Content Suggested content is included for each learning context

Suggested content is included for each learning context. Teachers should adapt or select content which best meets the needs of the student cohort each year.
Personal Identity
Content focus
Suggested content
Aspects of identity
Everyone who - icebreaker
Identifying strengths, skills and strategies
Exploring gender identity
culture and language
body image
Owning Yourself
Own identity
If the category fits wear it
Do opposites really attract?
How are we represented?
Influences on body image
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
Gender matters
Values and beliefs
Personal values
What is real – critical visual literacy
change over time
Influences on body image
If the category fits wear it
influences on values and beliefs, e.g. technology, norms, media,
family, relationships
Media world and me
Generation XXX
Greetings activity
Stairs to inclusivity
Self and actions
Everyone who - icebreaker
Identifying strengths, skills and strategies
Gender matters
responsibility for self and actions
Greetings activity
King or coward
Stairs to inclusivity
Post school preparation
Connectedness and spirituality
Identifying strengths, skills and strategies
importance of life balance
recognising strengths and potential
aspirations and focus
My Wellbeing My Classroom – This downloadable
resource contains useful activities for Crossroads in the
Meaning section pages 25-27 and Achievement section
pages 28-31. The resource also offers a professional
learning webinar for teachers.
achievements and rewarding success
Planning for the future
Preparing for flexible study and work environments
leaving home
My Wellbeing My Classroom – This downloadable
resource contains useful activities for Crossroads in the
Meaning section pages 25-27 and Achievement section
pages 28-31. The resource also offers a professional
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
personal management skills
managing change
learning webinar for teachers.
Responding to Others
Social and cultural norms
What is real – critical visual literacy
challenging norms
If the category fits wear it
influence of norms on behaviour
Gender matters
conflicting norms
Generation XXX
Media world and me
Influences on identity
Respect for others
Young people, technology and sexuality
Positive and negative influences of technology and media
Influences on body image
connecting with others
Young people, technology and sexuality
digital footprint
Your friends are liars clip
instant gratification
self-enhancement, e.g. filters, sexting, selfies, social media
body image
Everyone who - icebreaker
intercultural understanding
Gender matters
inclusive language
Greetings activity
mutual respect
valuing diversity
Stairs to inclusivity
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Building community
helping others
rights and responsibilities
responsibility for others
contributing to community
volunteering and community service
Influence of values, attitudes and beliefs on decisions and actions in
various contexts
Identity and behaviour
ReachOut - Empathy – Keeping track and giving back
resource – This downloadable resource helps develop
gratitude for the kindness of others and positive actions
towards others. Includes a link to the professional learning
webinar on how to teach empathy.
ReachOut - Tools for getting students involved - Provides
ideas and information for students to take action on social
issues important to them.
Greetings activity
Stairs to inclusivity
relationship between health behaviours and personal beliefs,
attitudes and values
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Content focus
Suggested content
Building resilience
ReachOut - Building resilience in young people resource
for 7-10 – This resource focuses on seven skills for
developing resilience - emotional awareness & self
regulation, impulse control, optimism, flexible & accurate
thinking, empathy, self efficacy and connecting & reaching
out. Each skill is covered in a 40-60 minute lesson plan.
Schools may be using this resource for 7-10 and should
look to differentiate content for Year 11 and 12.
Owning Yourself
Self-efficacy and mental fitness
acknowledging controllable factors
acknowledging achievements and successes
accepting support
overcoming adversity
Workout App – A web based app that assesses mental
strengths and provides exercises to improve mental
fitness. Students could use the app to build confidence,
resilience, control and improved ability to handle pressure.
Details on the app and how to best use it with young
people can be found at
Self-awareness and self-regulation
Emotional Awareness and Self-Regulation
emotional awareness and self-regulation
positive self-talk
Positive wellbeing
engagement and mindfulness
mood regulation
benefits of physical activity
Happify – this website with accompanying app provides a
range of games and activities based on positive
ReachOut - My Wellbeing My Classroom – The focus of
resource is on Positive Psychology and the PERMA
framework (Positive emotions, Relationships, Meaning,
Achievement). Activities and content could be adapted to
meet the needs of senior students.
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
importance of sleep
Planning for the future
holistic view of life
establishing meaning and purpose for life
recognising potential
Smiling Mind – This app and web based modern
meditation program has a focus on mindfulness.
