THINK.RESPECT December 18, 2014 9th Grade AGENDA 1st Hour- 7:30-8:30 2nd Hour- 8:35-9:35 Think.Respect Session- 9:40-10:40 3rd Hour- 10:45-12:25 A Lunch- 10:40-11:15 B Lunch- 11:15-11:50 C Lunch- 11:50-12:25 4th Hour- 12:30-1:25 5th Hour- 1:30-2:33 REMINDER: WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THINK.RESPECT TIME? Focus today: Improve our school through increasing communication between the students and staff Additional PURPOSES: HELP students IMPROVE their grades and overall student achievement Engage students on reflecting on their goals and efforts Allow time for students to request assistance if they need it Increase pride in our school by thanking those that help us. YOUR SMART GOALS At our first session, you created SMART Goals to work on. By the end of the period today, you will be creating NEW SMART goals that will focus on your grades THIS trimester. REVIEW from last session… At the last session we discussed… STUDY SKILLS How many of you went to the “Final exam study session” and/or used some of the suggestions from the last session? One Study Skill we focused on was ACRONYMS What is an acronym? (You tell me…) WHAT DO THESE ACRONYMS STAND FOR? SOCIAL STUDIES Acronym: MR HeLP HINT: Themes of Geography -Movement -Region -Human Environment Interaction -Location -Place MATH (ALGEBRA) Acronym: PEMDAS- Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally HINT: Order of Operations Parentheses (Grouping Symbols) Exponents Multiplying Dividing Adding Subtracting WHAT DO THESE ACRONYMS STAND FOR? ENGLISH Acronym: FANBOYS HINT: For conjunctions For And Nor But Or Yet So SCIENCE Acronym: King Phillip Came Over For Great Spaghetti HINT: Classification of Animals Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species These ACRONYMS are on a “cheat sheet” we are giving you along with some other Acronyms that may pop up this year. *******TEACHERS: Please pass out the 9th grade Acronym sheet. “MATH PROBLEM” Please READ individually and ANSWER THE QUESTION AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE…1ST PERSON TO GET THE CORRECT ANSWER AND SHOW WORK …WINS 3 SPARTAN BUCKS COINCIDENCE or NOT? Here’s a little mathematical formula that will help to answer the last question: If A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z is represented by 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26 K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 which would = 96%. H-A-R-D-W-O-R-K 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 which would = 98%. But ______________________________ What should be in the blank? 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 would = 100% THEREFORE… Therefore one could (mathematically) conclude that while HARDWORK and KNOWLEDGE will get you close, a great ATTITUDE will get you all the way there. After watching the short clip talk about the following quote and whether or not you agree with it …. “Attitude is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it” AGREE/DISAGREE? What sections of the clip can prove your opinion? At our last Think.Respect session… You answered the following questions and they were read by some staff members… Please answer the following question on your Academic Reflection sheet 1. What do you like most about school? (Besides talking with friends) 2. What area do you feel Fitzgerald needs more support or could improve upon? (Besides the cafeteria food) Explain why. Please answer the follow questions also on the Academic Reflection Sheet. Looking at your SMART Goal sheet… 1. Have you done the things you said you were going to do since the day you wrote your SMART goal? 2. Explain WHY or WHY NOT. 3. What still needs to be done to meet this goal? 9TH GRADE DATA ANALYSIS GROUP ACTIVITY… We are going to look at the answers the students of Fitzgerald High School gave. PLEASE arrange students or count off into groups of 3 and answer the questions on the Data Analysis sheet. TEACHERS, please pass out 1 DATA ANALYSIS sheet to each group. Within your SMALL groups (of 3) you will have 2 minutes to discuss and answer the questions in the slides. We will then discuss your answers as a whole group for 3 minutes. PLEASE use the information below to answer the questions on the GRAPH #1 slide. 80 70 60 50 40 YES NO 30 20 10 0 9th Grade 10th Grade 10th 11th Grade 11th 12th Grade 12th School Average Made steps toward SMART goal 9th School YES 78% 69% 66% 78% 73% NO 22% 31% 34% 22% 27% Average DATA ANALYSIS Graph #1 2 MINUTES TO DISCUSS AS A GROUP/3 MINUTES TO DISCUSS AS A WHOLE GROUP. 1. List at least 2 observations that your group considers interesting? (Such as what grade level has the highest percentage? The lowest? Similarities? Differences?) 2. What could be some possible explanations for those observations? (such as why might one class be higher than the other?) 3. What does this data say about the ATTITUDE of approximately 3 out of 4 students in our building? More positive…more negative? GRAPH #2 WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST AT FHS? th th th th What do you like most about school (besides talking with friends) ? 9 10 11 12 School Averages Learning/Subjects 42% Teachers (staff) 25% Friends/social 10% Sports 14% Extracurr, Clubs,Band 4% Safety 1% Technology 2% Learning/Subjects 27% Teachers (staff) 19% Friends/social 15% Sports 14% Extracurr, Clubs, Band 13% Safety 10% Technology 9% Learning/Subjects 26% Teachers (staff) 19% Extracurr, Clubs, Band 22% Sports 17% Friends/social 10% Safety 12% Lunch/cafeteria 6% Technology 5% Learning/Subjects 44% Teachers (staff) 18% Friends/ social 9% Sports 13% Extracurr, Clubs, Band 12% Safety 3% Lunch/cafe 1% Technology 3% Learning/Su bject 35% Teachers (staff) 20% Extra,ClubB and 12% Friends/soci al 11% Sports 11% Safety 7% Lunch/Cafe 5% Techno-logy 5% DATA ANALYSIS GRAPH #2 WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT FHS? THESE WERE OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS. SO, STUDENTS COULD WRITE WHAT THEY REALLY THOUGHT. 