HIST 406, 2014 Fall. Syllabus Part 2
4.1 Topics & Course Calendar
Rev. Aug 24 7pm, 2014
All Dates below are the days the reading or assignment is due (unless otherwise announced.)
The instructor reserves the right to modify the reading assignments and schedule as conditions
OFFICE HOURS: FALL 2014: : (Preferably b y appointment, but not nec.) T hursday 5:1 0p m -6:15pm at
555 AL and Tue/Thu 1:45pm-2:30pm in or outside alongside the side of Little Theater161. And after
every class Additional individual times can be arranged.
(Week 1)
Mon – Aug.
(Week 2)
No Class –
Sep. 1st
Readings, Class Activities,
and Assignments Due
1st Methodology for Analyzing History of Sexuality:
“Big History” Sexuality:
A) FILM: Evolution: Why Sex? (Media Center: VTC 1715
tape 5 or DVD 4814)
DISCUSS: Evolution: Why Sex?
B) Periodizing Human History:
5 Techno/Economic Periods
IN CLASS PREVIEW: 2nd Methodology Analyzing
History of Sexuality: Jeffrey Weeks’ 5 Areas Crucial in
Social Organization of Sexuality.
Intro Syllabus Part 1 & 2
Purchase all texts and I
Happy Labor Day!
2014 Syl History 406 Syl Part 2 Calendar.docx
(Week 3)
Mon – Sep.
• Terminology
● 2nd Methodology for Analyzing History of Sexuality:
Jeffrey Weeks: 5 Areas Crucial in Social
Organization of Sexuality
Peiss Reader: Ch 1: Jeffrey
Weeks: pp 1-9
Lect/PPT: Classical Athens (480-400) BC:
Women: Wife, Prostitute, or Concubine?
Sex and Patriarchy
● Women of Sparta: A very different situation.
Read: Syllabus carefully ; sign
contract page and bring in;
Read: “Afghan Girls Forced to
Sell Sex . . .” in BB CLASS
Discuss + “Afghan Girls Forced . . .”
Preview Micro Assignment #1
Optional: Examples of Extra Credit Readings:
 In readings in Class Packet:
 1) “Female Genital Mutilation” by former student
2) Paper by former HIST 406 student on Prostitution
in The Netherlands.
 . [Do questions for either or each similarly to Outside
Videos or Extra Credit video write-ups (see Syll. Part
1 Section 3.1.1, p. 10.) Submit to EC in BBd’s Turnitin
anytime up to wk 14] Each worth .3 final grade
Classical Athens — Pederasty
Historical Background: Chri stia nity and Sex
Discuss Micro Assignment #1
Native American-Euro Contact & Sexual Encounters
Be sure to make distinctions amongst Indian Nations;
do not fall into the historical fallacy that “All Indians
were the same” and mix them together.
4 Corners Region in Southwest U.S. today:
The Pueblo: Sexual Formations & Contact in the
Late Archaic Period (late 1400s C.E.)
Micro Assignment #1 due.
Directions is posted in the
BBD Micro Assn Folder
(Week 4)
Mon Sep. 15th
2014 Syl History 406 Syl Part 2 Calendar.docx
(Pueblo continued from last Week) and
----------(Week 5)
Mon Sep. 22nd
Constructing “The Other”
California Native People: 1770s
(specifically: San Diego/Orange County Region)
Due: Outside Video Question
set, by any time Friday (See
Syll. Part 1 Sect 3.1 p.10)
Read: (Important)
Peiss Ch 2: Essay by
Castaneda: “Sexual Cultures &
Encounters in the New World”
Castaneda Discussion Continued
 NATIVE AMERICA - Northeast: “Love and Marriage
among the Hurons” (sic)
Read: Peiss pp. 27-31
IN CLASS PREVIEW: D’Emilio & Freedman’s
Categories for Analyzing Sex in History
(3rd Methodology for Analyzing History of Sexuality)
Quiz 1
Intro: Contrasting New England & Virginia:
NORTH AMERICAN English Colonial Sexuality.
17th Cent Virginia (The Chesapeake)
Thomas/Thomasine: Transvestism & Intersex
Reminder for Prof: send 2
transgender articles.
