which sentence from Paragraph 5 does not belong in the report? A Everyone inside the car should get out and lie down in a ditch. B. A tornado can easily send a car or tree flying into the air. C. It is not safe to stay in a car or stand under a tree fro protection. D. Public buildings such as malls have signs directing people to the nearest tornado shelter. Directions This passage is about different popular fads. Read the passage. Then answer number 74. Fabulous Fads Have you ever looked at pictures of your parents when they were young and asked yourself, “What were they thinking?” Maybe your mom had really big hair. Perhaps Dad was caught in a neon pink T-shirt and a bright yellow cap. Loudly colored clothes and teased hair were both really big fads of the 1980s. A fad is anything that becomes popular quickly but lasts only a short time. Usually, people look back at fads and scratch their heads. It is a mystery how some of them ever became so popular. One of the most famous and most puzzling fads of all time is the pet rock. In 1975, Gary Dahl had a weird idea. He managed to convince people to buy ordinary gray rocks and make believe that they were pets. The rocks even came with care instructions. They explained how buyers could teach their pet rocks tricks, like “sit” and “stay.” This fad lasted only six months. Then, whoosh! and it was gone. But it was popular enough to make Dahl a millionaire. Sometimes a fad isn’t something you can buy. Sometimes a fad is something you can do. In 1960, Chubby Checker recorded a song called “The Twist.” The song inspired a popular dance that involved turning on the balls of your feet and twisting your hips. It started with young people, but soon adults picked it up. In 1961, President Kennedy’s wife, Jackie, was spotted twisting in public. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States. Not all fads are here and gone in a short time. Some manage to hold onto a small bit of popularity for years. Starting in 1958, the Wham-O toy company sold more than 100 million hula hoops over two years. While the hula hoop is no longer so popular, children and adults still play with them. In fact, in 1987 Rosann Rose set a record for the longest time spent hula-hooping. She twirled one around her waist for 90 hours! Fads have become big business. How big? Businesses now hire people called “cool hunters.” Cool hunters try to predict fads by watching young people closely. Most trends start to snowball when young people pick them up. If a trend gets big enough, it becomes a fad. Cool hunters sell their information to companies wanting to take advantage of the new trends. If a business gets ahead of new trends in fashion, music, TV, or computers, it could make millions. The pet rock was a smash, but other would-be fads often sink like a stone. Ever hear of the laser mousetrap? How about the ever-brown plant? Probably not. People spent a lot of time and money hoping they’d become fads, but they never did. Don’t let the failure of others hold you back, though. There’s no telling what might be the next big fad. 74. Which sentence from the passage is unnecessary? A. In 1960, Chubby Checker recorded a song called “The Twist.” B. The song inspired a popular dance that involved turning on the balls of your feet and twisting your hips. C. It started with young people, but soon adults picked it up. D. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States. Directions Read the passage and complete number 75. 1 Walt Disney and him brother Roy created the Disney movie studio in 1924. 2 3 As the years passed, Walt Disney traveled with his family, and came to realize that there were no vacation destinations with activities for both parents and children. 4 So the idea of Disneyland came to him. 5 I would like to visit 6 more than fifty years ago, in 1955. over 500 million guests. 8 7 Since then it has admitted It is one of the most popular theme parks 75. Which sentence does not belong in the paragraph? A. B. C. D. Sentence 4 Sentence 5 Sentence 7 Sentence 8 SPI 601.3.8 Transitional Words 76. Read these sentences. If you're helping with the cleanup, watch out for damaged gas lines or power lines, which could cause injuries from fires or electrocution. _______________, wear boots, long sleeves, and gloves, and keep an eye out for broken glass and sharp nails. Which transition word best belongs in the blank? A. Also B. However C. Therefore D. Finally Read the paragraph and then answer question number 77. (1) The Trojan Horse won the war for the Greeks. (2) At first, the situation looked hopeless. (3) The Greeks would never be able to successfully storm the gates of the city. (4) The only way to get in was to have the Trojans open the gates. (5) The plan was concocted by Odysseus, who is famous for his long journey and many adventures. (6) It was the horse that made the Trojans curious and led them to not only open the gates, but to bring the Greeks into the city! (7) The horse was the key to the Greeks' success. 77. Which sentence contains a transitional word? A. sentence 1 B. sentence 2 C. sentence 3 D. sentence 4 78. Read these sentences. After World War II, nuclear power ushered in a new age for submarines. submarines could remain submerged for months. Choose the transition word or phrase that belongs in the blank. A. However B. Despite this fact C. Meanwhile D. With this advancement SPI 601.3.9 Select a Concluding Sentence Stephen wrote the following report. It contains mistakes. Read the report and answer numbers 79. 1 Tornadoes are violent, high-speed wind storms that usually occur in the central region of the United States. People caught in tornadoes may be injured or killed, usually from flying debris. Everyone can lower their chances of injury or death by following safety measures before, during, and after a tornado. 2 An area that's been hit by a tornado can look like a war zone. The storm may have destroyed buildings and other structures. Afterward, the cleanup begins, but there are still dangers to avoid. If you're helping with the cleanup, watch out for damaged gas lines or power lines, which could cause injuries from fires or electrocution. --- wear boots, long sleeves, and gloves, and keep an eye out for broken glass and sharp nails. 3 During bad storms, listen for weather updates on the television or radio. If there is a tornado nearby, find shelter right away. Ina house or other building, the safest place is a basement or cellar. If there isn't one, go to a small room or area with no windows on the first floor, such as a hallway or bathroom. If possible, crouch under a table or cover yourself with a mattress or blanket. 4 Some schools prepare students for tornadoes by holding tornado drills. During a drill, students learn to calmly go to the safest place in the school, such as a hallway with no windows. The students then crouch down on their knees, put their heads down, and cover their heads with their arms. This duck-and-cover position will protect students from falling objects. 5 Unfortunately, some people may not be in or near a sturdy shelter when a tornado hits. For instance, if you're riding in a car and you see a funnel cloud, the driver should pull over to the side of the road. Everyone inside the car should get out and lie down in a ditch. Public buildings such as malls may have signs directing people to the nearest tornado shelter. It is not safe to stay in a car or stand under a tree for protection. A tornado can easily send a car or tree flying into the air. 79. Which of these is the best concluding sentence for Paragraph 2? A. Weather scientists are working to find out more about how tornadoes form. B. These simple steps will keep you safe. C. Like cars, mobile homes are not a safe place to be during a tornado. D. Families should plan out what safety steps they will take during a tornado. DIRECTIONS: Malcolm wrote this report. It contains mistakes. Read the report. Then answer number 80. 