PERFORMANCE RATINGS IN THE EMPLOYEE INFORMATION SYSTEM AND THE NEW WEB FORMS MAY 2009 Joel I. Klein, Chancellor 1 TODAY’S PROGRAM WELCOME INTRODUCTION TO RATINGS REVIEW OF PROCESS WHAT’S NEW FOR 2009 RATINGS AT A GLANCE KEY DATES SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS FAQS WHERE TO GO FOR HELP DEMONSTRATION OF EIS SYSTEM DEMONSTRATION OF WEB RATING APPLICATIONS IMPACT OF RATINGS ON SALARY STEP PROGRESSION FIELD SUPPORT OF RATINGS APPLICATIONS 2 WHAT YOU WILL LEARN TODAY How to enter and approve final ratings for annualized instructional employees in EIS 7.2.2 for supervisors, teachers, annualized substitutes, guidance counselors, school based support team members (school psychologists and social workers) and school secretaries How to process and approve substitutes in EIS 7.2.7 for per diem substitute teachers How to access and post rating detail to web performance rating forms for annualized teachers and substitutes, guidance counselors, school based support team members (school psychologists and social workers) and secretaries 3 ABOUT THE PROCESS All school instructional employees are rated by their principals All principals are rated by their superintendents All employees receive a final rating of Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory or Doubtful. Use doubtful for first year probationers whose performance is doubtful Principals receive a numeric rating through the Principal Performance Review tool (PPR ) Overall final ratings are entered into the Employee Information System in May 4 ABOUT THE PROCESS Detailed performance rating forms are required for all employees Web performance rating forms will be used for teachers, guidance counselors, school based support team members and school secretaries Traditional paper rating forms are used for supervisors and per diem teachers Web rating forms and traditional forms are completed distributed in June The Principal Performance Review tool (PPR) process is available in the Fall 5 WHAT’S NEW IN RATINGS FOR SPRING 2009 ● ● ● ● ● Web forms will now be available for annualized teachers, guidance counselors school based support team members (psychologists and social workers), and school secretaries Web forms will contain pre populated personalized HR and timekeeping data; eliminating the need for rating labels Schools can directly update select absence, lateness, rating detail and probationary recommendations on the web forms Web forms have been upgraded to incorporate recommendations of users Expanded web form functionality allows schools to print all forms at once 6 WHAT’S NEW IN RATINGS FOR SPRING 2009 ● ● ● ● ● ● A dedicated HR Connect Hot Line has been created to respond to all HR inquiries from school secretaries. Rating inquiries will be included as part of support services provided. Printing take less time All web forms have been standardized in format and reflect current organizational requirements Updated web forms are stored Completed web forms can be transferred to PDF documents and exported Schools can auto populate satisfactory or unsatisfactory ratings for all rating sub groups 7 ABOUT THE FORMS AND THE SYSTEM NEW WEB FORMS FORMS FOR OTHER EMPLOYEES PROCESS SYSTEM 8 RATINGS AT A GLANCE PERFORMANCE RATING FORMS (1) EMPLOYEE GROUPS USING NEW WEB ENABLED SCHOOL POSTED RATING FORMS EMPLOYEE GROUPS All Annualized Teachers and Annualized Substitutes Guidance Counselor School Based Support Team Members (School Psychologists and School Social Workers) School Secretaries FORM NAMES Annual Professional Performance Review and report on Probationary Service of Pedagogical Employee (BE/DOP 9955B) Annual Professional Performance Review and Report on Probationary Service of Guidance Counselor (BE/DOP 9955C) Annual Performance Review and Report on Probationary Service of School Based Support Team Members (BE/DOP 9955D) Annual Professional Performance Review and Report on Probationary Service of School Secretary (BE/DOP 9955A) 9 RATINGS AT A GLANCE PERFORMANCE RATING FORMS (2) EMPLOYEE GROUPS USING OTHER RATING FORMS AS DESIGNATED