Move 2: Burpee

Warm Up: Jog in place for 5 minutes.
Move 1: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 2.
Move 2: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 3.
Move 3: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 4.
Move 4: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 5, which is a 1-minute rest.
Move 5: Rest for 1 minute. Keep your body straight (do not hunch over) to keep your airways open. Kick your legs out,
stretch your arms, catch your breath. After 1 minute of rest, repeat moves 1-5 three more times.
Cool Down: After repeating the sequence a total of 4 times, begin your cool down. Walk for a few minutes and stretch for
5-10 minutes.
Friday, November 1:
Move 1: Kneeling Leg Lift
1. Start on all fours with a flat back and keep the abs pulled in tight (belly button to spine). Place a light dumbbell
behind the left knee.
2. Keeping left leg bent, lift behind you so that your thigh is parallel to the ceiling. Squeeze butt and flex foot,
pressing foot towards the ceiling.
3. Bring leg back in, taking knee all the way to the chest; that’s one rep. Perform 30 seconds on each leg keeping the
weight balanced behind the knee.
Kneeling Leg Lift Modification: Ditch the dumbbell.
Move 2: Chair Dip
1. Sit on the edge of a stable chair and place your hands behind your hips. Lift your butt off the seat and walk your
feet forward until your legs are fully extended. Your hands will be resting on the edge of the chair.
2. Inhale, bend your arms, and lower your butt while keeping your legs straight. Stop when your elbows are bent at
90-degree angles. Exhale and push yourself back up by using your arms. Push up until your arms are fully
3. Repeat as many times as you can for 60 seconds.
Chair Dip Modification: Walk your feet in closer to the chair and keep legs bent. Your feet should be flat on the ground as
opposed to just your heels in the advanced version.
Move 3: Stability Ball Chest Press
1. Hold a pair of dumbbells and lie back on a stability ball, (make sure head, neck and shoulders are supported by
the ball) feet flat on the floor, knees bent at 90-degree angles, ankles directly under knees and hips lifted upward
with abs tight.
2. While keeping this body position, hold dumbbells by chest with palms facing forward and press them straight
3. Lower weights and repeat, keeping core tight to stabilize your body.
4. Repeat this as many times as possible for 60 seconds.
Stability Ball Chest Press Modification: Remove ball and lie on floor or bench.
Move 4: Reverse Fly on Stability Ball
1. Lie face down on top of a stability ball with your chest hanging just off the ball and your feet in a wide
stance. Hold dumbbells in each hand, palms facing each other, letting your arms hang straight down from
your shoulders.
2. Pull the shoulders back and down and lift your arms up and out to your sides. Stop when your arms are at
shoulder level and squeeze shoulder blades.
3. Return arms to start position and repeat this movement for 60 seconds.
Reverse Fly on Stability Ball Modification: Ditch the dumbbells and decrease your range of motion.
Saturday, November 2:
Move 1: Deadlift Press
1. Begin standing with feet shoulder-width apart with a slight bend in your knees, palms facing down on the tops of
your thighs, grasping a dumbbell in each hand.
Keeping the bend in your knees and arms extended, bend at your hips and lower your dumbbells as far as
possible. Keep your spine neutral, shoulders down and keep your gaze forward, not at the ground. Pause at the
bottom of the move, then squeeze your glutes to raise yourself back to the starting position.
Bring the dumbbells to shoulder height (creating a 90-degree angle with your arms) and press overhead. Return
to start position and repeat this movement for 60 seconds.
Deadlift Press Modification: Ditch the dumbbells.
Move 2: Crossover Lunge with Bicep Curl
1. Stand straight with your feet facing forward and dumbbells in hands at sides with palms facing forward.
2. Step out and cross your lead foot in front of your back foot. This should look like a curtsy. (Make sure your knee
stays behind your toes). At the same time you are lunging, curl dumbbells upward toward shoulders.
3. Pause in the lunge and then push yourself back to starting position, lowering weights to sides. Repeat with
alternating legs for 60 seconds.
Crossover Lunge with Bicep Curl Modification: Ditch the weights. Decrease your range of motion: don’t cross over as far or
lunge as deep.
Move 3: Plank Knee to Elbow
1. Start in a push up plank position with your hands underneath your shoulders and your back flat.
2. Bring right knee to the outside of the right elbow, keeping core tight, contracting obliques. Pause and return to
the start position.
3. Alternate between the left and right leg for 60 seconds.
Plank Knee to Elbow Modification: Drop your knees to the floor.
Move 4: Cross Body Punches with Resistance Band
1. Begin with feet wider than shoulder-width apart with both feet placed on the resistance band. Keep knees soft
and grasp the handle of the resistance band in each hand, holding the bands at waist-level.
Pivot on your right toe as you upper cut punch with your right arm. Your right arm upper cut will go to the left;
your left arm upper cut will go to the right. Repeat to the opposite side. Do this as many times as possible for 60
Cross Body Punches with Resistance Band Modification: Ditch the resistance band.
Warm Up: Jog in place for 5 minutes.
Move 1: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 2.
Move 2: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 3.
Move 3: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 4.
Move 4: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 5, which is a 1-minute rest.
Move 5: Rest for 1 minute. Keep your body straight (do not hunch over) to keep your airways open. Kick your legs out,
stretch your arms, catch your breath. After 1 minute of rest, repeat moves 1-5 three more times.
Cool Down: After repeating the sequence a total of 4 times, begin your cool down. Walk for a few minutes and stretch for
5-10 minutes.
Sunday, November 3: REST DAY
Monday, November 4:
Move 1: Dumbbell Row
1. Begin standing with feet shoulder-width apart with a slight bend in your knees, palms facing down on the tops of
your thighs, grasping a dumbbell in each hand.
2. Keeping the bend in your knees and arms extended, bend at your hips and lower your dumbbells as far as
possible. Keep your spine neutral, shoulders down and keep your gaze forward, not at the ground. Pause at the
bottom of the move, then squeeze your glutes to raise yourself back to the starting position.