1 A submarine is a watercraft that operates below the surface of the water. Though we tend to think of submarines as modem vessels, their history goes back several hundred years. In 1620, a Dutchman build an underwater vessel that used oars. 2 The first underwater vessels were used for exploration, but people soon realized their military use. There were a few attempts to sink enemy ships using underwater vessels in the American Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. In those days to the submarines there was as much danger as to the ships they were trying to sink. Subs were used more frequently in the American Civil War, but the technology still wasn't perfected. 3 However, submarines were effective in World War I. Those were used quite successfully by Germany. More than 5,000 ships were sunk by German subs, which the Allies called U-boats. 4 To submerge, a submarine increases its weight by taking on water. It holds the water in special tanks. To surface, the sub expels the water so that it decreases its weight and can rise. 5 By World War II, the submarine had come of age as a major mili- tary vessel. It was used extensively and with devastate results by both sides during the war. Even so, the amount of time subs could stay submerged remained an issue that limited their range. 6 After World War II, nuclear power ushered in a new age for submarines. Submarines could remain submerged for months. In 1960, the USS Triton made a submerged circumnavigation of the world. 80. Which sentence is the best conclusion for Paragraph 5? A. B. C. D. That problem ha d yet to be solved Du ring the war, they sank many ships. Serving on a submarine was very dangerous work. Being attacked by a sub was a big worry for most sailors. Read the paragraph and answer number 81. Just as the rest of the world is done with celebrating the New Year holiday on January 1st, Vietnam begins its own celebration. Like China, Vietnam celebrates the Lunar New Year. The Lunar New Year follows the lunar calendar. It is based on the cycles of the moon. It takes place in late January or early February. The Vietnamese call their New Year, Tet. During Tet, relatives visit other family members and friends. Children receive a red envelope that contains money called a li xi. Elders award these envelopes when children come by and give a traditional greeting. It is also important that when friends and family visit that only good things and thoughts are done and said during the New Year to keep luck for the coming year. To prepare for Tet, families cook special foods and the clean the house. They make banh chung. Banh chung is a rice cake filled with meat or beans and wrapped in banana leaves. In addition, other special foods are watermelon seeds and dried fruit. The cleaning of the house helps prepare the family for the good fortune that will come in the new year. Tet shows great respect to friends, family, and customs. So, when another year rolls around, consider celebrating Tet with Vietnam. 81. Which of the following sentences should be added to the end of the introductory paragraph? A. Tet is a three-day celebration that involves friends, family, and customs. B. China and Vietnam share similar traditions because they are so close. C. Late January and early February are the best times to visit Vietnam. D. The cycles of the moon determine when each New Year takes place. SPI 6.3.10 Titles Stephen wrote the following report. It contains mistakes. Read the report and answer numbers 82. 1 Tornadoes are violent, high-speed wind storms that usually occur in the central region of the United States. People caught in tornadoes may be injured or killed, usually from flying debris. Everyone can lower their chances of injury or death by following safety measures before, during, and after a tornado. 2 An area that's been hit by a tornado can look like a war zone. The storm may have destroyed buildings and other structures. Afterward, the cleanup begins, but there are still dangers to avoid. If you're helping with the cleanup, watch out for damaged gas lines or power lines, which could cause injuries from fires or electrocution. --- wear boots, long sleeves, and gloves, and keep an eye out for broken glass and sharp nails. 3 During bad storms, listen for weather updates on the television or radio. If there is a tornado nearby, find shelter right away. Ina house or other building, the safest place is a basement or cellar. If there isn't one, go to a small room or area with no windows on the first floor, such as a hallway or bathroom. If possible, crouch under a table or cover yourself with a mattress or blanket. 4 Some schools prepare students for tornadoes by holding tornado drills. During a drill, students learn to calmly go to the safest place in the school, such as a hallway with no windows. The students then crouch down on their knees, put their heads down, and cover their heads with their arms. This duck-and-cover position will protect students from falling objects. 5 Unfortunately, some people may not be in or near a sturdy shelter when a tornado hits. For instance, if you're riding in a car and you see a funnel cloud, the driver should pull over to the side of the road. Everyone inside the car should get out and lie down in a ditch. Public buildings such as malls may have signs directing people to the nearest tornado shelter. It is not safe to stay in a car or stand under a tree for protection. A tornado can easily send a car or tree flying into the air. 82. Which title would be best for Stephen's report? A. The History of Tornadoes in the United States B. Tornado Safety C. Tornado Drills D. Cleaning UP After a Tornado Directions Read the following passage. Then answer number 83. Frank LLoyd Wright, architect An art museum built like a seashell, a hotel on stilts, a house on top of a waterfall. Who would dream of building such things? Frank Lloyd Wright, an American architect, not only dreamed of them, he also created the plans for how to build them. The Guggenheim Art Museum in New York City sits like a huge spiral shell on Fifth Avenue near Central Park. Visitors can ride up the elevator six floors and walk down a ramp all the way to the bottom, viewing the artwork that is displayed along the way. The hotel on stilts is the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Japan. It was built on long pillars of concrete that drop down 70 feet into a layer of mud under the city. Wright planned it to withstand earthquakes. A huge earthquake nearly destroyed Tokyo in 1923, and the Imperial Hotel was one of the few buildings left standing. The house built on top of a waterfall is called Fallingwater. It appears to be sitting in a river in the Pennsylvania countryside. Inside, a stairway leads down from the living room to an extraordinary open area where you can watch the river flow under your feet. Frank Lloyd Wright was born in 1867 and grew up in Wisconsin. When he was a young man, he moved to Chicago and worked for an architect named Louis Sullivan. Here, he got most of his ideas and began to design his own buildings. One of his first projects was his own family home. Fireplaces were the center of the household then, and he designed around them. He liked windows that let in plenty of sunlight. He also liked using simple shapes, which made his designs very popular. They led to what we now think of as “modern” architecture. Most of his buildings had flat roofs, straight lines, and lots of windows. Wright designed a number of skyscrapers, too. He changed the design to use steel beams so they could be built taller and stronger than ever before. He also liked to use concrete, wood, and natural materials. He added