EMPLOYEE GROUPS FORM NAMES Principals Principal Performance Review Tool (PPR) Supervisors (Assistant Principals and Educational Administrators) Per Diem Teachers Annual Professional Performance Review of Pedagogical Supervisory Employee (OP 352B) Traditional Form Annual Professional Performance Review and Report on Probationary Service of Pedagogical Employee (BE/DOP 9955B) Traditional Form 10 RATINGS AT A GLANCE EMPLOYEE INFORMATION SYSTEM OPTIONS AND CODES OPTIONS Rated Employees Annualized Instructional employees Per Diem Substitutes Principals* *NOTE: Do not update pending future instructions EIS Option 7.2.2 7.2.7 7.2.6 System Users School Secretaries/Principals School Secretaries/Principals CODES Rating codes Rating Reason Codes S Satisfactory AT Attendance Problems U Unsatisfactory LA Lateness C Not ratable For annualized instructionals only (on leave/other) PE Personal and Professional Qualities M Not ratable For per diem substitutes only PG Pupil Guidance and Instructional D DOUBTFUL For first year regularly appointed probationers only CS Classroom and Shop Management N System Populated Reassigned Teachers (No school override permitted) PS Participant in School/ and Community Activities OT Other (comments) 11 GETTING STARTED CHECK LIST RATINGS AT A GLANCE FORMS EIS CODES ADOBE – LATEST VERSION SECURITY EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE RATING DECISIONS KEY DATES WHERE TO GO FOR HELP 12 RATINGS ACTIVITIES STEP REVIEW Post and principal approve final ratings into EIS Access and post rating detail to web rating forms Complete traditional and paper rating forms All forms signed, distributed and filed according to regulations 13 WHERE TO GO TO FOR HELP EIS AND WEB FORM USAGE INQUIRIES....................HR CONNECT SECRETARY HOT LINE 718 935 4003 GENERAL UPDATES.....................................................PRINCIPALS' WEEKLY, EIS BULLETIN BOARD,ATS MESSAGE BOARD RECORDED RATINGS WEBCAST................................http: // USER ACCOUNT CONFIRMATION TOOL..................... OFFICE OF SALARY SERVICES……………………… 14 WHERE TO GO TO FOR HELP (CONTINUED) •SECURITY TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT INTEGRATED SERVICE CENTERS (DATA SUPPORT GROUP HOTLINES) Bronx: Lou Lombardi 718-741-5161 Fax: 718-584-0266 Queens and District 75: Laura Lui-Ng 718-391-8169 Fax: 718-391-6886 Manhattan: Michael Baker 212-356-3830 Fax: 212-356-3705 Brooklyn and District 79: Francisco Baez 718-935-4402 Fax: 718-935-5941 Staten Island: Vester Rivera 718-556-8388 Fax: 718-556-8333 CHILDREN FIRST NETWORKS (DATA SPECIALIST CONTACT INFORMATION) CFN 1: Michealle Gregory 718-935-2014 (McDonald Network) CFN2: Javier Ocampo 917-521-3706 (Groll Network) CFN 3: Shani Jimeta Randall Iserman, Director of Operations 212-356-3851 (Harvey Network) 212-356-3736 CFN 4: Gwendalyn Anthony, Ops Assoc 718-759-4979 (Smith Network) 15 WHERE TO GO TO FOR HELP (CONTINUED) HR POLICY AND GUIDELINES and TIMEKEEPING/PAYROLL SUPPORT INTEGRATED SERVICE CENTERS Bronx: Debra Kelly 718-741-8815 Queens: Lorraine Haynes Robert Restivo, District 75 718-391-8127 718-391-8566 Manhattan: Judith Rivera 212-356-7531 Brooklyn: Adrian Esquilin 718-935-2372 Bernard Palmer, District 79 718-935-3303 Staten Island: Angela Santoro 718-556-8346 Note*: ISC covered schools contact the ISC Payroll Support Liaison for Timekeeping and Payroll Inquires CHILDREN FIRST NETWORKS CFN 1: Lisa Batson 718-935-4857 (McDonald Network) CFN 2: Regina Vorbeck 917-521-3708 CFN 3: Giovanni Henson 212-330-9568 (Harvey Network) CFN 4: Deborah Armstrong 718-759-3952 (Smith Network) (Groll Network) 16 We Want Your Feedback At the conclusion of this web cast you will be asked to complete a survey. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts about this presentation. 