
Perception refers to the ways in which information is
received through our sense organs. Perception is a
cognitive process involving the recognition and
interpretation of stimuli once they have registered.
Our perception of the world appears to be immediate
and we have no conscious awareness of the brain
activity underlying this ability. However, in spite of this
it involves complex brain processes.
These are visually perceived images that are
different from objective reality. The
information received by the eyes is processed
and gives a perception that is not in line with
that of the source.
Two types of illusion include:
– Physiological illusions
– Cognitive illusions
Physiological Illusions
These are presumed to be the effects on the eyes or
brain of excessive stimulation of a specific type, e.g.
brightness, colour or movement.
An example of this is the Hermann grid illusion. Grey
spots appear at the intersections, a result of the dark
Cognitive Illusions
These are thought to arise from our own
assumptions on the world leading to us
making unconscious conclusions. They are
divided into the following:-
Ambiguous Illusions
These involve a perceptual switch between alternative
interpretations. E.g. Necker Cube or Rubin Vase.
Distorting Illusions
These are characterised by distortions of size or
length. Examples include the Muller- Lyer
illusion or Café wall illusion.
Paradox Illusions
These are generated from objects that are impossible
such as the Penrose triangle or impossible staircase.
The triangle is an illusion dependent on a cognitive
misunderstanding that adjacent edges must join.
Kanizsa Triangle
The brain has a need to see familiar simple objects and
has a tendency to create a whole image from
individual elements. Our brain makes sense of
shapes and symbols putting them together like a
jigsaw puzzle, formulating that which isn't there to
that which is believable.
A floating white triangle, which does not exist, is seen.
The Ponzo Illusion
This uses cues of depth perception to fool the
The converging parallel lines tell the brain that
the image higher in the visual field is further
away and therefore perceived to be longer
although the two yellow lines are of equal
Colour and brightness constancies
The contrast of an object will appear darker
against a black field which reflects less light
compared to a white field even though the
object itself has not changed in colour. The
horizontal bar is the same shade of grey
The Spinning Dancer
Some observers initially see the figure as
spinning clockwise and some counter
clockwise. Additionally, some may see the
figure suddenly spin in the opposite direction.
The illusion derives from an ambiguity from
the lack of visual cues for depth.
The Poggendorff Illusion
This is an optical illusion that involves the brain's perception
of diagonal lines and horizontal and vertical edges.
In the picture, a straight black and red line is obscured by a
grey rectangle. The blue line, rather than the red line,
appears to be a continuation of the black one, which is
clearly shown not to be the case on the second picture. To
this day, it is not known why this illusion happens.
What is bottom up processing?
Based on the assumption that we work from bottom upwards in processing.
It assumes that there is enough information provided in the sensory input to allow
the individual to make sense of the world around, without experience.
analysis of sensory
Information is
relayed to the retina
where the process
of transduction into
electrical impulses
Flow diagram showing bottom up processing
Impulses are then
passed into the
brain and triggers
further responses
along visual
pathways until they
are in the visual
cortex for final
Main components of his theory
His theory of direct perception
originated from the work he carried
out training pilots during WW2. He
found all the information that a pilot
required to land an aircraft was the
total pattern of light that reached the
eye. There was sufficient information
from the horizon line, ground texture,
movement and so on to be able to
land a plane.
From this he developed three main components:
• Optic flow patterns
• Role of invariance
• Affordances
Optic flow patterns
Changes in the flow of the optic array
contain important information about
what type of movement is taking
The flow of the optic array will either
move from or towards a particular
point. If the flow appears to be coming
from the point it means you are
moving towards it. If the optic array is
moving towards the point you are
moving away from it.
Think about when you are on a train
sitting backwards everything appears
to flow past you towards the back of
the train.
red = direction of travel
star = point of which array flows from
purple = flow of optic array
Role of invariants
• Invariants play a part in our everyday lives, they are aspects of the environment
that don't change, even when the observer does move. These invariants supply
us with information that is crucial for accurate perception.
• Texture is also associated with changes in distance as an invariant feature of
visual perception.
• Another invariant is the horizon-ratio relation. The ratio above and below the
horizon is constant for objects of the same size standing on the same ground,
even though they change in size.
The term affordance, is the potential for action offered by objects;
they afford opportunities for particular action. The concept of
affordance further links perception and movement.
