Equality_Policy_2013 - Minsthorpe Community College

Equality Statement
Minsthorpe Community College values diversity, and is determined to ensure that everyone is
treated fairly, with dignity and respect; where the opportunities we provide are open to all; and
that we provide a safe, supportive and welcoming environment - for staff, students and visitors.
Equality Impact Assessment (EIA)
This policy has been assessed with regard to its impact on equalities issues, with specific reference
to the aims of the Equality Act 2010. The equality impact assessment focused on race, gender,
disability, pregnancy and maternity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and religion/belief.
EIA outcomes
As a result of the Initial EIA, it was identified that the policy will require a full impact
assessment and will be reviewed in due course by the Equality and Inclusion Consultation
Policy last reviewed:
Spring 2009
Due for next review:
Spring 2012
Role Responsible:
January 2013
Vice Principals
A Full Impact Assessment has been carried out and the policy and action plan
adjusted accordingly.
Policy last reviewed:
Spring 2012
Due for next review:
Spring 2015
Role Responsible:
Summer 2013
Vice Principals
Minsthorpe Community College is committed to eliminating discrimination and encouraging
diversity amongst our workforce. Our aim is that our workforce will be truly representative of
all sections of society and each employee feels respected and able to give of their best. To
that end the purpose of this policy is to provide equality and fairness for all in our
employment and not to discriminate on grounds of age, disability/impairment, medical needs,
ethnicity, colour, creed, nationality, national origin or status, culture, religion or belief, sex,
sexual orientation, gender identity, marriage or civil partnership or pregnancy and maternity
status. We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. All employees, whether
part-time, full-time or temporary, will be treated fairly and with respect. Selection for
employment, promotion, training or any other benefit will be on the basis of aptitude and
ability. All employees will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential and the
talents and resources of the workforce will be fully utilised to maximise the efficiency of the
Our commitment:
• To create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all our
staff and students are recognised and valued.
• Every employee and student is entitled to a working environment that promotes dignity and
respect to all. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated.
• Training, development and progression opportunities are available to all staff.
• Equality in the workplace is good management practice and makes sound business sense.
• We will review all our employment practices and procedures to ensure fairness.
• Breaches of our equality policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to
disciplinary proceedings.
• This policy is fully supported by senior management and has been agreed with trade unions
and/or employee representatives.
• The policy will be monitored and reviewed annually.
Please see Appendix A: Action Plan 2012-15 and Appendix B: Background Information
Minsthorpe Community College Equality Aims 2012-15
1. To foster an accessible and inclusive working environment for all our staff, students
and community users.
To do this we will:
Ensure all staff has the opportunity to undertake regular Equality Awareness training.
Audit the L4L and General Studies curriculum to identify opportunities for all students to
raise their awareness around the issue of equality.
Ensure that our services are accessible and user’s experiences and outcomes are positive.
2. To strengthen our Equality monitoring to ensure we identify and implement any
improvement actions needed in relation to our employment policies and practices.
To do this we will:
Routinely record equality details from Recruitment Monitoring Forms to use this information
to inform future recruitment strategies.
Aim to increase the percentage return rates of internal equality monitoring questionnaires.
Utilise information available to us from our MIS.
3. Continue to develop the work of our Equality and Inclusion working party to ensure
that there is an active forum for equality issues.
To do this we will:
Continue to hold regular meetings with the group in order to keep abreast of the equality
To actively involve members of the group in policy review and implementation.
Routinely encourage new staff and students to become involved in the group.
Ensure all staff and students are aware of named contacts who they can confidentially liaise
with on equality issues.
Appendix A: Action Plan 2012-15
Carry out an annual Full EIA of
reviewed Single Equality
Policy through regular
meetings with the working
Analyse findings of Full EIA in
order to inform amends to the
3 year action plan.
E Fairhurst
H Williams
Y Kelsall
H Causier
M Orr
E Fairhurst
H Williams
Group meetings –
dates TBC.
Done on an Annual
5th March 2013 –
completed and sent to
26th March 2013 completed – to be
approved by
On-going meetings
from March 2013 with
working party.
Annual identification of
strengths and areas for
development. An
awareness of what is
going well and where
changes to our action
plan need to be made,
ensuring it is up to date
and fit for purpose..
This FEIA was
complete and the policy
amended accordingly
by March 2013. It was
then approved by
Governors on 26th
March 2013. The
working party has
continued to meet to
build the action plan.
Policy in place and
approved by Governors.
To have a cohesive
equality action plan
ensuring areas for
development are
focussed on.