17 KEY DATES MAY THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2009 DATES EVENT ● MAY 19 Web cast EIS and Web Rating Forms ● MAY 21 FAQ WEBINAR ● MAY 22 ● JUNE 8 EIS Rating System available for all schools, Integrated Service Centers, Children First Network organizations, field and central offices. Schools begin entering ratings into EIS. All EIS school rating entries must be posted and principal approved/finalized in EIS JUNE 10 Web Forms available for school use JUNE 11 EIS accruals updated JUNE 12 Begin printing web forms JUNE 22 All performance rating forms must be signed and distributed to all instructional employees except principals and supervisors JUNE 23 All performance rating forms must be signed and distributed to all supervisors JUNE 30th EIS is shut down for school updates JULY 1 through AUGUST 30 ISC Deputies/ Partners and CFN Directors SEPTEMBER 15 Salary adjustments associated with Unsatisfactory ratings are implemented in employee’s paychecks 18 SALARY STEPS & U-RATINGS TEACHERS AND TEACHER-LINE TITLES WHO ARE ON THE SALARY STEP SCHEDULE WILL NOT ADVANCE TO THE NEXT STEP IN THE FOLLOWING SCHOOL YEAR IF THEY ARE RATED UNSATISFACTORY TEACHERS, GUIDANCE COUNSELORS AND SCHOOL SECRETARIES WHO ARE ON SALARY STEP 8A OR BELOW AND SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKERS AND SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS WHO ARE ON SALARY STEP 7A AND BELOW WILL NOT PROGRESS ON THE SALARY SCHEDULE IF THEY ARE RATED UNSATISFACTORY RESTORATION TO THE SALARY SCHEDULE WILL NOT OCCUR UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF SATISFACTORY SERVICE WITHIN THE FOLLOWING SCHOOL YEAR 19 SALARY STEPS & U-RATINGS (cont’d) ▪TEACHERS WILL ADVANCE THE FOLLOWING YEAR TO THE SALARY STEP THEY WOULD HAVE ACHIEVED IF THEY HAD NOT BEEN RATED UNSATISFACTORY ▪TEACHERS ADVANCE TO THE CORRECT SALARY STEP FOLLOWING A SATISFACTORY RATING. IT IS NOT RETROACTIVE FOR THE YEAR THEY WERE RATED UNSATISFACTORY! ▪EXAMPLE – JOANNE VARGAS WAS RATED UNSATISFACTORY FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR ENDING 2007 AND SHE IS ON SALARY STEP 3A. SHE WAS THEN RATED SATISFACTORY FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR ENDING 2008. SHE WILL RESUME SALARY STEP PROGRESSION IN SEPTEMBER 2008 AND SHE WILL BE PLACED ON THE CORRECT SALARY STEP 5A ▪THE SCHOOL SECRETARY AND THE PRINCIPAL HAVE UNTIL JUNE 30, 2009 TO CHANGE A RATING IN EIS ▪THE ISC/CFN HAS THE ABILITY TO CHANGE RATINGS UNTIL AUGUST 31, 2009 ▪AFTER THAT DATE IF A RATING NEEDS TO BE CHANGED, THE PRINCIPAL OF THE SCHOOL SHOULD EMAIL ME AT GALOIA@SCHOOLS.NYC.GOV WITH THE NEW RATING AND REASON FOR THE CHANGE 20 To move through these next few slides, use the “Next” button you can see at the bottom of this window. RATINGS FAQS Q. Can you summarize the steps a school must follow to record ratings and complete required performance rating forms? A: On May 22nd schools must post ratings into the school list in the Employee Information System (EIS). These ratings must be approved in EIS no later than June 8th. In June detailed rating forms are prepared for all school employees by the principal. Web forms are available for most employee groups on June 10 th. Other employees will receive paper forms. Once completed, the forms must be signed. Follow all guidelines pertaining to this process. to this process. Q. A: Which employees are rated in EIS? All annualized instructional employees who appear on your schools EIS Table of Organization. This includes assistant principals, supervisors, teachers, school based support team members (psychologists and social workers) guidance counselors and school secretaries. Per Diem substitutes are also rated in EIS. Q. A: Do ATR (Absence Teacher Reserves) need to be rated? Yes, all ATR must be rated by the principal of the school where they have been temporarily assigned to provide absence coverage. In the event the ATR has served in more than one location during the school year, Principals should work collaboratively so that the rating may be issued by one school. Principals should contact the ISC Deputy/Partner or CFN Director if assistance is needed in identifying the ATRs’ work place or budgeted school location for the purpose of entering into EIS. Q. When do I use the web application forms? A:. Use the web form when rating annualized teachers, guidance