CEPTA DREAMER’S CLUBHOUSE 6010 Dawson Blvd., Suite B, Norcross, GA. 30093 November 10, 2015 Meeting Minutes Members Present: Allan Goldman, Alan Huth, Ellyn Jeager, Amy Kuhns, Pierluigi Mancini, Linda McCall, Robert McCauley, Sandra Mullins, Ronald Pounds, Yvette Sangster, Faye Taylor, Jean Toole, Sherry Jenkins Tucker, Cynthia Wainscott Members Absent: Marquis Baeszler, Mary Shuman, Bobby Cagle, Neil Campbell, Lynn Copeland, Lee Davis, Jim Degroot, Lucy Hall-Gainer, Erika Johnson, Ron Koon, Michael Link, Bob Poston, Marva Reed, James Risher, Tony Sanchez, Sue Smith, Patrick Waters, Marilyn Watson Department Staff: Lavin Gartland Briggs, Andrew Johnson, Dawne Morgan, Stephanie Pearson, Cassandra Price, Terri Timberlake Guests: Karen Arnold, Alfred Brooks, Craig Goodmark, Cynthia Dunn Haley, Judy Knight, Pat Strode Introductions, Moment of Silence The meeting began with introductions and a moment of silence. Respect Institute and Graduate, Karen Arnold Karen Arnold, a Respect Institute graduate shared her recovery story. Karen said that in 2013 she went into a recovery program with a made up mind to live a different life and has been able to remain drug free and get the help she needs to address her Bi- Polar Disorder. Lori Wade- Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Lori Wade shared a Power Point presentation on MHFA, in which she discussed the overall success of the trainings. She also discussed how organizations in the community, school systems, faith-based communities could benefit from the training. Lori suggested that the MHFA training could benefit agencies all across the State, because it would give more insight on how to support those living with SMI/SED. The contents of the presentation are embedded into the minutes and also attached to this document. MHFA Presentation Power Point MHPAC.ppt Ellyn Jeager-Legislative Updates Ellyn Jeager provided updates about a Children’s Mental Health Study Committee, School Counselor Meetings, a Study Committee Meeting, Senate Meetings about Substance Abuse, Children’s ADHD Study Committee and updates on the DJJ. Ellyn, also announced the date that the Legislative Session begins in 2016. Craig Goodmark-Updates / (GNETS) Georgia Network for Educational and Therapeutic Support Craig Goodmark presented updates on the DOJ letter to Georgia regarding the (GNETS), which stated that the state had created a segregated school system of education for children labeled as having emotional behavior disorders. Mr. Goodmark talked about Psycho Education verses Regular Education and how that has created separation and segregation in the Georgia school system and it being a violation of the American Disabilities Act (ADA). Mr. Goodmark said that the DOJ and Georgia is talking and encouraged advocacy against such a school system. Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) Lavin Garland Briggs- presented DOJ Settlement Updates on behalf of Commissioner Frank Berry. Ms. Lavin Garland Briggs began by talking about the DOJ Settlement Agreement and she stated that the settlement agreement ended officially on June 30, 2015. DBHDD attorneys are in continued conversation with the DOJ. Compliance was reached on many of the key components of Behavioral Health Services and DBHDD is expecting to have a hearing with Judge Pernell, the DOJ and the Independent Reviewer (Elizabeth Jones), where brief status updates will be provided and discussions about the next steps. The Department is moving full steam ahead with a focus on three critical areas that include, DD Priority Plan – 1. Transitioning individuals out of State Hospitals into the Community. 2. Increase Supportive Housing capacity for individuals with Mental Illness 3. Intern, which is the continued development and refinement of the Division of Accountability for Clients and the Division of Performance Management Quality Improvement. Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities(DBHDD) Andrew Johnson- spoke about the FY17 Budget, and noted that the budget request has been presented to Governor Deal. Mr. Johnson talked about the wonderful investments that resulted from the ADA Settlement Agreement, which was 174 million over a five year period for Behavioral Health Services and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services. He said that particularly in Behavioral Health Services the focused seemed to be more on crisis services and that regular and routine services seemed to have been neglected and how that leads to an increased cost in crisis services. All agencies were instructed to give a flat budget. There is increased revenue this year in the State Budget and the Commissioner is asking for some new things. The budget for DBHDD is 1.1 billion for the entire department. There will not be any new money coming into the budget as it relates to the agreement of the settlement. On the Behavioral Health side there has been a request made for three new Behavioral Health Crisis Centers. There is a back log in forensics in jails, a request’s been made for 40 new beds from Georgia Regional/Atlanta for forensic individuals, to address some of the back log that are happening in jails. Mr. Johnson talked about a Hospital Retention Plan to address Staffing Issues. Also, Mr. Johnson announced that third party rate study was conducted on IDD Providers, which shows that if they were offered competitive pay rates they would potentially provide quality services. Mr. Johnson spoke on the issue of comp waiver’s and the importance of continuing to get people into services and Georgia’s obligation to increase the capacity for people to live a successful life. Division Updates November 10 Dvision Updates GBHPAC.pdf Pat Strode-GA. CIT (Georgia Crisis Intervention Team) Power Point Presentation Pat Strode presented a Power Point on the Georgia Crisis Intervention Curriculum, highlighting how Law Enforcement could benefit from the training. She also referred to a recent incident that occurred in Dekalb County where a young man living with Mental Illness being shot and killed by a Law Enforcement Officer. The Power Point is embedded into the minutes, also see attachment. Introduction to GA CIT_MHPAC.ppt Council Business/Announcements Sherry Jenkins Tucker (Chair) announced that there would be an upcoming meeting to adjust the bylaws as MHPAC has transitioned to BHPAC. Sherry asked Council Members if they would give information on who their Permanent Alternates were. Sherry announced that Mental Health Day at the Capital is scheduled for January 20, 2016. Meeting Adjourned at 3:00 p.m.