plants and trees around his buildings to make them attractive and fit well with their surroundings. Most of the buildings Wright designed were homes for private owners. He enjoyed choosing and designing their furniture. He also chose linens, china, art, and even their kitchen pots and pans. In fact, Wright chose everything carefully. He even insisted that homeowners sign a contract promising not to add, subtract, or change anything once the house was finished. He sometimes visited to see if they were holding up their end of the deal. Once, a woman who lived in one of the houses he designed moved a vase a few inches. When Wright stopped by, he saw the vase out of place, moved it back, and scolded the woman. The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation was organized to preserve Wright’s buildings and to ensure that they are properly used and maintained. They are more than simply houses and commercial buildings. Frank Lloyd Wright’s buildings are amazing works of art. 83. Which of these would be the best title for the passage? A. Plenty of Sunlight B. Architecture as Art C. Steel Beams and Concrete D. Building Hotels in Japan Read the passage and answer number 84. 1 2 began with a starter rocket kit. 4 5 I didn’t have to put anything I just put on the parachute and lanched the rocket. Next, I bought a pre-built kit. 7 9 6 This time, I had to put the rocket I did it on a Saturday. 8 Some kits take even You have to cut, sand, and paint the pieces before you put them together. assembled. 3 10 After the paint drys, the rocket parts can be 84. Which of these would be the best title for the passage? A. Building Model Rockets B. Sanding and Painting C. A Nice Hobby D. The History of Rockets SPI 601.3.12 Appropriate Format for Writing 85. Renee wants to explain to her co-workers how the new copy machine works. Which format would be the most appropriate for her to use? A. B. C. D. step-by-step instructions displayed next to the machine an e-mail to all co-workers a memo to her boss letters sent to all co-workers 86. Of the following forms of writing, which requires formal language? A. B. C. D. a letter to a family member a job application letter a letter to your pen pal an e-mail to your best friend 87. Sasha has two dogs and is taking over Miranda's dog-walking service while Miranda is on vacation. Which of the following would best help Sasha during her first day on the job? A. B. C. D. an e-mail telling Sasha how much Miranda appreciates her help a lengthy report on the personality and needs of each dog a list of the addresses and names of Miranda's clients instructions detailing how to walk a dog SPI 601.4.1 Most Focused Research Topic 88. Don wants to know more about digital photography. For an internet search, which phrase would provide the most focused research for Don? A. B. C. D. early cameras changes in camera technology history of film techniques for taking electronic images 89. Which of these is the most focused research topic? A. B. C. D. the history of aviation transportation jet planes airplanes Directions: Carlos wrote the following report. Read the report and answer number 90. Stingrays 1 Stingrays can live in both freshwater and saltwater. Some stingrays can adapt to both kinds of water. Atlantic stingrays, which have been found in the Chesapeake Bay, prefer to spend their time in freshwater. 2 Most people prefer swimming in the ocean to be worry free. However, anytime you enter the untamed marine world, be prepared for any kind of surprise. Though most ocean swimmers may never see a saltwater stingray, the ocean is its home, and stingray sightings are not extremely rare. Stingrays are closely related to sharks. 3 Stingrays are noted for their flattened shape, two wing-looking fins, and dagger like tails. The manta ray has a more triangular shape and looks like a bat when swimming. 4 Stingrays are graceful swimmers but typically are spotted near the ocean floor looking .fo. r food. Some are found buried in the sand, with only their eyes above the sandy surface. They tend to be more active at night while they look for food. They eat worms, clams, shrimp, and crabs. 5 Stingrays have earned their negative reputation due to the venomous spines, or barbs, on their tails. Though stingrays are not generally aggressive, they will use their tail as a weapon when threatened. In fact, most swimmers get stung by a stingray when they accidentally step on one. Stingray venom produces extraordinary pain to those who are stung and may also reduce heart rate and affect respiration. Should a person get stung by a stingray barb, the wound should be examined immediately. Infections and other complications can occur. 90. Which of these is the most focused research topic? A. B. C. D. treating injuries incurred by marine life the characteristics of a stingray facts about various forms of marine life habitats and enemies of the stingray SPI 6.3.4 Most Appropriate Research Source 91. Where would a student look to find the names of other cold viruses? A. a dictionary B. a thesaurus C. an online encyclopedia D. a history textbook 92. Nico is writing a report for his science class on habitat preservation. Which of the following is a primary source? A. B. C. D. a Web site for a zoo a magazine article a bout the ocean an encyclopedia article about Antarctica an interview with a scientist who studies birds 93. What would be the most appropriate research source to use to investigate the results of an Iditarod race? A. a history textbook B. a newspaper article C. an encyclopedia entry on the Internet D. the Web site for the competition SPI 601.4.5 Irrelevant Research Information 94. Stephen made the following notes after reading a source about tornado cleanup. 1. Half of all in juries from one tornado in Illinois occurred after the storm. 2. Report damaged power lines to the authorities 3. Get help if you find someone trapped under the rubble 4. Find a reliable home builder to repair damages. Which fact is not relevant to Stephen's report? A. Fact 1 B. Fact 2 C. Fact 3 D. Fact 4 A student created these notes after researching sharks. Read the notes and answer question 95. SHARKS • • • • ï‚· • Sharks have existed for more than 420 million years. Today there a re a bout 440 species of sha rk . Sha rks range in size from as sma ll as 6.5 inches to as big as 39 feet . Sharks are su perb predators . Peo ple are both fasci nated with a nd terrified of sha rks . The film Jaws made ma ny people even more afra id of sharks. . 95. If the student were to write a report on this topic, which fact in the notes should not be included? A. B. C. D. Sharks are superb predators. Today there are about 440 species of shark. The film Jaws made many people even more afraid of sharks. Sharks range in size from as small as 6.5 inches to as big as 39 feet. Don made the following notes after reading a source about Thomas Edison’s invention of a new camera. 1. 2. 3. 4. It had continuous tape-like film. It could project motion pictures. He received 1,093US patents throughout his career as an inventor. He worked on a camera with William Dickerson from 1883-1893. 96. Which fact is not relevant to Don’s report. A. B. C. D. Fact 1 Fact 2 Fact 3 Fact 4 Communication and Media SPI 601.2.3 Identify Thesis and Main Points of a Speech Directions Louisa wrote the following speech. Read the speech. Then Answer numbers 97. 1 Our history class has worked hard raising money at bake sales and car washes. Today we get to decide how to spend that money. Our votes will determine where we take our class trip. You've heard about a few possibilities from other students. However, I think a trip to Washington, D.C., is the best choice because it's a terrific place to learn about history. 