
Software, Support and Services
Prepared for Contoso, Inc.
DRAFT – As of September xx, 2008
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PREFACE – Look to align customer’s vision with that of Microsoft. Lean on win theme in proposal, i.e. Collaboration,
Employee Productivity, Innovation, Globalization, etc. Pull quote from searches on Exec. Mgmt , or content from annual
report, etc. and align with any of:
MSFT in the Enterprise
MSFT People Ready Business
Content Manager - Eneida Adorno (eadorno)
MSFT New World of Work
New World of Work - 580 - This is a collection of all the content associated with the EBC Topic Microsoft Company Overview
New World of Work Battlecard
One World of Business - The New World of Work
The New World of Work - Overview
US EPG EBR & COS Resource Site
A few weeks ago, John Doe, Contoso CEO, traveled to the foothills of Virginia to address students at the Darden School of
Business. As the setting sun began to cast shadows across the lawn, Doe spoke about three critical issues facing leaders and
the importance of leading ahead of change.
“I’d like to spend the first few minutes talking about three current issues that are important for Contoso, the financial services
industry and most of the business world. Then I’d like to share a few thoughts on the kind of leaders we need to negotiate the
future. I believe we need leaders who do more than lead through change. We need leaders who lead ahead of change.”
Doe highlighted globalization, environmental responsibility and multi-generational workforces as issues facing Contoso.
Doe asserted that Contoso’s employees, customers and investments will be increasingly distributed in the years to come;
that Contoso needs to lead its industry through reduction of paper, energy consumption and emission of greenhouse
gases; and Doe spoke of the importance of developing, empowering and relying on people:
“It’s about people. Great leaders have a nose for talent. They find talent, they develop people and they export talent to other
parts of the organization.”
“We are faced with new challenges as multiple generations co-exist in the workforce and the marketplace. Succeeding with
multiple generations in the workplace is so crucial that “intergenerational strategies” is one of our top human resources
priorities at Contoso this year. That means developing ways to keep valuable, experienced employees (primarily baby
boomers) as they grow older and attracting new employees who represent the future. The most recent generation we are
welcoming as employees and customers is Gen Y – and that’s probably many of you. Gen Y-ers are known as ambitious,
demanding, high-maintenance employees who question everything. They are also anticipated to be one of the most highperforming workforces in the history of the world. You have more information in your heads and at your fingertips than
anyone who has come before you. But you work differently and you consume differently and you want a different kind of
balance in your lives than most of us baby boomers do – or did when we entered the workforce in the 1970s. It’s clear that
we need you. 64 million skilled workers from the baby boomer generation will be able to retire by the end of this decade.”
Microsoft’s leaders firmly agree with John Doe; continued success in business will directly correlate to companies’ abilities
to navigate an unbounded marketplace and empower their people to flourish in a new world of work. Microsoft has
invested billions of dollars developing and delivering software that connects people; makes them more productive;
promotes visibility, exchange and alignment of ideas; accelerates decision making and transcends geographic and
organization boundaries. The proposal that follows provides a roadmap for how Contoso can utilize Microsoft software to
lead ahead of change … providing capabilities that will accelerate execution of Contoso’s current business initiatives and
equip them to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.
Table of Contents
 Executive Summary
• Contoso Proposal Overview
• Summary of our Current Relationship
• Executive Summary
 Contoso’s Business & IT Vision
Business Priorities and Alignment
Targeted Capability Growth Areas
Capabilities Under Assessment
People with Whom We’ve Been Working
 Proposed Enterprise Solution
• Overview
• Software, Support & Services Components
• Licensing Component
o Value of the EA
o Software Assurance
o Access to Exclusive Technology & Business Value
 Investment Summary
Pricing & Product Configurations
Financial Justification
Proposed Commitment Areas
Resources for a Strategic Relationship
Select License Only Analysis
 Microsoft in the Enterprise
People Ready Business
Microsoft’s Unique Enterprise Formula
The Breadth of our Platform & Research Investment
Microsoft’s Partner Ecosystem
Your Dedicated Account Team
Microsoft in the Financial Services Industry
 Conclusion / Road Ahead
• Proposed Next Steps
• Checklist
 Appendix
Software Solution Components
Support Solution Component (Premier Support Services)
Services Solution Components (MCS Proposed Solutions)
Licensing Solution Components (Enterprise Agreement)
Infrastructure Optimization
Product Lifecycle Roadmaps
Customer Evidence
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PROPOSAL OVERVIEW – State a purpose and MSFT commitment to help customer realize their Business and IT stated
goals. List out these high level goals, bus or IT, that we will refer back to across the proposal. List out in margin the three
value points of the proposal – i.e. value/cost, deployment assistance/services and agreement structure.
SUMMARY OF CURRENT RELATIONSHIP – Indicate # of desktops and # of servers being used by company in production.
Reference how current MSFT deployed capabilities are supporting the stated Bus and/or IT goals. Reference any MSFT
deployments over last 18 months – Office, Windows, Custom LoB, Dev Platform, and link that to stated Bus/IT goals. List
out LoB uses of MSFT platform, and IT Infrastructure uses of MSFT products.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - State solution name(s) i.e. Business Productivity Platform and IT Transformation Solution which
result from our understanding of their business and from conversations with customer. State how solution will deliver on
Bus/IT Priorities. State 2x or more ‘capability’ based solutions, to include description, key benefits, value prop = $$$ and
return (ROI, TCO, other)
Executive summary
Microsoft is Committed to Providing Contoso Solutions to Meet the Business Priorities
The Microsoft Account Team has worked with Contoso IT over the past several months to clearly understand
your business challenges, and identify software solutions instrumental to addressing those needs.
Microsoft is pleased to present this proposal to Contoso for a new Enterprise Agreement (EA) as a vehicle to
acquire an integrated Business Productivity Platform and Transformation Solutions. In follow-up to our
conversations, the benefits of improved productivity coupled with optimizing your IT infrastructure will address
the Contoso’s top business/IT priorities to:
Dramatically change the way your employees work –
Advance the business with IT solutions –
Enhance/Enable/Reduce/Create... –
Contoso’s Top Business Priorities
Improve the way
your employees work
Advance the
business with IT solutions
List the 3-4 solution areas we think will deliver on the above objectives
Microsoft Proposed Investments
Summary of our Current Relationship
Microsoft solutions are helping Contoso today to improve the current work environment
Contoso Corporation has noted specific corporate
strategies that leverage Microsoft technologies and
partnership for current and future projects. Contoso
Corporation employees leverage and rely on the Microsoft
platform every day for almost all desktop & laptop (~150K)
needs as well as important server technologies with ~13K
installed today. Microsoft collaboration solutions are also
helping to deliver on your corporate goal of Employee
Engagement improving the work environment for your
people understanding a highly productive employee is
your greatest asset. Contoso Corporation’s recent
enterprise commitment to an Intranet (Portal) roll out of
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server as well Office
Communicator (Instant Messaging) will enhance the
overall employee communication and collaboration work
experience based on the seamless integration of these
complimentary solutions that will help deliver on your
Employee Engagement promise!
In addition, many mission critical Line of Business
applications such as Online Banking (servicing over 4.3
million customers) as well as Branch Teller/CSR, Retail
Brokerage and ATMs to highlight a few examples leverage
the Microsoft platform to support millions of business
transaction per month and most importantly provide
Contoso Corporation’s customers a positive/consistent
user experience to help maintain your #1 Customer
Satisfaction rating in the financial market place.
We have summarized solution highlights and value to
Contoso Corporation below:
Key Contoso Corporation LOB solutions
leveraging Microsoft Windows and SQL Platforms:
 E-Commerce- Online Banking Internet Web facing application
serving over 4.3 million customers, Intranet serving ~ 120K
employees leveraging
 General Bank- Branch Teller & CSR’s in 3,400 Financial Centers,
5100 ATMs and the Automated Loan Processing Service for your
Mortgage (~730K loans processed/year)
 Corporate Investment Bank- Messaging, Employee Portal, .Net
Framework & Smart Client Technology, Grid Utility Computing
Environment – Exchange, MOSS, Computer Cluster edition
 Capital Management Group- Brokerage Desktop supporting over
10,800 representatives, E-Brokerage, Portia Application
Key Microsoft Infrastructure Enterprise Implementations:
 Active Directory- Provides enterprise authentication and
centralized policy management for ~200K servers and desktops
 Software Distribution for Desktop Managed Environment (SMS)Provides software distribution and asset management for ~150K
 Management and Instrumentation (MOM)- Provides monitoring
and operational administration for over 11K servers
 Universal Messaging- Exchange Messaging Infrastructure Cisco
Unity running on Exchange 2003
 .Net Center of Excellence and Application Hosting InfrastructureOver 150 ASP.NET applications supported in managed hosting
 Windows SharePoint Services (WSS)- Contoso team site
provisioning collaboration service for over 10K sites.
Contoso Proposal Overview
Purpose: To identify and agree on a comprehensive software, support and
services agreement between Contoso Corporation and Microsoft.
Microsoft is committed to dramatically
expanding the product capabilities, SKUs
and quantities available to Contoso; at
near neutrality to the expenditures
Contoso and its affiliates are trending with
Microsoft today.
Microsoft is committed to provide a
significant investment in Contoso’s
deployment services that will help Contoso
accelerate deployment and adoption of
solutions that will drive efficiencies and
productivity growth across Contoso’s
Microsoft is committed to providing
Contoso an agreement that meets today’s
business requirements and positions
Contoso for tomorrow’s challenges.
Contoso Corporation has noted specific strategies that leverage Microsoft technologies
and partnership for current and future projects. Contoso Corporation has asked
Microsoft to craft a custom proposal that will enable Contoso to achieve greater
performance and value. Microsoft is committed to serving Contoso Corporation and
strives continue strengthening our partnership actualizing your Corporate and
Information Technology goals to:
Revenue Growth & Customer Loyalty – Improve Information Technology Services
to internal and external customers
Employee Engagement - Improve the workplace by providing the appropriate
processes, tools, and career development opportunities.
Corporate Governance – Improve the Risk Profile of Information Technology and
the LOB they support
Lowering Operating Expense Return – Leverage offshore and domestic resources
to support LOB initiatives, Support Business Process Outsourcing activities, Improve
internal processes to improve productivity. Provide LOB’s options and alternatives
to solve LOB objectives
Successful Merger and Acquisition Integration - Successfully complete all merger
and acquisition activities and Capitalize on merger lessons-learned
Optimized people-ready infrastructure and platform - Our goal is to advance an organization’s Optimization and
capability levels to deliver business agility, IT cost, and risk reductions, and enable IT departments to realize the full value of
their infrastructure and platform investments. This helps establish IT as a strategic partner to the business that can initiate
innovation and align to changing business needs by connecting people, information, and business processes.
Executive Summary (continued)
We Have Identified 4 Key Capabilities That Will Have the Greatest Impact on Your Business
Solution Description
Key benefits include:
• Enables faster regulatory
• Enable cross-functional teams
throughout Contoso and partner
organizations to find and share
information quickly and securely
Value Proposition
A three year investment of $US 1.4
million is expected to yield total net
benefits of valued at $US 2.6 million.
Solution Description
Key benefits include:
• Enable better decision making and
improved satisfaction of the IT
staff’s internal customers.
Value Proposition
An investment of $US 910,000 is
expected to produce total benefits
valued at $US 2.5 million over a 3year cash flow analysis period.
Microsoft Enterprise Agreement with Software Assurance
An analysis of Contoso installed software application, tools and technologies indicate:
 Contoso can save $US by implementing a Microsoft Professional Desktop Enterprise Agreement rather than a Microsoft
Component Enterprise Agreement.
 Additional savings of $US can be achieved by using Software Assurance features of the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement.
 By substituting non-Microsoft applications, tools, and technologies with products from the Microsoft Enterprise
Agreement, Contoso can achieve annual savings of $US over a x-year period.
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CONTOSO PROVIDED ‘IT TRANSFORMATION ROADMAP’ – Make a strong effort to obtain customer content for this page.
Usually a customer 5 year vision or graphic depicting their vision for IT. Substitute overall Bus Goals graphic if IT specific is
not avail. This Bus goals graphic will match the exec summary terms.
BUSINESS PRIORITIES & ALIGNMENT - Goal – to be knowledgeable about customer prior to first v-team meeting and to
know top 3+ key business priorities. Start with the EBC AIO / Account Plan content already compiled by the Sales Desk.
Column data for IT Priorities, IT Projects and Related Capabilities all need to come from the AM/v-team/. Supplement with
Proposal Manager research in order via
1.Customer Doc Store – AB (Account Backgrounder); AIO (EBR All-In-One); BTS (Business Tear Sheet = Stratascope); CAP
(Customer Account Plan); SGP (Services Growth Plan)
2.Customer Web Site – Look for ‘About Company’, Products & Services, Investor Relations (download Annual Report, SEC
Filings 10K & recent 10Q (read MD&A), Press/News Releases, note top finance and IT names/titles. Document notes in
OneNote for later reference and to store in Collaboration site.