ReachOut - My Wellbeing My Classroom –This resource
contains activities, which could be adapted to meet the
needs of senior students around finding purpose in life in
the Meaning section pages 25-27. The resource also
contains ideas around goal setting in the Achievement
section pages 28-31.
Planning for the future
Goal setting
Identifying strengths, skills and strategies
linking values to aspirations
Future planning and money smart - Teachers resource
using strengths for goal planning, setting and achievement
Future planning and money smart – Under 25’s resource
planning, setting and modifying goals
support to achieve goals
Goal Tapper app – This web based app is designed to
help young people set goals and track progress. Students
can access and use the Lite version for free. Information
can be found at
Personal future
Impact of drug use on future
Planning for the future
Taking charge
Identifying strengths, skills and strategies
using mind-sets for motivation and achievement, e.g. growth mindset
assessing strengths and challenges
strategies for future success
ReachOut - Embracing the F Word – This resource
explores the concept of a growth mindset with a focus on
using failure to build resilience, motivation and
achievement at school. Although the resource has been
designed for 7-10 PDHPE and HPE, activities and content
could be adapted to meet the needs of senior students
through Crossroads.
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
Responding to Others
Skills and strategies for managing change and challenges
Responding to changes and
grief and loss
plans and expectations
stress management
time management
juggling commitments, e.g. work and school
being realistic
seeking support and help
Connecting and reaching out
Gender matters
networks of support online and offline
Connectedness and Reaching Out
asking for and accepting help
accessing services
Supporting others
Support for self and others
RUOK? – Activities are designed for Years 9-12. Schools
must identify and differentiate activities used for junior
students and senior students to build on previous learning.
how to support others
grief and loss
contributing to community
The Oasis – Youth Homelessness Resource - This
resource helps build empathy and understanding around
youth homelessness. It aims to empower the next
generation of young people to take action to prevent youth
homelessness in the future
Four Corners - There is no 3G in heaven – This clip
discusses the issue of youth suicide in suburban
Melbourne and how the community dealt with it. This
resource could be confronting for some students and
would not be suitable for all groups. Teachers should view
it and exercise professional judgment as to whether it is
appropriate to use with students in their senior cohort.
6.htm OR
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
Content focus
Suggested content
Owning Yourself
Establishing and managing changing relationships
Developing and maintaining
respectful relationships
forming new relationships
evaluating relationships
ending a relationship
responding to change
Applying relationship skills
effective communication
active listening
conflict resolution
Rights and responsibilities
Young people, technology and sexuality
Crossroads - Intimate relationships resource
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
emotional, intellectual, physical, social, spiritual and sexual needs
rights and responsibilities in different relationships
changing responsibilities
Managing intimate relationships
Challenging and changing
attitudes and beliefs about gender,
assault and relationship violence
sexual relationships
expectations of partners
rights and responsibilities in various contexts, e.g. non-sexual
relationships, defacto, marriage, one night stands
Crossroads - Intimate relationships resource
Power and influence in relationships
Generation XXX
expectations of partners and others
What is real – critical visual literacy
different values and beliefs
power in relationships, e.g. positive use of power, situational power
balance of power
Challenging and changing attitudes and beliefs about gender, assault and
relationship violence
What is real – critical visual literacy
If the category fits wear it
establishing and maintaining respectful relationships
changing gender roles
challenging attitudes to gender based violence
changing attitudes to domestic violence
Media world and me
The Good the bad and the ugly - watch or read Poppy’s
Children see children do clip – White Ribbon Australia
Useful websites on domestic and family violence:
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
Responding to Others
Relationships in other contexts
relationships in varying contexts
bullying and harassment
dependence, independence, interdependence
relationships in an online environment
responsibilities in differing relationships
Managing different relationships
Respectful relationships with
Talking across generations
Changing family roles and relationships
Applying relationship skills in differing contexts
appropriate expression of thoughts, emotions and opinions
refusal skills in different contexts and situations, e.g. negotiating
consent, drug and alcohol related situations, driver and passenger
communication skills, e.g. communicating socially with work
colleagues, seeking employment, job interviews
initiating contingency plans
Everyone who - icebreaker
Making connections
accessing help for self and others
how to support others
Young people, technology and sexuality
Appreciate a mate – this website and app is designed to
promote positive self-esteem and build healthy
Influences on relationships
online communities
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
Valuing and advocating for rights
of self and others
social networks
influence of information and communication technologies on
communication and relationships
impact of sharing information with others
becoming a confident digital citizen
being a positive influence
communication amongst teenagers. More details,
including how to best use it with young people and link to
the app on iTunes can be found at
Understanding and celebrating diversity
What is real – critical visual literacy
Media world and me
Gender matters
inclusive language
changing perspectives
respect for others
challenging stereotypes
challenging discrimination based on race, sex, age, disability,
religion, culture, gender and sexuality.
