Graduate Student and Post-Doctoral Fellow Nominations

Bone and Joint Health Technologies
NSERC CREATE Training Program
Human Mobility Research Centre
Queen’s University and Kingston General Hospital
Trainee Nomination Notice of Interest
Part 1: Researcher Statement (RS)
By completing and submitting this Notice of Interest, you are indicating your interest in
participating in the NSERC-CREATE Training Program in Bone and Joint Health Technologies at
Queen's University. The personal information collected here is collected under the authority of
the Royal Charter of 1841, as amended. The information collected will be used to process your
application for this training program.
1. Complete the form.
2. Arrange to briefly discuss the proposed nomination with an appropriate theme leader. This
is to ensure that Working Group members will have a good understanding of the project
and the role of the proposed candidate within the project. Note that this discussion needs
not take place prior to submission in Step 4, but needs to take place before the selection
meeting in Step 8.
3. Save the form as a .pdf file
4. Submit your RS via email to
5. Upon receipt of your RS, you will receive a confirmation email.
6. The proposed CREATE trainee is expected to submit an application using the Trainee
7. Applications to the HMRC-CREATE program will be vetted by individual members of the
awards committee using the attached rubric.
8. Successful candidates will be selected through discussion and a vote at a designated
9. You will be notified of the results after a decision has been reached.
If you have any questions with regard to this application, please contact Rylan Egan at 613-5336000 ext. 79148 OR email
As supervisor you are required to discuss your candidate(s) proposal with the appropriate theme
leader(s): Joint Health Assessment (Kevin Deluzio); Computer-assisted Reconstruction Technologies
(Randy Ellis); or Tissue Repair Technologies (Brian Amsden).
I have contacted the theme leader who is associated with this trainee nomination.
HMRC-CREATE NOI Researcher Statement
1. Integrated Research Team (IRT) Name:
This is used to track teams within the CREATE program.
2. CREATE Theme Area(s):
Joint Health Assessment
Computer-assisted Reconstruction Technologies
Tissue Repair Technologies
3. IRT Project Description:
Briefly (500 words or less) describe the overall IRT project. Include general goals of the
project, specific objectives for ongoing work, and an overview of the technologies and
expertise employed by the team. Please include specific reference to expected roles of the
team members and their history of conducting research together.
4. Provide a list of all IRT members (copy and paste for additional team
members if required):
Senior Scientist
Email address
Telephone Number
Senior Clinician
Email Address
Clinician Trainee
Email Address
HMRC-CREATE NOI Researcher Statement
5. Nominated CREATE Trainee. (Please notify the student that we will be
contacting him/her to complete a separate application.)
Email Address
Current Program
6. CREATE Program Proposed
Undergraduate student – summer only
Master's student – maximum 18 months
Doctoral student - maximum 3 years
Post-Doctoral Fellow - maximum 2 years
5. CREATE Trainee Funding Request:
Full Funding (Masters 18 months; Doctoral 3 years; Post-Doctoral Fellow 2 years)
Partial Funding (Specify)
Externally Funded - No CREATE funding requested
What are your other funding sources to support the IRT project?
8. Trainee Project Title:
This will be used in HMRC-CREATE documentation to track the Trainee’s research.
9. Trainee Project Description:
Briefly (300 words or less) describe the project the trainee would work on within the IRT.
Indicate how the project would be likely to provide training that is aligned with CREATE’s
HMRC-CREATE NOI Researcher Statement
10. Suitability of Nominee to CREATE Program:
Briefly (500 words or less) describe why you believe the proposed trainee would be a good
choice for this program. Describe how the nominee’s academic, professional, practical, and
attitudinal attributes will support learning and innovation within an integrated professional
11. Trainee Commitment:
I understand that the HMRC-CREATE trainee will be required to participate in a professional
development program and that this will involve additional time commitments beyond the
standard degree program. Have you already discussed this with the proposed trainee?
No, not yet
12. Supervisor Commitment:
As part of the HMRC-CREATE program, I am committed to the following on-going activities.
(Check all that apply.)
Mentoring the Trainee, including attending appropriate orientation sessions
Providing the Trainee with on-going feedback
Conducting Trainee assessment and evaluation
Attending meetings with the Integrated Research Team (IRT) for the duration of the
proposed project
Supporting the Trainee in meeting all CREATE training program milestones
HMRC-CREATE NOI Researcher Statement
Assessment Rubric
Excellent (2)
Requirements Missing (1)
Unsatisfactory (0)
Relevant Artifacts
The candidate's academic and research The candidate's academic and/or
The candidate's academic and/or
NOI, Application, CV,
goals are very closely aligned with the research goals have minor misalignment research goals have poor alignment with
Transcript, Cover Letter
goals of the CREATE program.
with the goals of the CREATE program.
the goals of the CREATE program.
The candidate's prior experiences have
prepared him/her to meet the goals of
the CREATE program.
The candidate has worked well within
interdisciplinary teams.
The trainee' prior experiences have
prepared him/her to meet some of the
goals of the CREATE program.
The candidate's prior experiences have
only minimally prepared him/her to
meet the goals of the CREATE program.
The candidate is unlikely to work
The candidate has the potential to work
successfully within an interdisciplinary
well within an interdisciplinary team.
The candidate has had moderate or
The candidate has a track-record of
inconsistent success, and has potential
academic success and is able to
to innovate solutions to complex
innovate solutions to complex problems.
NOI, Application, CV,
Transcript, Cover Letter
NOI, CV, Application,
Cover Letter
The candidate has a poor academic
track-record, and/or has little potential
to innovate solutions to complex
NOI, Application, Cover
The IRT team is fully formed, and is fully The IRT team is fully formed, and is
committed to support student research committed to support student research
activities immediately.
activities within the first semester.
The IRT team is not fully formed, and/or
is not committed to support student
research activities within the first
The IRT has much of the breadth and
The IRT has the breadth and depth of
depth of (inter)disciplinary expertise
(inter)disciplinary expertise required to
required to make the proposed project a
make the proposed project a success.
The IRT has not demonstrated the
breadth and depth of (inter)disciplinary
expertise required to make the proposed
project a success.
Members of the IRT (i.e., clinicians and
Members of the IRT (i.e., clinicians and
basic scientists) have an excellent track
basic scientists) have had experience
record of active and effective
with effective collaboration
Members of the IRT (i.e., clinicians and
basic scientists) have not demonstrated
experience with effective collaboration.
Integrated Research Team Dynamics
Integrated Research Team Project
The proposed project is likely to create
The proposed project is likely to create
The proposed project is not novel and/or
knowledge that is aligned with CREATE's
novel, useful, and innovative knowledge
useful, and/or is misaligned with
goals, but lacks in novelty, use, or
that is aligned with CREATE's goals.
CREATE's goals.
The outcome of the project is very likely The outcome of the project is somewhat The outcome of the project is unlikely to
to be effective in addressing a current or likely to be effective in addressing a
be effective in addressing a current or
future clinical need.
current or future clinical need.
future clinical need.
Thank you for your interest in the HMRC-CREATE Training Program.
Return your completed application in .pdf format to
HMRC-CREATE NOI Researcher Statement