What is “remote”? - Chemical Information BULLETIN


Not too remote:

Strategies for promoting chemical information services outside the library

Andrea Twiss-Brooks

University of Chicago Library

March 28, 2000

219th ACS National Meeting

San Francisco, CA

Division of Chemical Information (CINF)

What is “remote”?

“a remote use is anyone who uses library systems, services, and resources from a location outside the library proper. Some remote users may never have been in-library users, while others are crossover users who continue to come into the physical library to complete certain tasks”

Peters, Thomas A., “Remotely familiar: Using computerized monitoring to study remote use”,

Library Trends 47(1):7-20,

Summer 1998

How to promote remote use

•Make (and keep) the resources and services available

•Inform the users of the available tools

•Teach the users how to make effective use of the resources and services

Make resources and services available

•Selection, licensing or development

•Distribution and installation

•Authentication of remote users

•Maintenance and management

Make resources and services available

•Distribution and installation of client software

•Platforms (PC, Mac, Unix)

•Versions (latest only or multiple)

•Self-serve or full-serve

•FTP, web, other local server

•Instructions, hints, technical support

•Customization (embedded passwords, site preferences, network settings)

U of Chicago SciFinder distribution

•Limited to current students, faculty and staff

•Contact list for remote installations needed

•Two or more customizations to be delivered

•No campus-wide unique identification system

•No centralized ftp server facilities available

•Limited programming and technical support available

Other solutions?

•Personal visits to install the software

“At NJIT we just started a subscription to SCIFINDER SCHOLAR. I could have put the software on the network and e-mailed people instructions on how to set up SCIFINDER on their PCs. I went to about 30 people and installed the software and did a sample search for each one.” --

Bruce Slutsky

•Media (CD-ROM, diskettes)

Let the users know what’s available


•Print (newspapers, newsletters, flyers)

•Open house or information fair

•Door prizes

•Hands on/live links





•Targeted groups


•Identify resources with library (virtual hallmarking)

User education and training

•Traditional methods


•Location, location, location

•Library instruction


•Newer methods

•Distance learning

•Web based


Examples of distance learning tools

Web guides asynchronous, static

Beilstein guides developed at University of Chicago http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/su/chem/ucbeil.html

Examples of distance learning tools

Web based tutorials asynchronous, interactive

University of California Santa Barbara

Web of Science Tutorial http://www.library.ucsb.edu/tutorials/wos/index.html

Overviews, screen shots and interactive question and answer sequences

Examples of distance learning tools

Web multimedia based course synchronous, interactive

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH Zürich)

TopClass system http://www.infochem.ethz.ch/topclass/help/info.html

Presentation with more information http://chemweb.vei.co.uk/library/lecture17/index.html

Examples of distance education tools

Web, video and desktop conferencing synchronous, interactive

•Rohm and Haas email: Joanne_L_Witiak@RohmHaas.Com

SciFinder training for site in Texas done from


•Dow Chemical Company


Individual assistance via NetMeeting software

Information Resources

Proxy server/connectivity software implementations:




Web guides/courses/tutorials:






Distance learning:


Information Resources, contd.

Desktop conferencing/videoconferencing/webconferencing:




•email contact for Rohm and Haas training information is



Tod Olson, University of Chicago

Nancy Cundiff, Dow Chemical

Bruce Slutsky, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Joanne Witiak, Rohm and Haas

Engelbert Zass, ETH Zürich

And the many subscribers of CHMINF-L whose comments and topics