2 I know from firsthand experience that Washington is an exciting place to visit. A few years ago, I went with my family to the nation's capital. When my parents first mentioned the trip, my sister said, "Oh no, there's nothing to do but see boring government buildings." At first I agreed with her sentiment. I was disappointed as well. However, those ''boring" government buildings turned out to be unexpectedly enjoyable. We saw the Capitol Building and the White House. The White House is a beautiful mansion that has housed American presidents for more than 200 years, and the Capitol has lots of paintings that show scenes from American history. 3 I've done more research, and have learned that there are many _ more fun and educational things to do in Washington. At the National Zoo, you can see pandas, gorillas, and cheetahs. The city also has memorials to honor presidents, as well as memorials to honor veterans of several wars. The best museums are in Washington, too. The National Museum of Natural History has exhibits on dinosaur bones and ocean life. There's even a museum about the history of spying! 4 You should definitely vote for Washington for our class trip. Learning more about the people and places that we read about in our textbooks will bring history alive. 97. The main purpose of the speech is to A. B. C. D. explain why Washington was chosen to be the nation's capital. describe all the exciting things to do in Washington. persuade students to vote to visit Washington for their class trip. inform students about how best to travel around Washington. Directions Read the speech. Then answer number 98. THE ARTS COUNT, TOO 1 I'm Kyle Rhodes, and I want to thank you all for coming. Judging by the size of this crowd, I can see how important this is to all of you. We have to save our school's arts program. 2 We know what the problem is. The city is short on money. So the city council has decided to save money by eliminating Central High School's arts program. But that would be a huge mistake. 3 Our arts program includes classes in painting, drawing, acting, dancing, and music. It's one of the best in the state. It's the school's most popular and most important program. But the people who have made the decision to cut it couldn't care less about that. These people don't know anything about art. All they care about is saving money. 4 Last year, they said they wouldn't cut important school programs. Now they're eliminating this one. So they don't think the arts are important. 5 We know the city has to save money. But there's a better solution than this. In last year's budget, five construction projects were approved. The city doesn't need all five projects. If one of these projects were scrapped, there'd be enough money to keep our arts program going. That's the real answer to the city's budget dilemma. 6 We'll be passing around a petition. If we get enough signatures, we can take our case before the city council. You've taken. the first step by coming here today. Now let's all unite and take the next step together. 98. Which sentence from the speech best expresses the thesis? A. We'll be passing around a petition. B. We have to save our school's arts program. C. The city doesn't need all five projects. D. Now let's all unite and take the next step together. Directions The following passage is a speech. Read it and answer number 99. Are Large Stores for Us? 1 I am here to speak in protest of your decision to allow this large corporate store to build just outside of the city limits. Yes, I know you have the power to control this land development, so I ask you to reconsider this most harmful decision. This huge store will, without a doubt, destroy Main Street and be the end to small family businesses that have graced our Main Street for decades. I know you have heard promises that this store will provide employment to our community and bolster the economy. But, these are just empty promises. 2 Gone will be our small town atmosphere. Gone will be people meeting in our small stores to share greetings. We will be entering the fast-paced world of the big cities where such stores are open 24/7. Someone has to draw the line someplace. This has to stop! Please save our community. 99. Which sentence from the speech is the thesis statement? A. I am here to speak in protest of your decision to allow this large corporate store to build just outside of the city limits. B. Gone will be our small town atmosphere. C. We will be entering the fast-paced world of the big cities where such stores are open 24/7. D. Someone has to draw the line someplace. SPI 601.2.4 Appropriate Behaviors in a Group 100. Three students are assigned to a science project. What is the best step they should do to complete their project? A. make sure they understand the goal of the assignment B. compare the notes they took during their research C. assign roles to each member of the project D. present the project to the class 101. At its first meeting to create a presentation, Larry's group decided how to proceed with its task and assigned roles for each member of the team. What should the group do next? A. decide what role each member of the team will have in accomplishing the task B. determine goals for each team member to achieve by the next meeting C. designate when the next meeting of the team will take place D. schedule the last meeting of the team 102. Which of the following would be a good comment for a group leader to make during a discussion? A. B. C. D. "Let's give everyone a chance to talk." "I will do all of the talking today." "That is not a smart comment." "Everyone be quiet and listen to me SPI 601.2.5 Responsibilities and Roles of Group Members 103. Which member in a group makes sure the group completes all parts of the project within the proper time frame? A. recorder B. leaders C. timekeeper D. reporter 104. Kyle is part of a group trying to save the arts program. Which group member will most likely go before the city council? A. the leader B. the reporter C. the recorder D. the timekeeper 105. In an organized group, which member types up the meeting notes and provides them to the group? A. the recorder B. the information gather C. the time keeper D. the reporter SPI 601.2.6 Engage an Audience in Oral Presentation 106. When giving a speech to the history class, Louisa should A. fold her arms. B. read from notes. C. look at the floor. D. speak clearly. 107. What can Kyle do to best engage his audience? A. B. C. D. make fun of the city council make eye contact with people tell jokes to make people feel relaxed lower his voice to make sure people are listening 108. During the presentation of this speech, what should the speaker do to maintain the interest of the listeners? A. speak very loudly B. look down to read notes C. avoid smiling D. make eye contact with audience SPI 601.2.7 Organize ideas for an Oral Presentation 109. Beatrice will give a persuasive speech to the class. Read her outline. 1. prediction of how a cleaner town would increase tourism 2. list of specific areas with the most litter 3. description of how to sign up for litter pick up duty for each area 4. general explanation of litter problem in the town Which would be the best order for Beatrice to use for her presentation? A. 1, 2, 3, 4 B. 3, l, 2, 4 C. 1, 4, 2, 3 D. 4, 2, 3, 1 110. Clorice is giving an oral report in her history class about World War I. She is going to cover the following topics. 1. the important battles of the war 2. the start of the war 3. the results of the war 4. the causes of the war In what order should Clorice present these topics? F. G. H. J. 1, 2, 3, 4 2, 3, 4, 1 3, 4, 1, 2 4, 2, 1, 3 Molly has to organize her ideas for a speech about ballet dancing. 1. Ballet is a great way to get in shape and become graceful. 2. What is ballet? 3. Ballet is a performance kind of dance. 4. What are the benefits of ballet? 