Chapter 2 Section 1 THE SPANISH CLAIM A NEW EMPIRE Spanish make land claims in Americas Conquistadores (Spanish explorers) Gold & Silver Central American to South America Destroyed Native communities Spain gains wealth (1500s) CORTES SUBDUES THE AZTEC Hernan Cortes lands in Mexico Gold! Gold! Gold! Welcomed at first Cortes turns on Montezuma (Mexican leader) Cortes is ousted, kill Montezuma Disease will destroy Aztecs EXPLORING FLORIDA Juan Ponce de Leon Lands in Florida, 1513 Spanish abandon Florida French claim Florida Spanish regain interest in FL Oust French by force SETTLING THE SOUTHWEST 1540-Francisco Vasquez de Coronado Explores the area of AZ, NM, TX OK and KS Native population falls Congregaciones: Converting Natives to Catholic SPANISH RESISTANCE Tension between Natives and Spanish Pope: Native American leader Pope punished for beliefs His followers rebel Spanish run out of New Mexico Section 2 ENGLISH COLONIZATION 1606 – King James I grants charters Virginia Company of London Wealth and fortune Arrive on Virginia coast New settlement: Jamestown A DISASTOROUS START John Smith: Leader of VA Co. Unprepared, Greed Energy put on Gold ONLY Smith warned, nobody listened Disease, hunger ruin start Colonist die quickly Chief Powhatan aides Smith Jamestown begins to grow Smith burned in accident Smith returns to England Jamestown disintegrates Powhatan, fearful, kills colonists’ livestock Famine sets in “BROWN GOLD” New English settlers arrive New leaders have a plan, organized Colony rises Valuable crop: Tobacco John Rolfe’s experiment High demand for tobacco Colony now flourishes NEEDED LABOR Laborers are needed to plant tobacco Headright System(1618): 50 acres of land plus 50 acres to families Immigration rises Indentured Servants: most immigrants become to gain entrance to New World 4-7 yrs service exchanged for food, shelter SETTLERS vs. NATIVES English wanted Natives off the land Burned Powhatan villages Chief Powhatan’s daughter, Pocahontas, is kidnapped She married John Rolfe, peace was near Powhatan decides to rid the colonists Slaughters hundreds of colonists Virginia becomes a royal colony BACON’S REBELLION Native American and Frontier colonists Frontiersmen want support William Berkeley (VA Governor) refused Nathaniel Bacon, a frontiersmen, raises an army Bacon protests Berkeley Bacon and his men attack Jamestown Bacon dies shortly after Berkeley returns, rids frontiersmen Section 3 PURITANS AND PILGRIMS Puritans wanted free of Catholic church traditions Believed in Faith, Prayer, Bible John Winthrop leads them Wanted to build model society Separatists wanted to keep some Catholic church traditions Founded Plymouth Colony (1620) MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY Winthrop gains land grant, charter Thousands follow from England Planning helped colony flourish Great Migration, 1630-40 20,000 migrate to MA Bay Colony “City Upon a Hill” THE FOUNDING OF PROVIDENCE Roger Williams Banished from MA Bay Colony Went against Puritan beliefs Williams fled in 1636 Est. Colony of Providence Guaranteed: Separation of church and state… Promised religious freedom NATIVE AMERICAN RESISTENCE Thousands of white settlers arrive in New England Natives already claim land Brutal fighting will occur LAND and RELIGION Whites claimed land theirs Natives said it belonged to nobody No agreement could be reached PEQUOT WAR (1637) Colonists align with Narragansett tribe Enemy of Pequot tribe Pequot nation virtually destroyed Men, women and children massacred Narragansett even asked colonists to stop KING PHILIP’S WAR (1675) 40 years of peace… Tension still exists Colonial population: 50,000 Natives depended on colonists Wampanoag chief Metacom had enough Colonists called him King Philip Organized tribal alliance Intense fighting erupts Hit-and-run tactics Burning colonial villages Food shortages, disease, slow Natives Both populations suffer extreme casualties Section 4 NEW NETHERLAND Dutch settle in New Netherland Henry Hudson: employed by Dutch Dutch est. fur trade w/ Iroquois Built trading posts along Hudson River Dutch colonize New Netherland Expand thriving fur trade Dutch expand settlement, claims Fur trade expands to Delaware River A DIVERSE COLONY Colony slow to attract people Variety of people arrive German, French, Scandinavian Africans, free and enslaved Religious tolerance Friendlier relations w/ N.A. Traded with instead Kept peace with Iroquois ENGLISH TAKEOVER English colony split by Dutch James, Duke of York Permission from King Charles II to drive out Dutch James arrives with huge fleet Dutch governor surrenders (no gunfire) James is new proprietor Renames colony New York James gives friends land Name it New Jersey (British island Jersey) PENN’S WOODS English want expansion of empire King Charles II has debts William Penn’s father gets land Gives it to son Pennsylvania colonized Acquires more land: Delaware THE QUAKERS Believed in God’s “inner light” No formal ministers Anyone could speak Dressed plain Refused military Disliked by Puritans Est. “City of Brotherly Love” Philadelphia (Capital)