• Scheper-Hughes & Lock – “the mindful
• Phenomenology & embodiment
• Bourdieu – Structure, habitus, practice
Scheper-Hughes & Lock:
anthropology of the body
• “The body as simultaneously a physical and
symbolic artifact, naturally and culturally
produced, anchored in a particular historical
• Four bodies – individual body, social body, and
body politic, the mindful body
• separate but overlapping units of analysis
– different theoretical approaches
– phenomenology, structuralism and symbolism, poststructuralism (practice theory – structure & agency)
The Individual Body
• lived experience of the body-self, body,
mind, matter, psyche, soul
The Social Body
• representational uses of the body as a
natural symbol with which to think about
nature, society, culture
The Body Politic
• regulation, surveillance, & control of
bodies (individual & collective) in
reproduction & sexuality, in work & leisure,
in sickness & other forms of deviance
The Mindful Body
• the most immediate, the proximate terrain
where social truths and social
contradictions are played out
• a locus of personal and social resistance,
creativity, and struggle
• emotions form the mediatrix between the
individual, social and political body, unified
through the concept of the 'mindful body.'
• Body is not an object to be studied in relation to
culture, but is to be considered as the SUBJECT
of culture
• body is a setting in relation to the world;
consciousness is the body projecting itself into
the world
• Experience not a primordial existential given but
a historically and culturally constitutes process
predicated on certain ways of being in the world
PRACTICE (agency)
• Structure – a particular class of conditions of
existence produce habitus
• Habitus – regulated and regular without being in
any way the product of obedience to rules
• habitus can be collectively orchestrated without
being the product of the organizing action of a
• Social agents operate according to their "feel for
the game" (the "feel" being, roughly, habitus,
and the "game" being the structure).
PRACTICE (agency)
• Practical sense (practice) -- proleptic
adjustment (anticipatory) to demands of a
field (structure)
• encounter between habitus and a field
which makes possible the near-perfect
anticipation of the future inscribed in all the
concrete configurations (structure)
• the experience -- objective structures -played out as the feel for direction,
orientation, impending outcome
the individual body, the social
body, the body politic, and habitus
• Sex, sexuality, &
– Not the same thing
Sex & the individual body
• differences in biology
• Is this a man or
– How do you know?
Sex & the Social Body
• Tells us part of the
story, but not all of the
• GENDER - the cultural construction of
male & female characteristics
– vs. the biological nature of men & women
• SEX differences are biological - GENDER
differences are cultural
• behavioral & attitudinal differences from
social & cultural rather than biological
point of view
• Gender refers to the ways members of the
two sexes are perceived, evaluated and
expected to behave
Gender Boundaries
• since gender is culturally constructed the
boundaries are conceptual rather than
• Boundaries require markers to indicate
• the boundaries are dynamic, eg. now it is
acceptable for men to wear earrings
Boundary Markers
Hair style
Language use
Boundary Markers & Inter-personal
• How do we react
when someone
seems to have traits
of each category?
• social intercourse
requires that the
interacting parties
know to which gender
Felicita Vestvali
category `the other'
1824 - 1880
New York opera star who specialized
in singing contralto "trouser roles."
Women cross dress
all the time.
The difference is
Acceptance or
Rejection by society
Blurring the Boundaries
• persistence of dualisms in ideologies of
• other categories - every society including
our own is at some time or other faced
with people who do not fit into its sex &
gender categories
“Third” Gender
• a significant number of people
are born with genitalia that is
neither clearly male or female
– Hermaphrodites
• persons who change their
biological sex
• persons who exhibit behavior
deemed appropriate for the
opposite sex
• persons who take on other
gender roles other than those
indicated by their genitals
“Third” Gender
• multiple cultural & historical worlds in which
people of divergent gender & sexual desire exist
– margins or borders of society
• may pass as normal to remain hidden in the
official ideology & everyday commerce of social
• In some societies when discovered - iconic
matter out of place - "monsters of the cultural
• third gender as sexual deviance a common
theme in N. America
Is it possible to have a genderless
Sexuality & the body politic
• all societies regulate sexuality
– lots of variation cross-culturally
• degree of restrictiveness not always
consistent through life span
– adolescence vs. adulthood
• Varieties of “normative” sexual orientation
– Heterosexual, homosexual, transexual
• Sexuality in societies change over time
Sexuality as body politics
• sex acts have varying social significance and
subjective meanings in accordance with the
cultural context in which they occur
– as evidenced by cross-cultural variation in sex
categories and labels
• the underlying assumption -- sexuality is
mediated by cultural and historical factors
• distinctions to be made between sexual acts,
sexual identities, and sexual communities.
