Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Final Jeopardy $500 $500 $500 $500 C1 $100 An area that has physical and human features in common. C1? $100 What is a region C1 $200 Things that are found in nature. C1 $200 1-2a What is a Physical feature? C1 $300 Things that are man made. C1 $300 What are human features? C1 $400 6 Regions C1 $400 What is how many regions does SC have? C1 final The final Jeopardy answer is: I am on the fall line in the middle of the state and I am the Capital. Timer C1 final What is Columbia? C2 $100 Sassafras mountain. C2 $100 What is a physical Feature of the Blue Ridge ? C2 $200 The Foot hills. C2 $200 What is Piedmont? C2 $300 I cover one-third of SC. C2 $300 What is the Piedmont Region? C2 $400 I have Mountains and Water Falls in my region. C2 $400 What is the Blue Ridge Region? C2 $500 Physical features of the Piedmont. C2 $500 What is wide river valleys and monadnocks? C3 $100 Peachtree Rock. C3 $100 What is a physical feature of the Sand hills? C3 $200 The textile mills were built on this. C3 $200 What is the Fall Line? C3 $300 I border the Sand hills to the east. C3 $300 What is the Inner Coastal Plain? C3 $400 Textiles mills were built here. C3 $400 What is the fall line? C3 $500 I am the usual weather in an area. C3 $500 What is climate C4 $100 Fishing C4 $100 What is the important industry in the coastal zone? C4 $200 The smallest region. C4 $200 What is the Blue Ridge Region? C4 $300 The ocean left this behind when it uncovered SC. C4 $300 What are sand dunes? C4 $400 People use and change the land. C4 $400 What is a human system? C4 $500 The inner Coastal Plain and the Coastal plain border this region. C4 $500 What is the outer coastal zone? C5 $100 Beaches and Marshes. C5 $100 What are physical features of the Coastal Zone? C5 $200 Natural Resources. C5 $200 What are things found in nature that are used by people? C5 $300 I have am a flooded area with trees. C5 $300 What is a swamp? C5 $400 Another word for farming. C5 $400 What is agriculture? C5 $500 Water powered. C5 $500 What is hydro power? (hydro electric power came later) This Jeopardy game was created by (Your Name) (Post Credits Here) This Jeopardy template was created by Dr. Robert Pettis, Director An Adventure of the American Mind, University of South Carolina Spartanburg