Biosynthesis of Nucleic Acids: Replication

Biosynthesis of Nucleic
Acids: Replication
Chapter 10
Flow of Genetic Information in the Cell
What is Replication of DNA?
Duplication of DNA – Replication
Giving rise to a new DNA molecule with
same base sequence as original
Mitosis – produces daughter cells
What is Replication of DNA?
Replication involves separation of the two
original strands and synthesis of two new
daughter strands using the original strands as
Challenges of Replication of circular DNA
Continuous unwinding and separation of the
two DNA strands
Protection of unwound portions from attack
by Nucleases
Synthesis of the DNA template from one 5’ ->
3’ strand and one 3’ -> 5’ strand
Efficient protection from errors
What is Semi-Conservative Replication?
Each daughter strand
contains one template
strand and one newly
synthesized strand
DNA Replication- Matthew Meselson and
Franklin Stahl
Bacterial cells were grown in a heavy isotope
of nitrogen 15N
All the DNA incorporated 15N
Cells were switched to media containing
lighter 14N
DNA was extracted from the cells at various
time intervals
Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl
Observed that
15N-DNA has a
higher density
than 14N-DNA,
and the two can
be separated by
DNA Replication
The DNA from different time points was
analyzed for ratio of 15N to 14N it contained
After 1 round of DNA replication, the DNA
consisted of a 14N-15N hybrid molecule
After 2 rounds of replication, the DNA
contained 2 types of molecules:
half the DNA was 14N-15N hybrid
half the DNA was composed of 14N
DNA Replication
DNA replication includes:
Initiation – replication begins at an origin of
Elongation – new strands of DNA are
synthesized by DNA polymerase
Termination – replication is terminated
differently in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
In which direction does replication go?
DNA double helix unwinds at a specific point origin of replication
Polynucleotide chains are synthesized in both
directions from the origin of replication
DNA replication is bidirectional in most
Two replication forks - points at which new
polynucleotide chains are formed
Prokaryotic DNA Replication
Replication begins at one origin of replication and
proceeds in both directions around the chromosome
In which direction does replication go?
In eukaryotic chromosome - there are
several origins of replication and two
replication forks at each origin
Properties of DNA Polymerases
Functions of various DNA polymerases
DNA-Pol I: repair and patching of DNA
DNA-Pol III: responsible for the polymerization
of the newly formed DNA strand
DNA-Pol II, IV, and V: proofreading and repair
Requirements of DNA polymerase
DNA polymerase function has the following
all four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates:
dTTP, dATP, dGTP, and dCTP
Primer - a short strand of RNA to which the
growing polynucleotide chain is covalently
bonded in the early stages of replication
Supercoiling and Replication
DNA gyrase : catalyzes
reaction involving relaxed
circular DNA:
creates a nick in relaxed
circular DNA
a slight unwinding at the
point of the nick
introduces supercoiling
the nick is resealed
Unwinding of supercoiled DNA
Helicase, a helix-destabilizing protein, promotes
unwinding by binding at the replication fork
Single-stranded binding (SSB) protein
stabilizes single-stranded regions by binding
tightly to them
Prokaryotic DNA Replication
The enzymes for DNA replication are contained
within the replisome.
The replisome consists of
the primosome - composed of primase and
2 DNA polymerase III molecules
The replication fork moves in 1 direction,
synthesizing both strands simultaneously.
Primase Reaction
The Primase reaction
RNA serves as a primer in DNA replication
Primer activity first observed in-vivo.
Primase - catalyzes the copying of a short stretch
of the DNA template strand to produce RNA
primer sequence
Synthesis of new DNA strands
Synthesis and linking of new DNA strands
begun by DNA polymerase III
the newly formed DNA is linked to the 3’-OH of
the RNA primer
as the replication fork moves away, the RNA
primer is removed by DNA polymerase I
Semidiscontinuous model for DNA
Semidiscontinuous model for DNA
DNA polymerase synthesizes the strands
the leading strand is synthesized continuously in the
5’ - 3’ direction toward the replication fork
the lagging strand is synthesized
semidiscontinuously (Okazaki fragments) also in the
5’ - 3’ direction, but away from the replication fork
lagging strand fragments are joined by the enzyme
DNA ligase
Summary of DNA Replication in
DNA synthesis is bidirectional
DNA synthesis is in the 5’ -> 3’ direction
 the leading strand is formed continuously
 the lagging strand is formed as a series of Okazaki
fragments which are later joined
Five DNA polymerases have been found to exist in E. coli
 Pol I is involved in synthesis and repair
 Pol II, IV, and V are for repair under unique conditions
 Pol III is primarily responsible for new synthesis
Summary of DNA Replication in
 DNA gyrase introduces a swivel point in advance of the
replication fork
 a helicase binds at the replication fork and promotes
 single-stranded binding (SSB) protein protects exposed
regions of single-stranded DNA
Primase catalyzes the synthesis of RNA primer
 catalyzed by Pol III
 primer removed by Pol I
 DNA ligase seals remaining nicks
Proofreading and Repair
DNA replication takes place only once each generation in
each cell
Errors in replication (mutations) occur spontaneously
only once in every 109 to 1010 base pairs
Proofreading - the removal of incorrect nucleotides
immediately after they are added to the growing DNA
during replication (Figure 10.10)
Errors in hydrogen bonding lead to errors in a growing
DNA chain once in every 104 to 105 base pairs
Proofreading Improves Replication
Cut-and-patch catalyzed by Pol I: cutting is
removal of the RNA primer and patching is
incorporation of the required deoxynucleotides
Nick translation: Pol I removes RNA primer or
DNA mistakes as it moves along the DNA and
then fills in behind it with its polymerase activity
DNA Polymerase Repair
Proofreading Improves Replication
Mismatch repair: enzymes recognize that two
bases are incorrectly paired, the area of mismatch
is removed, and the area replicated again
Base excision repair: a damaged base is
removed by DNA glycosylase leaving an AP site;
the sugar and phosphate are removed along with
several more bases, and then Pol I fills the gap
Mismatch Repair in Prokaryotes
Nucleotide-Excision Repair
Common for DNA lesions caused by UV
light or chemical means
Leads to deformed DNA
Removed by ABC excinuclease
Common repair for ultraviolet damage in
Xeroderma pigmentosum
Eukaryotic DNA Replication
More complicated
Multiple origins of
Timing of cell
divisions must be
More proteins and
enzymes are involved
Eukaryotic DNA Replication
Multiple origins of replication – Replicators
Specific DNA sequences present between
gene sequences.
Zones where replication is proceeding Replicons
How is replication tied to cell
Best understood model
for control of
eukaryotic replication
is from yeast.
DNA replication
initiated by
chromosomes that have
reached the G1 phase
How is replication tied to cell
Replication initiated by Origin Recognition
Complex (ORC)
Activation factor – Replication Activator
Protein (RAP)
Replication Licensing factors (RLF) bind
Pre-Replication Complex (Pre-RC)
How is replication tied to cell
Cyclins + Cyclin dependent protein kinases
Phosphorylate - activate DNA replication
and block assembly of Pre-RC
RAP and RLFs are degraded
G2 phase – DNA replication
M phase –DNA is separated into daughter
Eukaryotic DNA Polymerases
At least 15 different polymerases are present in
eukaryotes (5 have been studied more extensively)
The Eukaryotic Replication Fork
Structure of the PCNA Homotrimer
PCNA is the eukaryotic equivalent of the part of Pol III
that functions as a sliding clamp ().
This project is funded by a grant awarded under the President’s Community Based Job Training Grant as implemented by
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This workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded under the
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