5. Ballerinas need tights, a leotard and ballet shoes. 6. What does a dancer need? 111. What is the most effective way for Molly to organize her ideas? A. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 B. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 C. 2, 3, 4,1, 5, 6 D. 2, 3, 4, 1, 6, 5 SPI 601.2.8 Summary of a Speech Directions Louisa wrote the following speech. Read the speech. Then answer number 112. 1 Our history class has worked hard raising money at bake sales and car washes. Today we get to decide how to spend that money. Our votes will determine where we take our class trip. You've heard about a few possibilities from other students. However, I think a trip to Washington, D.C., is the best choice because it's a terrific place to learn about history. 2 I know from firsthand experience that Washington is an exciting place to visit. A few years ago, I went with my family to the nation's capital. When my parents first mentioned the trip, my sister said, "Oh no, there's nothing to do but see boring government buildings." At first I agreed with her sentiment. I was disappointed as well. However, those "boring" government buildings turned out to be unexpectedly enjoyable. We saw the Capitol Building and the White House. The White House is a beautiful mansion that has housed American presidents for more than 200 years, and the Capitol has lots of paintings that show scenes from American history. 3 I've done more rese.arch, and have learned that there are many more fun and educational things to do in Washington. At the National Zoo, you can see pandas, gorillas, and cheetahs. The city also has memorials to honor presidents, as well as memorials to honor veterans of several wars. The best museums are in Washington, too. The National Museum of Natural History has exhibits on dinosaur bones and ocean life. There's even a museum about the history of spying! 4 You should definitely vote for Washington for our class trip. Learning more about the people and places that we read about in our textbooks will bring history alive. 112. Which sentence best summarizes the speech? A. No matter which place is chosen, the class is sure to have a good time. B. Louisa took a trip to Washington and had an unexpectedly good time. C. After working hard to raise money for a trip, the students observe a trip to Washington. D. Washington offers visitors fun and educational things to see, such as memorials, museums, a zoo, and beautiful buildings with historical significance. Napoleon Bonaparte Speech - Farewell to the Old Guard Farewell to the Old Guard (1814) following the failed invasion of Russia and defeat by the Allies Soldiers of my Old Guard: I bid you farewell. For twenty years I have constantly accompanied you on the road to honor and glory. In these latter times, as in the days of our prosperity, you have invariably been models of courage and fidelity. With men such as you our cause could not be lost; but the war would have been interminable; it would have been civil war, and that would have entailed deeper misfortunes on France. I have sacrificed all of my interests to those of the country. I go, but you, my friends, will continue to serve France. Her happiness was my only thought. It will still be the object of my wishes. Do not regret my fate; if I have consented to survive, it is to serve your glory. I intend to write the history of the great achievements we have performed together. Adieu, my friends. Would I could press you all to my heart. 113. Which of these is the best summary of this speech? A. Napoleon Bonaparte was sad that he had to leave the Old Guard. He left to make his wife happy. B. Napoleon Bonaparte was no longer traveling with the soldiers during the war. He was making the soldiers aware of his departure. C. Napoleon Bonaparte was proud of the soldiers. He knew they would miss him. D. Napoleon Bonaparte and his soldiers fought against France. He wanted them to stop fighting in the war. Russell Crowe Tribute speech for Steve Irwin A Eulogy for Steve Irwin Good morning everybody. Firstly, to Terri and all of Steve's family, from my family to yours, our deepest sympathies and condolences. I think this memorial should be a joyful one, and not mournful one. We, after all, have to keep in mind who we are here to celebrate, and what he would have preferred. I hope somebody will speak today of the specifics of what Steve achieved as a conservationist, but all I can do today is talk directly to my friend, my mate, Steven. Your passing has suspended reality for all of us. It was way too soon, and completely unfair on all accounts. I know as humble as you always were, that you would still be pleased to know that the world sends its love and that people all over this planet have been grieving. We've all lost a friend, we've lost a champion, and we're gonna take some time adjust to that. I'm in New York, mate - the big city - and you have been headline news on CNN for a week. There are not many Zoo keepers who would command that attention, mate. And all that means is that you got your message across. You got the word out there. And you were heard. And you will be remembered. 114. Which of these is the best summary of this speech? A. Steve Irwin was a champion. He has many friends. B. Steve Irwin got his message across. Many people want to be like him. C. Steve Irwin was a friend to many people. The world will miss him dearly. C. Steve Irwin should be celebrated. His death made headline news on CNN. SPI 601.7.1 Medium to reinforce a Viewpoint or Enhance a Presentation Directions Read and answer the question below. 115. Aaron is giving a presentation about the importance of brushing and flossing regularly. Which of these would best reinforce this viewpoint? A. a diagram showing a cross-section image of a tooth B. a chart showing the percentage of people who go to the dentist regularly C. different kinds of toothbrushes and toothpastes D. photos showing both healthy and unhealthy teeth and gums 116. Joline is giving a speech to persuade people to join the local theater group. Which of these would best suit her purpose? A. a video recording of a scene from the group's last play B. a picture of everyone who is in the group C. a copy of the play the group plans to perform next D. a list of people who '.Ire in the group 117. What would best help Louisa illustrate her arguments? 1 Our history class has worked hard raising money at bake sales '\ and car washes. Today we get to decide how to spend that money. Our votes will determine where we take our class trip. You've heard about a few possibilities from other students. However, I think a trip to Washington, D.C., is the best choice because it's a terrific place to learn about history. 2 I know from firsthand experience that Washington is an exciting place to visit. A few years ago, I went with my family to the nation's capital. When my parents first mentioned the trip, my sister said, "Oh no, there's nothing to do but see boring government buildings." At first I agreed with her sentiment. I was disappointed as well. However, those "boring" government buildings turned out to be unexpectedly enjoyable. We saw the Capitol Building and the White House. The White House is a beautiful mansion that has housed American presidents for more than 200 years, and the Capitol has lots of paintings that show scenes from American history. 3 I've done more rese.arch, and have learned that there are many more fun and educational things to do in Washington. At the National Zoo, you can see pandas, gorillas, and cheetahs. The city also has memorials to honor presidents, as well as memorials to honor veterans of several wars. The best museums are in Washington, too. The National Museum of Narnral History has exhibits on dinosaur bones and ocean life. There's even a museum about the history of spying! 