UBU_GM_Minutes_19_11_12 General meeting 19th November 2012 Horton Barn Roll call: 182 students. This is the biggest turnout in years. The winners of the prize are video games society and ACS for the societies. The sports club is badminton Declaration of interest - none Approval of agenda - this was passed with a general aye. Welcome to the first general meeting of the academic year 2012-13. Sefyan the chair of council welcomed everyone and told the general meeting we were quorum. Samayya gave an introduction regarding the current situation in Gaza and the relationship with the union. We have activities all week to fundraise for Gaza. We are going to be receiving application forms shortly to go to Gaza. George Galloway Imad - the Student Union has over stepped its remit, you have stopped us learning. The peace studies students were not involved. On what basis does the Student Union have the right to stop external speakers? This motion was passed at council to protect our students; this has been greatly discussed at council, women's forum. The VC mark Cleary backed this motion. The motion was not a no-platform policy. It was postponed. Will the student union regulate all external speakers? We do not stop freedom of speech. Unfortunately Stella was taken ill at the last minute. Emergency motions Motions - making sure that motions are fully understood in the constitution. Can we change the word ordinary? No one wishes to talk. This is to resolve the problem with motions. Robson is to speak for the motion. Honor to speak against the motion. We only asked for George Galloway to be postponed this motion is not required. Ashima this was brought to the general meeting form the democracy committee. Jess we have ongoing problems with students affairs; this has nothing to do with George Galloway. Imad this is really positive, this is great. Vote For 65 Against 12 Abstain 46 This motion was passed. National demo Furqan gave the general meeting all the information they required regarding the demonstration on Wednesday. We had a guest from the NUS Hannah Patterson Alpha and Luke gave an update of what is happening at the union regarding the nus demo. The demo is this Wednesday. We believe we need to show solidarity with all students paying 9k. We tax because they are rich not educated. Hannah Patterson - national disabled student’s officer. We have been working really hard, our education is not fair. Educate, employ, empower. New app is available for the NUS demo; make a change for your community. How many people are you expecting? We are estimating 10,000. What do you think it will show the government if lots of people attend. It demonstrates a sense of feeling. Demonstrate there is strength in numbers. We are quite intimidating in groups. What do you want to happen for the demo to be a success? We want students to become more active and start campaigns that are relevant to their passions. We want students getting active on campus. Empower young people to get involved. If you get unauthorised absences from your course what can we do? Facebook and twitter social campaigns are required. We need to get the message out. Taking photos, bringing things back to campus. Local action - logistics need help. We will be marching to Centenary Square. Speech from the Executives as to the current state to the union Alpha - working on academic reviews. Working with estates on the refurbishment of various areas and teaching rooms. We are working on a plan of sustaining student central. BME attainment is been working on now, we will be working with Kanja Sesay, former NUS black student officer and union media and entertainments officer. Financial policy is been looked into. Furqan - thank you to all students that elected me into my position. I have been working on a new system for course representatives. The student union needs a full time course rep coordinator. We have a big QAA review in 2013. We need the course rep system in place. These are the main communication with the university. Freshers fair went really well, the welcome talks went down really well. Appointment of the new vice chancellor is coming up. Student charter was launched in November. William - successful colours ball 503 attended. Freshers fair went really well. The sports membership changed so students can get the best deals. MUGGAS are nearly done. We have some new committee in the sports and society exec. I would like to give a massive thank you to all my executive members for all their help. Rachelle - biggest party on the amp ever. Two days this year. We had the biggest freshers fair. Resident DJ to be changed to a ministry of sound DJ. We have changed the media areas to joint membership. We are the only 3d cinema in Europe. Aicha - Headival went really well and was really important. This was the mental health week. This is happening in our campus and community. We have a Headival message. I am currently working with the rag committee. We are going to have an epic rag; we want to raise 20k. Disabled awareness week is coming up. We are planting lots of trees this Friday. Rob - Working with the forum. Stress awareness day went really well, stall at the freshers fayre. We are going to do an audit. Ruxandra - countries in crisis scholarship. Welcome talks to international students. We arranged lots of fresher’s week events. Next week we have an event to share international different cultures. This is called Coping with the British. One world week is next semester. Any Americans or Canadians please come and see me tomorrow to organise thanks giving Samayya - black history month had problems with cultural fund. We are going to do events throughout the year. Attended a lot of conferences, defend the right to protest. BME forum and committee are working really well. Meetings with VC regarding prevent. Luke - apologies for being tired. I have just lost my job and have an essay to do. I am going to do some leaflets for various things. I have been attending a lot of meetings regarding access and other disabled students issue. I am currently working on the national demo. Please voice your views if not they won't change. Be a united student union. Steven - stall at fresher’s fayre. I need people to run the LGBT society and forum. I am in the office if anyone needs me. Questions to the executives General questions - how do you report a Sabb that has been unfair to students? Please contact Andy the general manager. If a student would like to contact a Sabb how do you do this? There are business cards available at student union reception. Any other business Interesting in taking part in Internet gaming with Leeds University please email the video game society president. Halo4 tournament 1st December Post graduate forum every Friday at 4:00pm in c101. 1st December red ribbon is having a man versus food competition. Please come and see red ribbon if you want to participate. The black student forum is this Friday at 5:00 in the union boardroom. Revolution is doing a Christmas dinner this is £6:00 per head. The 9th December is the Team Bradford Christmas dinner. Hate crime event being held. Time and date of next meeting 18th February 2013 general meeting 29th April 2013 annual general meeting