3.MS Library Research Databases - LexisNexis Company Dossier – Create and download to .doc a Snap Shot report, note #
of employees, fiscal year end, primary SIC, list of competitors
4.Explore.MS – Save .xlsx of all EA Agreements and Select agreements. Use one workbook with multi-tabs. This will be
used often for reference. If there are >5 agreements, work with LS to have them create the workbook and perhaps a
pivot table of all agreements together. Use this to determine total desktops, true-up history, production vs. pilot
quantities, Step-up oppys, etc. To create a form for Proposal Manager to complete which summarizes data insights
from the agreement data. Can use TPID or Agreement numbers from EBR.
TARGETED CAPABILITY GROWTH AREAS – Use to record the IO Assessment levels at sub-capability levels, to document the
incumbent technologies by vendor and product name, and to comment on the deployment status of the incumbent
technology. Describe if technology is enterprise wide, which version and how many back from current version,
departmental use only, supporting a specific business process, etc. May use the last column as a description field.
1.Need field to provide data for columns 3 & 4.
2.Proposal Desk to complete column 2 from data in the IOTS in the Customer Doc Store .
3.Use the red bar to highlight the capabilities we are focused on selling via this proposal = we’ll be discussing those
capabilities in the solution section.
CAPABILITIES UNDER ASSESSMENT - List out the MSFT capabilities under review = have had or have upcoming briefings,
have used the MTC, or a partner, or MCS or other in-house pilot, etc. Also to list out proposed briefing areas based on the
capabilities being proposed. i.e. ECAL suite includes more capabilities than customer may have currently under assessment.
The PROPOSED items on this list will be included in the ‘NEXT STEPS’ section of the proposal. Note – likely need to make
this chart in smaller format to accommodate more rows and description cells.
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PEOPLE WITH WHOM WE’VE BEEN WORKING – To list out in a Customer Org Chart format the person who are the tech
leads for the capabilities we are proposing. Value is to validate with customer in iterative reviews of this proposal
document that we are aligned and working with the right people. Goal is to have the decision maker glance at this chart
and silently agree that we’ve been connected correctly. Also to list LoB contacts if we’ve been in that area as they relate to
being sponsors over any proposed solutions.
1. This chart originates from the EBR and likely we’ll expand on it…
Contoso Provided ‘IT Transformation Roadmap’
Business Priorities & Alignment
Microsoft has Identified Key Business and IT Priorities Contoso is Trying to Address
Business Priorities and Alignment
Business Priorities
IT Priorities
IT Projects
Related Capabilities &
Sustainable and scalable
international growth in densely
populated areas of high net
worth Companies and Individuals.
• Provide 24x7 Support
• Data Center Expansion
• Virtualization Platform for
Server Consolidation
• Unified Communications
• Identity and Access
Transparency in operating
platforms needed to support
global expansion through easy
access and retrieval of
information required by
• Month End Financial Close
• Enterprise Content
• Business Intelligence
Leveraging technology to
broaden relationships and
provide a collaborative, secure
• Electronic Document
Management Implementation
• Electronic Relationship
Management Implementation
• Employee Self Service
• Enhance External Collaboration
Tools with Clients
Gaining a holistic view of client
relationships to ensure that the
“right” mix of products and
services are offered.
• ERM Tool implementation
• Enhance External Collaboration
• Improved PassPort Capabilities
Anti Money laundering
Credit Exposure Monitory Tools
Risk Management Tools
Reporting and Workflow
• Enterprise DocStore
• Share Trade Collaboration
• Integrated Messaging
• Enterprise Search
• Collaborative Workspace
• Collaborate Workspace
• Data Protection & Access
• User Experience
Targeted Capability Growth Areas
Three Year Vision
…determine the current Optimization level of Contoso’s infrastructure and platform, establish a technology vision for the
future, and build a clear and actionable roadmap based on Contoso’s existing and new Microsoft and industry
technologies to achieve that vision.
…These models and capabilities allow Contoso to gain a realistic view of the state of their infrastructure and platform and
develop a blueprint for transforming their infrastructure and platform into a cost-effective business asset that enables
people to drive business success.
…helping drive total cost of ownership (TCO) and agility gains for Contoso
Targeted Capability Growth Areas
Core Infrastructure
Maturity Level
Basic, Standardized,
Rationalized, Dynamic
Identity and Access
Desktop, Device, & Server
Security and Networking Data
Protection and Recovery
Optimization Model Progress
Technology Owned
Deployment Status &
Enterprise Use
Targeted Capability Growth Areas
Business Productivity Infrastructure
Maturity Level
Basic, Standardized,
Rationalized, Dynamic
Collaborative Workplaces & Portals
Enterprise Content Mgmt
Document & Records Mgmt
Web Content Mgmt
Enterprise Search
Enterprise Search
Unified Communications
Unified Messaging
Instant Messaging & Presence
Web Conferencing
Business Intelligence
Performance Mgmt
Reporting & Analysis
Data Warehousing
Optimization Model Progress
Technology Owned
Deployment Status &
Enterprise Use
Targeted Capability Growth Areas
Application Platform Infrastructure
Maturity Level
Basic, Standardized,
Rationalized, Dynamic
Business Intelligence
Performance Mgmt
Reporting & Analysis
Data Warehousing
Data Management
Data Infrastructure –
Custom Line of Business
Data Infrastructure – ISV
Data Warehousing
Development Platform
Application Lifecycle Mgmt
Custom Apps
SOA and Business Process
Process, Workflow and
User Experience
Client/Web Development
Optimization Model Progress
Technology Owned
Deployment Status &
Enterprise Use
Capabilities Under Assessment
Identity and
High Performance
Mickey Weibeler /
Vivek Mehra / Larry
Tim Arnold
The Investments team is working with Larry Beske to
define their requirements before they can move
forward with any evaluations.
Identity and
.Net Architecture
Vivek Mehra / Rob
Tanner / Rich Houle
/ Bob Schwarz
Robin Mestre /
Travis Swoope
The team is planning a move to .Net 3.0 Framework
from .Net 1.1 in conjunction with the Investment
Identity and
System Center
Manager (SCOM)
Mickey Weibeler /
Doug Trybula,
Mendicino /
Dave Verbiscar
/ Kristie
Contoso is in the process of deployment of SCOM
2007 for their Windows servers. The MSFT team has
participated in several recent meetings to provide
additional information and documentation relating
to the new version of SCOM.
Identity and
Microsoft Softgrid
Stacey Jarrett /
Brett Ciske
Microsoft has been working with Contoso's desktop
team to perform some due diligence on the Softgrid
Shari Jarmy
Tim Arnold
Microsoft held a Collaboration Briefing in February
2008 for Contoso.
Tim Arnold
Microsoft proposes a briefing as this capability
integrated is integrated in the Office System and will
provide benefits as detailed on our PROOPOSED
Tim Arnold
Microsoft proposes a briefing as this capability
integrated is integrated in the Office System and will
provide benefits as detailed on our PROOPOSED
Tim Arnold
Microsoft proposes a briefing as this capability
integrated is integrated in the Office System and will
provide benefits as detailed on our PROOPOSED
Documents &
Enterprise Search
Unified Messaging
People with Whom We’ve Been Working
Business Decision Makers
Technical Decision Makers
VP Sales
VP Marketing
Proposed Enterprise Solution
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PROPOSED SOLUTION OVERVIEW - Descriptive overview of four parts to the solution – Software, Support, Services and
Licensing. Linked to Bus & IT Priorities. Can we make a graph showing three pillars Software, Support and Services
sitting on top of a layer called Agreement. This is our value prop graphic, an Icon for us to use? Advancing the
customer’s current Market License Position (MLP) = Component to Platform to Enterprise EA.
Component EA s—Customers with at least one active component EA agreement, but missing at least one of the
major components (Windows, Microsoft Office, or Core CAL)
Platform EA s—Customers with an active platform EA (Windows, Microsoft Office, and Core CAL)
Enterprise EAs – Enterprise CAL, some Office Enterprise, Vista Enterprise
For up-sell, there are 7 major areas of focus: MDOP, Office Enterprise, Core CAL, E-CAL, Business Productivity
Online (BPOS), Server Management Suite Enterprise (SMSE) and the Application Platform Agreement. See Gear Up
Sales Toolkit – page = ‘Selling to TDM’s through Optimization’
SOFTWARE SOLUTION COMPONENT – goal of this slide is to link capabilities to product families. As well, to break out
proposed product families into solution categories, i.e. Productivity Platform and IT Transformation Solution.
STRENGTHS OVER INCUMBENT / COMPETING TECHNOLOGITES – Use this space to highlight win themes if there is a
competitive threat or it we are proposing replacing incumbent technologies. Consider using content from CompHot
or ResourceOne – Competition content here.
Proposed Solution Overview
After 12 months of working with the Contoso IT leadership, the Microsoft Team has an understanding of the key
drivers and objectives the leadership has for IT. The proposed Microsoft solutions included in this proposal,
identified and confirmed by the Core and Business Productivity Infrastructure assessments – and validated by IT,
align with and provide support for the Contoso’s Business and IT Transformation goals. Comprised of both
software, support and services, this proposal provides Contoso with a comprehensive, end-to-end solution that
will deliver real business value. Below is a brief summary of both the software and services included in the
enterprise solution.
Software Solution Component
These solutions represent foundational components of a new,
“productivity infrastructure” that will enable new scenarios and
drive new levels of productivity for Contoso. In short, we are
recommending an integrated set of capabilities that leverage
Microsoft’s 25+ years of work in Information Worker productivity
and our investments in R&D, resulting in a solution set that will
help make Contoso a “People Ready” business. Being PeopleReady means placing the power and leverage of technology in
the hands of
Microsoft Product
Integrated Productivity Platform
Microsoft Office 2007
Office SharePoint 2007
Office Communications Server
Exchange 2007
Windows Vista Enterprise
Windows Rights Management
IT Transformation Solutions
Systems Center Configuration Manager
ForeFront Security Suite
Desktop Optimization Pack
Operations Manager – Client
Windows Server 2008
Contoso’s people, as they are the key to driving new levels of
profitability and sustainable competitive advantage.
Automating manual processes, simplifying access to
information and enabling better decision making are all part of
the People-Ready business.
Below are the solution components that will deliver these
benefits to Contoso as they map to the IT imperatives that
support key business drivers and objectives. Below is a highlevel view of how these solutions align with the IT Imperatives:
Required Capabilities Delivered
BI – Reporting Analytics
Business Process Management
Data Management
ECM – Doc/Record Management
ECM – Search
App Dev – SDLC
BI – Reporting Analytics
Business Process Management
Data Management
Desktop/Server Management
Identity and Access Management
Security and Networking
Software Solution Component
Enterprise Products on the EA
Software Solution Component
Standard & Enterprise Client Access Licenses (CAL’s)
Forefront Security Suite (Security for Client, Exchange, Office Communications & SharePoint Servers)
Exchange Ent CAL
Windows Rights
Mgmt Services
Windows Server
(Workload, File and
Print, WSS, AD)
Windows Server
(Unified Messaging,
(Monitoring and
Software to run hardware
Exchange Std
Calendar, Contacts)
Exchange Server
(Std or Ent)
Office SharePoint
Publishing, Data
Office Comm.
Server Ent CAL
Ops Manager
Client OML
Office SharePoint
Office Comm.
Server Std CAL
(ECM, Portal, Search)
(IM, Presence)
(Desktop Monitoring
and Management)
Office SharePoint
Office Comm.
Core CAL Suite component
Enterprise CAL Suite
Software Solution Component
Strengths over Competing / Incumbent Technologies
Support Solution Component
Services Solution Component
Microsoft Services mission is to help customers realize
their potential through accelerated adoption and
productive use of Microsoft technologies. Microsoft
Services aspires to differentiate Microsoft as a software
leader by building confidence, trust, and ultimately
customer loyalty. Our various services offerings provide
for consistent, structured delivery and support
throughout the entire IT lifecycle, from envisioning
through day-to-day operations.
Our consultants and engineers have highly specialized
technical, architectural, and project management skills
to help mitigate risk associated with business and
technical constraints and organizational diversity. We
achieve an accelerated rate of adoption and success by
utilizing prior project success, best
Microsoft Service
Deployment & Support Services
• Embedded Infrastructure Architect
• Embedded Application Dev Architect
• Reactive Support Service
practices, and experience gained over thousands of
previous and on-going customer engagements. Our
services team provides technical, architectural, and
overall project leadership expertise throughout the
engagement lifecycle.
As Contoso begins to leverage more Microsoft
technologies to support both internal and customer
facing solutions, it is our recommendation that there
is a higher degree of proactive services utilized to
ensure continuity and efficiency of the IT
organization. This enhanced proactive engagement
model will allow Contoso to fully realize the value of
their investment and strategic partnership with
Insuring deployment to enable the desired
capabilities that will enable Contoso to obtain the
value. Provides guidance, leadership, best
practices and mitigate project risks. Problem
resolution support to minimize business
Licensing Solution Component
Value of the Enterprise Agreement (EA)
Economic & Strategic Reasons Why Customers Invest in an EA
Our Enterprise Agreement program offers a flexible, cost-effective way to acquire the software needed to build the infrastructure for a
people–ready business. Our customers are increasingly expecting software to play a broader role in empowering their people, and
the latest release of our client and server software have been designed to help you deliver a richer set of capabilities to enable rolebased productivity and help you build a more dynamic IT infrastructure. An Enterprise Agreement simplifies your organization’s
access to these technologies and enables you to extend foundational capabilities – such as as business intelligence, collaboration,
and enterprise search – to people across your organization, regardless of role, helping them to make better connections with your
customers, drive innovation, improve operations, and build strong relationships with partners and suppliers.