3. Keeping your abs tight and without rounding the back, row the weights upward by raising your upper arms,
bending your elbows, and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Pause at the top and lower the dumbbells to
the starting position. Repeat this movement for 60 seconds.
Dumbbell Row Modification: Ditch the dumbbells.
Move 2: Push Up with Triceps Extension
1. Grab a pair of dumbbells and get in push up plank position with your hands grasping the handles of the weights.
2. Pull the dumbbell in your left hand upward, bending at the elbow. Try to graze your left side when you “row” the
dumbbell up, keeping your elbow straight. Pause, then kick your arm straight back into a tricep extension,
extending only from the elbow.
3. Bend the arm back and place the dumbbell on the floor and lower your body to the floor. That is one rep. Push
yourself back up and complete movement with the other arm. Do this as many times as possible, alternating
arms for 60 seconds.
Push Up with Triceps Extension Modification: Remove the push up and/or ditch the dumbbells.
Move 3: Switch Kicks
1. Begin sitting on the ground with hands situated behind you, fingers pointed in toward your butt and both feet
placed on the ground in front of you.
2. Raise the butt up off the floor and kick the right leg straight up into the air bringing it back down and quickly
kicking up the left. Continue doing this as many time as possible for 60 seconds.
Move 4: Horizontal Bicep Curl
1. Stand with legs shoulder-width apart. Keep chest up and back straight. With a dumbbell in each hand, lift arms
out to your sides even with your shoulders and palms facing upward.
2. Bend arms at the elbows curling the weight in toward your ears. Pause and then slowly uncurl the arms. Do not
drop the arms back to your side. Keep the arms extended out to your sides and repeat the curl. Do this as many
reps as possible for 60 seconds.
Horizontal Extension Bicep Curl Modification: Ditch the dumbbells.
Tuesday, November 5:
Move 1: Stability Ball V-Pass
1. Lie face up on the floor with arms and feet extended, grasping a stability ball with both hands.
2. In one fluid movement, use your entire core to lift your arms and legs off the ground, keeping legs and arms
straight the entire time.
3. Transfer the ball from your hands to your feet and allow yourself to lower back down to the floor. Repeat
passing the ball back and forth as many times as possible for 60 seconds.
Stability Ball V-Pass Modification: Bend knees while performing move or ditch stability ball altogether.
Move 2: Alternating Front Kicks
1. Grab a pair of dumbbells. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders back and hands comfortably at
your sides with palms facing each other.
2. Raise right leg up, keeping it as straight as you can. Lift your weights up at the same time as you lift your leg,
keeping your palms facing each other (hammer curl).
3. Bring your leg and weights down, repeating the movement with your left leg.
4. Try to pick up your pace to the point at which you are hopping between kicks. Perform this move for 60 seconds.
Alternating Front Kicks Modification: Ditch dumbbells or slow your pace.
Move 3: Pendulum Leg Swings
1. Start in plank position with your feet on a towel or paper plates.
2. Tighten your core to slide your feet horizontally to the left as far as you can go. Keep your feet together as you
slide. Pause and slide feet as far to your right side as you can. Continue this back and forth movement for 60
Pendulum Leg Swings Modification: Instead of sliding both feet to the side at the same time, step one foot out to the side at a
Move 4: Frog Jumps
1. Start in a squat position with knees softly bent.
2. Jump up, lifting legs as high as you can off the ground. As you fall down, drop all the way to the floor.
3. You should be in a deep squatted position with knees pointing slightly outward and your hands on the floor.
Repeat the jumping motion without breaking up the movement for 60 seconds.
Frog Jumps Modification: Decrease your range of motion on both the jump and the drop. Hop rather than jump and squat
rather than touch the floor.
Wednesday, November 6: REST DAY
Thursday, November 7:
Move 1: Reverse Lunge
1. Stand tall with feet hip-width apart, hands on your hips and shoulders back.
2. Keeping your upper body still and core tight, take one large step back with your right foot, then bend both knees
to lower into a lunge, front leg should be parallel to the ground.
3. Press through your left heel and return to start position. Repeat move, this time stepping back with your left
foot. Continue alternating legs for 60 seconds.
Move 2: Alien Squat
1. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes turned out and hands on hips. Bend at knees and lower
your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
2. Keeping body low in sumo squat position, flick both feet out at knees in a quick, powerful burst.
3. Perform this move as fast as you can for 60 seconds.
Alien Squat Modification: Alternate leg kicks on each side.
Move 3: Bicep Curl Step Up
1. Stand in front of a sturdy chair with feet shoulder-width apart, arms down at your sides grasping dumbbells in
each hand with palms facing forward. Place right foot on the chair. Keep weight in right leg and lift yourself to a
standing position on top of chair. As you are standing, curl weights toward shoulders.
2. Step back down and lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.
3. Alternate legs each time. Do this as many times as possible for 60 seconds.
Bicep Curl Step Up Modification: Ditch the dumbbells and find a shallower surface to step up on.
Move 4: Power Squats
1. Place your hands behind your head with your elbows facing out. Stand with your legs a little wider than
shoulder-width apart. Squat down, bending your knees and pushing your butt back as if you were sitting in a
chair. Make sure your knees stay behind your toes.
2. Explode up through the balls of your feet into a vertical leap with your legs fully extended. As you land softly,
sink back into the squat position, keeping your knees softly bent. Never land with your legs still extended and do
not fully lock your knees out. That is one rep. Do as many power squats as you can within 60 seconds.
Power Squat Modification: Do not squat down as deep, and rather than jump, simply rise up and stand on your toes as you
extend your legs.