4 A. B. C. D. You should definitely vote for Washington for our class trip. Learning more about the people and places that we read about in our textbooks will bring history alive. photos of rooms in the White House that visitors can tour a map that shows the best route to get to Washington Web sites that show items being sold at museum gift shops a calendar that highlights the best times of year to go to Washington SPI 601.7.2 Visual Image to Reinforce a Viewpoint or Enhance a Presentation 118. Steven is doing a report on how the nervous system works. When Steven is ready to present his report, what visual images could he add that would best enhance his presentation. A. B. C. D. names of books about the skeletal system photographs of himself sleeping, eating, and reading a book a scientific drawing of a human nervous system a sketch of a doctor listening to a patient breathe 119. Use the image below to answer the question. What can the reader tell about the subject of the image? A. B. C. D. She has just exercised vigorously. She is about to start working out. She gets very little exercise. She has just tried out for a swimming team. Roberto is giving a speech about milk jug lumber to make furniture. 120. Which of these would be the best for him to show the audience at the end of his speech. A. B. C. D. a magazine article about a garbage barge a selection of milk jugs and plastic forks a photograph of a school playground a small chair made from plastic lumber SPI 601.7.4 Inference from Non-print Medium 121. Look at the picture. The children in this picture appear to be A. angry B. withdrawn C. scared D. excited 122. A magazine ad shows an attractive person wearing expensive jeans. What is the most likely purpose of the ad? A. G. H. J. to persuade people that they'll look attractive in these jeans to describe the process by which these jeans are made to inform people about how well the jeans are made to entertain readers with pictures of attractive jeans Look at the picture and answer number 123. 123. From the photo, a viewer can conclude that A. B. C. D. the man is dancing in the rain the man got caught in the rain without an umbrella the man is angry because he is in the rain a bucket of water was thrown on the man SPI 601.7.5 Summarizes/Communicates the Message in a Medium 124. Look at the picture. Choose the statement that best summarizes the message of this picture. A. Taking a break from work can ease stress. B. People should spend more time outside when the weather is nice. C. Work should take priority over time off. D. A man stands in a par 125. A cereal company wants to use this photo on the box of a new cereal. What message is the company most likely trying to communicate with this photo? A. People should eat fruit in the morning. B. Eating blueberries is important. C. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. D. The cereal is healthful and tastes good. 126. Look at the picture. What would be the best caption for this image if it were used in an adoya company selling health food? A. B. C. D. The best gift you can give is a hug. Eat better, play more. Smiling makes life more fun. Cook with a friend, have fun as a family. Informational Text SPI 601.6.1 Clarifying Questions Directions Read the passage. Then answer number 127. The Common Cold 1 Have the sniffles, need to sneeze, have a sore throat and cough? It sounds like you have a cold! 2 A cold is a contagious infection by a virus that infects your nose, throat, and ears. There are more than 200 viruses that can cause colds, but the most common virus is called the rhinovirus. The common cold seems to hit everyone at some point. The average child gets six to eight colds each year. How Colds Spread 3 Do adults always tell you to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze? Do they make you wash your hands often? There's a reason why. People with colds spread the virus when they sneeze or cough. Other people breathe in droplets containing the virus and catch the cold. The virus also can be transferred by touch. If a person with a cold touches an object, such as a toy or telephone, and then you touch that object, you might catch his or her cold. Stop That Cold! 4 You can't prevent colds from happening, but you can be careful about spreading them. Stay away from people with colds, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, wash your hands often, eat healthy food, and get plenty of sleep. 127. Which question is answered in the passage The Common Cold? A. B. C. D. What causes colds? Which medicines are best for treating a cold? How does the rhinovirus affect the cells in the body? How many colds does the average adult get every year? 128. Which question is not answered in the passage? A. B. C. D. What methods of habitat preservation have been successful? What are some causes of habitat destruction? What animals are facing loss of habitat? What is the balance of nature? Napoleon Bonaparte Speech - Farewell to the Old Guard Farewell to the Old Guard (1814) following the failed invasion of Russia and defeat by the Allies Soldiers of my Old Guard: I bid you farewell. For twenty years I have constantly accompanied you on the road to honor and glory. In these latter times, as in the days of our prosperity, you have invariably been models of courage and fidelity. With men such as you our cause could not be lost; but the war would have been interminable; it would have been civil war, and that would have entailed deeper misfortunes on France. I have sacrificed all of my interests to those of the country. I go, but you, my friends, will continue to serve France. Her happiness was my only thought. It will still be the object of my wishes. Do not regret my fate; if I have consented to survive, it is to serve your glory. I intend to write the history of the great achievements we have performed together. Adieu, my friends. Would I could press you all to my heart. 129. Which question can be answered from the subtitle of the speech? A. B. C. D. When was the speech written? Who gave the speech? Where was the speech given? What was the name of the guard? SPI 601.6.2 Main Idea and Supporting Details Directions Read the passage. Then answer numbers 130 . The Common Cold 1 Have the sniffles, need to sneeze, have a sore throat and cough? It sounds like you have a cold! 2 A cold is a contagious infection by a virus that infects your nose, throat, and ears. There are more than 200 viruses that can cause colds, but the most common virus is called the rhinovirus. The common cold seems to hit everyone at some point. The average child gets six to eight colds each year. How Colds Spread 3 Do adults always tell you to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze? Do they make you wash your hands often? There's a reason why. People with colds spread the virus when they sneeze or cough. Other people breathe in droplets containing the virus and catch the cold. The virus also can be transferred by touch. If a person with a cold touches an object, such as a toy or telephone, and then you touch that object, you might catch his or her cold. Stop That Cold! 4 You can't prevent colds from happening, but you can be careful about spreading them. Stay away from people with colds, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, wash your hands often, eat healthy food, and get plenty of sleep. 