Designed for customers that want to implement enterprise-wide standards, the Enterprise Agreement provides a framework for making
software license acquisitions and management easier, helping your reduce the cost of IT and get the most out of your software
investments. By licensing your software through an Enterprise Agreement, you get:
 Our best volume pricing on the latest Microsoft software
 Software Assurance, which provides a powerful combination of benefits including upgrade rights to the latest technology,
product support, deployment planning, training and home use rights.
 The ability to license exclusive technology, such as the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) for Software Assurance,
which is available only to customers that have licensed Windows Vista through an Enterprise Agreement.
An Enterprise Agreement gives you the choice and flexibility to purchase the options that are right for your organization today and can
grow as your business needs evolve. With the upgrade rights included with Software Assurance, your organization will also benefit
from our continuing innovation, with access to the latest software releases over the term of your agreement.
Most Economical
Software Licensing
Platform for Strategic
Partnership with
Software Assurance
Easier Budgeting &
Easy to Ensure
Licensing Solution Component
Software Assurance - New Version Rights
New Version Rights via Software Assurance Saved Contoso $850k in Software Expenditures
Current EA Contract (All SA)
825 Pro Dsktp Listed SA MVL:
Office Professional Edition 2003
Windows XP Professional
Core CAL:
Total for Professional Desktop License Only:
MSDN Ent Win32 Listed Languages SA MVL
MSDN Unvrsl Win32 Listed Languages SA MVL
90 MOM Entrprse Ops Mgmt Lic Listed SA MVL
MOM Ops Mgr Serv Entpr Ed Listed Languages SA MVL
Windows Svr Ent Listed SA MVL
99 Windows Svr Std Listed SA MVL
Windows Terminal Svr CAL WinNT SA MVL Device CAL
Exchange Svr Listed Languages SA MVL
825 SQL CAL Listed Languages SA MVL Device CAL
25 SQL Svr Standard Edtn Listed Languages SA MVL
Products Acquired via License Upgrade Rights
through Software Assurance in the Enterprise
License License Only
Office Professional Plus 2007
Windows Vista Enterprise
$159.00 *
H1/2008 **
Exchange Standard CAL 2007
Windows Server CAL 2008**
Office SharePoint Standard CAL 2007
Configuration Manager CML 2007
H1/2008 **
H1/2008 **
H1/2008 **
Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition*****
Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition*****
Operations Manager Standard OML 2007
System Center Operations Manager 2007
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise**
Windows Server 2008 Standard**
Windows Terminal Server CAL 2008**
Exchange Server 2007 Standard Edition
SQL Server CAL 2005*****
SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition*****
* This price is for Vista Business License only. Vista Enterprise is not sold License only, thus Vista Business pricing is used as a conservative value estimate.
** Estimates used for the next version of Windows Server for Product Name, Availability Dates, and Pricing (using current Windows Server 2003 R2 pricing).
Office 2007 had a 5% price increase. If Windows Server has a 5% increase on upon its release, the L only total would increase by $90,865 x 5% = $4,543.
*** Per the Product Support Lifecycle: . Volume Licensing customer have access to new releases on
the Released To Manufacturing (RTM) date, which is generally two months prior to General Availablity (GA) date.
**** Pricing directly from CDW using William Blair's discount.
Licensing Solution Component
Software Assurance - New Version Rights
Upcoming Product Releases for Contoso Owned and Proposed New Products
Licensing Solution Component
Software Assurance - Financial Valuation of “Current” SA Benefits
Current Enterprise Agreement SA Benefits & Utilization
SA Benefit
New Version Rights
Spread Payments
Desktop Deployment Planning Services
SharePoint Deployment Planning Services
Windows Vista Enterprise
Training Vouchers
Home Use Program
Employee Purchase Program
Enterprise Source License Program
24x7 Problem Resolution Support
TechNet Subscription Through Software Assurance
Cold Backup for Disaster Recovery
Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs
Extended Hotfix Support
Include in
Est. Mkt.
Usage %
Licensing Solution Component
Software Assurance – Realizing Additional SA Value
Licensing Solution Component
Software Assurance - Financial Valuation of “Proposed” SA Benefits
PROPOSED Enterprise Agreement SA Benefits
SA Benefit
New Version Rights
Spread Payments
Desktop Deployment Planning Services
SharePoint Deployment Planning Services
Windows Vista Enterprise
Training Vouchers
Home Use Program
Employee Purchase Program
Enterprise Source License Program
24x7 Problem Resolution Support
TechNet Subscription Through Software Assurance
Cold Backup for Disaster Recovery
Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs
Extended Hotfix Support
Include in
Est. Mkt. Value
Usage %
Licensing Solution Component
Access to Exclusive Technology & Business Value
Our Enterprise Agreement program offers a …
Investment Summary
Per the following pages, Option 5 is the recommended solution to support Contoso’s transformation and business growth, requiring
an investment of $13.0M per year for three years. This breaks down as follows:
Sep - 2008
Sep -2009
Sep -2010
Software Solutions
Enterprise Planning and
Support Services
Less Microsoft Investment
Matching Cash Flow with Deployment ~
 Microsoft is able to offer Contoso flexible payments in order to match cash flow with the estimated deployment & use of the
Enterprise CAL capabilities. One such structure is proposed below.
 In the event you desire further cash flow flexibility, we are open to providing additional proposals based on your input/feedback.
Benefits ~
 Time Value of Money - Defer 1st payment by 4 months; Cash Flow Timing - Calendar Year 2009 payment
 Lower 1st payment to match budgetary planning
 Pay for ECAL capabilities after they are deployed and in use – estimated deployment is 2010
Jan- 2009
The pricing in this proposal is preliminary, and intended for discussion purposes only. All pricing and other terms are subject to change at any time by us until execution and delivery by all parties of the final enrollment and all other
necessary legal documentation. Prices do not include any applicable taxes, duties, or tariffs. Your enrollment will contain a description of your payment terms.
Pricing Considerations
Pricing Considerations~
 Options 4 & 5: The ECAL provides superior value over purchasing individual Additive CAL’s in Options 2 & 3. The ECAL
provides licenses for all additive CAL’s across the entire enterprise.
 Options 2 & 3 provides licensing for Additive CALs for approximately 50% of the enterprise for a subset of the additive CAL’s
at a price higher than Options 4&5.
 Microsoft Concession exists in all options to provide both Office Standard and Office Professional Plus on the EA.
The pricing in this proposal is preliminary, and intended for discussion purposes only. All pricing and other terms are subject to change at any time by us until execution and delivery by all parties of the final enrollment and all other
necessary legal documentation. Prices do not include any applicable taxes, duties, or tariffs. Your enrollment will contain a description of your payment terms.
Product Configurations
The pricing in this proposal is preliminary, and intended for discussion purposes only. All pricing and other terms are subject to change at any time by us until execution and delivery by all parties of the final enrollment and all other
necessary legal documentation. Prices do not include any applicable taxes, duties, or tariffs. Your enrollment will contain a description of your payment terms.
Financial Justifications
Microsoft Contract Concessions:
 Change standard EA Agreement to allow licensing of both
Office Standard and Office Professional Plus.
Traditionally, Office must be licensed for the entire
enterprise as either Standard or Pro +.
Microsoft Investments ($475,000 per year):
 3% Discount ($350,000) per year on all Office
Professional Plus Licenses
 $125,000 per year paid towards Microsoft Premier
Support contract
The pricing in this proposal is preliminary, and intended for discussion purposes only. All pricing and other terms are subject to change at any time by us until execution and delivery by all parties of the final enrollment and all other
necessary legal documentation. Prices do not include any applicable taxes, duties, or tariffs. Your enrollment will contain a description of your payment terms.
Proposed Commitment Areas
As a named strategic partner to Contoso, Microsoft is committed to growing the relationship between the two companies. The local
Account Team has demonstrated a level of commitment to Contoso over the past year by investing time and resources in an effort
to better understand Contoso’s business and earn the trust and respect of Contoso’s IT organization.
With Contoso’s commitment to the Microsoft platform and the Enterprise Agreement, Microsoft will continue to invest in the
relationship and partner with Contoso in ways that will help the company achieve its business goals and realize value from the
Microsoft solutions.
Recognizing the investment and commitment Microsoft is asking Contoso to make, Microsoft is prepared to invest in ways that help
Contoso achieve success with the new Microsoft platforms. As such, Microsoft is prepared to make the following investments:
Commitment Areas
Description (See Next Page for Acronyms)
Annual Value to Contoso
Executive Briefings (2/yr)
(EBC) Redmond, WA / Charlotte, NC
On-Site Workshops 1-2 days (4/yr)
(SSP’s/TSP’s) Product or Solution Specific
Microsoft Technology Centers (2/yr)
Information Worker – Office/SharePoint
(MTC) ADS, POC and Solution Envisioning (1-2 weeks
(MCS/Partner) Planning, Architecture, Deployment
Information Worker – Office/SharePoint
(MCS/Partner) End-User Training and Workshops
$ 50,000.
Desktop Management – SCCM
(MCS/Partner) Planning & Architecture Assistance
Collaboration – Office Communication Server
(MCS/Partner) Planning & Architecture Assistance
Call Center – Phone 24 Application Re-platform
(MCS/Partner) Planning & Architecture Assistance
$ 25,000.
General Architecture Services (Exchange, etc)
(MCS/Partner) Planning & Architecture Assistance
$ 20,000.
Total Investment
Resources for a Strategic Relationship
Executive Briefing Centers (EBC)
•Microsoft has established several Executive Briefing Centers around the world to support and host Executive Briefing programs with enterprise customers to highlight the
business value of our solutions and services. A visit to an Executive Briefing Center will provide you with a unique opportunity to understand our technology direction, to ask
questions, and to build closer business relationships through strategic, customized briefings.
Microsoft Technology Centers (MTC)
•In 16 locations around the world, Microsoft Technology Centers (MTCs) enable enterprise and independent software vendor (ISV) customers to envision, architect, and
prove highly secure, customized solutions based on Microsoft and partner technologies. The dynamic collection of resources within each MTC enables you to make
technology decisions with confidence by removing traditional barriers. Drawing on the integrated innovation of Microsoft products and technologies, the MTC can be a
powerful resource for your organization and can help shorten your solution development time and reduce the total cost of solution acquisition. The three unique offerings
delivered by MTC dedicated staff include Strategy Briefings, Architecture Design Sessions, and Proof-of-Concept Workshops.
Rapid Economic Justification (REJ)
•The Microsoft Rapid Economic Justification (REJ) framework can help you evaluate the value of an IT initiative for business performance improvement within the context of
acceptable risks. Developed based on an analysis of numerous customer organizations, this framework can help you ensure that the initiative is aligned with your
organization’s critical success factors and makes optimal use of resources. The framework identifies key best practices for more effective IT decision making, including a
shared vision of the valuable opportunities that exist across IT and business units, good business planning for every initiative, and effective communication of a good
economic justification. A key catalyst for the effective application of these best practices is the efficient creation of an economic justification and a value proposition for the
IT project. An easily implemented best practice is to view the value proposition not simply as a static document but as a dynamic mission-critical tool used for the
improvement of business and IT governance within your organization. We encourage you to share the REJ framework with key stakeholders throughout your organization
for use in evaluating new projects. Many Microsoft solution providers use Rapid Economic Justification in helping IT managers assess the value of a solution.
Microsoft Solution Showcase for the Microsoft Office System
•The Solution Showcase presents a sample of scenarios—organized into both industry and departmental categories—that highlight how the Microsoft Office system can help
you address critical business problems using Microsoft Office software and services. Examples of solutions profiled in the Solution Showcase include Six Sigma projects for
operations teams, proposal generation solutions for sales teams, and Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) solutions for finance teams. The Solution Showcase provides you with an
overview of each solution and its benefits, the specific Microsoft Office technology that is used in the solution, an example of how one of our customers has implemented
the solution, and links to specific partners with related capabilities and solution offerings.
Local Microsoft Events
•Together with our partners, we host a variety of events, such as executive roundtables, to enable our customers to learn more about our vision for the enterprise, as well as
the products, technologies, services, and solutions that we jointly offer to support it. These events provide you with an ideal opportunity to explore how enabling role-based
productivity and building a dynamic IT environment can help your people connect more effectively with your customers, drive innovation in your products and services,
identify opportunities for operational excellence, and collaborate more closely and effectively with your business partners.
Local Microsoft Solution and Technical Specialists (SSP’s & TSP’s)
•Each local Microsoft office staffs Solution Specialist Professionals (SSP’s) and Technical Specialists Professionals (TSP’s) who cover the full range of Microsoft products and
services. You’ve been working with several of these roles to date and there are several others who are available to answer questions and provide value based guidance.