Gibson argued that the meaning of an
object can be directly perceived and this
meaning communicates action potential.
Some objects are shaped in a way that
make them look like seats, for example
in the case of a flat stone, of a particular
height. As a result, we are more likely to
sit on a flat stone than do anything else
with it.
Evaluation of his theory
Gibson argued that we don’t make mistakes, but
we do (illusions). He argued that they are
presented to us in an artificial setting however
they do appear in real life (mirages)
He argued that we know what objects are used for
but surely we learn this. Therefore affordances
must be leant. Would an African tribesman know
what a post box is used for?
Infants and animals perceive depth innately.
Wraga(2000) there is no Muller lyer effect when
participants are allowed to walk around a 3D
Gibson exaggerated the role of the optic array/flow
to move successfully around our environment
(Eysnck) – we use binocular disparity as well
Appears that there is water on
the road even though there isn’t.
Neisser developed the
perceptual cycle which
combines both Gregory
and Gibson's theories.
Stimulus information from our
environment is frequently ambiguous
so to interpret it, we require higher
cognitive information either from
past experiences or stored
knowledge in order to draw
conclusions and perceive.
•A lot of environmental information reaches the eye, but
much is lost by the time it reaches the brain (Gregory
estimates about 90% is lost).
•Therefore, the brain has to guess what a person sees
based on past experiences using higher cognitive input. In
this way we are actively constructing our perception of
reality based on our environment and stored information.
Sensory stimuli
cognitive input
from past
experiences and
•Gregory proposed that often when we construct our perception of
reality it involves making more than one hypothesis about what we
actually perceive.
•If we form a correct hypothesis we will perceive correctly, however
if we form an incorrect hypothesis it will lead to errors in our
perception and this explains why we are sometimes tricked by optical
•Our brain has formed an incorrect hypothesis or two equally
plausible hypotheses and is jumping between the two in our actual
•As we walk around our visual world, it is constantly
changing however our perception of the world is
•If our perception is only based on retinal image
(proximal image) objects would appear to grow and
change in shape.
•Size constancy refers to our ability to see objects as
more or less the same regardless of changes to the
•Therefore size constancy is a way of maintaining a
stable visual world.
Perceptual Errors
 Gregory believed that we
make perceptual errors, and
that our retinal images are
innately ambiguous.
 Of course there are some
properties that our eyes
cannot signal e.g. weight,
Temperature etc.
 Sometimes we formulate the
wrong hypotheses, optical
illusions are a good example
of this.
 Research also suggests that
our perception of objects
are influenced by prior
expectations or stored
knowledge. It has been
proposed that stored set
knowledge makes
perception more efficient by
reducing the choices
available and speeds up the
recognition process.
If you look at this illusion for a while you will
notice that it originally looks like two
intersecting squares, however with further
attention it changes orientations, and jumps
backwards and forwards.
Gregory explained this in terms of hypothesis
There are various examples of illusions that
can be applied to Gregory’s hypothesis
testing theory. One is the Rat-man, because
no context is provided we assume it is both
a rat and a man, our brain switches between
both images.
A popular illusion is the young and old woman
that can be applied similarly to Gregory’s
hypothesis testing theory.
Our Research on Rat Man
 Based on the study by Bugelski
 We wanted to see if a set of stimulus images
influenced perception of an ambiguous image.
 E.g. Looking at an old woman and cat and then
looking at the rat man illusion
 Our results were non conclusive.
What would you expect to find
in your kitchen?
Schemas are sets of ideas
about an object or activity
which come from past
experiences and may be taken
in from the wider culture.
Our Investigation
Hypothesis: Biederman, Glass and Stacy suggested that when we
are presented with a photograph of an organised setting, we are
able to remember more objects compared to if we were shown
the same objects but in an unorganised pile. They said that this
was because people have developed schemas for everyday
familiar settings.
We aimed to prove this statement correct by undergoing our
own adaptation of the study!
Procedure: We used 24 St Gabriel’s sixth formers. We showed 12 girls in
group 1 a slide for 2 seconds of an organised everyday place setting. They
were then asked to immediately recall as many objects in the photograph
for 15 seconds. 12 girls from group 2 were shown the same objects as
group 1, however, these were shown against a blank background and were
presented in an unorganised pile. They also had to recall as many objects
immediately after for 15 seconds.
