How Love Goes On

Based on novel
“Tuesdays With Morrie”
Presented by Ying Xiong
What About The Book And How I Like It
A famous sports writer Mitch Albom, who
left college and his dear professor Morrie
Schwartz for 16 years, heard that Morrie would
die soon because of ALS disease. He started to
visit Morrie on Tuesdays, and they did their final
project together. It was about life lessons, such
as love, death, family, aging, money, etc.
I like the book because it is true loving story.
The book seems like a BIBLE of “fully human” .
It is a textbook that teaches people almost all
aspect of life.
 How love is important in life
 Why Morrie thought love is essential in life
 what are the ways Morrie passes his love to others
 Special relationship with Mitch
 Mitch’s action
 My understanding
 conclusion
How love is important in life
from Morrie’s aphorisms
love is a main theme through out the book
" is how you stay alive, even after you are gone." (p.133)
“Death ends a life, not a relationship.” (p.174)
“With out love, we are birds with broken wings.”(p
"If you don't have the support and love and caring and
concern that you get from a family, you don't have much at
all. Love is so supremely important." (p.91)
 "Love each other or die." (p.163)
 "The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out
love, and to let it come in." (p.52)
 ….
Why Morrie thought love was
essential in life
Morrie had lack of love in his childhood after his mother
died. His father was quiet, and he had no interest to show
affection to his kids, even thought Morrie and his brother
wanted it badly. Fortunately, his step mother Eva came to
them. She provided them with all the motherly love. Morrie’s
love for education was hatched in her arms, and he learned
love and care from her. (p76)
As his experience, Morrie realized how love and
compassion are important toward others, so he carried on
the love he got to other people.
Morrie believed that love would never stop.
what are the ways Morrie passes
his love to others
Morrie with Mitch---a special
loving relationship
 They are special friend. The old
man like a father, the young man
like a son.
 “…The discussions give me an excuse to talk to him,
fatherly conversations I cannot have with my own father,
…” Mitch wrote(P47)
 “If I could have had another son, I would have liked it to be
you.” ---Morrie said (P168)
Mitch’s changes
 He would not be afraid to become soft
 He would not be embarrassed to have body contact
 He would not hide his affection
 He would not chase only material
My Understanding
I totally agree with Morrie that death ends life, not the
relationship. our grandparents, our parents, and our loved
ones around us always give out love to us. we let it in, then
the love stay in our heart, and we do the same to our
children, our children will continue do the same.
Generation by generation, never stop. that is how love
goes on.
In Chinese said “The stream goes down, and never
“As long as we can love each other, and remember the
feeling of love we had, we can die without ever
really going away. All the love you created is still
there. All the memories are still there. You live on - in
the hearts of everyone you have touched and
nurtured while you were here.”(p174)
“Tuesdays With Morrie” is inspiring us to devote love
to others around us. Give out what you can.
Remember, at least you have smile!
Thank you all
The End