Measuring Intelligence

Chapter 15 Testing
Psychometricians – trained psychologist that analyze
psychological data. Measure mental traits & abilities. You can
go to grad school to be one (get your master’s in it)
Intelligence Testing
Intelligence – capacity of the individual to act purposefully,
to think rationally, and to deal effectively with the
environment (according to Wecshler)
Measuring Intelligence:
Started with Sir Francis Galton as he studied controversy of
nature vs. nurture. He tried to isolate traits, like intelligence,
to see which were passed on through family lineage
Alfred Binet – French Psychologist hired by his gov’t to
identify children who would not benefit from traditional
He sampled performance of task involving memory,
comprehension, and judgment, created the Binet-Simon scale
= used for class placement
Binet believed as we age we become more sophisticated in the
ways of the world, a 10 year old would answer questions
differently than a 13 year old = Mental Age
Lewis Terman –
took Binet’s ideas and he added a component: the ratio of
comparing mental age (MA) to chronological age(CA) =
intelligence quotient
Terman’s Intelligence scale in called the Stanford-Binet
Factoring Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
Ratio: MA divided by CA x 100
Test a kid with the Stanford-Binet
Their MA is assessed as 12 but his real age (CA) is a 10
12/10 = 1.2 x 100 = IQ 120
Mental age 10, real age12
10/12 = .8 x100 =IQ 80
68% of population falls within 1 standard deviation of the
mean (100) = 68% score 85-115
What percent of the population would fall within 2 standard
see white handout with distribution images from two classes ago
After Binet and Terman came David Wechsler
He created several IQ test:
WPPSI – Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of
WISC – Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children 6 to 16
WAIS, latest version is called WAIS-III – Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale
His scales fall on the same standard frequency distribution:
IQ Stats:
90-120 is considered average
Mensa Qualifications: min. of 130 , gifted at 2 standard devaitions above
140-165 genius
(145 is 3 standard deviations above the mean)
165+super genius
Below 70 & show signs of difficulty caring for themselves =
cognitively disabled
50-70 mild retardation (85% of all cognitive delay)
35-49 moderately retarded (10%)
20-34 severely retarded (3%-4%)
19 & below – profoundly retarded (1-2%)
Problem arises when factoring adult IQ:
We now use a deviation IQ to factor intelligence
Using statistics we compare individual results to the mean
score in his/her age group to determine IQ
Example) you score 115, 84% = you scored better than 84% people
that took test in your age group
Correlation between IQ and school grades is .50 =
large correlation, but far from a perfect 1
Types of Intelligence:
Is there one underlying capacity for intelligence?
Or do we have different distinct ways of being intelligent?
Charles Spearman used factor analysis (a stats procedure,
looking for a high degree of correlation among variables)
He concluded one factor , he called g underlies all
Louis Thurstone used factor analysis and disagreed with
He identified 7 distinct factors or primary mental abilities:
1. inductive reasoning
2. word fluency
3. perceptual speed
4. verbal comprehension
5. spatial visualization
6. numerical ability
7. associative memory
John Horn and Raymond Cattell
Spearman’s g should be divided into two factors of
1. Fluid Intelligence (as we have previously discussed)
2. Crystalized intelligence
Howard Gardner
Critic of Spearman
Savants – inspired his intelligence theory. They are
individuals considered mentally retarded but have a specific
exceptional skill (like music, art , or math)!xvBrg
Theory of Multiple Intelligences
See handout, for list of 9 intelligences
Huge influence on education and teaching practices!
Peter Salovey & John Mayer
In addition to traditional intelligence they identified
emotional intelligence – the ability to perceive, express,
understand, and regulate emotions
Along with David Caruso, they developed the MEIS –
Multifactor Emotional Intelligence Scale
Robert Sternberg- see handout
Argues intelligence is more than what traditional IQ tests
measure. Triarchic Theory of Intelligence –
Intelligence includes 3 components:
1.Analytical - what traditionally IQ tests measure:
compare contrast, analyze and figure out cause and effect
2. Creative – adaptive reactions to novel solutions,
showing insight, and being able to see more than one solution
to a problem
3. Practical – “street smarts” getting around town, ability
to read people, organizing real life events
Bottom line, no matter what theory or term you prefer:
Evidence supports people with high emotional intelligence,
practical intelligence or interpersonal intelligences succeed in
careers, marriages, and parenting
J.P. Guilford –
Creativity intelligence
1950s, former APA president: He proposed that intelligence be
considered a construct of multiple factors, including creativity
Differentiated between creative potential and creative production,
linking creative production to personality traits such as
Help devise the Christensen-Guilford Test (P.R. Christensen) –
measure creativity potential and creative production
Assesses word fluency (the ability to produce rapidly a list of words
each of which satisfies the specified requirement that it contain a
certain letter), ideational fluency (the ability to evoke a large
number of ideas in situations that present meaningful
requirements), associational fluency (the ability to produce rapidly
words that bear some specified, meaningful relation to a given
word), and expressional fluency (the ability to produce rapidly
words in connected discourse.