IB English HL 1 - Cloudfront.net

IB English HL 1
Part 1 – The World Literature Essays
Basic Requirements
 Word Count MUST remain between 10001500 words
 You must appropriately and clearly cite the
works when referenced
Including the full citation of the whole work (so
that IB knows what version/translation you used)
 TITLE page, including which option you
have chosen (2a,b, or c) and a detailed title
Option 1: 2a, Comparative
 Compare one WL In translation novel
(Stranger, WITD, Antigone, Doll’s House)
with a Part 4 work (CITR, TTTC)
 You MUST use a World Literature work
NOT utilized in the first WL Essay
Option 2: 2b, Imaginative or
 Based on One WL Work or a combination of
one WL and on Part 4 work.
 MUST be preceded by a Statement of Intent,
that IS included in the total word count
 The creative work must be written, but is
open to any idea you can think of as long as
it shows insight into the work(s) studied.
Option 3: 2c, Detailed Study
 This option consists of three types of detailed
 ALL types are based on ONLY ONE WL
 Could take the form of a…
Formal Essay
2c: Formal Essay
 Pick one aspect of one work and analyze it,
using details and examples from the novel.
This is a formal literary analysis essay.
2c: Key Passage
 Pick a passage and discuss the following:
Why is this passage central to our understanding
of the work? In other words, why is it a key
passage or key passages?
Explain why the particular extract has been selected
 Focus closely on the extract itself in order to analyze
how such elements as language , structure, and tone
work together to create or enhance meaning.
2c: Commentary
 Pick a passage and discuss the following:
Why can this passage be seen as characteristic of
the writer’s central concerns and/or techniques
Explain why the passage is central to our
understanding of the work
 Focus outwards on the larger work to show the
passage's relationship to the development of the plot,
theme, style, and characters.
 For both commentary and key passage, you
would make a copy of the passage and
include it with your essay BUT…
The passage DOES NOT count in you total word