LONGWOOD LESSON PLAN Date of Instruction: Day 1 Teacher Name: Rebecca Cannon Subject: English Grade Level: 10 & 10H Standards of Learning (SOL): Communication: Speaking, Listening, Media Literacy 10.1: The student will participate in, collaborate in, and report on small-group learning activities. b) Collaborate in the preparation or summary of the group activity. f) Collaborate with others to exchange ideas, develop new understandings, make decisions, and solve problems. Applicable NCTE Standard(s): 7: Students conduct research on issues and interests by generating ideas and questions, and by posing problems. They gather, evaluate, and synthesize data from a variety of sources (e.g., print and non-print texts, artifacts, people) to communicate their discoveries in ways that suit their purpose and audience. 8: Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g., libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge. General Objective(s): To introduce the Colonialism African Research Project and help them make connections to Things Fall Apart and the non-fiction they will be reading while doing their research. The “to-with-by” method will be used to make sure that the students understand how to recognize important questions to do their research thoroughly. Rationale: This will help the class research in a better and more effective way. Specific Learning Activities Instructional Procedures The teacher will. . . . Students will. . . . Introduction/Anticipatory Set Put a warm up question from Things The students will answer the questions Fall Apart on the board for the independently in their notebook which students to write a reflective answer to will allow them to reference back to get their memory jogging for the rest the questions during later discussions. of the lesson. ( WILL NOT BE GRADED) The students will think about Africa, Questions will be different for Honors what they have read in Things Fall Class Apart and what they already know, Research Activity: Ask the students to and then identify and tell the teacher raise their hand and tell everything so she can write it on the board. they know about Africa already. The children will receive and read the Pass out the independent research outline that they will be using for their 1 outline for their Colonialism Research research project. Project and their Research Work Sheet. (ATTACHED) Main Lesson Activities TO: Show the children examples of Class will listen. Ask Questions. Write research questions to help them begin down the information being given on their search. their Research Worksheets. What Part of Africa is your topic located? Who were 3 important figures or groups of people? What was the key event that happened in your topic area? WITH: Ask the students to compose The students will collaborate and and think of other questions that can discuss what questions may benefit be used for their research. their research and discuss them with the teacher. BY: Have the class break into groups The individual groups will organize according to their topic chosen. questions that will help them conduct When broken up into groups, tell them their research on their given topics. to come up with questions to benefit their own single topic. Monitor the class allowing them to ask questions when needed. Walk to classroom to make sure students are staying on task. Closure When the class is getting ready to end The students will go back to their seats have the class go back to their own and show and present the teacher with seats. the questions they discovered. Ask for some examples of questions that students have come up with. Tell them to name their topic and the question they came up with. Evaluation: Formative: The students will learn and be shown how to construct research questions to help make their research easier and faster. Summative: The students will be asked to come up with questions on their own without the teacher’s guidance. 2 Extension Assignment: Have the children write in their take home journals about the things they hope to discover with their research project. Accommodations/ provisions for individual differences: Honors classes will have a different lesson format (harder) and extra assistance will be given to kids that need it. Materials/ resources: Research Worksheet (attached) Research Sheet (attached) WARM-UP MEMORY JOGGERS for Things Fall Apart DAY 1 10 Regular Why did Okoye come to see Unoka? 10 Honors What do Okoye and Unoka have in common? In what ways are they different? Why did Okoye come to see Unoka? 3 AFRICA INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH PROJECT (REGULAR) Select one topic for research: Nigeria 1814-1914, 1914-1960, or 1960-present Nigeria’s independence 1960 Nigeria today (What economic, environmental, or social problems exist today?) Chinua Achebe Igbo or Ibo people of Africa (history, traditions, art, etc.) AIDS in Africa Apartheid Genocide in Rwanda Research your topic for TEN facts. Use the Research Worksheet to gather your facts, in your own words, and cite your sources. You must use at least ONE reference book. Then write a two page, typed report, in your own words, cite your facts with FIVE in-text citations, and be sure to include a bibliography page. Total Possible Points: 200 On the day that you turn your final group project in you will each turn your individually typed report. _______________________________________________________________________ GRADE CARD: Name_______________________________________ Topic________________ Presentation Date_________ (GROUP) Creativity and effort displayed in visual 25 pts. __________ Quality and knowledge reflected in presentation 25 pts. ___________ Work Sheets with cited Sources 50 pts. ____________ Two-page typed summary of report 100 pts. __________ Total Points __________________ 4 AFRICA INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH PROJECT (HONORS) Select one topic for research: Nigeria 1814-1914, 1914-1960, or 1960-present Nigeria’s independence 1960 Nigeria today (What economic, environmental, or social problems exist today?) Chinua Achebe Igbo or Ibo people of Africa (history, traditions, art, etc.) AIDS in Africa Apartheid Genocide in Rwanda Research your topic for FIFTEEN facts. Use the Research Worksheet to gather your facts, in your own words, and cite your sources. You must use at least TWO reference books. Then write a FOUR page, typed report, in your own words, cite your facts with SEVEN in-text citations, and be sure to include a bibliography page. Total Possible Points: 200 On the day that you turn your final group project in you will each turn your individually typed report. _______________________________________________________________________ GRADE CARD: Name_______________________________________ Topic________________ Presentation Date_________ (GROUP) Creativity and effort displayed in visual 25 pts. __________ Quality and knowledge reflected in presentation 25 pts. ___________ Work Sheets with cited Sources 50 pts. ____________ Two-page typed summary of report 100 pts. __________ Total Points __________________ 5 Research Sheet (REGULAR) Name_____________________ Date____________________ Directions: This sheet is to help you synthesize and conduct your research. The research questions are to help guide you in your discovery process. Write your questions and answers on the chart provided. Research your topic for TEN facts. Use the Research Sheet to gather your facts, in your own words, and cite your sources. You must use at least ONE reference book. Then write a two page, typed report, in your own words, cite your facts with FIVE in-text citations, and be sure to include a bibliography page. TOPIC _____________________________________ QUESTIONS ANSWERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FACTS 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. CITATIONS 6 Research Worksheet (HONORS) Name_____________________ Date____________________ Directions: This sheet is to help you synthesize and conduct your research. The research questions are to help guide you in your discovery process. Write your questions and answers on the chart provided. Research your topic for FIFTEENS facts. Use the Research Sheet to gather your facts, in your own words, and cite your sources. You must use at least TWO reference book. Then write a FOUR page, typed report, in your own words, cite your facts with SEVEN in-text citations, and be sure to include a bibliography page. TOPIC _____________________________________ QUESTIONS ANSWERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FACTS 1. 8. 2. 9. 3. 10. 4. 11. 5. 12. 6. 13. 7. 14. 15. 7 CITATIONS 8