Greetings & Alphabet

Nombre: ____________________ Fecha: ____________________ Periodo: __________________
El Alfabeto
 The Spanish alphabet has ________ letters; ________ more than the English alphabet.
 The letter combinations of _______________________ were once considered separate
 For the purpose of this class, we will view them as _________________________________.
 The vowels in Spanish have one distinct sound and are ______________________________.
 Rule 1: ________________ are both pronounced “be” but not as hard as in English.
 Rule 2: If “c” comes before “a,” “o,” or “u,” it is pronounced like the English _____________.
 Rule 3: If “g” comes before “e” or “i,” it is pronounced like the letter ________. It is
pronounced like the letter “g” before an “a”, “o,” or “u.”
 Rule 4: Never pronounce the letter ________.
 Rule 5: The letter “j” is always pronounced like ________ or a spitty “g.”
 Rule 6: The letter “ll” is pronounced like the English ________.
 Rule 7: The “ñ” is pronounced ________.
 Rule 8: The letter “q” is pronounced ________ but the “u” following the “q” is not
 Rule 9: The “rr” is ________. The letter “r” is trilled at the beginning of a word and when it
comes after “l” or “n”.
 Rule 10: The letter “z” is always pronounced like the letter ________.
Nombre: ____________________ Fecha: ____________________ Periodo: ___________________
Apuntes: Greetings, Goodbyes, How are you?
Greetings (Next to each greeting, draw a sketch to help you remember the term)
¡Buenas tardes!
¡Buenos días!
¡Buenas noches!
¿Qué tal? / ¿Qué pasa?
Goodbyes (Next to each goodbye, draw a sketch to help you remember the term)
¡Hasta luego!/¡Hasta la vista!
¡Hasta mañana!
Titles (Next to each title, draw a sketch to help you remember the term)
¿Cómo estás? (Next to each feeling, draw a sketch to help you remember the term)
¡Muy bien!
No muy bien.
¡Muy mal!