

Essay Outline

Introduction & Conclusion

Introduction – 1




 Hook – grab the reader’s attention

The Bridge (Background information)

– give some basic information that connects the hook to the thesis.

Thesis statement – A clear statement that answers the writing prompt and makes a strong claim

(supported by reasons).

 Thesis Statement = Your opinion about a topic supported by reasons and evidence.

The Hook

Here are a few simple ways to grab your reader’s attention with a hook:





Anecdote - a brief story from real life that relates to the point of your essay or ‘Imagine if’ scenario.

Question – ask a thought-provoking question related to your topic (without using ‘you’)

Quote – Use a quote related to the topic that makes the reader think. Be sure to cite the source.

Startling Statement – Write a statement or fact about your topic that startles the reader.

 Try to do this without using any form of “you” or “I.”

Examples (Topic: The benefits of surfing)

 Anecdote

In 2011, a 13-time surf champ, Gary Saavedra, rode a 41-mile long wave that lasted almost four hours in Panama ( King Surf ).

Imagine riding down a 1,000ft. wave! That’s the biggest wave ever recorded!

 Question

 Ever wonder why surfers are in such good shape?

 Use a quote

“Surfing’s the source man… swear to God.”

(Bodhi /

Patrick Swayze)

 Startling Statement (or fact)

 The longest surf ride ever recorded was 3 hours and 55 minutes! ( King

Surf )

Hook: Your turn

With your elbow partner, come up with a possible hook sentence related to your topic (look at your thesis statement).

Ask a question

State an interesting or startling fact/statistic

Use a quote from the article or a quote from a famous person

‘Imagine (if)’ scenario

Thesis Statement

 This is the main claim of your essay followed by your reasons. This is what you will argue for.

 Thesis Statement = Opinion + Topic supported by reasons & evidence.

 Read your thesis statement aloud to your elbow partner.

Background Information (2-3 sent.)

Give the reader some basic information about the topic before going into the Thesis


 Who? What? When? Where?

 Why?

(Why does it happen, Why is it important)?

 How?

(How does it happen, How does it relate to the audience?)


Food Inc. hook

 Imagine being cooped up in a cage, force-fed to the point of being unable to move, and forced to stand in manure all day.

Background Example

Food Inc. example:

 This is what it is like for many animals, such as chicken, hogs, cows, and ducks that are raised on what the American food industry calls, factory farms. Factory farms are large, industrialized farms where mass amounts of livestock are raised at a cheap cost.

Oftentimes, the conditions they are raised in are unhealthy.

Put it together with the Hook

 Imagine being cooped up in a crowded cage, force-fed to the point of being unable to move, and forced to stand in excrement all day.

This is what it is like for many animals, such as chicken, hogs, cows, and ducks that are raised on what the food industry calls, factory farms. Factory farms are large, industrialized farms where mass amounts of livestock are raised at a minimal cost. Oftentimes, the conditions they are raised in are unhealthy.

Thesis Statement: Examples

Food Inc.

 Factory Farms have a negative effect on society and the environment because it causes E. coli poisoning, pollutes the environment, and results in cruelty to animals.

Introductory Paragraph

Hook + Background Info.

+ Thesis Statement

Intro paragraph: Food Inc. example

 Imagine being cooped up in a crowded cage, force-fed to the point of being unable to move, and forced to stand in excrement all day.

This is what it is like for many animals, such as chicken, hogs, cows, and ducks that are raised on what the food industry calls, factory farms. Factory farms are large, industrialized farms where mass amounts of livestock are raised at a minimal cost. Oftentimes, the conditions they are raised in are unhealthy.

Factory farms have a negative effect on society and the environment because it causes E. coli poisoning, pollutes the environment, and promotes animal cruelty.

Conclusion: Restate your thesis statement in a different way

Maybe your original thesis statement looked like this:

 Video games have a positive effect on teens because it improves hand-eye coordination and sharpens problem solving skills.

Simply restate it by switching it around like this:

In conclusion , strong hand-eye coordination and problem solving skills are ways teens can benefit from playing video games.

Concluding Statement

Add another final sentence(s) and you’re done!

 Leaves a strong impression on the reader or

 Persuades the reader to take some kind of action.

Concluding Paragraph



Restate your thesis statement and write it in the template.

Come up with a strong statement to end your essay. Ask your elbow partner for help.