Friday, November 8:
Move 1: Football Drill
1. Start off in a squat position on the balls of your feet, arms in and bent at elbows, keeping abs tight and spine
straight. Shuffle your feet in place, tapping the balls of your feet on the ground as quickly as you can, switching
from left to right foot and maintaining squat position for 15 seconds.
2. Turn your body to the right by 90 degrees and repeat for 15 seconds.
3. Turn your body to the right by another 90 degrees and repeat for 15 seconds.
4. Turn your body to the right by another 90 degrees and repeat for 15 seconds (you should be back to your
staring position).
Football Drill Modification: Slow the speed of your foot taps.
Move 2: Russian Twist with Kettlebell
1. Get in a seated position on the floor with knees bent. Hold kettlebell above chest as you lower your upper body down
to about a 45-degree angle. Lift your legs and engage your core for balance.
Keeping core tight and shoulders back, rotate to the right as far as you can. See if you can tap the kettlebell to the
Pause then reverse your movement, twisting through the center and to the left as far as you can, tapping kettlebell on
floor. Repeat this motion as many times as possible for 60 seconds. If you feel pain in your lower back, drop feet to
the floor.
Russian Twist Modification: Leave your feet on the floor, knees still bent. You can always do this without the weight and
remember, the farther you lean back the harder the move is.
Move 3: Skater Jumps
1. Cross left leg behind right and bend into a half-squat. Your arms should follow your legs: right arm out to the
side, left arm across hips.
2. Hop to the left, switching your legs and arms. Left-to-right is one rep. Keep hopping from side to side for 60
Skater Jump Modification: Decrease your range of motion and step side to side instead of jumping.
Move 4: Superman
1. Start by lying face down and extending your arms out in front of you.
2. Press your shoulder blades together and lift your arms, chest, and legs off the floor.
3. Hold position for 60 seconds, keeping your head up and your arms extended out in front of you.
Superman Modification: Lift just your legs and chest for 30 seconds and then lift just your arms for 30 seconds.
Saturday, November 9:
Move 1: Kettlebell Swing + Squat
1. Get in a squat position with your legs at least 3 feet apart making sure to keep your knees behind your toes. Keep
your back straight and chest open. Hold your kettlebell with both hands in front of you in between your legs.
2. Keeping your arms straight, swing the kettlebell in an upward motion, without letting your arms extend past
your shoulders. Keep your spine elongated and straight as you push through your legs to standing position.
Lower the kettlebell back down and squat back into starting position. Do not swing the kettlebell behind your
legs. If your feel yourself arching your back or rocking onto your toes, decrease your range of motion or your
weights. Do as many swings as you can in 60 seconds.
Kettlebell Swing + Squat Modification: Decrease your weight and do not squat as low. You can even eliminate the squat
Move 2: Mountain Climbers
1. Get in a push up position. Your body should be in a straight, diagonal line from your head to your toes.
2. Raise your right knee toward your chest.
3. Return to starting position and repeat with left leg. That’s one rep.
4. Alternate legs quickly for 60 seconds.
Mountain Climbers Modification: Decrease your speed and range of motion.
Move 3: Weighted Ball Squat + Toss
1. Grab a medicine ball. Sit in a squat position, hips back with knees behind the toes. Your weight should be in your
heels. The ball should be above your chest, below your chin.
2. Shoot up through your legs, extending your hips. As you extend, vertically launch the ball in the air.
3. Catch the ball and slowly drop back into your starting squat position. Repeat movement for 60 seconds, getting
in as many throws as you can.
Weighted Ball Squat + Toss Modification: Decrease your range of motion and don’t squat down as far. Rather than throwing
the ball, simply raise it above your head at arm’s length.
Move 4: Crab Twist
1. Sit on floor with knees bent in front of you, feet hip-width apart on the floor. Place hands shoulder-width apart
on floor behind you, fingertips facing your tush. Lift your butt so that your body is in reverse tabletop position.
Extend your left leg and place your right hand behind your head, elbow out.
2. Crunch diagonally, bringing your left knee to your right elbow. Perform this move for 30 seconds and then
switch to the other side and perform the move for another 30 seconds.
Crab Twist Modification: When in reverse tabletop position, simply raise your knee to your chest.
Warm Up: Jog in place for 5 minutes.
Move 1: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 2.
Move 2: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 3.
Move 3: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 4.
Move 4: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 5, which is a 1-minute rest.
Move 5: Rest for 1 minute. Keep your body straight (do not hunch over) to keep your airways open. Kick your legs out,
stretch your arms, catch your breath. After 1 minute of rest, repeat moves 1-5 three more times.
Cool Down: After repeating the sequence a total of 4 times, begin your cool down. Walk for a few minutes and stretch for
5-10 minutes.
Sunday, November 10: REST DAY
Monday, November 11:
Move 1: Plank Jack
1. Place your hands on the floor directly beneath shoulders in push up plank position. Your body should be in a
straight, diagonal line from your head to toes. Do not let your stomach sag or arch.
2. Jump your feet out to the sides, and then back to center like a jumping jack. Repeat this move for 60 seconds.
Plank Jack Modification: Instead of jumping, step alternating legs out to the side and then back in.
Move 2: Single Leg Dumbbell Row
1. Bend at the hips and lower your torso until it's nearly parallel to the floor. Raise one leg and hold it in the air.
Your lower back should be naturally arched.
2. Row the dumbbells to the sides of your torso. Your palms should be facing each other. Alternate leg raises for
each set. Repeat as many times as you can for 60 seconds.
Move 3: Reverse Fly on Stability Ball
1. Lie face down on top of a stability ball with your chest hanging just off the ball and your feet in a wide
stance. Hold dumbbells in each hand, palms facing each other, letting your arms hang straight down from
your shoulders.
2. Pull the shoulders back and down and lift your arms up and out to your sides. Stop when your arms are at
shoulder level and squeeze shoulder blades.
3. Return arms to start position. Repeat this as many times as possible for 60 seconds.
Reverse Fly on Stability Ball Modification: Ditch the dumbbells and decrease your range of motion.