counselors, school based support team members (psychologists and social workers) and school secretaries. Q. A: Can I post information directly on the web form. Yes. Most sections can be directly updated by either school secretaries or principals. Some sections contain prepopulated information which originates from the EIS system. Pre-populated information cannot be changed directly on the form. Q. A: What forms are used for the other employee groups? Use the paper traditional form "Annual Professional Performance Review of Pedagogical Supervisory Employee" for assistant principals and supervisory staff. This form is referred to as ABC since it has three sections. Use a blank teacher rating form for per diem teachers. Q. A: What form is used for principals? Principals are rated by their superintendents using the Principals Performance Review (PPR) Tool. 22 Q. Why do both secretaries and principal require access to the EIS system. A: The secretary can post and auto-populate the school list. Principals have a different level of security which allows them to approve/finalize the list. The list is not considered an official submission until the principal has approved/finalized the list. Q. Where do school personnel go to for assistance with security? A: For Integrated Service Center (ISC) covered schools go to the ISC ASL group. For Children First Network (CFN) covered schools contact your CFN Data/IT Specialist. Contact information is provided in the Help Section of the Web Cast. Q. What is my ISC/CFN designation which is required on both EIS and Web applications. A: This is a numeric code which identifies which ISC or CFN the school is associated with. Have this number handy as it will be needed to post information to EIS or access your web application form. The designations are: Codes ISC 1- Manhattan 2- Bronx 3-Brooklyn (part) 4-Queens 5-Staten Island/Brooklyn Codes CFN 6 for Network 1 7 for Network 2 8 for Network 3 9 for Network 4 23 Q. A: I am accessing my school rating list in EIS and notice that some employee records are recoded with an N or C code in the rating field. What does this mean? In certain cases an employee has a special status which is translated to a special rating designation. Any employee who is classified as "reassigned" will be coded as N on the school list. N employees cannot be rated directly on the list. If a principal wishes to rate the N coded employee they must contact the Office of Salary Services. Any employee who is on a leave of absence will be coded as C. The principal may rate the C coded employee in the EIS rating application. Q. A: If I have any questions about how to use EIS or the web applications who can I call? HR Connect has established a new direct hot line for secretaries. Call the hot line for assistance with general usage inquiries. Q. A: I may want to view the web cast again before the web ratings becomes available. Can I see it again? Yes. The web cast is archived and available for viewing through June. It is encouraged that you review the web rating section prior to accessing and updating the forms. Q. I have a teacher on my school rating list whose performance I evaluated as unsatisfactory from 8/31/2008 to 2/1/2009. The teacher was subsequently directed to the “Reassignment Center”. What are my obligations in rating this teacher? (*note: this teacher is on salary step 6A) A: Follow these steps: (1) using the teacher rating form, rate the teacher unsatisfactory. Complete all required sections, obtain signatures, and attach appropriate documentation. Follow form instructions. (2) Contact Ms. Genevieve Aloia, Office of Salary Services at and arrange for her to overlay the N code appearing on the EIS School Rating List with a U rating (unsatisfactory). Q. How will this teachers’ salary step be effected now that their rating code was changed from an N to U? A: The teacher’s salary step of 6A will be frozen effective September 15th as a result of the U rating. 24 To view the rest of this webcast To view Part 2, click this link: To view Part 3, click this link: 25