The Roles of Political Parties and Interest Groups

By Lauren Sink
While interest groups and political parties each play a
significant role in the United States political system, they
differ in their fundamental goals.
A) Identify the fundamental goal of interest groups
in the political process.
B) Identify the fundamental goal of major political
parties in the political process.
C) Describe two different ways by which interest
groups support the fundamental goal of Political
Parties in the political process.
D) For one of the forms of support you described
in C, explain two different ways in which that form
of support helps interest groups to achieve their
fundamental goal in the political process.
Political Party: A group of office holders,
candidates, activists, and voters who
identify with a group label and seek to elect
to public office individuals who run under
that label
 Interest Group: An organized group that
tries to influence public policy
 Public Policy: An intentional course of
action followed by government in dealing
with some problem or matter of concern
Identify the fundamental goal of interest
groups in the political process
Influence public policy
 Influence Congress/Government
 Change laws
No point is given to the student if they
list a series of goals. It must be THE
fundamental goal
 Example: The fundamental goal of interest
groups is to influence public policy.
Identify the fundamental goal of major
political parties in the political process
Elect people to office of their party
 Gain control of the government
 Influence policy
 As long as you connect it to winning control
of government/electing people to office
Gain a majority of seats in Congress
 Provide a decentralized government
 Divided government
Describe two different ways by which interest
groups support the fundamental goal of political
parties in the political process
Monetary contributions
 Political Action Committee donations
 Media Campaigns
 Independent committees/527s
 Candidate endorsements
 Raise public support of a party’s
 The more money and publicity=success
For one of the forms of support you described in C,
explain two different ways in which that form of support
helps interest groups to achieve their fundamental goal
in the political process
Influence policy makers
 Have like-minded people/policy
advocates in office
 Legislation that helps interest groups
 Basically because they helped the
candidate get elected, the candidate is
likely to support the interest group and
pass legislation in favor of the group.