Quiz 1: covers week 1 – 6
readings & class.
Read: Peiss Chapter 3: (Brown
essay only) Regulating
Sexuality in the Anglo-Amer.
Discuss “Supporting Boys or Girls When the Line Isn’t
Clear” [& Zuni Lhamana paper?]
(Week 6)
Mon – Sep.
DISCUSS: Term Paper
3rd Methodology for Analyzing History of Sexuality:
D’Emilio & Freedman’s
Sex/Gender Periodizations in United States
[Professor send: Intersex article for next week]
Read: Transgender articles:
“Supporting Boys or Girls When
the Line Isn’t Clear” NYT
“Pride, Prejudice And Pancake
Makeup” (Articles will be sent
to you )
Read: D’Emilio & Freedman on BLACKBOARD/Course
Documents (IMPORTANT)
Categories for Analyzing Sex
in History pp.: xv, (From
paragraph starting “In
organizing”) to p. xix
Read: Former 406 Student
Paper in Class Packet :
“The Zuni Lhamana: Beyond a
Dualistic Framework of Gender”
by Jennifer Gosa
2014 Syl History 406 Syl Part 2 Calendar.docx
(Week 7)
Mon – Oct.
Discuss Intersex Article: “What if. . .”
Lecture: A Moral Panic: Bestiality in 17th Century New
Micro Assignment #2: Self Study PPT
Discuss: Levine Reading & Self Study PPT
Film: 20th Century with Mike Wallace: Child Sex
Scandal: Modern Day Witch Hunts?
Discuss: Film
(Week 8)
Mon – Oct.
(Week 9)
- Oct. 20th
Read: Intersex article: “What if
It’s (Sort of) a Boy and (Sort
of) a Girl?” from NYT (Will be
sent to you electronically).
Micro Assignment # 2 (see
BBD for posted directions)
Read & Self Study PPT:
Levine: (pp. 45- 67) Forward +
Intro + Ch 3 “Children Who
Molest” Be sure to read!
Read: Levine: Ch 4: pp.68-89
Crimes of Passion
Lect? Coontz on Marriage: (condensed) Ch. 8 (pp.123142) W. Europe at Dawn of Modern Age
Due: Outside video question
set #2, by any time Friday
Lect: Coontz: Intro, Ch 1,9 “The Radical Idea of Marrying
for Love.” The Enlightenment Triggers New Concepts of
Read: Peiss Ch. 4: Self
Control & Sex Reform in the
Early 19th Cent. Documents 1 &
4 only;
Lect: (Condensed): Early Republic: late 1700s-early
1800s. Early U.S. Sexuality
The New Middle Class & the New Working Class:
America’s “Early Victorian Sexual/Gender System”
Sex and Utopian Communities: Inc. Mormonism and
(The South’s (and the United States’) Racialized
Sexual Order
Sex/gender systems of Slaves, Freemen, Yeomen and
Plantation owners
Read Essays: Stansell
(Working Class Women) &
Cott (Passionlessness)
Read: Peiss Chapter 5:
Documents 3 & 5. Sexuality,
Race & Violence in Slavery &
Read: Peiss Ch 5: Stevenson
2014 Syl History 406 Syl Part 2 Calendar.docx
(Week 10)
Mon - Oct.
Civil War (1861-1865) to 1873
(A Sexual Loosening, or a stillborn Sexual
Challenges to the Late Victorian Sex/Gender System:
(start Lecture- Condensed)
Sexual Politics: Comstock’s Censorship vs. a Free
Love Culture of Resistance
Start: Changing Sexual Constructions in the Last Third
of the 19th Century United States
Changing Sexual Constructions in the Last Third of the
19th Century United States (continued)
Term Paper Due
Sexual Orientation & Gender Orientation
Read: Peiss Chapter 9:
Essay by Linda Gordon The
Politics of Reproduction
Birth Control & Abortion (“The
Contraception Revolution” and
“Rituals of Youth”)
(Week 11)
Mon – Nov.
