Time Conversion Lesson Plan

Stephanie Barron
ELD 375
Field Assignment 3 Lesson Plan
Converting Time/ Assessment of Students Growth in Math Over Three Months
This lesson is designed to teach the student how to convert time. (minutes to
hours and hours to minutes). The student has recently started the time unit. My
lesson is designed to teach the student a new strategy, and then assess the
student’s growth in that unit and in math over the past three months.
Student will be able to convert minutes to hours and the minutes left over.
Student will be able to convert hours and minutes to only minutes.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.MD.A.1 Tell and write time to the nearest minute and
measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and
subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a
number line diagram.
o Explain to student that I will be teaching them how to convert time.
 Ask the student what they think this means.
o Ask the student how many minutes are in an hour.
 Make a list of how many minutes are in one hour, two hours, three
hours, etc.
o Write 3 hours and 9 minutes on white board.
 Model for student how to convert this time to minutes.
 60+60+60 (or 60x3) then add 9 extra minutes.
o Write the problem 7 hours and 13 minutes on board.
 Have student solve this problem while scaffolding with the student.
o Write 150 minutes on board.
 Model for student how to solve this problem.
 Take 150 minutes and and just keep subtracting 60 until you cant
o Write 286 minutes on board.
Have student solve this problem while scaffolding.
o Play activity game with student.
 Ask the student if 1 hour is greater than, equal to, or less than 60
 Have student right their answer on their personal white board.
 Continue with problems:
 3 hours and 300 minutes
 2 hours and 105 minutes
 4 hours and 220 minutes
 2 hours and 120 minutes
 5 hours and 300 minutes
o Have discussion with student about the conversions.
 Ask student if they find conversions easy.
o Have quick “math interview” with student to gather information for
 Ask student how they feel about math in general.
 Ask what their favorite math unit was this year.
 Ask if they think math is easy or hard.
o Have student play game online.
 http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/game/ma25time-game-hoursvs-minutes
I will use the activity to assess the student on how well they understood the
conversion lesson. I chose to teach converting time because they have not yet
learned this, so I can use it as the next step in the time unit to help me assess the
students growth.
I will use the score from the game to assess the students understanding of
converting time. Also, I will be monitoring the student and helping them if they
need help during the game.
I created a worksheet just incase something happens with the technology. This is
not my first source of assessment though. The worksheet can be used to help me
assess the student’s growth in this unit since they took the pre-test.
Other Considerations:
 White board to my use.
 Student’s individual white board.
 Markers
 A clock to use as a manipulative.
Chrome book
Internet access
 www.bbc.com (the activity)
 Common Core Sheets
o I used a mixture of different sheets to create one.
Possible Questions:
 What do you think converting time refers to?
 How do you think this is done?
 How many minutes are in an hour?
 How many minutes are in two hours?
 How do you feel about math?
 What is your favorite unit in math?
 Do you think math is easy? Why or why not?
Classroom Management:
 Since I will be doing this lesson with only one student, I will be sure to sit at a
table in the back of the room where the student will not be distracted by the other
students in the room and where we will not disturb the other students.
 The bean shaped desk in the back of the room will be good for this. It also has a
little white board that I will be able to use. The table allows me to sit close enough
to the student so that I do not have to talk loudly, ensuring to not disturb the rest
of the class.
Student may use a clock as a manipulative if necessary.
Student may also use scrap paper, or the white board, to help them do calculations
during the activity.
Write the time shown on the clock.
Draw the hands on the clock to match the time
Convert each time to hours.
180 min =
206 min =
286 min =
300 min =
155 min =
135 min =
Convert the hours to minutes.
2 hrs and 6 min =
7 hrs and 4 min =
4 hrs and 31 min =
1 hour and 20 min =
Word Problems
1. Paul started reading a book at 3:00. If he finished
it at 4:00,how long did he spend reading?
2. Oliver started looking for his missing cat at 2:40.
If he found it at 6:00, how long did he spend