Middle Ages Review Sheet with answers

Middle Ages Test Review Sheet (Chapter 13 and 14-1)
Chivalry- Code of conduct for feudal knights
2. Charlemagne- Carolingian leader that reunited Western Europe and was crowded emperor of Holy Roman
3. Fief- Land grant given by a lord to a vassal during the Middle Ages
4. Manor- Name for a lord’s estate
Canon Law- Body of rules and regulations governing religious practices for the Church
6. Monastery- Name f0r the Christian community of men that gave up all private possessions to serve God
Tournament- Mock battles that served as training exercises for young knights
8. Feudalism- System of government based on the exchange for land for protection and services
9. Excommunication- The act of taking away a person’s right to membership in the Church
10. Charles Martel- Leader that halted the Muslim invasion of Western Europe at the Battle of Tours
11. Pope Gregory I- Person responsible for making the Church more secular during Middle Ages
12. **Benedict- Person responsible for writing the book of rules for governing monasteries
13. Clovis- The leader who brought Christianity to the Franks
14. Magyars-Turkish nomads that invaded Europe during Middle Ages
15. Page/Squire/Knighta.
P) 7 yrs old began process to become Knight, sent off to another castle to live and learn strategies and
fighting skills;
b. S) 14 yrs old; servant to an individual knight (apprentice)
K) 21 yrs old; serves lord and received fief for this services and loyalty…did not treat the weak with
respect; had three masters: God, lord, and lady
16. Treaty of Verdun- Treaty that ended the civil war in the empire established by Charlemagne
17. Vikings/Northmen- Germanic group from Scandinavia that raided Europe during Middle Ages
18. Serf- A synonym for peasant, they were tied to a lord’s estate
19. Tithe- 10% payment made to a priest during the Middle Ages
20. Troubadours- Singer/poets that traveled throughout kingdoms during Middle Ages
21. Bishop/Abbots/Priests- Levels of clergy within the Catholic church (priests are the lowest)
22. Sacrament- Actions Catholic must do to be in good standing w/ the church (ex: marriage)
23. Lay Investure- The practice of kings appointing clergy instead of the Pope
24. The Crusades- To recover Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim Turks
Middle Ages Test Review Sheet (Chapter 13 and 14-1)
25. Saladin- Muslim leader who retook Jerusalem during 2nd Crusade, and reached a compromise with Richard the
Lion Heart over Jerusalem