QUIZ 2 From Last Quiz to
reading for Today
Late 19th & Early 20th Century: 1890-1910: Sex and
the Working Class
OPTIONAL Read: Peiss
Chapter 6: Love & Intimacy in
19th Cent America (Rosenberg
Read: Peiss Chapter 7: Free
Love, Free Speech, and Sex
(Documents 1 & 4, plus
Burton essay)
Read: Levine Ch 6:
“Compulsory Motherhood: The
End of Abortion”
Using Sex for Economic, Social & Racial Control:
FILM: Ida B. Wells: A Passion for Justice [VTC 4327]
OPTIONAL Read: Peiss Chapter 8:
(Documents 2, 6 & 7 only;
Peiss’ essay) Prostitution &
Working Class Sexuality in the
Early 20th Century
Due: Outside video question
set #3, by any time Friday
Read: Peiss Chapter 9: Essay
by M. Ladd-Taylor: “Eugenics,
Sterilization, & Social
(Week 12)
Mon Nov. 10th
Rise of the “Sexual Liberalism” Sex/Gender System 1920s Sexual Revolution, + the 1930s
Read: Peiss Chapter 13:
(Document 2 & Essay:
2014 Syl History 406 Syl Part 2 Calendar.docx
1930s-70s Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment on African
Brandt only) Sexually
Transmitted Diseases
1940s & 1950s: WWII & Sex and the Early Cold War
Read: Peiss Chapter 11:
Open Secrets in Cold War
FILM: Start Watching DVD or at
www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/aids -FRONTLINE: The Age of AIDS Part 1: Sections 1-4
( up through: Scientific Breakthroughs)
(Week 13)
Mon Nov. 17th
Rise of Identity Politics: Woman’s Liberation Mov’t
(‘60s & 70s)
1960s & 1970s: The Second 20th Century Sexual
Revolution: The Demise of Sexual Liberalism
FILM: Sex in the 20th Century: Part 3: Make Love,
Not War
(Gay Liberation (1969 –1970s)
In Class Preview of next Thurs. reading in Class
Reading Packet: “My Mother Liked to Fuck”.
OPTIONAL Read: Peiss
Chapter 10: Heterosexual
Norms & Homosexual Identities
in Popular Culture Documents 1
& 5, & Katz essay
(All Extra Credit due by next
OPTIONAL Read: Peiss
Chapter 13 (only Documents 3
& 6) Sexually Transmitted
Age of AIDS: Part 2: Sections
4 to 6)
Read: Peiss Chapter 12:
Essay: by Allyn “Fomenting a
Sexual Revolution”;
Primary Sources: Omit only
Documents # 1 & 2.
OPTIONAL Read: Peiss Ch 14:
Optional Read Almaguer essay
[Construction of Homoerotics
among traditional Mexican
Extra Credit Suggestion: Student Paper: “A Campaign for
Change: Jamaican Homophobia” See other EC papers too
in packet.
2014 Syl History 406 Syl Part 2 Calendar.docx
(Week 14)
Mon – Nov.
Sexual Politics: 1977-> The Rise of the Christian
Right Wing: Backlash: The Rise, Weakening, &
Evolution of the Christian Right Wing, inc. 21st
Century Transformations of Evangelical Christianity
and the Implications for Sexual Politics: A New
Sexual Politics: 1980s
The Bisexual Movement blossoms in the 80s - San
Diego’s Fritz Klein is key.
The AIDS Epidemic 1982 to the Present
Discuss reading: “On the Death of . . .”
Due: Outside video question
set #4 by any time Friday (see
All Extra Credit Are Due by
Friday midnight of Week 15
Read: BBD Class Packet Joan
Nestle: “My Mother Liked To
Read: “On The Death of
Former President Ronald
Reagan” in BBD Class Packet
Discuss Joan Nestle’s Article: “My Mother Liked to
~ Happy Thanksgiving! ~
Discuss Micro Assignment #3 What’s new in the
history of sexuality? Current Events/Contemporary
(Week 15)
Mon – Dec.
Sexual Politics, 1990s Style: From Clarence Thomas
& Anita Hill to Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, & B.