Select License Only Analysis
The analysis below demonstrates the financial advantage of acquiring Microsoft solutions via the Enterprise Agreement. For
comparison purposes the data below shows the estimated cost of licensing the recommended solutions via the Enterprise
Agreement vs. Select (transactional) over a six-year period. The comparison illustrates the advantages in hard-dollar savings of the
Enterprise Agreement. Contoso will save approximately 12% or an estimated $2M over the next 6 years by executing an Enterprise
Agreement over purchasing the same products using a transactional method. Note: After the first three years, Contoso’s costs will
drop dramatically as the agreement moves from payments for Licenses + Software Assurance to payments for Software Assurance
only in years 4 and on.
Bottom Line: Transactional purchasing, through Open or Select, will cost Contoso more money, results in large purchasing spikes, fails
to stabilize product prices over time and lacks many of benefits and strategic advantages that the Enterprise Agreement provides.
 Repurchase License Only via Select every three (3) years
 Select L Only is priced at Estimated Retail Pricing
 5% Growth in licensing acquisition per year
 This is a new EA for years 1, 2 and 3, then an EA renewal which
purchased SA Only for years 4, 5 and 6.
 Microsoft would be happy to provide the spreadsheet and
calculations used in this analysis. Additionally, we would
welcome the opportunity to meet with you to provide what-if
analysis using this and other tools to aid Contoso in it’s
business justification process.
The pricing in this proposal is preliminary, and intended for discussion purposes only. All pricing and other terms are subject to change at any time by us until execution and delivery by all parties of the final enrollment and all other
necessary legal documentation. Prices do not include any applicable taxes, duties, or tariffs. Your enrollment will contain a description of your payment terms.
Microsoft in the Enterprise
People Ready Business
Today’s business environment is characterized by global competition, the
breakdown of boundaries between organizations and their business
partners and suppliers, increasing customer expectations for value and
service, and ever more complex regulatory requirements. At the same time,
people must cope with information overload and find ways to efficiently
extract and use information—whether to connect customer feedback to
product design, identify opportunities to up-sell services to clients, or know
at any given moment just how well the business is performing. As a result, it
is becoming more and more difficult to maintain a competitive advantage
and grow a business in new and profitable areas. While the challenges
facing businesses steadily grow and change, the way that people choose to
work is changing just as quickly—we are becoming more mobile and more
connected, with constant access through e-mail, the Internet, and instant
At Microsoft, we know that technology alone does not hold the key to business
success. We believe that by closely aligning your business and IT
objectives, you can help ensure that the software solutions your
organization deploys empower your people to achieve profitable business
outcomes. The right software solutions can meet the unique needs of your
people—whether their roles involve customer service, sourcing, marketing,
sales, operations, or finance—while delivering the fundamental capabilities
required for success in the modern enterprise. Through our research we
have found that people need the tools to be more mobile and to work
together more effectively. They need to be able to better manage the
content and information that they are inundated with every day. And they
need to be able to derive insight from information from across the
organization. At the same time, as IT becomes ever more important to
deliver these capabilities, organizations need to be able to reduce the
associated costs and risks. The right technology meets these needs and
enables your people to reach customers more effectively, harness critical
business insight, and work together more productively across time,
national, and geographical boundaries.
People bring the vision and creativity to drive innovative new opportunities for
their businesses. Our research shows us that equipping people with the
capabilities, tools, information, and solutions that they need to make the
biggest contribution that they can, as quickly as they can, is proving to be
the primary driver of success in this globally competitive, rapidly changing
business environment. As the nature of the workplace evolves, the
challenge facing our customers is to deliver the tools and environment that
will truly empower people to have an impact. To attract the top emerging
talent, businesses will increasingly need to support the digital lifestyle of the
current generation, who expect to bring their technology experience as
consumers into the enterprise.
Microsoft’s Unique Enterprise Formula
1. Long Term R&D Commitment
$35B in last 5 years, $40B over next 5 years
2. Innovative Product Roadmap
Enterprise-ready: Integrated Innovation, Predictable Evolution, Interoperable, Secure, Scalable
3. Our Partner Ecosystem
25,000 ISV / SI partners & Microsoft Consulting Services
4. Your Microsoft Enterprise Team
Account, Specialist and Industry Resources, Infrastructure Optimization Assessments
5. Four Investment Promises
(1) Manage Complexity, Achieve Agility, (2) Protect Information, Control Access, (3) Advance the Business with IT Solutions, (4)
Amplify the Impact of Your People
6. Infrastructure Optimization Methodology
Core IO, Business Productivity IO and Application Platform IO
An Enterprise Formula to Bet On
The Breadth of our Platform & Research Investment
Windows /
.NET Technology
Developer/ Partner Ecosystem
$40B R&D Committed Over Next Five Years
Microsoft’s Partner Ecosystem
Partner/Developer Network expands innovative solutions 25,000 certified
partners — Find one to meet your specific needs.
Your Dedicated Account Team & Available Resources
Executive Leadership
Janet Kennedy, General Manager
Microsoft Corporation (Midwest District)
Your Dedicated Account Team & Available Resources
o Microsoft Technology
o Strategic Security
o Industry Technology
o Mobility Specialist
o Real-Time Collaboration
o Architect Evangelist
o Application
(SoftGrid) Specialist
o Partner Account
Our Commitment to the Financial Services Industry
Our Commitment to the Financial Services Industry
The financial services industry, an industry long known for predictable business practices and measured evolution, is facing sweeping, unprecedented
change. Our financial services customers are contending with mega-mergers, decreasing margins, a more challenging regulatory environment, and
fierce competition. These and other new realities mean that financial services firms must constantly seek a competitive edge and identify a path for
long-term profitability. In the past, IT investments within financial services firms typically involved a complex set of systems that include multiple
products and channels, often running on multiple operating system environments. To remain competitive, many of our financial services customers
are now looking to integrate their IT infrastructure, introduce cross-channel consistency, and lower their cost base. At the same time, our customers
are seeking to use their technology investments to amplify the impact of their people and help them drive business success.
Together with our partners, we provide technology and solutions in banking, capital markets/securities, and insurance across the globe, within a few
industry-specific areas in which we believe that we can truly deliver business value, to help our financial services customers deliver the essential
capabilities for a people-ready business:
 Investment Management – Supporting your front-, middle-, and back-office activities with technology solutions in the areas of algorithmic trading, highperformance computing, compliance, desktop management, and trade services.
 Advisor Platform – Helping your financial advisors to work more effectively and efficiently across information sources and distribution channels to better
service clients with a more holistic view of the customer and a better chance to successfully cross-sell.
 Renewal – Helping you make an investment in renewing one channel a potential investment in all channels by focusing on renewing channels such as
automated teller machines (ATMs), call centers, teller systems, or in-branch seller, specialist, or advisor systems with reusable business components that
set the stage for cross-channel consistency.
 Insurance Value Chain – Developing global and industry standards–based solutions that link disconnected systems and processes to create a seamless
link between your employees, agents, and brokers and their customers.
 Core Banking – Helping you renew core systems in a phased strategic manner to help reduce risk and take advantage of component-based architecture.
 Risk Management & Compliance – Aligning IT and business processes to support risk and compliance while helping your people achieve critical business
objectives, including improved customer satisfaction, greater operational efficiency, and enhanced competitiveness.
 Payments – Helping set the direction for the future of payments through a more modern, integrated, and competitive payments platform to meet
today’s demands while also enabling your people to identify new services for new revenue sources.
Conclusion & Road Ahead
Proposed Next Steps
This proposal is valid through September 15, 2008. As part of this process, Microsoft requests Contoso to undertake and/or fulfill the
following actions:
Contoso will share with Microsoft its timelines for completing contracts should Contoso decide to execute contracts with Microsoft.
Contoso and Microsoft will act in good faith to finalize associated terms and conditions of the software and services contracts on or
before September 15, 2008.
Contoso and Microsoft will sign all software and services contracts on or before XXXXX, 2008.
Contoso has received a complete set of agreements based on the Microsoft Volume Licensing 6.1 program contracts. The program’s
three-tiered agreement structure allows the maximum flexibility for today’s complex business organizations. It allows global
companies to license Microsoft software and take advantage of their parent and subsidiary organization.
The top-tier Microsoft Business Agreement (MBA) contains all the basic contractual terms and conditions for license and/or services
procurement. The second-tier agreement explains the framework for the Select License and Enterprise programs. The third-tier
agreements are referred to as “enrollments”. They serve as the initial order and provide the billing terms. Also, an Enterprise
Premier Enrollment (EPE), governing the Premier Services provided by Microsoft can be added under an Enterprise Agreement.
Additionally, a Master Services Agreement can be concluded and brought under the same MBA for accommodation of any services
contracts/enrollments, e.g. like the Microsoft Consulting Work Order contracts.
Additionally, there are two other documents published by Microsoft on a regular basis that are incorporated as part of the Enterprise
Agreement. The first is the Product List that is updated monthly with new products, associated point values and other information.
It is available on the CD ROMs that Contoso will receive from Microsoft under the program enrollment CD subscription. The second
is Microsoft’s product use rights document (PUR) which is generally updated quarterly and mailed to the notices contact provided
to us or otherwise made available for online viewing. It is a catalog of use rights and restrictions for each product offered in our
licensing programs so that Contoso may deploy our licenses effectively while keeping its organization compliant.
Checklist & Timetable
In order to make the process of entering into an Enterprise Agreement as smooth as possible, we have prepared this checklist
listing key steps and associated milestones. Please review the checklist and determine realistic completion dates for each step.
Sept 15th, 2008
Initial meeting with Contoso to discuss contracts.
Provide contracts to Contoso for review
Weekly call established to work through contract, and licensing options.
Meet to discuss Contoso deployment plans and forecast.
Forecast due to Microsoft to complete financial analysis.
Microsoft to provide financial analysis to Contoso outlining EA. Select options
incorporating investment in SA.
Summarize findings and determine licensing path.
Gain agreement on language for Select and/or EA agreement.
Credit pre approval if applicable.
Obtain final order from Contoso.
Determine final costs for Microsoft software and finalize pricing. (Final Quotation)
Final Approval and Execution of Agreements.
Send signed contracts to LAR.
LAR to get signed contract to MSLI for processing.
Solution Components
Software Solution Components
Support Solution Component (Premier Support Services)
Services Solution Components (MCS Proposed Solutions)
Licensing Solution Components (Enterprise Agreement)
5. Infrastructure Optimization
Product Lifecycle Roadmaps
Customer Evidence
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office System
Microsoft Business Solutions
Microsoft Developer Network
Management & Services
Entertainment & Devices
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Windows Vista Enterprise for Software Assurance
Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) for Software Assurance
Windows Vista Enterprise Centralized Desktop (VECD)
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Windows Vista Enterprise for Software Assurance
Includes all the features of Windows Vista Business, plus five (5) additional benefits to reduce IT cost and complexity. Vista Enterprise
is exclusively available only to Software Assurance customers.
Windows BitLocker™
Drive Encryption
•Reduces security risk
from lost/stolen
•Prevents data theft
when computer is
All Worldwide Interface
•Use a single
worldwide image to
support up to 35
Virtual PC Express
•Rights to run four
virtual operating
Enhanced Data
with Windows®
BitLocker™ Drive
4 Virtual OS Licenses
Subsystem for UnixBased Applications (SUA)
Subsystem for UNIX
•Provides platform
services for UNIX
based applications
Access to all
Windows user
interface languages (MUI)
Remote Boot for Diskless
Remote Boot for
Diskless Workstations
•Store Operating
System, Applications
and Data for
Workstations on
Centralized Storage
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Windows Vista Enterprise for Software Assurance
Flexible Centralized Desktop Computing Options
Terminal Services for PCs and Thin-Clients
Windows Vista Enterprise Centralized
Desktops for PCs and
Thin Clients
Server desktop or app. experience
Session based
PCs and thin-clients
Rich user experience
Local execution of centrally stored Windows
Eliminate local hard drives
Diskless PCs
Richer central user experience
Central execution of Windows
Use centralized VMs with existing PCs
and Thin Client
Centrally managed apps w/ offline access
Local execution of apps and Windows
Reduce App to App compatibility issues
Application Virtualization for Desktop
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) for Software Assurance
The Optimized Desktop with Vista and the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack
Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) for
Software Assurance Customers
SoftGrid Application Virtualization
Asset Inventory Services
Diagnostic and Recovery Toolset
Advanced Group Policy Management
Desktop Error Monitoring
Accelerate OS and application deployment and management using
application virtualization and streaming; transform applications
into centrally managed services with software streaming
Translating software inventory into business intelligence
Powerful tools to accelerate desktop repair
Enhancing group policy through change management
Agentless Desktop Error Monitoring
Windows Vista Enterprise (via MVL Purchase)
Includes all features of Windows Vista Business plus:
Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption
Four Virtual Operating Systems
Multi-lingual User Interface (MUI)
Subsystem for Unix-Based Apps (SUA)
Data Protection with Windows® BitLocker™ Drive Encryption
Licensing rights to four (4) Virtual Operating Systems
Worldwide deployment with Multi-lingual User Interface Packs
Subsystem for Unix-Based Applications (SUA)
Windows Vista Business (via OEM Purchase)
Keep business PCs running smoothly
Powerful, more effective productivity
Connected with customers and partners, efficient for your business
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) for Software Assurance
System Center
Virtual App
System Center
Manager 2007
Translating software inventory Enhancing group policy through
into business intelligence
change management
Proactively managing
application and operating
system failures
Powerful tools to
accelerate desktop
streaming software
as a centrally
managed service
Simplifying deployment
and management of
Virtual PCs
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Windows Vista Enterprise Centralized Desktop (VECD)
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office System
Office Professional Plus & Office Enterprise
Office Groove 2007
Office OneNote2007
Office – Exclusive Functionality only in Professional Plus and Enterprise Versions
Office – SAP Duet for Microsoft Office
Office Business Value
Office System Deployment
Office Solution Showcases
Office Project 2007
Office Visio 2007
10) Office Live Meeting Service 2007
11) Office Communications Server 2007
12) Office SharePoint Server 2007
13) Office PerformancePoint Server 2007
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Professional Plus & Office Enterprise
While Office Standard 2007 is a great solution for personal productivity, Office Professional Plus
2007 is a “Comprehensive toolset for business productivity.” It includes additional businessfocused programs, including Office Access 2007, Office Publisher 2007, Office InfoPath 2007, and
Office Communicator 2007. Furthermore, it includes several capabilities not available in Office
Standard. These include Integrated Electronic Forms, Integrated Enterprise Content
Management, and the ability to create an Information Rights Management
protected document. These added
programs, enhanced functionality
and integration with the 2007
Office Servers make Office
Enterprise Content Management
Professional Plus 2007 and Office
Streamline Processes and Content Management
Enterprise 2007 (with Office
Groove 2007 and Office OneNote
2007) one of the best solutions to
help businesses deliver better
Individual Impact
Communication and
Business Intelligence
results faster.