130. Which detail from the passage best shows that colds are widespread among children? A. common cold seems to hit everyone at some point. B. average child gets six to eight colds each year. C The most common C. virus is called the rhinovirus. D There are more than 200 viruses that can cause colds. Read the following poem. Then answer number 131. Lengths of Time by Phyllis McGinley Time is peculiar And hardly exact. Though minutes are minutes, You’ll find for a fact (As the older you get And the bigger you grow) That time can Hurry like this Or plod, plod, slow. Waiting for your dinner when you’re hungry? Down with the sniffles in your bed? Notice how an hour crawls along and crawls along Like a snail with his house upon his head. But when you are starting A game in the park, It’s morning, It’s noon, And suddenly it’s dark. And hours like seconds Rush blurringly by. Whoosh! Like a plane in the sky. 131. This poem is mostly about how A. B. C. D. games seem to last all day we experience time hard it is to wait for dinner time moves faster as we grow older 132. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of paragraph 3? A. In every habitat on the planet, partnerships take place. B. Whales provided many necessities for humans, including lamp oil for lighting and fuel for cold winter nights. C. We need to be aware of how we affect these habitats-human actions sometimes have a negative effect on the balance of nature. D. Nevertheless, if the whales were completely wiped out, the balance of nature in the ocean would be irrevocably altered-whales would not be there to play their part. SPI 6.6.4 Interpret Information in Text Features . 133. According to the table below, which region of the United States had the greatest increase in population from 2000-2010? A. Northeast B. Midwest C. South D. West Directions Read the chart. Then answer numbers 134. Two Years in the American Revolutionary War EVENT 1776 EVENT Aug. 27 Dec. 26 134. What is bold type used for in this chart? A. to indicate an important person B. to indicate an important place C. to indicate a battle D. to indicate a date 135. What year was the Declaration of Independence adopted? A. B. C. D. 1775 1779 1776 1771 SPI 601.6.5 Locate and Verify Information to Support Inferences, Opinions, Predictions, and Conclusions Directions Read the passage. Then answer number 136. The Common Cold 1 Have the sniffles, need to sneeze, have a sore throat and cough? It sounds like you have a cold! 2 A cold is a contagious infection by a virus that infects your nose, throat, and ears. There are more than 200 viruses that can cause colds, but the most common virus is called the rhinovirus. The common cold seems to hit everyone at some point. The average child gets six to eight colds each year. How Colds Spread 3 Do adults always tell you to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze? Do they make you wash your hands often? There's a reason why. People with colds spread the virus when they sneeze or cough. Other people breathe in droplets containing the virus and catch the cold. The virus also can be transferred by touch. If a person with a cold touches an object, such as a toy or telephone, and then you touch that object, you might catch his or her cold. Stop That Cold! 4 You can't prevent colds from happening, but you can be careful about spreading them. Stay away from people with colds, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, wash your hands often, eat healthy food, and get plenty of sleep. 136. What information can be found under the heading Stop That Cold? A. how colds infect the nose, throat, and ears B. how to tell children to cover their mouths when they cough C. what to do to avoid touching objects D. what to do to prevent catching and spreading colds. Read the passage and answer question number 137. Planting a Tree People plant trees because they grow to be beautiful. But did you know that trees also play several important roles? For example, they help make the air cleaner. Trees keep soil from washing away and improve our drinking water. In addition, trees lower temperatures with their shade. Trees also help block noise. For all of these reasons, planting trees has become a popular service project for organizations, families, and individuals across the country. With such important features, new trees need the best start possible. By planting trees correctly, we can help them grow fast and live long. The following steps will walk you through the process. Step 1: Choosing a Place A tree needs rich, well-drained soil and plenty of room to grow. Avoid planting very close to a building, as roots could harm pipes and foundations. Also, think about how tall your tree might grow and see if any telephone or power wires will be in its way. Whether you want to plant in a neighborhood park or in your own backyard, be sure to ask for permission. Explain what kind of tree you want to plant and why. Some people may want only certain types of trees growing on their land. Step 2: Choosing a Tree The tree you choose must be suited to the place where it is planted. Will it thrive in your area? Palm trees don’t last very long in Alaska, and sugar maple trees won’t make it in the deep South. Your choice will also depend on your purpose for the tree. Do you want a tree that gives plenty of shade? Then choose one with a lot of leaves, such as a maple, oak, or ash. Do you want a tree that will make a yard or park look beautiful? If so, you might look for a flowering tree, such as a crab apple, dogwood, or magnolia. Do you want a row of trees that will block cold winter winds from your home? Then consider needle leafs or cottonwoods. Do you want a tree that produces fruit? Then maybe an apple, cherry, or citrus tree would be right for you. You can plant with seeds, which take a long time to grow. Most people, however, choose to buy a young tree. Some organizations donate trees for tree-planting projects. Call your local nursery for information about parkdevelopment projects in your area. Step 3: Planting the Tree It is best to plant in the fall, winter, or early spring, when the tree is “resting.” Once it is planted, the tree will be ready to “wake up” and focus on growing in the warmer spring and summer months, when it can gather plenty of energy from the sun. Dig a hole as deep as the root ball and twice as wide. (See Figure 1.) The hole should allow plenty of room for all the roots. Loosen up the surrounding soil with a shovel so that the roots can break through the soil more easily. Remove the tree from the container and gently loosen up the roots a bit. (Handle the tree by the ball, not by the trunk or branches.) Place the tree in the hole so that the soil is at the same level on the tree as it was in the container. If the roots are covered with burlap, carefully untie the burlap after placing the tree in the hole. (It is okay to leave the burlap in the hole; it will break down and become part of the soil over time.) Fill in the hole around the tree with soil. No roots should be sticking up above ground level. Pack the soil firmly. Use any leftover soil to create a “wall” about two or three inches high that circles the tree at the edge of the hole. This will help direct water to the roots. Water the tree—really give it a good soaking. You may wish to diameter of at least 3 feet support your tree with stakes to keep it from blowing over in a strong wind. Place a covering of wood chips, pine straw, or bark chips around—but not touching—the base of the tree. Make the layer two to four inches deep and at least three feet wide. (See Figure 2.) This layer, called mulch, will help keep too much water from evaporating out of the soil. Mulch also helps keep weeds away and helps protect the tree roots from the cold. Step 4: Caring for the Tree Give your tree a deep watering every week until it is well rooted, about a year from when it was planted. (You can skip weeks when the tree gets good amount of rainfall.) You may wish to prune, or trim, your tree to improve its shape. Cutting off some of the lower buds will keep it from growing low branches. Leave enough buds, however, to allow the tree to grow full. Watch for signs of insects or disease. Most likely, your tree will be able to