Answer the questions in your notebook: 1. Starch is a type of carbohydrate. What foods have starch? Complex carbohydrate; foods made from plants have carbohydrates; potatoes, onions and other root vegetables are made of starch. 2. Name the three main types of lipids? Fats, oils and waxes 3. List three healthy sources of protein and three healthy sources of lipids. Proteins: meat, eggs, dairy products; also beans Lipids: olive oil, avocados, eggs, dairy 4. Lipids are important to the health of what body system? Nervous system (including the brain) 5. You need nitrogen in order for your body to make DNA for new cells. How do you get nitrogen into your body? By eating food that comes from animals and plants. 6. What is the definition of an organic compound? A compound that contains carbon because it comes from a living thing. 7. Make a Venn diagram comparing lipids and carbohydrates. Only carbs Same Only lipids Carbohydrates can be stored as starch in plants Both contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms Lipids hold more energy (more energy rich compound carbohydrates) Carbohydrates are a quick energy source Both are organic compounds Essential to brain function and nervous system function Examples are glucose, sugar, and starch Both are used by cells as an energy source Both are needed to make cell membranes (are part of the cell Examples are fats, oils and waxes membrane)