Increase employee self-sufficiency
Improve Business Insight
Simplify Working Together
and effectiveness
Make it more secure, manageable and reliable
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Professional Plus
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007 delivers powerful new
capabilities, including a powerful new graphics engine, data
visualization tools, instant messaging, and new open extensible
Markup Language (XML)-based file formats that make it easier to
more effectively manage, analyze, and share information. The new
streamlined user interface makes more of the applications’
advanced features available to many users, so they can work with
information more efficiently and effectively. Out-of-the-box
integration with the 2007 Microsoft Office system of products
creates new opportunities to collaborate within and across
corporate boundaries, manage content more efficiently, and
streamline everyday business processes.
This comprehensive suite of business productivity applications includes:
Office Word 2007
Office Excel 2007
Office Outlook 2007 email messaging and collaboration client
Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation graphics program
Office Access 2007 database software
Office InfoPath 2007 information-gathering program
Office Communicator 2007 presence and instant messaging collaboration client
Office Publisher 2007
A notable change in the new 2007 Office System is what is called the
‘Ribbon’. It is a new user interface (UI) available in Word 2007,
Excel 2007, PowerPoint 2007, Access 2007 and the compose ‘New
Mail Message’ function in Office Outlook 2007.
The UI has been designed to make it easier for users to find and use the
powerful features that help them become more efficient and
effective. The UI change and other enhancements make this the
most innovative release of the Microsoft Office System in many
years. There is much more in Office Professional Plus 2007 than a
new UI. Each of the applications in the suite has valuable new
capabilities that make it easier for users to deliver better results
Key highlights across the suite:
New graphics and charting engine. Completely updated for the 2007
release, the graphics and charting engine now enables a host of
advanced capabilities that make it easy for people to create highimpact and compelling documents, spreadsheets, and
New Microsoft Office Open XML Formats. These new file formats enable
smaller, more robust documents and deep integration with
information systems and external data sources.
Save as PDF and XPS. Office Professional Plus 2007 enables you to share
documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in Portable Document
Format (PDF) and XML Paper Specification (XPS) format without
requiring additional third-party tools.
New themes capability. Office Professional Plus 2007 introduces a new
themes capability that simplifies the process of applying a
consistent look and feel across documents, spreadsheets, and
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Professional Plus
Key Product Highlights:
Out-of-Box Integration with Office SharePoint Server 2007:
There is a tremendous amount of innovation in each one of the programs
in the suite. This list mentions just a few of the top business value
Office SharePoint Server 2007 delivers a highly compelling set of new
capabilities that highlight the value of the 2007 release programs:
Office Word 2007. Building Blocks - quickly assemble documents from
predefined content.
Office Excel 2007. Now includes 1,000,000 rows so that you can import,
organize, and explore massive data sets. Improved PivotTable
dynamic views and conditional formatting help you analyze data
more easily.
Office PowerPoint 2007. The new SmartArt diagramming capability
dramatically reduces time needed to create high-impact
Office Outlook 2007. Instant Search is a fast integrated Inbox search, and
the To-Do Bar efficiently centralizes calendar and task
Office Access 2007. Tracking Application Templates help users get started
faster, and integration with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services
improves manageability.
Office InfoPath 2007. InfoPath E-mail Forms streamlines information
gathering through Office Outlook 2007 e-mail messages.
Office Communicator 2007. Now includes multi-party voice (VoIP), video
and file sharing features.
Office Publisher 2007. The new Getting Started experience includes oneclick application of branding elements.
PowerPoint Slide Libraries. Efficiently share and centrally manage
frequently reused slides.
Document Management Workflow. Smoothly integrate document
creation and management processes.
Office Excel Services. Take advantage of browser-based access to
spreadsheets and centralized management and control of reports.
InfoPath Forms Services. Extend the reach of your business processes by
delivering forms through a Web browser.
Business Process Automation:
With the 2007 release, Microsoft delivers a set of technologies that
enable the automation of business processes in ways that capitalize
on the existing investment in the Microsoft Office system. Office
InfoPath 2007 information-gathering program is a robust forms
solution development platform, fully integrated with Office
SharePoint Server 2007, Microsoft BizTalk and Microsoft BizTalk
Server, and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 development system, that
enables organizations to automate business processes using Office
InfoPath 2007 solutions with greater flexibility and at lower costs.
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Enterprise
Which application will have the new streamlined user interface?
 Microsoft Office Access 2007, Office Excel 2007, Office PowerPoint 2007, Office Word 2007, and the portions of Office Outlook 2007 used to
work with individual e-mails, contacts, appointments, and tasks.
Does the Enterprise Agreement provide for a mix of Office Professional Plus 2007 and Office Enterprise 2007?
 Yes. While Office Enterprise 2007 (which includes Office Groove 2007 and Office OneNote 2007) is the best solution for customers who have a
need for advanced collaboration, Contoso may decide that only a portion of its employees (such as sales, legal, IT) need this enhanced
functionality. Therefore, the EA allows for a mix of Office Professional Plus 2007 and Office Enterprise 2007 and will still qualify for the Platform
EA discount.
Are Office Professional Plus 2007 files backwards compatible?
 Office Professional Plus 2007 introduces the new Microsoft Office Open XML file formats, which are compact, robust file formats enabling
improved interoperability with external systems. These formats are compatible with Office 2003 and Office XP through the addition of a file
format Compatibility Pack, available from Microsoft Office Online and Microsoft Update. Users of Office 2003 and Office XP can open, edit, and
save files using the new Microsoft Office Open XML file formats. Windows users can also download the compatibility pack to perform
conversions between the Open XML formats and the Office 97-2003 binary file formats within Windows Internet Explorer.
What is the value of Office Enterprise 2007 over Office Professional Plus
•Office Enterprise 2007 builds on the strengths of Office Professional Plus
2007 by adding Office Groove 2007 and Office OneNote 2007 to make the
most complete set of tools for employees who must collaborate and
work efficiently with information from any location. These two additional
applications enable people to gather, find, and share information,
regardless of location, organization, or connectivity, helping to increase
everyone’s efficiency and productivity and deliver better results with less
effort. Office Enterprise 2007 is for organizations that have the following
scenarios within their business: Small high-performance teams that need
to assemble quickly to collaborate on projects of short duration;
challenging network environments and mobile requirements; valuable
information is captured through informal processes; and/or the need to
collaborate with people inside and outside of the organization.
Who is Office Enterprise 2007 for?
•Office Enterprise 2007 is for people and organizations that depend on
gathering, sharing, and collaborating on information across geographic
locations and companies, while both online and offline, to meet their
objectives. More specifically, it is for mobile/laptop users; people who
work frequently with people outside the organization; people who work
on a lot of different projects of short duration; people who use SharePoint
Server and need to work offline; and managers, IT, customer-facing
teams, or research departments.
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Enterprise
Easily gather, find, and share virtually any type of
information—all in one place that tightly
integrates with the rest of the Microsoft Office
Work together with others in a more secure
environment, regardless of location or network
status, with minimal IT support; integrated with
other Microsoft Office system programs
Office Enterprise extends the value of Office Professional Plus:
Simplifies how people work together, regardless of location
or network status
Increases individual impact and efficiency on projects
Contributes to streamlining of organizational processes and
content management
Customers with active SA can step up from Office Professional
Plus 2007 for all, or a portion, of their work force
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Enterprise - Groove 2007
Work together with others in a more secure environment, regardless of location or network status, with
minimal IT support; integrated with other Microsoft Office system programs.
Groove lets virtual teams work with anyone seamlessly and securely:
Sales teams collaborating online or offline with customers and each other
Marketing teams preparing copy with external advertising agencies
Consulting/Service teams easily and securely working on deliverables with customers and each other
Legal teams working with external counsel
M&A teams performing due diligence with potential acquisitions
Groove’s 2GB workspaces
overcome E-mail attachment limits
and the inherent insecurity of
public email – as well as keeping
everyone on the same version.
Groove integrated messaging keeps
conversations and documents in
one context, and removes the
security risk of public instant
More Secure,
sharing and
Rich, extensible
set of tools
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Enterprise - OneNote 2007
Microsoft Office OneNote is one place to collect, store and manage unstructured information for you and your
team. For organizations, OneNote helps capture and protects vital IP.
Gather Everything in One Place
 Virtually any type of content—text, pictures, digital handwriting,
Web research, audio and video recordings—can be collected in
 OneNote automatically backs up your valuable information
 Deep integration with Microsoft Office means it’s easy to move
data in and out of OneNote
Find Information Quickly
 Search for spoken words in audio and video recordings
 Search for text in scanned documents, pictures, and images from
the Web using optical character recognition (OCR)
 Lightning-fast search results
 Use drag-and-drop functionality and a simplified navigation pane
to organize easily
 Flag important items and synchronize tasks and details with
Microsoft Office Outlook
Work Together Better
 Send notes in e-mail as HTML, or easily publish to the Internet or
an intranet
 View and edit the same page with others in real-time digital
white-boarding sessions
 Control information by password-protecting portions of notebooks
Search with query-hit
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office – Exclusive Functionality Only in Professional Plus and Enterprise Versions
Functionality Exclusive to Office Professional Plus and Enterprise
• 1)
• 2)
• 3)
• 4)
Information Rights and Policy Management
Integrated Content Management
Advanced Support for Customized E-Forms
Office Business Applications and Duet for SAP
Information Rights and Policy Management
The information rights management (IRM) capabilities and policy controls in the 2007 Microsoft Office system help organizations safeguard
digital information from unauthorized use. Through integration with Microsoft Windows Rights Management Services (RMS), IRM enables
information workers to define exactly how recipients can use the information that is contained in Microsoft Office documents. Specific features
 Information Rights Management: In conjunction with RMS for Microsoft Windows Server 2003, the IRM features of the 2007 system
enable users to define exactly who can open, modify, print, forward, or take other actions with the information in Microsoft Office
 Policy Templates: Organizations can create customized usage policy templates that can be applied directly to information such as
financial reports, product specifications, customer data, and e-mail messages.
 Policy Statements: Organizations can create policy statements for specific e-mail message types and embed these statements in the
message. Policy statements can instruct the reader on how to handle the message content or serve as a flag to trigger Microsoft
Exchange Server 2007 to process custom-defined rules.
Create IRM-protected documents and e-mail messages. Grant access and editing permissions, and apply
policy templates to protected content.**
Read and use IRM-protected documents and e-mail messages, given appropriate rights.**
Apply policy statements to e-mail messages before sending.**
Read policy statements associated with received e-mail messages.
**Requires Windows Rights Management Services for Windows Server 2003.
Plus 2007
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office – Exclusive Functionality Only in Professional Plus and Enterprise Versions
Integrated Content Management
In conjunction with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, the Integrated Content Management capabilities of the 2007 system provide more secure access
to business information through a number of differentiated features and capabilities, including integrated document workflow, Microsoft Office PowerPoint
slide libraries, label and barcode attachments, and the new Report Center portal.
 Workflow: Integration with Office SharePoint Server 2007 streamlines review and approval workflows, simplifying content review and approval
processes and reducing time spent managing documents through their life cycles. Integration between servers and the 2007 Microsoft Office
programs also provides opportunities for developers to define custom workflows, create document-handling processes, help users collaborate
through portals and workspaces, and connect users to information in enterprise business systems.
 Office PowerPoint Slide Libraries: Office SharePoint Server 2007 provides centralized storage for presentations and individual slides. PowerPoint slide
libraries enable users to easily repurpose existing content and build presentations from existing slide sets, reducing the need to re-create content.
Users can publish presentations to a PowerPoint slide library directly from Office PowerPoint 2007.
 Report Center: Microsoft Office Excel 2007 adds the capability to publish worksheets to Office SharePoint Server 2007 or to the Web while
maintaining full fidelity. A central repository for reports and spreadsheet data helps ensure that all users have access to the same version of critical
business information. The user who publishes the worksheet can control access to the information by defining which data is visible to others in
Report Center and defining which cells can be edited by other users.
 Barcodes and Labels: The 2007 system facilitates document and records management with the capability to generate and embed barcodes and labels
within documents. Text-based labels or barcodes can be generated from document metadata, such as subject keywords or customer numbers. Labels
and barcodes are printed with the document and can be updated automatically.
Plus 2007
Initiate document workflows and complete workflow tasks from within the Microsoft Office system of programs.
Initiate document workflows and complete workflow tasks from the browser.
Publish presentations and individual Office PowerPoint 2007 slides to slide libraries for later reuse.
Browse slide libraries from within Office PowerPoint 2007, build new presentations from individual slides, and get
updates when slides change on the server.
Publish spreadsheets to Report Center, and specify parameters and viewing permissions for spreadsheets and
specific cells that are published to Report Center.
View and use spreadsheets that are published to Report Center from the browser.
Create printable labels and barcodes from metadata, and insert barcodes and labels into Microsoft Office
Read, print, and update existing labels and barcodes in Microsoft Office documents.
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office – Exclusive Functionality Only in Professional Plus and Enterprise Versions
Advanced Support for Customized E-Forms
The 2007 Microsoft Office system streamlines data collection through integration with Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007. Electronic forms (e-forms)
can be presented as stand-alone forms in the Office InfoPath 2007 client or in the browser, embedded in Microsoft Office Word 2007 and Office
Excel 2007 documents (through customizable Document Information Panels and Programmable Task Panes), or embedded in Microsoft Office
Outlook 2007 e-mail messages.
Features that take advantage of InfoPath forms include:
 Information Rights Management: In conjunction with RMS for Microsoft Windows Server 2003, the IRM features of the 2007 system
enable users to define exactly who can open, modify, print, forward, or take other actions with the information in Microsoft Office
 E-Mail Forms: The ability to embed an InfoPath form within an Office Outlook 2007 e-mail message provides a fast, efficient way to
collect information.
 Developer Enhancements: Enhanced development capabilities enable developers to display richer content, including InfoPath forms,
within custom Programmable Task Panes.
 Document Information Panel: Support for InfoPath forms within the new Document Information Panel enables organizations to define
custom document properties and initiate business processes from within the document, based on document properties.
Plus 2007
Complete, collect, and organize Office InfoPath e-mail forms in Office Outlook 2007.**
Host embedded, fully customizable InfoPath forms in Office Word 2007, Office Excel 2007, and Office
PowerPoint 2007.**
Complete forms in Programmable Task Panes.**
Complete custom fields and execute custom business logic in Document Information Panel forms.**
**These capabilities require that Office InfoPath 2007 be installed on the client computer. Office Professional Plus 2007 and Office Enterprise 2007 include Office InfoPath 2007.
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office – Exclusive Functionality Only in Professional Plus and Enterprise Versions
Office Business Applications (OBA) and Duet for SAP
Office Business Applications are a new breed of application that help businesses unlock the value of their line-of-business (LOB) systems and turn
document-based processes into real applications. OBAs leverage the client, server, services and technologies of the 2007 Microsoft Office system
to solve business problems. Applications and documents can be extended to add enterprise-specific features, and LOB systems can be seamlessly
integrated with the Microsoft Office system to make the LOB system much more accessible..
Duet is a first-of-its-kind software solution from SAP and Microsoft that enables users to easily and quickly interact with SAP business processes
and data via their familiar Microsoft Office environment. The result of a groundbreaking collaboration between SAP and Microsoft, it is the first
joint product created by these two industry leaders and is designed to revolutionize how Information Workers interact with enterprise
applications. Best of class enterprise systems provide competitive and monetary advantages to the firms that apply them. However, most
enterprise solutions do not enjoy 100% adoption by licensed users. Using Duet, companies can give all their employees improved, flexible, yet
appropriate, access to SAP data and processes via their familiar Microsoft Office interface.
Features that take advantage of Office Business Applications and Duet include:
 Workflow: Windows Workflow Foundation forms an integral part of the Office Business Platform to facilitate automated workflow
 Search: The Office Business Platform offers a powerful search engine portal to find relevant results across the organization quickly.
Advanced tagging capabilities allow documents to carry contextual data beyond the actual contents.
 Business Data Catalog: Users require data from LOB systems every day yet the data is typically accessible only to a handful of individuals
well versed in the LOB system interface.
Plus 2007
Seamless and integrated end to end user experience to Line of Business Applications .
Expose SAP business processes and information accessible through familiar Microsoft Office Client.
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office - Duet for Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office Use with SAP:
Duet connects Microsoft Office to SAP by extending well
established structured SAP business processes into familiar Office
environment. SAP information only accessible to a hand full of
users before, now empowers majority of corporate worker.
Duet Provides the Following Capabilities:
•Contextual data integrations for Microsoft Office
•Offline access and data synchronization between Microsoft Office and mySAP applications
•Reliable security for data transfer
•Integration of approval processes in Microsoft Outlook (offline, routing, contextual data)
•SAP alerts notifications delivered through Microsoft Outlook inbox
•SAP controlled authorization for data access
Business Value of Duet for Microsoft Office and SAP:
•Duet makes SAP business processes and information accessible to every employee through their familiar Microsoft Office
•Duet is instantly usable by the information worker, with no additional training
•Duet can increase corporate process compliance by simplifying employees ability to access and interact with business processes and
•Duet can improve decision making by giving employees and managers simple and timely access to relevant, contextual business
•Duet can decrease the risk and increase the return on investment (ROI) of new ERP and enterprise software implementations by
reducing the user learning curve and accelerating the user adoption curve
•Driven by customer and market demand, Duet is the first jointly developed solution between industry leaders SAP and Microsoft
•Duet was designed for the vast number of information workers who spend much of their time in Microsoft Office
•Duet is designed for rapid implementation
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office - Duet for Microsoft Office
 Time management – Use the Microsoft Outlook calendar to report time and have it automatically recorded in the SAP ERP
application, thereby streamlining time entry while ensuring time reporting compliance
 Budget monitoring – Receive financial reports from the SAP ERP application in the Microsoft Outlook in-box and work with them
offline instead of searching for and printing reports; monitor budgets through proactive alerts and triggers based on time-critical
 Organization management – Access up-to-date information about employees, open positions, and organizational structures, as
well as managerial approvals that are integrated from SAP ERP into the Microsoft Outlook contacts area and Microsoft Office
 Leave management – Add leave requests as calendar items that are then processed according to approval guidelines in SAP ERP
 Travel management – Book travel reservations, request approvals, and view contextual reports and analytics to ensure costeffective travel that is in full compliance with corporate policies in SAP ERP
 Reporting and analytics – Request ad hoc and scheduled SAP reports, and view key performance SAP analytics conveniently
through Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Excel
 Sales management – Record sales activities, manage accounts and contacts, obtain price approvals, and access sales analytics
from the SAP Customer Relationship Management application easily through Microsoft Outlook
 Purchasing management – Approve purchase requests, understand spending patterns, and analyze supplier performance from the
SAP Supplier Relationship Management application in a rapid and cost-efficient manner
 Demand planning – Use Microsoft Excel to create planning sheets, as well as analyze and manage demand planning data from the
SAP Supply Chain Management application
 Recruitment management – Collaboratively schedule interviews with job candidates, capture feedback about each candidate, and
generate rankings to automate the selection of the best-qualified person for a position
 Legal contract authoring – Effectively create legal contracts using Microsoft Word, providing collaboration, workflow, and
template support for the complete sourcing process with SAP Supplier Relationship Management Unite Enterprise and Business
Productivity Applications
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Business Value
We are fine on our current Office version. I don’t see the value in new features of the 2007 Office release–how is this going to improve my operations (reduce
cost or increase sales)? The 2007 Office system has moved beyond personal productivity and is now an Enterprise Productivity Software Suite, which combines
the capabilities of business intelligence, content/document management, and collaboration into a suite of products accessed via the pervasive and easy to use
Microsoft Office client. Many of the capabilities are enabled by a combination of products which provides a single platform delivering capabilities at a lower
TCO than traditional “best of breed” vendors.
Key Performance Indicators
Business Impact
Customer Success Story
Improve Customer
 Improve sales productivity
 Reduce time spent on sales proposals
 Deliver exceptional customer
 Improve customer retention
A marketing services firm created a proposal generation
solution that allows authors to search for content stored in an
Office SharePoint Server 2007 site from within Word 2007. The
solution is reducing proposal creation time by 60 percent.
 Launch new products/services
Increase Visibility into
the Business
 Faster time to market with quicker launch of
new products
 Monitor current processes and
data more closely
 Drive revenue through faster response to
market demands
 Improve planning and forecasting
 Reduce production delays
 Report results with greater
 Better customer service
A casino implemented an executive reporting portal based on
Microsoft Office SharePoint® Server 2007, with a structured
reporting process using Microsoft Excel®–based Web
publishing. The solution allowed the casino management to
identify issues 66 percent faster than before.
 More informed decisions
Improve Operational
 Streamline business processes
 Faster business process cycle times
 Strengthen supply chain
 Improve productivity
 Improve content management
Drive Innovation
Protect Information and
Ensure Compliance
 Reduce cost of rework
Banco de Venezuela has developed an Office-based claims
management and monitoring process that cut claims resolution
time up to 45 percent and reduces the time to process claims
reports by 75 percent.
Franklin Covey installed Exchange 2007, Office 2007 and
integrated its voice communications with its email system. It
expects to reduce the cost of remote connectivity by 40%
 Simplify working together during
 Reduce product development costs
 Simplify new product reviews,
changes, and approvals
 Reduce rework
 Faster time to market
 Protect confidential information
 Decrease the risk of regulatory issues
 Ensure the integrity of data
 Reduce the cost and effort of compliance
 Easy auditing and logging
 Protect intellectual property
A specialty chemical manufacturer deployed a solution based
on Office 2007 that accelerates product development through
better collaboration, process automation, and more consistent
workflows. The company anticipates being able to deploy 12 to
15 additional new products ($60m in revenue) over a three
year period.
To comply with Basel II regulations Sasfin Bank used Office
SharePoint Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Professional Plus
2007 to implement a content management system. Sasfin now
captures all of the data
80 it needs for compliance and reduced
compliance reporting costs by 20 percent.
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Business Value
“With the Ribbon, people are working more
efficiently and more creatively, using features they
were not even aware of in the past, such as live
preview of formatting changes. They love that.”
“With our investment in Office Professional Plus
2007 and Exchange Server 2007, we’ll save $19
million over the next four years in IT management
and equipment costs.”
James Purcell
Chief Technology Officer, Brasfield & Gorrie
Chris Murphy
Director of IT, EMC Corporation
“With the smaller files that the 2007 Office release
produces through its use of Open XML file formats,
we are using less bandwidth to transfer files among
our dozens of offices.”
Brad Hawkins
Manager of Networks & Devices, Jack Henry &
“With the 2007 Microsoft Office system, we’re
able to connect employees to information
“What we like about the 2007 Microsoft Office
system products is the deep integration of
desktop programs with back-end data.”
Randy Benz
VP & CIO, Energizer Holdings
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Business Value
Goal: Better Results Faster
Improve individual impact with gains in efficiency and effectiveness of information work.
• Open XML file formats reduce
storage requirements (files sizes
reduced 50 – 75%)
• Live Preview and Galleries in
new Fluent UI reduces time
wasted formatting.
• Improved task and time
management in Outlook helps
users manage commitments.
• InfoPath enables business
process automation.
• New client capabilities
(Conditional Formatting and
SmartArt™ diagrams) drive
business insight and
professional presentation.
• New Fluent UI reduces time
spent trying to figure out how
to get the results users want
from the programs
• Integration with Microsoft
Office SharePoint server enables
enterprise content
• Extensible Fluent UI makes it
easier to design applications
users will use.
• Office-as-a-front-end to extend
line of business applications and
intelligence to your people.
• PowerPoint slides libraries and
Excel Services integrate with
clients to preserve consistent
information dissemination
throughout an organization
US Air Force to save $85M annually
from standardizing on 2007 Office
“Business productivity at a far
lower total cost of ownership” (Cap
“[Microsoft] has taken a good
product and made it better and
fresher” (Mossberg, WSJ)
A Forrester study found an estimated 18 percent improvement in time to complete a task in the 2007 Office release.
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Business Value
Goal: Secure, robust, flexible
New file formats are less susceptible to corruption and open up new development opportunities
• XML file format separates data
from macros and scripts – less
susceptible to corruption
• Stronger, 256 bit AES doc
• Information Rights Management
and digital signatures
• 2007 Microsoft Office Security
• Functionality Is More Secure by
• XML file format reduces file
sizes compared to binaries
• Compatibility pack simplifies
document sharing
• Office Customization Tool and
more granular Group Policy
• Open XML ensures any system
or application can open and
edit docs
• Certified by Ecma International
Office Trust Center security saves IT
resources and protects your IP
Reduce file sizes 50-75% and save
system resources
Full Developer access to file
formats introduces new solutions
• Open XML ensures any system
or application can open and
edit docs
• Improved data recovery from
damaged documents
A Forrester study from August of 2007 states that 65% plan to begin 2007 upgrade cycle in the next 12 months
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office System Deployment
Goal: Minimize time, cost and training
Improved guidance and tools streamline deployment and reduce user training requirements
• Business Desktop Deployment
provides you with best
practices and deployment
• Desktop Deployment Planning
Services Software Assurance
Benefit pays for partner
engagement / deployment
• Office Resource Kit
• Office Resource Kit contains
powerful deployment tools
• Migration Planning Manager
identifies potential
compatibility issues and helps
you convert files to the new
format in bulk
• Office Customization Tool offers
a single network installation
• Multilanguage Architecture and
language neutral nature of
Office 2007 simplifies global
• Training Vouchers can be used
to enhance IT Pro deployment
• eLearning content can be used
to populate a Learning
Management portal and train
Info Workers
• The Enterprise Learning
Framework points to resources
and develops your training plan
• A simple Add-in tab for Office
programs links to all free
BDD guidance can help drive light
and zero-touch deployment costs
< $20 / PC
Majority of legacy macros will
83% of users believe they will
learn the new UI within two days
to two weeks.
A survey published on eWeek noted that at least 24% of enterprises have deployed some Office 2007 seats.
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Solution Showcases
Microsoft provides ‘Solution Showcases’ to demonstrate how the Microsoft Office system and other Microsoft technologies can be used to solve
important manufacturing and departmental business issues and how companies are realizing more value from their investments in Microsoft Office.
Each of the following are available as a solution demonstrations to provide information about how the Microsoft Office System is a useful
component for solving a broad spectrum of business problems.
Manufacturing Industry Solutions
Innovation Management
Supply Chain Performance
Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence
Collaborative Product Development
Budgeting, Planning, and
Sales &
IT Governance
Launch New Products
Project Portfolio Management
Sales and Marketing ROI
Electronic Records
Sales Proposals
Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
Supply Chain Management
Corporate Portals
Treasury and Cash
Risk Management and
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Solution Showcases ~ Manufacturing
Innovation Management
Increase employee, customer, and partner
participation in the Ideation process
Cross functional teams are unable to
quickly provide insight and evaluate ideas
Ideas aren’t captured and stored for future
Leverage the collective power of the entire
employee base instead of only a few select
Robust collaboration tools
Allows easy and secure real-time
communication and collaboration
Automated Workflows
Ensures key decisions and actions are taken
at the right time
Robust Social Networking and Search Tools
Brings together people and information to
quickly add value and context to ideas
Supply Chain Collaboration & Visibility
Lack of supply chain visibility and control
Difficulty exercising accountability
End-to-end business processes that do not
work across organizational boundaries
Product introduction delays due to poor
supply chain project management
Low customer satisfaction because of poor
supply chain issue management
Improve Operational Efficiencies
Make the right adjustments on supply chain
operations to eliminate costly and inefficient
business processes.
Enhance Collaboration and Visibility
Gain real-time operational intelligence so
they can be more responsive and make
necessary changes.
Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence
Low Process Visibility
o Lack of operational intelligence
Not agile enough to respond to changing
market demand or customer needs
o Long decision making cycle
o Unable to make real-time decisions
Production inefficiencies
o High production costs
o High defect rates
Real-time status
Real-time performance monitor and alerting
Business analytics
Dashboard for KPIs
Visual display of real-time analytic results
Automated execution
LOB data integration
Improve Decision Making
Deliver better, real-time insights so decision
makers can promptly make smart business
Increase Customer Satisfaction
Respond to production needs in a more
efficient and effective manner
Solution Benefits
More people contributing to ideation
Faster and more robust idea scoring
Repository for ideas
Improved innovation portfolio
Improved culture – reward and recognition
for contributions
Information Easily Updated
Access to Real-Time Ops Data
Centralized Supply Chain Collaboration
Project Management Roll-Up Reporting &
Issues Management & Accountability
Improved operational efficiency
Faster response time to customer needs
Enhanced process visibility (through
Shorten decision-making cycle
Adhere to key manufacturing standards
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Solution Showcases ~ Finance
Improving Enterprise Budgeting, Planning,
and Forecasting
Addressing Sarbanes-Oxley Challenges
Improving Collaboration and Visibility across
the Supply Chain
Finance Related
Finance Related
Finance Related
A planning, budgeting, and forecasting
solution using Microsoft Office system
technologies aligns an enterprise’s budgeting
and performance management functions so
that decision makers can more effectively
analyze results and drive business planning.
In addition, by using familiar Microsoft Office
tools to automate budget consolidation,
communicate strategy, and streamline
workflow, enterprises can greatly reduce the
time spent managing the budgeting process.
SOX solutions based on the 2007 Microsoft
Office system utilize process automation and
workflow features to reduce errors and
enhance efficiency. Detailed audit trails and
executive dashboards help maintain system
integrity – all using familiar Microsoft
technologies that can be deployed quickly
with minimal training costs.
Supply chain collaboration and visibility
solutions provide real-time access to
operational data through dashboards and
delivering business insights that enable faster
and more informed decisions. Leveraging the
capabilities of the Microsoft Office system,
manufacturers and their vendors can quickly
improve inventory levels through real-time
intelligence and collaboration.
Comprehensive Performance
Process Automation and Workflow
Personalized Views
Advanced Analytics and Visualization
Communication and Collaboration
Reduced time and cost of corporate
budgeting and planning processes
Improved visibility into financial
information to enable better
understanding of present business
Better and more accurate forecasts to
help decision-makers identify
opportunities and act upon them earlier
Improved collaboration across divisional
Better audit-ability and reporting
Document & Information Management
Process Automation and Workflow
Communication & Collaboration
Monitoring & Reporting
Enterprise content management (ECM)
allows enhanced access to disparate
Helps ensure authenticity of document
contents using built-in security measures
such as single sign-on and digital
Gives greater visibility and control of
performance and project timelines using
executive dashboards with status metrics
Improves information consistency using
versioning, auditing, and workflow
capabilities to orchestrate and streamline
business process flow
Visibility of Data
Tight integration with Customers and
Deploy Innovative Supply Chain
Facilitate Growth and Innovation
Metrics that Reward Integration
Delivers enhanced visibilities through BI
features such as real-time BI dashboard,
Excel 2007 analysis services.
Adds intelligence to visibility by providing
real-time analysis of key supply chain
operational data.
Provides a rich set of real-time
collaboration tools that allow key
decision makers to take the right actions
to improve supply chain operations.
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Solution Showcases ~ Finance & HR
Risk Management and Compliance
Optimizing Treasury and Cash
Improve Communication and Oversight
with Corporate Portals for the Retail
Finance Related
Finance Related
Human Resources
Treasury and cash management is an
increasingly strategic function for companies, but
inefficient manual processes and a lack of
access to integrated and accurate financial
information may prevent treasury departments
from achieving optimal results. With greater data
integration, enhanced reporting and analytics,
streamlined processes, and improved document
and content management, a solution built using
the 2007 Microsoft Office system helps treasury
employees to maximize investment returns,
effectively manage risk, and reduce operational
costs while maintaining better control and
financial transparency.
The 2007 Microsoft Office system and other
tightly integrated Microsoft technologies can help
align IT and business process by embedding best
practices for Audit & Controls, Document
Management, Corporate Governance, and Risk
Management with tools like dashboards,
business intelligence, compliance/control
systems, and other native tools. This enables an
organization to have a simpler, faster, and more
cost-effective approach to risk awareness and
control with minimal disruption to the employee
Because of increasing business complexity and
an ever increasing need for better
communications, retail enterprises should unify
corporate communications across a portal site
that is accessible at all levels within the
organization. Unfortunately, many enterprises
rely on paper laden solutions and loosely
connected systems that are rarely seen outside
of the corporate office. A corporate portal
solution based on Microsoft technology can
provide management with the tools to better
communicate with all levels of the enterprise and
lay the foundation for additional applications and
line of business integration.
Enhanced Reporting and Analytics
Streamlined Processes
Improved Document Management
Provides an effective way to ensure that
treasury associates can easily access and
act on financial information from a single
location using dashboards via SharePoint
Server 2007.
Excel services, built on SharePoint
technologies, allows users to take
advantage of both Excel and SharePoint
features, such as workflow and approval,
versioning and audit control, and taking
snapshots of the spreadsheets.
With server-side spreadsheet execution,
long-running calculations can be off-loaded
from desktop computers.
Real-time Reporting
Document Management and Retention,
Increased Audit Efficiency
Enterprise risk management and
compliance solution can enable an
enterprise to have a simpler, faster and
cost-effective approach to risk awareness
and control with minimal disruption to the
employee desktop.
Leveraging existing IT investments leads to
lower compliance related costs e.g. retraining costs, implementation costs, etc.
Collaboration Across Different Teams and
Business Processes Automation
Secure Communications
Ability to display Microsoft Office SharePoint
on WePOS terminals
Easily extend to cover business intelligence
or other corporate needs
Easy customization of SharePoint® Web
Parts to create views specific for the end
Ability to pull data from a number of
sources, port into SQLTM, and then connect
through OLAP
Easily deployed using existing infrastructure
Low cost of entry, price effective to
competitive solutions that do not address
task management to the associate level
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Solution Showcases ~ Information Technology
IT Governance
Information Technology
An IT governance solution helps businesses align
IT spending in their organizations with their
business strategy by combining the value of
portfolio optimization ("Doing the Right Things")
with the power of improved execution ("Doing the
Right Things Right"). It features robust analytic
tools to help organizations model, evaluate and
make better decisions regarding their portfolio of
projects and programs. It also provides managers
and project teams with tools for the functional
components of their work including project
management, resource management and
Resource Management
Project Management
Portfolio Management
Collaboration and Communication
Administration and Deployment
Enhanced collaboration: Centrally store, link,
and share project-related issues, risks, and
documents for collaborative tracking. Outof-the-box templates and support for core
blog and wiki features.
More in-depth portfolio planning and
analysis: Optimize and select portfolios that
best align with your organization’s strategic
priorities. Measure and track the
performance of each investment throughout
its lifecycle to help ensure you gain the
forecast benefits.
More convenient tracking: Enable team
members to view and report progress on
tasks—directly from their Microsoft Office
Outlook 2007 calendars.
More effective process planning: Visual
Studio Team System now integrates with
Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007
to provide project and resource information.
Project Portfolio Management
Supporting Compliance and
Governance Processes with Electronic
Records Management
Information Technology
A Portfolio Management solution built on the
2007 Microsoft Office System helps make it
easier to identify, select, manage, and deliver
portfolios that align with strategic priorities.
Powerful analytical and real time collaboration
tools help to optimize budget utilization and
objectively evaluate and rapidly prioritize
competing investments from multiple
dimensions. The solution can also track the
performance of each investment throughout its
life cycle, from business case to benefits
Portfolio Management
Resource Management
Financial Management
Time Capture
Collaboration Capabilities
Effectively prioritize and evaluate competing
investments: Utilize best practice
techniques to automatically evaluate
investments from multiple dimensions.
Reach the Efficient Frontier: Identify and
break constraints preventing portfolios from
reaching the efficient frontier.
Capture all investments within a central
repository: Consolidate business and
information technology (IT) investments
within an enterprise repository to improve
visibility, insight, and control.
Measure and track portfolio performance to
ensure realizing forecasted benefits. Reoptimize portfolio to maintain continuous
alignment with organization’s strategy.
Benefit from tight integration with Microsoft
Office Project Server 2007: Quickly deploy
portfolio analytical for end-to-end project
portfolio management solution.
Information Technology
Improved controls and processes provide more
than the means for becoming compliant with
financial, regulatory, and operational standards.
By providing more transparency into business
processes, enterprises have more control over
the flow of their information. A secure, integrated
record-archiving system ensures that information
can be accessed easily and destroyed routinely
when it is no longer needed. Electronic records
archiving solutions enable organizations to fulfill
legal and financial requirements, reduce
exposure to risk, and protect their image and
competitive position.
Workflow & Content Management
Search and Document Retrieval
Auditing and Tracking of Changes
User Access Rights
Define policies for access permission.
Capture customized metadata in Office
client applications to enable effective
storage and retrieval of documents and
Use workflow-management capabilities to
automate processes on the basis of
archiving guidelines and approved
Track information by using versioning and
auditing tools. Use metadata to capture and
track changes.
Implement search capabilities and patterns
of storage that make locating and retrieving
records easier and more efficient.