Group 1: Organised -> used their
Group 2: Unorganised -> could
not use their schema
Results: Unfortunately we could not accept our hypothesis as our results
were actually the opposite of what we had expected!
Mail box or
Expectations may be
generated by the context
in which an object is
A famous study by Palmer
showed participants
regularly mistaking the
presence of a mail box for
a toaster when shown in
the context of a kitchen
Carpentered World Hypothesis
Segall, Campbell & Herskovitz
• People from built up areas are more likely to
be fooled by the Műller-lyer illusion.
• Built up Western societies have the tendency
to interpret trapezoid shapes as rectangles,
and acute angles as right angles.
• Westerners are also used to interpreting twodimensional drawings as three-dimensional
Colin Turnball did research on culture effecting depth
perception. He took a pygmy from Congo who was used to
living in dense Ituri forest, to the plains. There they saw a
buffalo grazing and the Pygmy asked what insects they
were. This is because in the forest, vision is so limited that
there is no great need to make an automatic allowance for
distance when judging size. When Turnball tired to explain
that it was a buffalo the pygmy laughed it off and did not
believe him.
Hudson’s Study’s
1. Zambian & British school
Westerns are used to interpreting a 2D figure as 3D, so, the British
children made a 3D model, and the Zambians, a 2D model.
2. African Cultures
• ‘What is the man is
doing with the spear?’
• ‘Which is nearer the
antelope or the
African cultures could not perceive depth in
the picture. This suggests that to be able to
see depth, you must first learn how, as the
Western culture are not fooled.
• Short sightedness – affects perception.
• Strong evidence that it runs in families.
• It is found that the environment can also be a
powerful factor.
Mutti’s study on Myopia
Inuit Children
• Myopia was uncommon,
until the introduction of
Western education.
• Myopia is more common in
cultural groups that
experience formal
education and engage in
close work.
Berson’s Study on Myopia
• Myopia is much more common in male Jewish
teenagers, who study up to 16 hours a day,
than Jewish females who study 8-9 hours a
Ames Room
Ames Room Explained
The people are in fact
twins. Clever trickery
deceives the eye. The
floor slopes and the
windows are trapezoid.
Gibson and Walk
 Tested 36 babies between 6 and 14 months
 Tried to encourage the baby to walk across the visual
cliff by having the mother at the other end.
 Babies wouldn’t cross the cliff.
 If they did they would show fear
response AHHHH!!!!
Gibson and Walk
 Also tested with animals
 E.g. day old chicks so NO LEARNING!!
 Only animal that was unafraid to cross was the rats as
have poor vision and use their whiskers.
Campos, Langer & Krowitz
 Tested this with younger babies by moving them
across the cliff. He found decrease heart rate which
showed they could detect the change in depth.
 Babies of 9 months had increase heart rate showing
that they detected a change in depth and associated
danger with it.
 Babies as young as 2 months showed avoidance
 Shown a video of on object appearing to fly at them
they flinched.
 Conditioned infants between 6 and 9 weeks to turn
their head towards a 30cm cube 1m away.
 He then introduced three different cubes
 Cube 1: 30cm cube 3m away
 Cube 2: 90cm cube 3m away
 Cube 3: 90cm cube 1m away
 Cube 1 had the most looks.
Granrud and Yonas
 Babies were shown 2D cardboard shapes like below.
 They found that babies reached for the left shape in A
but not in B or C.
Riesen – monkey man
 Locked baby monkeys in TOTAL darkness for 3
 They were unable to recognise objects in their
 If something flew at them they did not react.
Cooper - kittens
• Kept young kittens in circler boxes that they couldn’t
see out of
• Some of the boxes had horizontal lines and the others
had vertical.
(Was the closest we could
find – besides they are cute.)
 Have fully informed consent
 Maintain the right to withdraw
 Debrief after an experiment
 Keep participant unharmed (physically, mentally and
emotionally – happy campers)
 Help if necessary
 Continue of treatment if participant wishes
 Keep participant’s details anonymous
Bad practice
 Cooper (kittens) and Riesen (monkey man)
 Permanently damaged the animals by destroying nerve
cells in the eyes
 Gibson and Walk
 Didn’t gain fully informed consent – however did get
parental permission.
 Mild stress – but comforted asap
Remember to treat your participants
correctly or they will end up like this: