Direct democracy - presentation

Quick quiz
How big was the Labour majority in 1997 &
What is the term to describe a large majority
Give 3 advantages of single-party govt
Give 3 reasons why govt can’t always claim a
Give 3 points in favour of coalitions
1997 = 178; 2005 = 66
Pinpoints responsibility; stable govt; clarity
Not sure why people voted a party into power;
vague manifestos; events; lack of majority
Avoid lurches to left & right; Third parties &
minorities have more say; consensus politics;
greater popular support
 starter activity
Read p.60 and take notes on the origins of the word
‘democracy’.  Extension: how perfect was this
system? Were there any potential flaws?
Should MPs be delegates
or representatives?
 LOs
To be able to explain the differences
between direct & representative democracy
To debate the role of an MP
 Your task
Read p.60 and list the reasons why ‘direct
democracy’ as practised in Ancient Greece was
seen to be impractical in later centuries
Extension. Complete the task on Thomas
Decline of direct democracy
Direct democracy was practised in small citystates in Ancient Greece, 40,000 citizens
Later centuries afraid of ‘people power’
Thomas Paine, ‘Rights of Man’ (1791), thought
Athenian democracy possible only in small
Modern societies combine mix of direct &
indirect democracy
Thomas Paine
 Your task
Read p.61 and note define ‘direct democracy’
Note down examples in direct democracy in
modern societies
Read about ‘direct democracy’ in practice in
New England on p.61 and list the problems
associated with it
Extension. Find examples of direct
democracy in local papers
Direct democracy
People power or the self-govt of the people
USA – town meetings, e.g. Maine, New England,
440 towns use town meetings as form of govt
USA – referendums, initiatives, recall elections
Switzerland & Italy – regular referendums
Problems: poor attendance; not very socially
representative; dominated by ideological
 Your task
Read p.62 and note what is meant by
‘representative democracy’
How is representative democracy carried out in
the UK?
Note 3 characteristics of representative
Extension. Which system operates in the UK?
Representative democracy
Indirect democracy where those elected
represent the views of their constituents
Representative democracy in UK: House of
Commons, 646 MPs elected every 5 years (max)
Characteristics: directly represent the interests
of their constituents; represent views as best
they can; socially representative
 Your task
Read p.62-3 and note down ways in which MPs
cannot be truly representative
What other individuals act as representatives in
British political life?
Extension. Read about Edmund Burke and
complete the tasks on the sheet provided
Edmund Burke
It is the duty of an MP to be more like a delegate than a representative
 Plenary
Delegate v representative
Origins of democracy?
Examples of direct democracy?
3 forms of representation?
Extension – Thomas Paine v. Edmund Burke
who would you put in your hall of fame?
 Homework
Consolidate your notes – complete any
unfinished sections, ensure they are sequenced
according to the checklist, gather supplementary
evidence for each topic
Extension. Search online for a copy of
Burke’s speech to his Bristol constituents and
annotate points which refer to the role of an
MP using your knowledge from today’s lesson