Generation XXX
Greetings activity
Stairs to inclusivity
Participation and advocacy
Generation XXX
asserting a stance on a situation or decision
What is real – critical visual literacy
appropriately expressing thoughts, opinions and beliefs
Young people, technology and sexuality
upstander behaviour online and offline
Help seeking behaviours
identifying the need for support
seeking help
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
Sexuality and Sexual Health
Content focus
Suggested content
Factors that influence gender and sexual identities
Exploring gender identity
mutual understanding
How are we represented?
Do opposites really attract?
cultural values
social pressures
addressing homophobia and transphobia
Owning Yourself
Gender and sexual identities
If the category fits wear it
Gender matters
Beyond Blue - Stop, Think, Respect Campaign
Crossroads - Intimate relationships resource
Safe and ethical behaviour
Safe and ethical behaviour
Stepping out to access sexual health services
respect for self and others
Generation XXX
effective communication
What is real – critical visual literacy
safe practices
safe sex behaviours
Crossroads - Intimate relationships resource
Young people, technology and sexuality
reasons for consent
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
negotiating consent
unwanted or unplanned sexual experiences
Reproductive and sexual health
Stepping out to access sexual health services
reproductive health
Crossroads - Intimate relationships resource
Playsafe NSW Health
sexual health care, e.g. positive sexual health, testing, contact
tracing, treatment
sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and blood borne viruses
Accessing services
Stepping out to access sexual health services
community health services
Crossroads - Intimate relationships resource
Responding to Others
Influences on behaviour
Influences on behaviour
Exploring gender identity
personal values
How are we represented?
mutual understanding
What is real – critical visual literacy
alcohol and drugs
social pressures
double standards
explicit imagery
critical media literacy
Do opposites really attract?
Media world and me
Young people, technology and sexuality
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
Generation XXX
Information and services
Influence of technology and media on sexuality and sexual behaviour
What is real – critical visual literacy
standards of behaviour
Media world and me
sharing information and images
Do opposites really attract?
challenging perspectives, stereotypes and media portrayals
online communities
accessing reliable information
accessing inclusive services
Generation XXX
Young people, technology and sexuality
Influence of the law on sexuality and sexual behaviour
What is real – critical visual literacy
Generation XXX
Young people, technology and sexuality
respectful relationships
marriage and defacto relationships
date violence
possession and distribution of explicit imagery
Accessing information and services
What is real – critical visual literacy
reliable sources of information
Media world and me
Stepping out to access sexual health services
community health services
sexual health services
Crossroads - Intimate relationships resource
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
youth friendly services
overcoming barriers to accessing services
Seeking support for others
identifying when help is required
how to access support for others
Drugs and Alcohol
Content focus
Suggested content
Identifying solutions and responding to situations which involve the
use of drugs and alcohol
Alcohol and violence – what would you do
Owning Yourself
Myths and facts
recognising risk
planning strategies to reduce harm in various situations
assessing and applying personal strengths to respond to
Use of drugs and alcohol
assertive behaviours
Crossroads: Drug Use Resource
Recognising risk
Applying strengths, skills and strategies
Schoolies week
What is a good night out?
Influences on decisions
King or coward
Crossroads: Drug Use Resource
social and cultural values
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
Seeking help
personal values about drug use
conflicting values about drug use
impact on future
The great debate
Impact of drug use on future
Help seeking strategies
Crossroads: Drug Use Resource
accessing and assessing reliable information
When something goes wrong
accessing and assessing services and support
supporting yourself and others
recognising an emergency situation
calling for help
first aid
Responding to Others
Impact of drugs
Addressing drug related issues in the community
Alcohol and violence – what would you do
drug use and related harm in the community
King or coward
synthetic drug use
Crossroads: Drug Use Resource
social attitudes to alcohol and drug use
responsible behaviour
supply of alcohol to minors
responsible service of alcohol
Recognising risk
intoxication and its effects
Levels of use
Myths and facts
The great debate
Out Tonight? Party Right - What is a licensed premise?
This resource explores responsible service of alcohol
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
and responsibilities of licensees.
Stop the Supply - a website developed by the Northern
Beaches Community Drug Action Team (CDAT) to
address the issue of supply to minors.
Responsible behaviour
King or coward
protective strategies in drug and alcohol related situations
Alcohol and violence – what would you do
responsible drug and alcohol use
Myths and facts
challenging socially acceptable behaviour and peer
The great debate
safe travel in alcohol and drug related situations
Levels of use
protecting self and others from aggression and violence
Crossroads: Drug Use Resource
gambling responsibly
Applying strengths, skills and strategies
When something goes wrong
Making safe and responsible choices
Schoolies week
What is a good night out?
Drugs and alcohol in different contexts
Crossroads: Drug Use Resource
responsible behaviour in venues
ABC Four Corners – Punch Drunk
responsible behaviour in other environments, e.g. end of school
celebrations, festivals and concerts, public places, parties,
moving between venues
Gambling’s not a game program for Victorian schools
impact on education and employment
Kidbet school program Victoria - educates young people
on issues around gambling.
Gambling is no game – SA government - website
focuses on simulated gaming and gambling
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
Schoolies week
What is a good night out?
Regulations and responsibilities
Out Tonight? Party Right - What is a licensed premise?
responsibilities of patrons and staff in venues or licensed
premises, e.g. liquor shops, hotels, clubs, restaurants
Stop the Supply - a website developed by the Northern
Beaches Community Drug Action Team (CDAT) to
address the issue of supply to minors.
responsibilities of hosts of parties and celebrations in other
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
Safe Travel
Content focus
Suggested content
Safe travel
What I know - Limiting Risks Protecting Lives (LRPL)
Activity 3.1 p65
Owning Yourself
planning for safe travel
protective behaviours
strategies to minimise harm to self and others
seeking help
Centre for Road Safety website Geared
Crash Types - LRPL Activity 4.2 p79, Student sheet
Analysing Crashes - LRPL Activity 4.3 p80, Student
sheets 4.3.1a, 4.3.1b, and 4.3.1c
Social Hot Spots - LRPL Activity 6.1 p115, Student sheet
Travelling safely locally and overseas
Support Networks - LRPL Activity 5.6 p104
Challenging personal attitudes and behaviours as increasingly
independent road users
rights and responsibilities as a passenger
rights and responsibilities as a driver
assertiveness as a driver and passenger
deep analysis of the ripple effect
making informed decisions
Issues Facing Young Drivers- Only a Mate - LRPL
Activity 3.2 p66, Teacher Sheet 3.2.1, Student sheet
Counting the Cost
What I think, What I know, What I do - LRPL Activity 4.1
p77, Teacher Sheet 4.1.1
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
Responding to Others
Responsible behaviour for road users
Mythbusters – Phone Use vs Drink Driving: Useful
stimulus for discussing dangers of phone use while
alcohol and driving
drugs and driving
drunk/drug walking, riding
road user distraction
Think Tank - LRPL Activity 3.3 p67, Teacher sheet 3.3.1
Drinking, Drugs and Driving – Sudden impact - LRPL
Activity 5.2 p100, Teacher sheet 5.2.2, Student sheet
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Analysing Advertising Campaigns - LRPL Activity 5.3
p101, Student Sheet 5.3.1, LRPL Activity 5.4 p102
Safe road use
Drugs, Driving and Drug Tests – Research activity LRPL Activity 5.4 p102
Home safely – drink walking
Making safe decisions as road and transport users
Protecting each other
making decisions and solving problems in real life situations
assertive behaviours as drivers and passengers in various real
life contexts
strategic travel planning for at risk situations, e.g. at night, social
events, breakdowns, drunk/drug walking
minimising distractions when driving, walking and as a
Looking out for others
Under Pressure - LRPL Activity 4.4 p81, Student sheets
4.4.1, 4.4.2 and 4.4.3
The birthday present - LRPL Activity 5.5 p101
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014
planning for safe travel with others
A personal contract - LRPL Activity 6.3 p117
supporting yourself and others
Devise your own contract - LRPL Activity 6.4 p118
first aid in emergency situations
calling for help
The Party Pack – supporting safe travel - LRPL Activity
6.5 p119, Refer back to Student sheet 6.1.1
Home safely – drink walking
© New South Wales Department of Education and Communities 2014