Completed Autumn
AIM 1: To foster an accessible and inclusive working environment for all our staff, students and community users.
Equality Awareness
1. Raise awareness
amongst all staff of
changes to the SEN
Code of Practice2014
via College Inset and
online questionnaires.
2. Deliver training to
raise the profile of
3rd December 2013 –
Present findings to
Staff understanding and
awareness of main
changes and to the shift
in practice.
Evidence through
lesson observations;
CA QA; Student Voice.
Summer Term 2014
Positive response by
staff to the changes.
Summer 2015 to all ST
link staff
Staff has useful
strategies to use on the
classroom. They use the
correct language and
Evidence vis CFCs,
NIS, mid-room data etc.
To establish a process for risk
assessing the access
arrangements put in place for
students and staff with long
and short-term disabilities.
To carry out an audit of the
L4L and General Studies
HR Director
AP Support For
Summer Term 2014
K Jackson
L4L TLR holders
Spring Term 2014
Biannual activity
show a better
understanding of the
issues surrounding
Nominated staff to carry
out risk assessments in
a consistent manner.
Opportunities are
identified for all students
to raise their awareness
around the issue of
equality and to know
how, who and where
they can go to with any
issues/problems. Where
there are gaps, action to
be taken by the team.
Students educated
about the issues
homophobic and
disability related
matters, including the
consequences of
AIM 2. To strengthen our Equality monitoring to ensure we identify and implement any improvement actions needed in relation to our
employment policies and practices.
Carry out a full staff Equality
Questionnaire with an
invitation to join the Equality &
Inclusion working party.
HR Director
Admin Support
Questionnaire and
analysis of information
to be done annually.
To have an accurate
picture of our
organisation and use the
MIS data to monitor this.
High percentage return
rate of internal
November 2012 – 2nd
tranche of
questionnaires and
personal information
Gather any job applicant’s
personal information on a
detachable sheet from their
application form (to be kept
separate from the selection
HR Director
Job applicant details
gathered as
To be able to identify
any inequalities.
It must be made clear
to all applicants that the
information gathered is
for equality monitoring
purposes only and is
not used in the shortlisting process.
October 2013 - 3rd
November 2013 –
comparison and
analysis of information
On going
Where monitoring
shows significant
differences between
groups. (When applying
the *‘four-fifths rule’)
appropriate actions will
be taken.
Compare and analyse data
gathered against other groups
of employees within the
college and against jobseekers
in our local community.
HR Director
Adult Ed
Comparison and
Analysis of information
to be done immediately
after collation of
gathered data.
Carry out a student Equality
Questionnaire and to
encourage Equality issues to
regularly be part of the Student
Voice agenda.
S Bishop
Questionnaire and
analysis of information
to be done annually.
Student Voice –
agendas to be decided
on an on-going basis.
Confident that our
Equality Policy and
Action Plan are effective
in that they allow every
employee the same
access to training,
promotion and other
To have an accurate
picture and heightened
awareness of our
student body and any
particular Equality
issues they may have.
On going
To be able to offer
support/advice to those
students who may need
or ask for it through this
AIM 3. Continue to develop the work of our Equality and Inclusion working party to ensure that there is an active forum for equality
To hold termly meetings of the
Equality & Inclusion working
party and to routinely invite
new staff and students to join
the group.
Working Party
Once per term
A number of different
staff (both teaching and
support) actively
involved in Equality
policy review and
To encourage members of the
Student Council to attend the
equality & Inclusion meetings
as appropriate.
S Bishop
Once per term
Active student
involvement in Equality
policy review and
To ensure staff and student
awareness of how, who and
where they can go to (named
contacts see below) to
confidentially discuss any
aspect of equality.
HR Director
At the start of every
new college year in the
full staff briefing.
Confidence amongst
staff and students that
their concerns will and
can be listened to in
Available on
This group was
established in the
spring of 2012. There
have been 3
subsequent meetings in
which the SEP was
reviewed and this
action plan devised.
This will be a new
initiative for the college
but is one that the E&I
group feel would be
hugely beneficial for
both students and the
college as a whole.
Equality & Inclusion named contacts:
Mrs Cath Green
HR and Personnel Director
Mrs Liz Fairhurst
Vice Principal, Leading Learning
Ms Helen Williams
Vice Principal, Quality & Standards
*The four-fifths rule suggests that if any group is less than four-fifths of the rate of the group with the highest success rate, it may indicate bias.
There may be entirely reasonable and non-discriminatory reasons for a difference so we must not jump to conclusions.