Clinton -- & -- Republican Role
21st Century
Lawrence v. Texas: Activist Judges? Or 14th
Amendment Liberty Clause, & Equality Under the
Marriage Equality? Same Sex Marriage
Women’s Reproductive Rights
The Transgender Revolution: 1950s-21st Century
Micro Assignment # 3 due
Paper: Somali-American,
Muslim & Gay (Will be sent)
Read: BBD Class Packet:
Goodridge & Goodridge V. Dept
of Health (Massachusetts)
Excerpts Same Sex Marriage
Read AND Self Study PPT:
Levine Ch 10: “Good Touch” (p.
Quiz 3: from last quiz, up to and
including today’s readings
(Week 16)
Mon – Dec.
(IMPORTANT) + Self Study PPT:
Levine: Ch 5 “No-Sex Education” (pp.
90-116) + Afterward: (pp.227-239)
 Sex Education as Sexual Politics ->
Discuss: Levine Ch 5: No-Sex Education
Discussion: What Does the Future Hold? Pondering the Future of Sexuality
Final Exam or Take Home?
Final Exam Due Date: Monday 15th, 2014 from 5 p.m. – 6 p.m.
2014 Syl History 406 Syl Part 2 Calendar.docx
Do Not Forget to Post Final on BBD or lose up to 30 pts.
Grades posted online: December 31st by 11:00 p.m.
Outside Video Film List
Repeated here from Syl Part 1 again for your convenience in the Media Center – and
3.1.2. List of Videos ( to pick from for Required Outside Videos)
[If you see more that the
required four, you can put them
in Extra Credit folders.
You do not need to see the videos in any particular order.
You must see both of the following two videos:
1. Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes [Media Center DVD 4405]
2. Margaret Sanger [Media Center DVD 4193]
Try to see this early. If you leave it until the last three weeks, it will cause jams of people trying
to see it. Available at Media Center only. (Do not use any other version, e.g., not from PBS
American Experience series.)
And at least one of these two:
3. The History Channel: Sex in the 20th Century: Part 1—The Century Turns On [in
Media Center. Not on Netflix. Not for sale at HistoryChannel.com]
4. The History Channel: Sex in the 20th Century: Part 2—Passion’s Coming of Age [in Media
Center. Not on Netflix. Not for sale at HistoryChannel.com. This film and the last one relate to
material in week 12 and after. We will see Part 3 in class.]
If you still have one left to see, choose one of these (or
for Extra Credit):
5. God Loves Uganda [I-tunes or Netflix]
6. Nova: Sex Unknown [Media Center VTC-1780] (to be closed captioned soon.)
7. Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin [Online at http://www.logotv.com
2014 Syl History 406 Syl Part 2 Calendar.docx
/video/brother-outsider-the-life-of-bayard-rustin/1600849/playlist.jhtml. Media
Center DVD-1967, (2003) 83 min. About the gay African American who taught Martin Luther
King Jr. and Ghandi nonviolence, and organized the 1963 Civil Rights March on Washington.]
8. Nova: 18 Ways to Have a Baby [Media Center VTC-1833] (to be closed captioned soon.)
9. Kinsey [2004 w/ Liam Neeson and not American Experience version. Available in the
Media Center and on Netflix.]
The following would be when to read the OPTIONAL related readings, IF you should
decide to do so. They are not necessary.
Week 7
Tuesday Week 8
D’Emilio & Freedman: Chapters 2 & 3
D’Emilio & Freedman: Chapter 4
D’Emilio & Freedman: Chapter 6
Tuesday Week 9
D’Emilio & Freedman: Chapter 5
Thursday Week 9
D’Emilio & Freedman: Chapter 7
Week 11
D & F: Chapter 10 & D & F: Chapter 11: start p. 242 to end of chapter
D’Emilio & Freedman: Chapter 9
Week 12
D’Emilio & Freedman: Chapter 12
Week 14
D’Emilio & Freedman: Chapter 13
Week 15
D’Emilio & Freedman: Chapter 14, 15, and “Afterward”
[Note for Prof only: Could do same with Coontz]
2014 Syl History 406 Syl Part 2 Calendar.docx