1. Were you surprised by any of the information from your grade level? Any of the information from other classes? 2. What classes had similar responses/percentages? Interesting/surprising? Why or why not? 3. 35% of our students wrote that they simply like to learn or the classes offered. What are your group members favorite ways to learn? (Through group discussions, projects, class discussions, research and reporting, lecture etc.) GRAPH #3 WHERE CAN FHS IMPROVE? What area do you feel Fitzge rald needs more suppo rt or could impro ve upon (Besid es the cafete ria food)? 9th 10th 11th 12th School Average Teachers (staff, class time with distracting students) 13% Lunch/food 12% Hallsweeps 11% Extracurr/Clubs 7% Sports 1% Start time, Class time, hallsweeps, passing time, Classrooms, Pool, School Spirit, Lack of freedom, Temperatures, Scholarships, Career options All 1% Teachers(staff, class time with distracting students) 30% Lunch/food 7% Extra/Clubs 10% Sports 6% Maintenance of building 8% Bathrooms 6% Start time, Class time, hallsweeps, passing time, Classrooms, Pool, School Spirit, Lack of freedom, Temperatures, Scholarships, Career options All 1% Teachers (staff, class time with distracting students) 17% Clubs/Activities (more activities wanted) 15% Lack of School Spirit 16% Lack of funding 6% Sports (more variety) 5% Food/Cafeteria 2% 3% or lower Bathrooms, Classes, tutoring needed, student behavior, hallways, environment, learning, bored Clubs/Activities/ Lack of School Spirit 17% Teachers(staff, class time with distracting students) 15% Lunch/food 12% Sports (More variety) 10% Policies 5% Bored 3% 3% or lower Class time, Hallsweeps, passing time, Student motivation, Open Enrollment, Student elections, more variety of (gym) classes, metal detectors, real world application, more interaction with students/staff Teachers(staff, class time with distracting students) 19% Extra, Clubs, Lack of school spirit 13% Lunch/Food 8% DATA ANALYSIS GRAPH #3 WHERE CAN FHS IMPROVE? THESE WERE OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS. SO, STUDENTS COULD WRITE WHAT THEY REALLY THOUGHT. 1. Your #3 concern was with regards to the cafeteria/food. Due to laws and contracts, we cannot change at this time. What else could be done to improve the atmosphere of the cafeteria? 2. The #2 school wide improvement requested by students was Extracurricular Activities, Clubs, and lack of school spirit 13%. What are some activities you would like to see (that would follow our school rules) at FHS? What are your suggestions to INCREASE school spirit? 3. The #1 school wide improvement requested by students was Teachers(staff, class time with distracting students) 19%. Can you give a SPECIFIC reason (without naming names) why this was #1 in your groups eyes? WE WOULD LIKE TO HERE FROM YOU… Please take about 5 minutes with your group to discuss and answer the questions on this and the next slide. Think about a class that you LEARNED the most in. WHY were you able to LEARN so much? Please take all group member responses down and BE SPECIFIC as possible. WE ARE HOPING TO PUT TOGETHER THE FOLLOWING PROGRAMS/ACTIVITIES AFTER THE NEW YEAR. PLEASE TAKE A FEW MOMENTS AND SIGN YOUR FULL NAMESTUDENT IN THE AREAS YOUFITWOULD BE INTERESTED PARTICIPATING. CHALLENGE: FITZ GivingIN Back Project: MENTORING LEADERSHIP TEAM: This team would meet with the Principal/Assistant Principals to discuss concerns student concerns on certain topics, sharing FHS achievements, and exchanging school improvement ideas. (2 times a trimester.) Last year the teachers competed in teams against each other to see who could get the most steps (using pedometers) Would you be interested in competing against the teachers? We would like to use one of the Think.Respect sessions to work on a community service project. What cause interests you the most (vote as a small group). If you are interested in having an upperclassmen work with you on improving your grades, focus, or just to keep you on track. Please write your name below. ___ Homeless ___ Animals ___ The Environment ___ Health concerns ___Other: Please write below IT’S A CHOICE…FOR ALL OF US Besides taking your suggestions and acting on them, what can we ALL do to make Fitzgerald a positive experience? GOOD NEWS For the 1st trimester there was a 9% reduction in failures after 3 years of increases…AND… 2,564 As/Bs were earned this past trimester. This is a 9% increase from last year and the most As/Bs in over 4 years! Keep it up! CHOOSE TO HAVE A GOOD “1+20+20+9+20+21+4 +5” (100%) = ATTITUDE TEACHERS Please collect DATA ANALYSIS sheets from each group. Please pass out the 2nd trimester SMART Goal sheet. THINK RESPECT Take a few minutes to think about a new SMART Goal and write it down. If it’s the same as last trimester, please write it down again with any changes. If you need to fill out a counseling request form, green request form, please do so and hand in to your Think.Respect teacher THINK.RESPECT CARDS Fill out a postcard thanking your favorite TEACHER OR STAFF MEMBER. Teachers please recollect the 2nd trimester SMART Goals. You have 24 hours to hand deliver. EXTRA TIME…. “Look Up” 5 Minutes SOMETHING for US all to think about…. 55% of what you communicate is nonverbal (body language). While you are communicating with someone on your phone, what might you be communicating to your teachers (if the classroom is RED)? Discuss: Do you agree with the perspective of this poet or do you disagree? HAVE A GREAT BREAK!!! See you in 2015!