Move 4: Reverse Bicep Curl
1. Begin standing with feet shoulder-width apart, palms face down on the tops of thighs, grasping a dumbbell in
each hand.
2. While keeping your upper arms stationary, curl the weights up to shoulders by only moving the forearms.
3. In a controlled motion, begin to lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position. Do this as many times
as possible for 60 seconds.
Tuesday, November 12:
Move 1: Tuck Jumps
1. Stand with your feet slightly apart, and place your hands in a boxer’s stance.
2. Squat down, then jump up and bring your knees up towards your chest.
3. Land with soft knees.
4. Do as many tuck jumps as you can in 60 seconds.
Tuck Jumps Modification: Decrease your range of motion by not tucking your knees up as high.
Move 2: Forearm Plank
1. Lie face down on floor resting on your forearms. Push off the floor, raising up onto toes and resting on the
elbows. Keep your back flat, contracting your abdominal muscles while you hold your body in a straight line
from head to toe. Don’t let your butt sag or stick up in the air. Hold in this position for 60 seconds.
Forearm Plank Modification: Drop your knees to the floor a few times during the 60 seconds.
Move 3: Jump Rope
1. Stand tall with rope handles in each hand, resting rope on the floor behind you.
2. Swing the rope up and over your head keeping your arms to your sides and jump over the rope as it hits the
ground. Keep the rotation in your wrists rather than moving your entire arms.
3. Stay on your toes as you jump and keep a soft bend in your knees.
4. Vary your jumps: two feet, one foot at a time, high knees, etc. Try to increase your speed as you progress.
Jump Rope Modification: Decrease your range of motion by not jumping as high. You can also drop the rope all together and
imitate the wrist rotations.
Move 4: Stability Ball Roll Outs
1. Kneel behind a stability ball with your knees hip-width apart. Rest your forearms on the ball with your hands
2. Keeping your back flat and core in tight. Brace your core and slowly roll forward as far as possible, straightening
your arms as far as you can without allowing your hips to drop.
3. Hold this position, then bend your elbows and roll the ball back in toward start position. Do this as many times
as possible for 60 seconds.
Wednesday, November 13: REST DAY
Thursday, November 14:
Move 1: Plank Twist on Chair
1. Start in a push up plank position with your hands on a sturdy chair and toes on the floor. Keep your back flat and
abs tight.
2. Bring left knee under chest and to the outside of the right elbow, keeping core tight and contracting obliques.
Pause and return to the start position. Alternate between the left and right leg for 60 seconds.
Plank Twist on Chair Modification: Decrease range of motion when you bring your knees in to elbows.
Move 2: Standing Fire Hydrant with Soft Ball
1. Stand straight directly behind a sturdy chair and place your fingertips lightly on the chair back with abs in tight.
Place a soft ball in the crook of your knee.
2. Lift left knee up and out until it is the same level as your hip, keeping knee bent, foot flexed and a tight “grip” on
the ball. Lower to start position. Repeat this movement for 30 seconds, switch legs and perform movement on
opposite leg for another 30 seconds.
Move 3: Sumo Squat with Bicep Curl
1. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Turn toes out while holding a pair of dumbbells at sides,
palms facing forward.
2. Bend at knees and lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
3. Push yourself back up and curl the weights up to your shoulders.
4. Perform this move as many times as you can for 60 seconds.
Sumo Squat with Bicep Curls Modification: Ditch the dumbbells and don’t squat as deeply.
Move 4: Wall Sit
1. Lean your back against a wall, making sure that your whole back is touching the wall. Your feet should be about
two feet from the wall and about shoulder-width apart from each other.
2. Slowly slide your back down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Aim for a 90-degree angle.
3. Keep your weight in the heels of your feet and make sure your knees are behind your toes. You should be able to
tap your toes.
4. Keep your back flat against the wall. If it starts to arch, slide up until the small of your back is touching the wall
5. Lift right leg for 30 seconds, then switch and lift left leg for 30 seconds.
Wall Sit Modification: Aim for a 45-degree angle to start, but keep the same posture: back flat against wall, weight in your
heels and knees above your ankles rather than over your toes.
Friday, November 15:
Move 1: Wood Choppers
1. Stand tall with your toes pointed forward, feet hip-width apart, hips squared and abs tight. Raise the ball
towards your right shoulder at arms length.
2. Keeping your hips squared and facing forward, rotate your torso slightly to the left and swing the medicine ball
across your chest and down to your left hip. Simultaneously squat as you cross the medicine ball over. Try to
keep your arms extended as well. Keep your chest up the whole time and do not allow your knees to go over
your toes as you squat.
3. Keeping your arms straight, raise both yourself and the medicine ball back to the starting position. Repeat this
movement for 30 seconds, and then switch to the other side for the last 30 seconds.
Wood Chopper Modification: Complete the move without the weighted ball and reduce the depth of your squat.
Move 2: Burpee
1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands tucked behind your head with elbows out.
2. Start with a quick jump then push your hips back, bend your knees and drop down, placing your hands on the
floor in front of you.
3. Kick your legs backward so that you’re now in a push up position. Quickly reverse the movement to return to the
starting position by bringing your feet back into your hands. Push through your feet and jump up to the start
position. That’s one rep.
4. Perform as many burpees as you can in 60 seconds. For an added challenge, add a push up when you have
jumped your feet back to push up position.
Burpee Modification: Do not jump up into starting position, and rather than hopping back with both feet, step back one foot
at a time.
Move 3: Thread the Needle
1. Press up into a forearm side plank, with the right elbow below the right shoulder and feet stacked.
2. Raise hips off the floor so your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles.
3. Reach your left hand towards the ceiling with a dumbbell in hand.
4. Slowly tuck your left arm under your body, while keeping the core engaged. Try to keep your hips in this same
5. Extend the right arm back up to the ceiling, keeping your core engaged and hips in the same position. Perform
this move for 30 seconds on one side, then switch to your other side and perform move for 30 seconds.
