Mastery learning

Environmental Science
Introduction to Mastery Learning
What is Mastery Learning?
An approach to learning that gives
students opportunities to learn material
through a variety of instructional
strategies; however, it requires students to
show mastery before they are allowed to
move on to the next concept. (Morgan
History of Mastery Learning:
There were various systems for mastery learning in
the 1920s and 1930s; one example is the Winnetka
Plan developed by Carleton Washburne. (Block
Most of the research on mastery learning systems
occurred in the 1970s and 1980s. (Morgan 2010)
Mastery Learning students outperformed students
from a traditional course in 11 different studies.
(Kulik, Kulik, and Bangert- Drowns 1990)
Why Mastery Learning?
Students learn at their own pace.
Students have choices in how they learn.
Less lecture and more active learning are typical.
Checklists, scoring guides, and rubrics are given before
It is easier to keep up with the course when absent
from class.
Results in more opportunities for tutoring in class.
Other Advantages…
Grades reflect what a student knows and can do better
than traditional learning approach.
Students can keep track of scores easily.
Students are not not bored with information they have
already learned.
Mastery Learning
It is self-taught.
It is less realistic.
It is a new practice.
It is not rigorous.
It is easier for the teacher.
Traditional Vs. Mastery Learning
Let’s compare Traditional Teaching with
the Mastery Learning approach…
Learning Opportunities
Teacher assigned
Student Choice
Due date rigid
Teacher scores
Student scores
Minimal credit given
No credit given!
Unit Quizzes
Learning Level Quizzes
At given learning levels
Quiz Date is rigid
Student controls date
Credit varies
Credit 10 points/level
May re-quiz once
May re-quiz up to 10 times
Teacher decides when
student progresses.
Student progresses with
score of 80% or above.
Prepares student for the Unit
Prepares student for the Unit
Laboratory Activities
Lab Experiments
Lab Investigations
Credit ranges 10-30 points
All labs receive 30 points
All students complete the lab
on the same day.
Students complete lab
during “lab window”
Teams members approved by
the Teacher
Team members must be on
same learning level.
Only Teacher is allowed to
Teacher, peers or individual
may score
Answer Key used
Rubric used
Unit Examination
Unit Tests
Chapter Assessments
All students complete on
same date
All students complete on
the same date
Teacher scores
Teacher scores
Credit ranges from 30-50
points each
Credit based on learning
levels (# x 10 = points)
Teacher decides if
students may retest
Any student may retest
once per assessment
Between Tests and Retests
Remediation Activities
Enrichment Activities
Tutoring with peers
and/or Teacher
Student selects activity to
study in depth
Ends with retest
May be on-going
What determines Retesting?
If your previous test score falls below 70%, you will be
required to retest.
You may elect to take the retest no matter how you
scored previously.
You may be required to complete a retest if it will keep
you from failing.
You may be required to retest if it is requested by your
parent or guardian.
STEM Activities
One per year
At least Two per year
Spring Term
One per semester
Coincides with learning
but may not be after test
Complete after
Credit double that of the
unit test
Credit same as unit
How will Scores be entered in SIS?
Learning Opportunities are not assigned scores.
Level Quizzes will only be entered once you move to the
next level or onto the Unit Assessment.
Lab Investigations will be entered upon completion. If you
repeat the investigation for better results, the new score will
replace the old one. Please note that repeats must take place
during the “Lab window”.
Unit Assessments will be entered upon completion.
Unit retests will replace previous scores.
How will Scores be entered in SIS?
STEM Activities will be scored upon
Enrichment Activities will be scored upon
Final Examinations will be entered at the end
of each semester and the exemption protocol
will be followed. These tests will be 10% of
your Semester score as required by School
Important Points!
Since students will move at different paces, scores will
be recorded on a spreadsheet kept by the Teacher but
not entered into SIS until you have finished. In the
meantime you will be exempted.
Although Enrichment Activities will be entered into
SIS, not all students will complete them. If fact, two
students may do two different projects. Only students
who complete projects will receive scores; all other
students will be exempted. Enrichment Activities are
not optional!
What your Teacher will do:
Provide Learning Unit information at the beginning of
each Unit of Study.
Lecture once per week unless requested by students to
do more.
Follow 30-20-10 Rule for Presentations.
Provide “real world” activities when possible.
Post Presentations and notes on Gaggle/web page.
Teach critical thinking & problem-solving skills.
What your Teacher will do:
Allow you to learn with your friends.
Post a leader board on Gaggle so you may compare
your progress to others using “gaming” names.
Be open to student suggestions.
Prepare you for post-secondary learning.
Prepare you to enter the world of work.
By the way…
I am open to suggestions on Learning
Opportunities and Enrichment Activities; if
you have an idea please share it with me!
30-20-10 Presentation Rule
Presentation font size is at least “30”.
Presentation lasts no more than 20
Presentation is no longer than 10 slides.
Once procedures and routines
are learned,
will be over!
Are there any questions?
Works Cited
Block, J. 1971. Mastery learning: Theory and practice. New
York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Kulik, C.-L. C., J. A. Kulik, and R. L. Bangert-Drowns.
1990. Effectiveness of mastery learning programs: A metaanalysis. Review of Educational Research 60 (2): 265–299.
Morgan, K. 2010. Mastery Learning in the Science Classroom:
Success for Every Student. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
Other Resources
Guskey, T., and J. Bailey. 2010. Developing standardsbased report cards. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
O’Connor, K. 2009. How to Grade for Learning: K-12.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Wormeli, R. 2006. Fair isn’t always equal: Assessing and
grading in the differentiated classroom. Portland, ME:
Stenhouse Publishers.