withstand these attacks. If the tree begins to look unhealthy—developing fewer or unusually pale leaves— consider seeking professional help. Call your local nursery, describe the trouble, and ask for advice. If you carefully follow these steps, your tree should grow strong and healthy, providing beauty and shade for years to come. 137. Which of the sentences best supports the idea that trees are good for the planet? A. Trees lessen soil erosion and help improve the quality of our drinking water. B. The tree you choose must be suited to the place where it is planted. C. Some organizations donate trees for tree-planting projects. D. It is best to plant in the fall, winter, or early spring, when the tree is “resting.” Read the excerpt from Up from Slavery by Booker T. Washington. Then, answer 138. From the time when I could remember anything, I had been called simply "Booker." Before going to school it had never occurred to me that it was needful or appropriate to have an additional name. When I heard the schoolroll called, I noticed that all of the children had at least two names, and some of them indulged in what seemed to me the extravagance of having three. I was in deep perplexity, because I knew that the teacher would demand of me at least two names, and I had only one. By the time the occasion came for the enrolling of my name, an idea occurred to me which I thought would make me equal to the situation; and so, when the teacher asked me what my full name was, I calmly told him "Booker Washington," as if I had been called by that name all my life; and by that name I have since been known. Later in my life I found that my mother had given me the name of "Booker Taliaferro" soon after I was born, but in some way that part of my name seemed to disappear and for a long while was forgotten, but as soon as I found out about it I revived it, and made my full name "Booker Taliaferro Washington." I think there are not many men in our country who have had the privilege of naming themselves in the way that I have. 138. Which detail helps you infer that the author thinks and acts quickly? A. He learned that his mother named him "Booker Taliaferro." B. He was proud of choosing his own name. C. He anticipated needing a last name and thought of one before being asked what it was. D. He was upset when he realized he was supposed to answer with two names. SPI 601.6.6 Best Summary of a Text Directions Read the passage. Then answer numbers 139. The Common Cold 1 Have the sniffles, need to sneeze, have a sore throat and cough? It sounds like you have a cold! 2 A cold is a contagious infection by a virus that infects your nose, throat, and ears. There are more than 200 viruses that can cause colds, but the most common virus is called the rhinovirus. The common cold seems to hit everyone at some point. The average child gets six to eight colds each year. How Colds Spread 3 Do adults always tell you to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze? Do they make you wash your hands often? There's a reason why. People with colds spread the virus when they sneeze or cough. Other people breathe in droplets containing the virus and catch the cold. The virus also can be transferred by touch. If a person with a cold touches an object, such as a toy or telephone, and then you touch that object, you might catch his or her cold. Stop That Cold! 4 You can't prevent colds from happening, but you can be careful about spreading them. Stay away from people with colds, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, wash your hands often, eat healthy food, and get plenty of sleep. 139. Which sentence best summarizes this passage? A. Touching an object that's been touched by a sick person can spread a cold. B. Adults tell children to cover their mouths when they cough for their own good. C. Staying away from sick people will prevent the spread of colds. D. Colds are common, but their spread can be prevented if certain steps are taken. Read the passage from "Water" by Helen Keller, and answer question 140. The morning after my teacher came she led me into her room and gave me a doll. The little blind children at the Perkins Institution had sent it and Laura Bridgman had dressed it; but I did not know this until afterward. When I had played with it a little while, Miss Sullivan slowly spelled into my hand the word "d-o-l-l." I was at once interested in this finger play and tried to imitate it. When I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly I was flushed with childish pleasure and pride. Running downstairs to my mother I held up my hand and made the letters for doll. I did not know that I was spelling a word or even that words existed; I was simply making my fingers go in monkey-like imitation. In the days that followed I learned to spell in this uncomprehending way a great many words, among them pin, hat, cup and a few verbs like sit, stand and walk. But my teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name. 140. Which of these is the best summary of the passage? A. Helen learned to spell words, but she did not know that they had meanings. B. Miss Sullivan spelled the words into Helen's hands using sign language. C. Helen was excited when she learned to spell the word doll. D. Miss Sullivan was an excellent teacher for Helen. Read the passage from "A Crippled Boy," by My-Van Tran. Then, answer question 141. Long, long ago there was a boy called Theo. He was crippled in both legs and could hardly walk. Since he could not work, he had no choice but to live on rice and vegetables which kind people gave him. Often he sat watching other children play and run about. Unable to join them, he felt very miserable. To amuse himself Theo practiced throwing pebbles at targets. Hour after hour he would spend practicing his aim. Having nothing else to do he soon learned to hit all his targets. Other children took pity on him and gave him more pebbles to throw. Besides this, Theo could also make all sorts of shapes with stones on the ground. 141. Which sentence best summarizes the passage? A. A handicapped boy named Theo is pitied by the other children. B. Theo must rely on others to give him rice and vegetables. C. Theo is miserable because he cannot play with the other children. D. A handicapped boy named Theo passes the time throwing pebbles at targets. Answer Key for 6th Grade Blitz Questions 1. SPI 601.1.1 D 2. A 3 D 4. SPI 601.1.2 A 5. C 6. A 7. SPI 601.1.3 C 8. C 9. C 10. SPI 601.1.4 C 11. A 12. A 13. SPI 601.1.5 A 14. A 15. C 16. SPI 601.1.6 B 17. C 18. C 19. SPI 601.1.7 A 20. B 21. A 22. SPI 601.1.8 B 23. D 24. B 25. SPI 601.1.9 B 26. A 27. B 28. SPI 601.1.10 B 29. D 30. C 31. SPI 601.1.11 C 32. B 33. D 34. SPI 601.1.12 D 35. A 36. D 37. SPI 601.13 C 38. D 39. B 40. SPI 601.1.18 A 41. C 42. B 43. SPI 601.1.14 B 44. A 45. C 46. SPI 601.1.15 C 47. A 48. D 49. SPI 601.1.16 C 50. D 51. D 52. SPI 601.1.17 B 53. B 54. C 55. SPI 601.1.19 B 56. A 57. D 58. SPI 601.1.20 B 59. B 60. C 61. SPI 601.3.3 D 62. D 63. B 64. SPI 601.3.4 C 65. A 66. A 67. SPI 601.3.5 B 68. A 69. A 70. SPI 601.3.6 B 71. B 72. B 73. SPI 601.3.7 A 74. D 75. B 76. SPI 601.3.8 A 77. B 78. D 79. SPI 601.3.9 B 80. A 81. A 82. SPI 601.3.10 B 83. B 84. A 85. SPI 601.3.12 A 86. B 87. C 88. SPI 601.4.1 D 89. C 90. B 91. SPI 601.4.3 C 92. D 93. D 94. SPI 601.4.5 D 95. C 96. C 97. SPI 601.2.3 C 98. B 99. A 100. SPI 601.2.4 D 101. B 102. A 103. SPI 601.2.5 B 104. A 105. A 106. SPI 601.2.6 D 107. B 108. D 109. SPI 601.2.7 C 110. D 111. D 112. SPI 601.2.8 D 113. C 114. C 115. SPI 601.7.1 D 116. A 117. A 118. SPI 601.7.2 C 119. A 120. D 121. SPI 601.7.4 D 122. A 123. B 124. SPI 601.7.5 A 125. D 126. B 127. SPI 601.6.1 A 128. A 129. A 130. SPI 601.6.2 B 131. B 132. C 133. SPI 601.6.4 C 134. C 135. C 136. SPI 601.6.5 D 137. A 138. C 139. SPI 601.6.6 D 140. A 141. D