Principles of the Constitution Separation of Powers / Checks and Balances Our Purpose • Understand what the principles of mean. Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances • Understand why the Founding Fathers would have wanted to include Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances in the Constitution. • Prepare to analyze how these principles are reflected in the Constitution. What Will You Need? • Popular Sovereignty Note Sheet • Pen or Pencil • Remember to pause, stop or rewind as you need in order to complete your note sheet. What is it? Stop and see if you can explain out loud what these principles are. Don’t just read from the screen. Do you get it? If not, reread and try again. Circle any words on your sheet that you don’t understand and look them up at if you need to. Read the paragraph below. Draw a picture or symbol here of what these 2 principles mean to you. Basic Understanding Basic Understanding In a government that subscribes to the principle of popular sovereignty, the PEOPLE have all of the power King III,does they to ensure that one This After phrase experiencing means that anything theGeorge government orwanted can do is because the people wantperson it that way. Consent means “approval” so the government exists only with the approval of those it governs. or group couldn’t be all powerful. In order to have checks and balances, the government first has to be split into separate powers. It wouldn’t work otherwise. Historical Context Think about? • What do you already know about Montesquieu? • What were his beliefs? Historical Context Government should be split into 3 branches to keep one part of it from becoming too powerful. Fill out this chart with the 3 branches of government and their powers based on your separation of powers notes from yesterday. Use a copy of the Constitution and answer this on your own? Where do we find examples of Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances in the Constitution? Answer this question of your own What does this mean? How is the beginning of the Constitution structured? Law Making List at least 3 other examples from checks and balances triangle Answer on your own.