Josh Rinn How does the cookie sheet affect the percentage of cookies buned? Procedure Plan – Scientific Method Based Projects Problem Statement: How does the type of cookie sheet affect the percentage of cookies burned? Hypothesis If I bake cookies on three different cookie sheets then the insulated cookie sheet will have the smallest percentage of cookies burned. Variables Independent Variable: cookie sheet Dependent Variable: percentage of cookies burned Control variables: same oven, same recipe, same amount of dough, same time for that trial, same temperature in oven, Location: Home Materials: ¾ cup firmly packed brown sugar ½ teaspoon salt ½ butter softened 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips ½ cup shortening cookie sheets 1 ½ teaspoons vanilla oven 1 egg 1 ¾ cups all purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda Safety Precautions: I need baking mits to take the cookies out of the oven so I don’t burn myself. I also need parental super vision so I don’t get hurt in the process of my experiment. Detailed procedures: 1. Mix all the following ingreiants together… ¾ cup firmly packed brown sugar ½ butter softened ½ cup shortening 1 ½ teaspoons vanilla 1 egg 1 ¾ cups all purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon salt 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips 2. set oven to 375 degrees 3. put cookies on cookie sheet in twelve cookies 4. put cookies in oven for time depended on trial 5. take cookies out of oven 6. observe 7. record data 8. enjoy 1 Josh Rinn How does the cookie sheet affect the percentage of cookies buned? Data Table: How does the cookie sheet affect the percentage of cookies burned? Type of cookie Trial 1 (8 min) Trial 2 (10 Trial 3 (12 Average sheet min) min) Aluminum Insulated non stick sheet Non stick sheet Bibliography: Josh Rinn October 8,2010 Annotated Bibliography #1 Source: Dragon, D. (n.d.). HOME » Food and Drink » Cooking Tips Different Types of Cookie Sheets Yield Different Tasting Cookies . Retrieved October 7, 2010, from Ezine Articles website: ?Different-Types-of-Cookie-Sheets-Yield-Different-Tasting-Cookies&id=186863 Summary: This article gives information on different types of cookie sheets. The three types of cookie sheets that are given in the information are…insulated non-stick sheet, aluminum, and non-stick cookie sheet. Insulated non-stick sheets are cookies sheets that are non-sticking and produce more even cookies. They are made of two sheets put together to make an air pocket for heat. The second type of cookie sheet it stated is aluminum. Aluminum conducts heat very well so it is good for cooking. The only down 2 Josh Rinn How does the cookie sheet affect the percentage of cookies buned? side to aluminum cookie sheets is that they don’t always get the cookie to the best stage of brown. The last cookie sheet the article lists is a non-stick cookie sheet. Non-stick cookie sheets are very handy because you don’t have to butter them. A bad thing that non-stick cookie sheets have is that they are darker in color and heat really fast so you have to turn down your oven a little. Josh Rinn Annotated Bibliography #2 Source: Pillsbury. (2003). Chocolate Chip Cookies. In Pillsbury Best Cookies Cook Book (p. 27). Minneapolis, MN: Wiley Publishing. Summary: This article gives information and a recipe for baking cookies. The three critical ideas in this information are, the heat, the cooking time, and the amount of cookies the recipe makes. The heat of the oven for the recipe is 375 degrees Farenheight. For the cooking time in the oven, the cookies should be in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes. The third important thing that the article stated was the amount of cookies the recipe makes. With the normal recipe it says that it makes 36 cookies. Josh Rinn Annotated Bibliography #2 3 Josh Rinn How does the cookie sheet affect the percentage of cookies buned? Source: Pillsbury. (2003). Chocolate Chip Cookies. In Pillsbury Best Cookies Cook Book (p. 27). Minneapolis, MN: Wiley Publishing. Summary: This article gives information and a recipe for baking cookies. The three critical ideas in this information are, the heat, the cooking time, and the amount of cookies the recipe makes. The heat of the oven for the recipe is 375 degrees Farenheight. For the cooking time in the oven, the cookies should be in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes. The third important thing that the article stated was the amount of cookies the recipe makes. With the normal recipe it says that it makes 36 cookies. Josh Rinn Annotated Bibliography #2 Source: Pillsbury. (2003). Chocolate Chip Cookies. In Pillsbury Best Cookies Cook Book (p. 27). Minneapolis, MN: Wiley Publishing. Summary: This article gives information and a recipe for baking cookies. The three critical ideas in this information are, the heat, the cooking time, and the amount of cookies the recipe makes. The heat of the oven for the recipe is 375 degrees Farenheight. For the cooking time in the oven, the cookies should be in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes. The third important thing that the article stated was the amount of cookies the recipe makes. With the normal recipe it says that it makes 36 cookies. 4 Josh Rinn How does the cookie sheet affect the percentage of cookies buned? Hazard chemicals, activities, and devices: Describe safety precautions and procedures to minimize risk . Use baking mitts to take cookies out of the oven so I don’t burn myself. And I will have parent supervision so I wont get hurt. Describe methods of disposal. In the trash. 5