Thread the Needle Modification: Ditch the dumbbells and perform move with a kickstand (lower your bottom leg to the floor
for added stability).
Move 4: Weighted Jumping Jacks
1. Stand with your feet together and your hands at your sides holding light dumbbells.
2. Jump up and raise your arms above your head while simultaneously kicking your legs out to the sides. You
should form an “X.” Without taking a break, quickly reverse the movement and repeat for 60 seconds.
Weighted Jumping Jacks Modification: Ditch the dumbbells.
Saturday, November 16:
Move 1: Waist Trimmer
1. Sit on the floor with your right knee facing out, right foot against left thigh. Your left knee is also bent, but your
foot is positioned behind you (as pictured below).
2. Lean your weight to your right side and lift your left leg off the ground as high as you can. You’ll feel this in your
waist, hips, thighs and obliques.
3. Repeat this movement for 30 seconds on this side, and then switch your leg position to lift your right leg for 30
Move 2: Bench Squat
1. Begin standing with feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart and about 1 foot out from a step stool, chair or
2. With your arms extended in front of you, keep the weight in your heels and lower into a deep squat position
until your butt touches the bench.
3. Once you reach the bench (without sitting down) explode back up out of the squat to standing position. Perform
this move as many times as you can for 60 seconds.
Bench Squat Modification: Decrease range of motion.
Move 3: Decline Dips with Bench
1. Place a bench (or step) behind your back perpendicular to your body. Hold on to the bench edge with arms fully
extended. Your legs will be extended forward, heels resting on a sturdy chair seat.
2. Lower your body until your upper arms are nearly parallel to the floor, keeping your elbows as close to your
body as possible throughout the movement. Forearms should always be pointing down.
Use your triceps to bring your torso up again, lifting yourself back to the start position. This is one rep. Repeat
move for 60 seconds.
Decline Dips with Bench Modification: Remove the chair and keep heels on the floor.
Move 4: Stability Ball Squats with Bicep Curl
1. Place the stability ball up against a wall and lean your back against it (position ball in the small of your back).
Feet are flat on floor, about 6 -12 inches out from your body. Hands are relaxed at sides holding dumbbells and
elbows are tight to body.
2. Maintaining contact with wall, squat down until thighs are parallel to the floor. At the same time, perform a
bicep curl.
3. Put weight in your heels and slowly push back up out of the squat, returning arms to your sides. Do this as many
times as possible for 60 seconds.
Stability Ball Squat with Bicep Curl Modification: Ditch the dumbbells and don’t squat as deeply.
Warm Up: Jog in place for 5 minutes.
Move 1: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 2.
Move 2: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 3.
Move 3: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 4.
Move 4: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 5, which is a 1-minute rest.
Move 5: Rest for 1 minute. Keep your body straight (do not hunch over) to keep your airways open. Kick your legs out,
stretch your arms, catch your breath. After 1 minute of rest, repeat moves 1-5 three more times.
Cool Down: After repeating the sequence a total of 4 times, begin your cool down. Walk for a few minutes and stretch for
5-10 minutes.
Sunday, November 17: REST DAY
Monday, November 18:
Move 1: Chest Fly/Press Combo
1. Position yourself on a stability ball so that your upper back and head are resting on the ball, your knees are bent
90 degrees and your feet are flat on the floor, glutes engaged (not sagging). Holding a dumbbell in each hand,
extend your arms overhead.
2. Keeping a slight bend in your elbows, lower both arms out to your sides, stopping at shoulder level.
3. Return arms to the overhead position.
4. Now, bend your elbows 90 degrees so your arms form a “goal post” with palms facing away from you. With one
smooth motion, push both weights up as you straighten both arms directly over your shoulders. Repeat this
sequence of moves for 60 seconds.
Move 2: Weighted Arm Circles
1. Grab a pair of light dumbbells and stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your elbows straight
and your palms facing the ground, raise your arms up so they are level with your shoulders.
2. Begin to draw small circles with your weights. Keep your feet grounded, back straight and abs in tight. Do not
arch your back. If you feel yourself swaying, drop to a lower set of dumbbells.
3. Switch directions between clockwise and counterclockwise after 30 seconds.
Arm Circle Modification: Ditch the dumbbells.
Move 3: Crossover Hammer Curl
1. Start in standing position with feet shoulder-width apart holding a dumbbell in each hand.
2. Begin with your arms fully extended with palms turned in. Cross the right arm over the body and across the
chest, curling the dumbbell up toward your opposite shoulder.
3. Slowly return the right arm back to your right side and repeat with the left arm, alternating arms each time.
4. Do this as many times as you can for 60 seconds.
Crossover Hammer Curl Modification: Grab lighter dumbbells or go at a slower pace.
Move 4: Ski Jumps
1. Stand with your feet together and your toes facing forward. Bend your arms slightly at the elbow, keeping your
elbows tucked in to the sides of your body. Make loose fists with your hands.
2. Keeping your chest up and your back straight, bend at the knees lowering yourself into a squat.
3. Tighten your core and push off both feet. Jump laterally to the left, landing gently with bent knees. Push off both
your feet again, as quickly as you can, jumping laterally to the right. Pump your arms forward with every lift-off
and lower them as you land.
4. Try to find a rhythm between your feet and your arms as you jump from side to side. Do as many ski jumps as
you can in 60 seconds.
Ski Jumps Modification: Decrease your range of motion by jumping shorter distances and squatting down less.
Tuesday, November 19:
Move 1: Bicycle Crunches
1. Lie on back with knees and hips at a 90-degree angle. Place hands behind your head. Exhale as you lift head and
shoulders off the floor. Twist torso to the right, bringing left shoulder in to touch your right knee. Keep left leg
straight and lifted off the floor.