• gender roles - tasks & activities that a culture
assigns to sexes
• gender stereotypes - oversimplified strongly held
ideas about the characteristics of men & women
& third sex-third gender
• gender stratification - unequal distribution of
rewards (socially valued resources, power,
prestige, personal freedom) between men &
women reflecting their position in the social
Gender & the Social Order
Social Stratification & Gender
• Gender is an important dimension of social
• Gender stratification frequently takes the
form of patriarchy whereby men dominate
• Do women in our society have a second
class status relative to men? If so How?
universals versus particulars
• universal subordination of women is often
cited as one of the true cross-cultural
universals, a pan-cultural fact
– Engels called it the “world historical defeat of
• even so the particulars of women’s roles,
statuses, power, and value differ
tremendously by culture
The Poetics & Politics of Bodies
• Body image as text/representation
• The poetics of the text/representation
– identify aesthetic elements, narrative structures,
• The politics of text/representation
– Behavior (structure) controls perception
– the body image experienced in perception
approximates that anticipated by the cognized &
behaving self.
• the use of the body-as-symbol and the distortion
of the body image for communicative purposes
• Images of our bodies is a basic component of
our concept of our self and our personal identity.
Some Observations of Bodies in N.
• media's increasing use of slim female models and
images of nearly unattainable body measurements
• young women are subjected to images of the “perfect”
female body and are subsequently distorting their own
body images
• Complaints about body fat have become normal
discourse among females
• “This pattern of body image distortion is considerably
more pronounced and more common in women than in
men, to the point that it is considered a characteristically
female phenomenon (1999).
• new field of social aesthetics
Western Male Bodies & Taiwanese
Male Bodies
• Body image disorders appear to be more
prevalent in Western than non-Western men
• Previous studies have shown that young
Western men display unrealistic body ideals and
that Western advertising seems to place an
increasing value on the male body
• Do Taiwanese men exhibit less dissatisfaction
with their bodies than Western men?
• Does Taiwanese advertising place less value on
the male body than Western media?
• Am J Psychiatry 162:263-269, February 2005
Men & Poetics/Politics of Male
Bodies: advertising & self
• Taiwanese men exhibited significantly less
body dissatisfaction than their Western
• In the magazine study, American
magazine advertisements portrayed
undressed Western men frequently, but
Taiwanese magazines portrayed
undressed Asian men rarely
• Taiwan appears less preoccupied with male
body image than Western societies.
• This difference may reflect
– Western traditions emphasizing muscularity and
fitness as a measure of masculinity
– increasing exposure of Western men to muscular
male bodies in media images
– greater decline in traditional male roles in the West,
leading to greater emphasis on the body as a
measure of masculinity
• These factors may explain why body dysmorphic
disorder and anabolic steroid abuse are more
serious problems in the West than in Taiwan.
Discourse, Subjectivity, Power
• Discourses
– a system of representation
– Codes and conventions
– rules and practices that produce meaningful
statements and regulate discourse in different
historical periods
• "Discourse, Foucault argues, “constructs
the topic. It defines and produces the
objects of our knowledge. It governs the
way that a topic can be meaningfully talked
about and reasoned about.”
Concepts of the Individual, self,
person in anthropology
• Individual as member of humankinde
• Self as locus of experience
• Person as agent-in-society (sociologistic)
Identity and Subjectivity
• Social order -- arrays of identifications
jockeying for position, gaining and losing
strength, clashing with others, aligning
with still others, and defining the texture of
social action in their activity.
• Subjectivity – complex negotiation of
representation & experience
• constructing the subject, constructing
agency, constituting subjectivity
Discourse, Subjectivity, Power
• Discourse -- the bearer of various subject positions
• Subject positions -- specific positions of agency and identity in
relation to particular forms of knowledge and practice
• Subjectivity --produced within discourse, subjected to
• subject position--[for us to become the subject of a
particular discourse, and thus the bearers of its
power/knowledge] we must locate ourselves in the position
from which the discourse makes most sense, and thus
become its 'subjects' by subjecting' ourselves to its meanings,
power and regulation.
Discourse, Gender, Power
• sexuality and the body -- sites of power
and politics
• socially imposed structures that objectified
sexual identity and gender differences
• socially imposed structures that shape
gender relations and behavior