Evaluating Undergraduate Research: Measuring Student Outcomes Jill Singer, Buffalo State College Bridget Zimmerman, Buffalo State College Dan Weiler, Daniel Weiler Associates UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH AS TRANSFORMATIVE PRACTICE 13th National Conference June 19-22, 2010 Weber State University, Ogden, Utah Outline • Motivation for evaluating Buffalo State’s summer research program • Process we followed • Findings • Modifications to procedure and instruments • Available resources • Questions Motivation: Why Evaluate the Undergraduate Summer Research Program (USRF) • All programs on our campus are required to have assessment plans • The USRF is the largest single program administered by Buffalo State’s Office of Undergraduate Research • Program supports research and creative endeavors • Each award includes a student stipend of $2500 (in 2010 increased to $2750), faculty stipend of $1000, and $500 for project-related travel and supplies • Program length is 8 weeks • USRF currently in its 12th year • Program enjoys a high level of prestige and participants are very supportive of our ongoing efforts to evaluate the impact of undergraduate research • Made sense to develop an assessment process that would apply both to science and non-science disciplines • Multi-year effort aimed at development and field-testing a methodology for measuring student learning and related outcomes (evaluation findings reported are for summers 2008 and 2009) Purposes of the Evaluation • Obtain reliable assessment of the USRF’s impact on participating students that goes beyond student survey data • Obtain information from faculty mentors on how the USRF program has influenced their teaching and view of student capabilities • Provide information to participating students that helps them assess their academic strengths and weaknesses • Begin the creation of a longitudinal database that can provide impact data on a range of outcomes for different types of students and a variety of academic disciplines Process: Retreat Pilot Full Scale • A two day retreat in summer 2006 attended by faculty representing a range of disciplines (arts, humanities, social sciences, and physical sciences) was held to reach consensus on student learning outcomes to be measured • In advance of the retreat faculty were asked to read relevant papers • First day of the retreat devoted to identifying and confirming 11 outcome categories • Second day of retreat devoted to refining outcome categories and identifying outcome components • The retreat resulted in 11 outcome categories to be measured and a detailed rubric that describes the specific components for each outcome Outcome Categories Communication Creativity Autonomy Ability to deal with obstacles Practice and process of inquiry Nature of disciplinary knowledge Critical thinking and problem solving Understanding ethical conduct Intellectual development Culture of scholarship Content knowledge skills/methodology …. and option for mentor and their student to identify and add more outcomes Outcome Categories • Each outcome category includes list of specific outcome components. • For “creativity” components are: brings new insights to the problem at hand; shows ability to approach problems from different perspectives; combines information in new ways and/or demonstrates intellectual resourcefulness; and effectively connects multiple ideas/approaches. • For “critical thinking and problem solving” components are: trouble-shoots problems, searches for ways to do things more effectively and generates, evaluates and selects between alternatives; recognizes discipline-specific problems and challenges established thinking when appropriate; recognizes flaws, assumptions and missing elements in arguments. • For “ability to deal with obstacles” components are: learns from and is not discouraged by set-backs and unforeseen events; shows flexibility and a willingness to take risks and try again. • This pattern is followed for all 11 outcome categories. Process: Retreat Pilot Full Scale • Six student-mentor pairs participated in pilot implementation during summer 2007 of the evaluation effort • Focus groups composed of student researchers and faculty mentors led by Dan Weiler with Bridget Zimmerman taking notes • Based on findings, minor modifications made to instruments and clarification of overall evaluation process Process: Retreat Pilot Full Scale • Full scale implementation of the evaluation effort for two years (2008 and 2009) involving 37 students and 37 faculty mentors • Mentors represented both first time and experienced (‘repeat’) mentors familiar with the USRF program (some having mentored students 5 or more times over the program’s 12 years) • Evaluation data (qualitative and quantitative) compiled and analyzed by Bridget Zimmerman • Qualitative parts of the evaluation took advantage of the already existing mid-summer and final report forms and the quantitative portions used the newly developed assessment instruments Implementation and Data (1) • Student completes a survey answering general and specific questions designed to define a ‘starting point’. Questions cover such areas as: motivation, knowledge and expectations, and their understanding of their academic strengths and weaknesses. • Survey has two purposes: (1) provide mentors with insights into student knowledge and thought processes, as an aid to the mentors in completing preliminary student assessments; and (2) provide students with structured opportunity to explore goals, knowledge, and readiness for the program. • Mentor reviews responses and meets with student to help them learn enough to formulate preliminary assessment (intended to overcome challenge of completing pre-research assessment with limited knowledge about the student). • Mentors provided with list of candidate questions for this purpose, showing relationship between each candidate question and relevant student outcomes. Implementation and Data (2) • Both student and mentor complete a pre-research assessment and meet to share their responses. • Instrument has 11 outcome categories • Five-point scale (the student always, usually, often, seldom, or never displays the particular outcome, or not applicable). • Given that mentors may not have equally rich information about their students across every outcome listed, asked to indicate for each score their level of confidence (very, fairly, somewhat, not terribly, or not at all confident). • Student and mentor meet to compare assessments and discuss reasons for any differences and help students obtain a more realistic assessment of their strengths and weaknesses. • Research begins. Implementation and Data (3) • Students keep a journal (electronic or paper) and mentors are encouraged to keep notes about the student’s progress. • Student and mentors complete mid-summer reports that include several