2. Inhale as you slowly lower. Repeat, twisting torso to the left. Continue alternating sides for 60 seconds.
Bicycle Crunches Modification: Feet can return to the floor after each rep.
Move 2: 180-Degree Squat Jump
1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, elbows bent at a 90-degree angle in a boxer’s stance.
2. Jump up and rotate 180 degrees in the air. Land in a squat position, facing the opposite way. Don’t extend your
knees over your toes and land softly and in control. That’s one rep.
3. To make it harder, tuck your knees as high into your body as you can during the jump.
4. Repeat as many times as you can in 60 seconds.
180-Degree Squat Jump Modification: Decrease range of motion by lessening the angle of the turn or removing the jump.
Move 3: Reverse Crunch on Stability Ball
1. Lie face down on top of a stability ball; keep your feet planted on the ground in a wide stance. With your hands
placed behind your head, pull your chest up, contracting the lower back, butt and hamstrings.
2. At the top of the motion take a slight pause then slowly lower yourself back down allowing yourself to curl
around the ball. Do this as many times as possible for 60 seconds.
Reverse Crunch on Stability Ball Modification: Decrease your range of motion.
Move 4: Heisman
1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms up in boxer stance.
2. Draw your knee up towards your chest and hold for 5 seconds, then switch feet to opposite side with a small
hop, leaning towards the other direction. Repeat hold for 5 seconds. Do as many reps as possible for 60
Wednesday, November 20: REST DAY
Thursday, November 21:
Move 1: Good Mornings
1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart resting a pair of dumbbells on your shoulders.
2. Keeping your knees slightly bent and your torso straight, slowly bend from your hips until your upper body is
parallel to the floor. Pause and return to start. Repeat move for 60 seconds.
Move 2: Power Squat
1. Place your hands behind your head with your elbows facing out. Stand with your legs a little wider than
shoulder-width apart. Squat down, bending your knees and pushing your butt back as if you were sitting in a
chair. Make sure your knees stay behind your toes.
2. Explode up through the balls of your feet into a vertical leap with your legs fully extended.
3. As you land softly, sink back into the squat position, keeping your knees softly bent. Never land with your legs
still extended and do not fully lock your knees out.
4. That is one repetition. Do as many power squats as you can within 60 seconds.
Power Squat Modification: Do not squat down as deep, and rather than jump, simply rise up and stand on your toes as you
extend your legs.
Move 3: Fire Hydrant
1. Start on all fours with a flat back, and keep the abs pulled in tight (belly button to spine).
2. Lift left knee up and out until it is the same level as your hip, keeping knee bent and foot flexed.
3. Lower to start position. That’s one rep. Perform this move for 30 seconds on each leg.
Move 4: Kneeling Leg Lift with Dumbbell
1. Start on all fours with a flat back. Keep abs pulled in tight (belly button to spine) and place a dumbbell in the
crook of your right knee.
2. Raise right leg with the dumbbell off the floor and press your foot up to the ceiling, giving your tush an extra
tight squeeze at the top of the movement.
3. Lower leg and repeat. Perform this move for 30 seconds on each leg.
Kneeling Leg Lift with Dumbbell Modification: Ditch the dumbbell.
Friday, November 22:
Move 1: Flutter Kicks
1. Lie on a mat with your legs fully extended.
2. Raise your legs to a 45-degree angle, hovering over your mat. Keep abs tight and raise your shoulders off the
3. Extend your arms down towards the side, palms facing down.
4. Kick legs in a quick up and down motion for 60 seconds.
Flutter Kick Modification: Lie completely on your back, placing your hands beneath your butt for added back support. Lift
your legs higher to make the move easier.
Move 2: High Knees + Butt Kickers
1. Stand tall with your core pulled in and your shoulders back.
2. Keep this posture and raise your right knee as high as you can.
3. Lower it back and repeat with your left leg.
4. Pick up your pace and go as fast as you can, raising your knees as high as possible. Do this for 30 seconds.
5. After 30 seconds, switch to butt kickers. Rather than bringing your knees to your chest, you are going to drive
your heels back and up towards your butt. Bend at the knee, stay on the balls of your feet and alternate kicks as
fast as you can for 30 seconds.
High Knees Modification: You can always walk this move out. Rather than increasing your speed, stay at a steady march,
while continuing to raise knees up to your chest. Butt Kickers Modification: Don’t kick as high back. Aim to kick at a 45degree angle from the knee.
Move 3: Crazy Ivans
1. Sit down on a mat with your medicine ball next to your left hip, keeping your knees bent. Slowly lean your upper
body back to a 45-degree angle.
2. Raise your feet up with knees bent, and cross your right foot over your left.
3. Rotate your upper body to bring the medicine ball from your left hip up and across so that it is over your right
shoulder. It should be above your forehead.
4. Bring the ball back down to your left hip, tap the mat, and repeat.
5. Do as many reps as you can within 60 seconds. Alternate your starting side after 30 seconds.
Crazy Ivan Modification: Keep your feet on the ground or ditch the medicine ball.
Move : Star Jumps
1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, elbows bent at a 90-degree angle in a boxer’s stance.
2. Jump up, pushing through the balls of your feet and kick your legs out while simultaneously reaching your arms
up and out to the sides. You should make an “X” shape in the air, much like a jumping jack.
3. Land back in the squatted position keeping a soft bend in your knees. Perform as many star jumps as you can in
60 seconds.
Star Jumps Modification: Instead of jumping, simply jack out, keeping it at a small hop.
Saturday, November 23:
Move 1: Shoulder Press Step Up
1. Stand in front of a sturdy chair or bench with feet shoulder-width apart and arms down at your sides, grasping
dumbbells in each hand with palms facing forward.
2. Place right foot on the bench. Keep weight in right leg and lift yourself to a standing position on top of bench. As
you’re standing, press weights up toward ceiling, keeping your palms forward.
