
Vietnam War Study Guide
Part I: True or false. Circle the correct answer.
The climate in Vietnam is hot all year around. True or False
The French were defeated in the Vietnam War. True or False
Ho Chi Minh was the Prime Minister of the Democratic Party. True or False
Guerrilla tactics were never used in the Vietnam War. True or False
Orange Agent kills vegetation.
True or False
The Navy had three major roles in Vietnam. True or False
The anti-war protests in the United States were always harmless with no violent rallies or
True or False
8. “The Wall” is a Vietnam memorial made of black marble panels. True or False
Part II: Circle the answer that is correct.
Vietnam is found in :
South America
Democratic means:
The Government is appointed.
The Government stays in office until they decide to retire.
The people vote on their government.
The government is from the same family.
11. Which situation was a result of the Vietnam War?
South Vietnam was able to maintain its noncommunist status.
The United States questioned its role as a police officer of the world.
Richard Nixon was forced to resign the presidency.
The War Powers Act was repealed by Congress.
12. One reason the United States became involved in the Vietnam War was to
1. prevent the spread of communism in Indochina
2. reduce French influence in Vietnam
3. stop China from seizing Vietnam
4. support the government of North Vietnam
13. . The Tet offensive
a. ranks as one of the great success stories of American intelligence community.
b. did not target American compounds.
c. resulted in a resounding victory for the Vietcong.
d. led Americans to believe that the war had ground to a stalemate.
14. Modern technology did each of the following in Vietnam EXCEPT
a. allow for the destruction of timberland in Vietnam equal in acreage to the state of Rhode
b. make the war more demanding on the soldiers.
c. make it easier for the American forces to defeat their enemies.
d. create new chemical weapons that caused long-term health problems for the soldiers and
the native population.
15. Operation Rolling Thunder did not work for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
a. American pilots could not see their targets through the jungle.
b. South Vietnamese leaders proved ineffective allies in planning the strikes.
c. the Air Force could not provide enough planes to do sufficient damage to the North
Vietnamese supply lines
d. American air bases became the focus of North Vietnamese guerilla attacks.
16. In Vietnam, escalation of the war meant
a. bringing in United Nations troops as quickly as possible.
b. providing financial aid to South Vietnam to fight the war.
c. an immediate massive buildup of American troops.
d. increasing American involvement in stages.
17. Lyndon Johnson gained authority to conduct the war in Vietnam with a
. a Congressional declaration of war.
b. the Vietnam Freedom Act.
c. the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
d. the War Powers Act.
18. Massive antiwar demonstrations occurred in the United States in 1970 following the
invasion of
a. Cambodia.
b. Laos.
c. North Vietnam.
d. Thailand.
19. Regarding Vietnam, Richard Nixon insisted on
a. peace by any means.
b. peace with honor.
c. total victory over North Vietnam.
d. a unified Vietnam.
Part III. Answer each short answer question in a complete sentence.
20. How long was the U.S. involved in the Vietnam War?
The U.S. was involved in the war for 19 years.
21. Name 4 topographical features found in Vietnam.
Four topographical features found in Vietnam are mountains, rivers, forests, and jungles.
22. Name 3 types of anti-war movements that the American people used to help show the
government how they felt.
Three anti-war movements that the American people used to help show the government
how they were felt were rallies, marches, and protests.
23. Where is the Vietnam War Memorial and what does it have engraved on it?
The Vietnam Memorial is in Washington DC. It has the names of the soldiers who fought in the
24. Which U.S. President was in office when the Kent State Tragedy occurred?
The U.S. President that was in office when the Kent State Tragedy occurred was Nixon.
25. Explain why the helicopter was so important to the U.S. war effort.
The helicopter was important to the U.S. war effort for several reasons. They served to drop
off soldiers in an area to fight and pick them up. It also served to rescue injured soldiers
26. What U.S. President was responsible for the American withdrawal from Vietnam?
The U.S. President that was responsible for the American withdrawal from Vietnam was
President Nixon.
27. What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
On August 7, 1964, Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, authorizing
President Johnson to take any measures he believed were necessary to retaliate
and to promote the maintenance of international peace and security in Southeast
28. What was the Tet Offensive?
In late January, 1968, during the lunar New Year (or “Tet”) holiday, North Vietnamese and
communist Viet Cong forces launched a coordinated attack against a number of targets in South
Vietnam. The U.S. and South Vietnamese militaries sustained heavy losses before finally repelling
the communist assault. The Tet Offensive played an important role in weakening U.S. public support
for the war in Vietnam.
29. How did Americans react to soldiers returning to America from Vietnam?
When American soldiers returned from the war, many soldiers were not welcome with open
arms. Soldiers felt unappreciated by the country and the ideal they had fought for. Many
veterans dealt with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Many also dealt with debilitating
30. What made this war different from others in the past?
This war was different than others due to a lot of it being televised.
31. What lessons do you think Americans learned from this war?
Answers will vary.