responsible government

Responsible Government
Where does responsible government come from?
What does responsible government mean?
Why was responsible government granted?
Historical Origins of Responsible
 British dilemma: How to organize the colonies?
Quebec Act 1774 accepts French reality:
 Freedom to practice Catholicism
 Catholics may hold office
 ... but also direct rule by London via local governor
Constitutional Act 1791 is British response to American
 Extends British institutions & constitution to British North
 Self-government ... in theory
“Irresponsible Government” in The
Canadas: 1791-1841
Governor General
Legislative Council
Executive Council
Executive Council ;
Legislative Assembly
carries out Governor’s
instructions &
advises Governor
(who may ignore
their advice)
British Reaction to Rebellions
1. Force not feasible
2. Lesson of U.S. Revolution: bend, don’t break
 Policy of harmony
3. Durham Report:
 Responsible Government
 Assimilation: Act of Union 1840
What Does Responsible
Government Mean?
 This term specifically meant the policy that Britishappointed governors should bow to the will of
elected colonial assemblies.
Responsible Government in Canada
Governor General
Legislative Council
Executive Council
Legislative Assembly
Executive Council ;
can remain in office
only as long as it had
the support of
Legislative Assembly
Why the British Granted
Responsible Government
 British policy ends mercantilism moves towards free trade.
 Example, repeal of Corn Laws in 1846 by Britain, temporarily
hurts Canadian wheat producers who had preferential tariff rates
under the Corn Laws.
 Reciprocity Treaty with U.S. in 1854, North-South vs atlantic
 Once the British Empire adopted a policy of free trade, there was
less reason to control the internal politics of its most developed
colonies (white settled colonies).
Shift to New Imperialism
 Rudyard Kipling’s “White Man’s Burden” and the
“Civilizing Mission”
 Opium Wars 1839-1840, 1856-1860
 British Raj after Indian Mutiny of 1857
 Scramble for Africa, 1875 onwards
Nova Scotia is the First
 The first instance of responsible government in the
British Empire was achieved by the colony of Nova
Scotia in January–February 1848 through the efforts of
Joseph Howe.
 New Brunswick was next in May 1848
 PEI in 1851
 Newfoundland in 1855
Responsible Government in
the Canadas
 LaFontaine and Baldwin formed a government in 1842
but resigned in 1843. In 1848 LaFontaine was asked by
Queen Victoria to form the first administration under
the new policy of responsible government
 Lafontaine passed bills to abolish the tenure
seigneuriale (seigneurial system) and grant amnesty to
the leaders of the rebellions in Lower Canada who had
been exiled
Why were the Reformers able to
achieve responsible government?
 Cooperation between Baldwin and LaFontaine showed
English and French Canada could get along
 British Empire moving towards Laissez-faire, free
trade, no more mercantilism, less control over colonies,
not exploitative (for white-settled colonies only)