3. Step back down and lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.
4. Repeat move, alternating the leg you step up with each time for 60 seconds.
Shoulder Press Step Up Modification: Lower the height of the bench or grab lighter dumbbells.
Move 2: Cross Body Jacks
1. Begin with feet shoulder-width apart, and jack out and down into a squat position, swinging the right arm over
across the body toward the left leg. Then pop up bringing the feet back to center.
2. Repeat this motion by taking the left arm across the body to the right leg. Do this as many times as possible for
60 seconds.
Cross Body Jack Modification: Remove the jumps and keep your squat shallow.
Move 3: Side Step Kick Out
1. Stand next to a step, bench or stool holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides and feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Step your left foot firmly onto step, bench or stool lifting right leg out to the side while raising your arms until
they are at shoulder height.
3. Repeat for 30 seconds and then change sides and repeat for another 30 seconds.
Side Step Kick Out Modification: Remove the step and/or ditch the dumbbells.
Move 4: Shoulder Push Ups
1. Start in a downward dog position. Pull shoulders back and tighten abs and glutes.
2. Lower your forehead down toward the floor as far as possible.
3. Push yourself back up into the starting position. Repeat this move as many times as possible for 60 seconds.
Shoulder Push Up Modification: Put a bend in the knees and perform the move.
Warm Up: Jog in place for 5 minutes.
Move 1: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 2.
Move 2: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 3.
Move 3: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 4.
Move 4: Complete as many reps as you can for 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds, immediately begin move 5, which is a 1-minute rest.
Move 5: Rest for 1 minute. Keep your body straight (do not hunch over) to keep your airways open. Kick your legs out,
stretch your arms, catch your breath. After 1 minute of rest, repeat moves 1-5 three more times.
Cool Down: After repeating the sequence a total of 4 times, begin your cool down. Walk for a few minutes and stretch for
5-10 minutes.
Sunday, November 24: REST DAY
Monday, November 25:
Move 1: Weighted Scissor Arms
1. Begin in standing position grasping a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing each other.
2. Lower yourself into a squat by bending your knees and sitting back as if you were in a chair. Keep your chest up,
knees behind your toes and your butt down.
3. Extend your arms out in front of you at shoulder height, palms still facing one another. Stay put in squat position
with arms almost locked and “scissor” your arms in a quick up and down motion for 60 seconds.
Weighted Scissor Arms Modification: Ditch the dumbbells and do not squat as deep.
Move 2: Wide Push Ups
1. Begin on all fours in a push up position but place your hands on the floor so they are about twice the distance of
shoulder-width apart.
2. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor. Pause at the bottom, and then push yourself back up
to the starting position. Keep your back flat, contracting your abdominal muscles while you hold your body in a
straight line from head to toe. Don’t let your butt sag or stick up in the air.
3. Do as many wide push ups as you can for 60 seconds.
Wide Push Up Modification: Drop knees to the floor.
Move 3: Kettlebell Swing + Squat
1. Get in a squat position with your legs at least 3 feet apart making sure to keep your knees behind your toes. Keep
your back straight and chest open. Hold your kettlebell with both hands in front of you in between your legs.
2. Keeping your arms straight, swing the kettlebell in an upward motion, without letting your arms extend past
your shoulders. Keep your spine elongated and straight as you push through your legs to standing position.
3. Lower the kettlebell back down and squat back into starting position. Do not swing the kettlebell behind your
4. If your feel yourself arching your back or rocking onto your toes, decrease your range of motion or your weights.
Do as many swings as you can in 60 seconds.
Kettlebell Swing + Squat Modification: Decrease your weight and do not squat as low. You can even eliminate the squat
Move 4: Chair Dips
1. Sit on the edge of a stable chair and place your hands behind your hips. Lift your butt off the seat and walk your
feet forward until your legs are extended. Your hands will be resting on the edge of the chair.
2. Inhale, bend your arms, and lower your butt while keeping your legs straight. Stop when your elbows are bent at
90-degree angles. Exhale and push yourself back up by using your arms. Push up until your arms are fully
3. Repeat as many times as you can for 60 seconds.
Chair Dips Modification: Walk your feet in closer to the chair and keep legs bent. Your feet should be flat on the ground as
opposed to just your heels in the advanced version.
Tuesday, November 26:
Move 2: Skull Crusher with Weighted Ball
1. Lie on your back on top of a bench with a narrow grip on a weighted ball.
2. Position the ball over your shoulders with arms extended.
Lower the ball to your forehead by bending just at the elbows. Pause then extend the arms and repeat. Do this as
many times as possible for 60 seconds.
Skull Crusher with Weighted Ball Modification: Remove the step and lie on the floor.
Move 2: Up + Overs
1. Start in plank position, but with knees bent.
2. Keeping arms locked, knees bent and legs together throughout, propel legs up and over to right side of side of
your mat. Then explode to the left side of your mat for one rep. Continue exploding up and over to each side for
as many reps as possible for 60 seconds.
Up + Overs Modification: Instead of hopping from side to side, just step at your own pace.
Move 3: Russian Twist with Kettlebell
4. Get in a seated position on the floor with knees bent. Hold kettlebell above chest as you lower your upper body down
to about a 45-degree angle. Lift your legs for added difficulty.
5. Keeping core tight and shoulders back, rotate to the right as far as you can. See if you can tap kettlebell to the floor.
6. Pause, then reverse your movement, twisting through the center and to the left as far as you can, tapping kettlebell
on floor. Repeat this motion as many times as possible for 60 seconds. If you feel pain in your lower back, drop feet to
the floor.
Russian Twist Modification: Leave your feet on the floor, knees still bent. You can always do this without the weight, and
remember, the further you lean back the harder the move is.
Move 4: Hamstring Ball Tucks
1. Lie on your back with your legs straight. Place your feet together on top of the stability ball so that your heels are
resting on the ball and your toes point towards the ceiling. Rest your hands at your sides with palms down.
2. Tighten your core and lift your butt off the floor. Try to keep your back as straight as possible. Slowly roll the ball
in towards your butt. Your feet will end up flat on top of the ball. Slowly roll the ball back to the start position.
Perform this move as many times as you can for 60 seconds.
Hamstring Ball Tucks Modification: Keep your hips on the floor.
Wednesday, November 27: REST DAY
Thursday, November 28:
Move 1: Side Leg Lift on Stability Ball
1. Kneel on one knee and lean hip against the stability ball with the other leg extended.
2. Slowly lift extended leg as high as you can. Slowly lower and repeat for 30 seconds. Then switch legs and repeat
for remaining 30 seconds.
Move 2: Knee Crossover Kicks
1. Start by getting on all fours, keeping your abs pulled in tight and place hands directly underneath your
2. Lift left leg while keeping it bent and cross it behind you and over your right leg at a diagonal direction. Then,
without touching your knee to the mat, extend your left leg back out to the left side until your leg is fully
3. Bring the left knee back to the mat and complete this motion on your right side. Perform this move 60 seconds,
alternating legs after 30 seconds.
Move 3: Reverse Plank with Leg Raise
1. Sit with legs outstretched, hands behind hips and fingers pointing toward tush.
2. Press up onto hands, keeping legs fully extended, heels on floor. (You’ll be in a plank position, but facing the
ceiling instead of the floor.)
3. Raise and lower left leg, keeping core tight and hips in the same position. Repeat movement with right leg.
Perform this move for 60 seconds alternating legs each rep.
Move 4: Knee Strikes
1. Begin in a low lunge position, right leg in front, arms extended over your head. Keep the weight in the heel of the
front foot to ensure proper positioning. Your front leg will stay-put during the entire exercise.
2. Pull your arms in towards your waist while you are bringing your back knee forward towards your chest. You
will continue to move your back leg and your arms forward and back at a very quick pace for 30 seconds. After
30 seconds, switch sides and repeat for 30 seconds.
Reverse Plank with Leg Raise Modification: Lower the height of the leg raise.
Friday, November 29:
Move 1: Reverse Lunge Twist with Weighted Ball
1. Grab a weighted ball and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Lift weighted ball to shoulder level, arms extended out in front of you. Step your left leg back into a lunge,
making sure to keep your thigh parallel to the floor.
3. Twist from your waist as far as you can to the left. Pushing into your left heel, rise to standing position, returning
the ball back to center. Repeat with your right leg and twist right to complete one rep. Perform this move,
alternating between legs as many times as you can for 60 seconds.
Reverse Lunge Twist with Weighted Ball Modification: Ditch the weighted ball and decrease the range of motion on your
Move 2: Alternating Toe Touches
1. Lie flat on the ground with legs straight.
2. Raise your left leg straight up. Contract your abs and touch your right hand up to your left toe.
Come back to the starting position, and raise your right leg straight up. Contract your abs and touch your left
hand up to your right toe. Alternate sides for 60 seconds.
Move 3: Four-Corner Box Jump
1. Grab 4 pieces of paper. Place one index card in each corner of an imaginary box.
2. Start in the middle and get in a squat position with your feet together, knees behind toes and chest up.
3. Jump diagonally to the front right index card. Land on both feet and get back into a squat.
4. Jump to the left card using both feet. Land on both of your feet at the same time in a squat position.
5. Jump back directly behind you landing on both feet at the same time in a squat position.
6. Jump to the right, back corner with the same form.
7. Jump to the front, right index card. That is one rep. Complete as many reps as you can in 60 seconds.
Four Corner Box Jump Modification: Do not squat down as deep and slow your pace.
Move 4: Stair Run
1. Simply sprint up the stairs!
2. Keep your body tall, with your head elevated, and your eyes looking forward.
3. Lead with one leg to the first platform and lead with the other leg to the next platform.
4. Run two steps at a time for increased difficulty.
5. Run as many stairs as you can in 60 seconds.
Stair Run Modification: Go step by step and decrease your pace.
Saturday, November 30:
Move 1: Weighted Leg Circles
1. Place ankle weights on both ankles.
2. Lie on your right side and prop yourself up with your right arm, shoulder directly over your elbow. Stack your
legs on top of each other.
3. Lift your left leg and draw large forward circles with your weights for 30 seconds. Switch sides and perform
exercise on other leg for another 30 seconds.
Weighted Leg Circles Modification: Ditch the ankle weights.
Move 2: Scorpion Twist
1. Lie on your stomach with feet together, arms extended to form a “goal post” with palms facing down, and
forehead hovering above the floor.
2. Lift your right leg.
3. Bend your right knee while squeezing your right glute and twist your hips and reach your right foot over to
touch the ground on the outside of your left leg. Keep your arms and chest on the floor. Return right leg to start
position. Perform this move for 30 seconds and switch to opposite leg and perform move for 30 seconds.
Move 3: Step Jumps
1. Start facing a step (or bench) with feet placed hip-width apart. Bend knees and quickly jump onto the step and
squat as you land. Use arms to increase your momentum.
2. Quickly jump back down with both feet and then back up onto the bench.
3. Perform this move as many times as possible for 60 seconds.
Step Jump Modification: Instead of jumping, step up and down off the step.
Move 4: Push Up Row
1. Grab a pair of weights and get in push-up plank position with your hands grasping the handles of the weights.
2. Lower your body to the floor, pause, then push yourself back up.
3. Once you're back in the starting plank position, pull the weight in your right hand upward, bending at the elbow.
Try to graze your right side when you “row” the dumbbell up, keeping your elbow straight. Pause, then lower the
dumbbell back down, and repeat the same movement with your left arm. That’s one repetition. Repeat as many
times as possible for 60 seconds.
Push Up Row Modification: Drop to your knees and reduce the weight.