questions about progress, changes from the original projects, and plans for the second half of the summer. It also contains all the questions asked in the pre-research assessment questionnaire. • Both student and mentor meet to share their responses. • Research continues. • Student and mentors complete final reports at the end of the summer that include questions about research findings, places where students might present their work, mentoring process (for faculty), and also includes the same assessment questions. Findings (1) • Evaluation focused on student and mentor responses to assessments, mid-summer and final project reports, and journals provided anecdotal information. • Assessment survey repeated three times (pre-, mid-, and post-) and contains a base of 68 questions (34 questions and 34 confidence scores). • Cronbach’s alpha used to determine how strongly associated the items of the scale relate and how well items hold together. The mentor survey (N= 70) had an overall coefficient alpha of .98. The student survey (N=68 ) had an overall coefficient of .96. Both coefficients suggest that there is high level of internal reliability. • Factor Analysis/Principal Components Analysis (PCA) used to determine if item structure could be characterized by smaller set of underlying components and make sure all questions add value to defining program’s impact on participants. Findings (2) • Thirty-four of the sixty-eight base questions are related to confidence in score’s accuracy. • Students did not seem to fully understand why they were being asked to rate themselves on their ability to rate themselves. Based on this finding, the confidence questions were dropped from the student version of the surveys and replaced with a single question about their certainty in responding at the end of the questionnaire. • Mentors understood the rationale for indicating confidence. Their degree of confidence increased with each survey and increasing knowledge of their student. To reduce survey fatigue, the confidence interval was retained for the faculty pre- and post-research assessments, but dropped from the mid-summer report. • To determine if program had impact on participants, pre-, midand post-responses were analyzed for significant differences with Repeated Measures ANOVA. Findings (3) • Overall surveys were well received by students and mentors and compliance was very high (reflects a number of reasons related to the value of the USRF program). • Open-ended responses (both students and mentors) are thoughtful, thorough, and insightful • Student responses in particular demonstrated significant growth in disciplinary expertise from the pre- to the post-assessments. Findings (4) • Student findings: • Tended to initially rate themselves slightly higher than their mentor rated them. • Reported growth on every survey item. • Because students often ‘inflated’ their pre-assessment scores and later scored themselves more realistically, the actual differences between pre- and post-scores was less frequently significant. • Mentor findings: • Initially rated the students lower than the students rated themselves but by the end of the program rated the students higher than the students’ self-reported scores (higher rate of significant differences). • A few items with decreased scores indicated that the mentor initially overrated their student and later learned that the student was not as strong as originally scored (e.g., writing skills, contribution to discipline). Findings (5) • Student comments included remarks that highlighted: • Improvements in knowledge of discipline, how scholarly activities take place in the discipline, new methods and tools for conducting research, and ability to interact and communicate on a scholarly level • Contributions to the discipline and that they were making discoveries that had value as well as contributing resources to future students • Value of their participation in the USRF program and how it would contribute to future endeavors (going to grad school, competing in job market, networking, etc) • Gained knowledge beyond the classroom, their peers that were not conducting research, and exceeded their own expectations for what they could accomplish Findings (6) • Mentor* comments included remarks that highlighted: • Balance between ‘teacher’ and ‘mentor’ allowing student to explore, make mistakes, and grow without constant presence (reflects stages of mentoring) • Value of working in a collaborative/collegial way with their student • Program’s influence on teaching practice. In particular, spoke of desire to increase opportunities for students to engage in research within a course and also raised expectations about what students can accomplish. * While some mentors initially commented on the redundancy of completing a pre-, mid-, and post-assessment, at the end of the process many recognized the value of capturing the growth of their particular student. The reason for this in part stems from seeing how the pre-, mid-, and post-assessments and subsequent conversations with their student was invaluable to the student’s self-awareness of their growth, strengths, and weaknesses and that the student found the process very instructive. Modifications Made Based on Findings • Clearer instructions about evaluation process provided to students and mentors along with summary of rationale for evaluation methodology and modifications to protocol • Elimination of ‘confidence’ score from all three student questionnaires and replaced by a single question at the end of the survey that asked students how certain they were about their skill level and responses and why • Elimination of ‘confidence’ scores from mid-summer report for mentor (retained in pre- and post-research assessments) • Simplification of questionnaires so that optional outcomes identified at end rather than after each outcome category Resources • http://www.buffalostate.edu/undergraduateresearch/x561.xml Links to static versions of the survey instruments are provided from this url • CUR Quarterly article (Spring 2009) describes the approach Download article from above url Concluding Remarks • Evaluation process is at a point where it is recognized by students and mentors as a valuable part of participating in the USRF program. • Unanticipated benefit to the evaluation process is improved mentoring (provided a mechanism for facilitating regular and semi-structured interactions between student and mentor) • Recognized by administration and has helped make a case for continued growth in the program funding. • Evaluation is ongoing (for summer 2010 twenty-four USRF awards were made). • Additional year of data will inform future modifications and refinements to our instruments and process as well as yield data documenting the program’s impact on students and mentors. 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