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Solution Showcases ~ Sales & Marketing
Launch New Products
Improving Sales and Marketing ROI
Sales & Marketing
Sales & Marketing
Sales & Marketing
Sales and marketing analytics solutions based on
the 2007 Microsoft® Office system enable
executives to assess sales performance,
customer trends, marketing campaigns, and
supply chain trends. This assessment can help
them identify and act on opportunities earlier to
more effectively impact customers, sales and
profit growth opportunities, and business
Creating winning proposals requires a sales team
to rapidly evaluate each opportunity, manage
complex documents, coordinate work among
multiple contributors, access standardized
content, and archive completed proposals. A
proposals management solution built on the
2007 Microsoft Office system uses Microsoft
Office technologies such as Microsoft Office
Groove 2007, Microsoft Office Communicator
2007, Microsoft Office Word 2007, Microsoft
Office InfoPath 2007, and Microsoft SharePoint
sites to provide these capabilities and enable
teams to compose more winning proposals with
greater speed, effectiveness, and quality.
Solutions built using the 2007 Microsoft Office
system provide powerful tools that enable
effective communication within and beyond the
enterprise. Improved communication helps
teams prepare and successfully execute
marketing plans with greater speed and
Effective Collaboration
Secure, Interactive Workspace
Centralized Content Management
Streamlined Access to Critical Information
Enhance Decision-Making and Productivity
Connect People Across Departments and
Creating Winning Proposals
Increased consistency in product launches
through better communication with field
sales teams and partners
Maximized return on marketing investments
by identifying and reaching the highest value 
Updated, real-time sales support and
competitive information for field sales teams
and channel partners.
Simplify Data Access: Using Microsoft Office
Excel 2007 and Microsoft Office SharePoint
Server 2007, users can build their own
reports and views without IT intervention
Streamline Data Analysis: Users can more
easily pull data from different systems, save
and automate repeatable processes, and
modify data
Improve Decision Making: Using Microsoft
Office Business Scorecard Manager 2005,
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting
Services, and ProClarity 6.2, users can
explore the data for deeper insight into the
Share Insights: Deliver real-time data in
familiar formats to different user groups and
roles by publishing dashboards and
SharePoint Web Parts.
Streamline the Proposal Process
Create a Content Library
Analyze the Costs and Benefits of Proposal
Projects for ROI
Meet Deadlines
Speed Up Content Creation
Reduce proposal turnaround time by 2050%: find and reuse the best information
from company databases; prevent the need
for proposal authors to switch between
applications; use a collaborative portal to
decrease the number of handoffs.
Reduce costs by deploying resources more
effectively in a more streamlined proposal
development process; avoid duplication of
effort by retaining critical expertise; rapidly
integrate with deployed technologies.
Grow revenues by increasing win rate and
participation: Create compelling accurate
proposals; reduce time spent on proposals
and invest time in customer interaction;
submit a greater number of proposals with
limited available resources.
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Project 2007
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Visio 2007
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office LiveMeeting Service 2007
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Communication Server 2007
Microsoft Office Communications (OCS) Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 provide enterprise Voice over Internet Protocol
(VoIP) and unified communications products for businesses. They bring together a broad range of communications options including voice, instant
messaging (IM) and video into a single consistent experience. OCS & Communicator make it easier for employees to communicate with each other
in real-time by letting them see at a glance if the people they want to contact are available. They will also be able to initiate a conversation by email,
voice, video, or instant messaging from within Microsoft Office system applications, making communication and collaboration an integral part of
day-to-day work processes, rather than an interruption. In addition, using Office Communicator Mobile, employees will be able to stay connected
using Windows Mobile-powered devices.
OCS Enterprise CAL*
OCS Standard CAL*
IM & Presence
Group IM
P2P voice & video
File transfer
VoIP & Call Management
• Multiparty collaboration
• Data
• Video
• Voice
• Application sharing
(formerly in LCS CAL)
• Call routing
• User call management
• Remote call control
(former Telephony CAL)
• Voice media on Softphone
Office Communicator 2007
Included with Office Professional Plus and Office Enterprise
OCS Server Standard Edition**
OCS Server Enterprise Edition**
Primary Server Roles;
Installed on a Single Server
Failover & Clustering
* The Standard CAL is a requirement for the Enterprise CAL. Both CALs may be used with either standard or enterprise edition of the server.
** Office Communicator 2007 Web Access, Office Communicator 2007 Mobile and Speech Server are Included in the OCS Server.
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office SharePoint Server 2007
MOSS Enterprise CAL features in Red
Server-based Excel spreadsheets and
data visualization, Report Center, BI
Web Parts, KPIs/Dashboards
Rich and Web forms
based front-ends, LOB
actions, enterprise SSO
Integrated document
management, records
management, and Web content
management with policies and
Workspaces, Mgmt,
Security, Storage,
Topology, Site Model
Docs/tasks/calendars, blogs,
wikis, e-mail integration, project
management “lite”, Outlook
offline docs/lists
Enterprise Portal
template, Site Directory,
My Sites, social
networking, privacy
Enterprise scalability,
contextual relevance, rich
people and business
data search
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Office Performance Point Server 2007
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Windows Server 2008 with Hyper V Feature
Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003/
Windows HPC Server 2008
Windows Storage Server 2003 R2
Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Manager 2007 (formerly Identity Integration Server 2003)
Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 R2
Microsoft Commerce Server 2007
Microsoft Search Server 2008
Microsoft Search Server 2008 Express
10. Microsoft SQL Server 2008
11. Microsoft Forefront Security Suite
12. Microsoft Forefront Client Security
13. Microsoft Forefront Server Security Management Console
14. Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Server
15. Microsoft Forefront Security for SharePoint
16. Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
17. Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Windows Server 2008 with Hyper V Feature
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Microsoft Business Solutions
Microsoft Dynamics AX
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0
Microsoft Dynamics GP
Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Microsoft Dynamics SL
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Microsoft Developer Network
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Microsoft Expression Studio 2
Microsoft Silverlight
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Management & Services
Exchange Hosted Services
Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager
Intelligent Application Gateway 2007
Active Directory Rights Management Services (RMS)
Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007
Microsoft System Center
Virtual Machine Manager 2007
Microsoft Virtual Earth
10. Microsoft MapPoint 2009
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Active Directory Rights Management Services (RMS)
Appendix - Software Solution Components
System Center Operations Manager 2007
Service Oriented
 Proactive management of IT services
 Integrated monitoring of distributed applications, the end
user perspective, and supporting infrastructure
Easy to Use
 Simplifies managing your IT environment and improves time
to value
 Leverages Active Directory, self tuning thresholds, optimized
performance counters and improved reporting
Knowledge Driven
 Reduces your problem resolution time
 Management Packs that include Microsoft expertise for
applications, servers and clients
 Integration of error reporting and audit collection
Enterprise Class
 Reliably scales across your Operations Team and enterprise IT
 Role based security, self monitoring infrastructure and
improved scalability
An end-to-end service
management solution
that helps you easily
monitor your IT services
and gain greater control
of your IT environment.
Appendix - Software Solution Components
System Center Configuration Manager
 Simplified setup and UI
 Cost effective infrastructure
 Advanced Task Sequencing and improved scheduling
 Native support for device management
 Maintenance / Change Windows
 Unified client/server deployment of Windows OS
 Core Windows Vista technologies
 Vista and Office 2007 centralized upgrade
 Offline media support for full offline provisioning
 Full mutual authentication between client/server
 Network Access Protection (NAP) integration
 Enterprise vulnerability assessment
 More efficient infrastructure
 System Definition Model (SDM)
 Regulatory compliance reporting
 Tight integration with Software Updates Management (SUM)
 License and asset management
A comprehensive solution
enabling you to provide
relevant software and
updates to users quickly
and cost-effectively.
Appendix – Software Solution Components
System Center Family
Performance &
Update &
Storage &
Manage /
System Center Operations Manager ~ Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 (formerly known as Microsoft
Operations Manager), affords you a comprehensive, overall view of the health of your IT environment. Track thousands of
event and performance monitors across hundreds of operating systems and applications. In addition, get best-of-breed,
end-to-end service management for the Windows platform and access to more than 50 management packs for various
Microsoft software applications. Finally, automate routine, redundant tasks to increase efficiency and enable greater
control of your IT environment.
System Center Configuration Manager ~ Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 (formerly known as
Microsoft System Management Server) drives IT productivity and efficiency by reducing manual tasks and enabling you to
focus on high-value projects, maximize hardware and software investments, and empower end-user productivity with the
right software at the right time. Configuration Manager contributes to a more effective IT department by enabling secure
and scalable operating system and application deployment and desired configuration management, enhancing system
security, and providing comprehensive asset management of servers, desktops, and mobile devices.
System Center Data Protection Manager ~ Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2006 optimizes and speeds
disk-based backup and recovery, delivers consistent data protection, and increases your IT organization’s operational
efficiencies. For example, recover information quickly by copying content from a production server and speed data
recovery with always-accessible disks. Data Protection Manager also supports near-continuous data protection with
centralized backup of branch offices and backup enhancements within the data center. Finally, help lower the total cost of
your data-protection environment by consolidating backup efforts at the data center, empowering end users to perform
their own recoveries, and implementing out-of-the-box reporting and monitoring functionality.
System Center Essentials ~ Microsoft System Center Essentials 2007 is a proactive, unified management solution that
enables IT professionals in your midsize organization to more efficiently secure, update, monitor, and troubleshoot your IT
environments. Essentials 2007 provides a unified solution to help optimize a broad set of tasks across your entire IT
environment and a single console from which you can view and manage all of your servers, clients, hardware, software,
and IT services. In addition, Essentials 2007 helps you proactively monitor your IT environment, simplifies complex
management tasks, and automates system updates and data collection for your IT environment. The end result is a more
efficient, secure, and up-to-date IT environment.
System Center Virtual Machine Manager ~ Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2007 is a stand-alone
management application for a virtual data center. Virtual Machine Manager increases use of your physical server, allows
you to centrally and virtually manage your infrastructure, and lets both administrators and end users rapidly provision new
virtual machines.
System Center Capacity Planner ~ Microsoft System Center Capacity Planner 2006 is a pre-deployment, capacity-planning
solution that provides best-practice guidance, hardware-specific knowledge, and "what if" scenario planning. For example,
with Capacity Planner you can make solid architecture decisions as you plan to deploy Exchange Server 2003 or Operations
Manager, plan ahead for IT purchases, and receive automated reports to proactively manage current and future
performance issues.
Appendix – Software Solution Components
Entertainment & Devices
Windows Mobile 6.1
Microsoft System Center Mobile Device Manager 2008
Microsoft RoundTable
Appendix – Support Solution Component
Premier Support Services
Support Solution Component
Premier Support Benefits
Preventative Services:
•Assess the performance of your existing infrastructure, or remove the technical risks in your deployments. We can help
you conduct health checks and identify potential risks, provide you with code reviews and technical support, and offer
strategic advice and guidance on a variety of technical issues.
Problem Resolution Support:
•Get the 24x7 support you need for technical issues encountered while using Microsoft products. Our response times are
based on the severity of the problem and its impact on your business, and our escalation process includes response to
mission-critical problems in one hour or less.
Direct Support Relationship:
•Premier Support gives you a direct relationship with your own Microsoft Technical Account Manager (TAM). Your TAM
understands your business support needs and is your advocate within Microsoft to help ensure that those needs are
Knowledge Transfer:
•Benefit from the knowledge and experiences of our highly skilled engineers by attending Premier workshop sessions.
Premier customers can also access extensive online resources normally available only to Microsoft partners, receiving
constant online advice and guidance for preventative services.
Microsoft Services Workshop PLUS:
•WorkshopPLUS courses provide Premier Support customers with advanced technical training that can significantly
improve your IT people’s ability to be proactive and to develop crisis-management skills, thereby helping to increase
uptime and overall infrastructure performance. These training programs include pre- and post-session skill assessments
that measure the knowledge your IT people gained from the course, as well as an action planning session to help
participants take what they’ve learned and apply it back at work.
Appendix – Services Solution Component
Microsoft Consulting Services (MCS) Overview
Microsoft Consulting Services
Information Technology Architecture & Planning (ITAP)
MCS Proposed Solutions
Services Solution Components
Microsoft Consulting Services (MCS) Overview
Microsoft Services works with you and your people to achieve the successful adoption, deployment and innovative use of Microsoft
solutions. Our services are designed to help you reduce risk and accelerate deployment through our consulting and support services.
This distinct combination of your talented people, software innovation and Microsoft Services gives you the right resources to help you
optimize solutions for any stage of the Microsoft technology lifecycle.
Microsoft Services Premier Support
Microsoft Consulting Services
Microsoft Services Enterprise
Strategy Consulting
Services Solution Components
Microsoft Consulting Services
Custom Consulting Services:
• All of our services can be customized to meet your business’ unique needs. We’re skilled at integrating our
products into mixed IT environments to help you deliver your business-critical solutions. Our consultants can
design and deliver large-scale projects in complex scenarios, leveraging existing and new technologies while
helping to build technical capabilities within your team.
Assessment and Review Services:
• These early-stage planning services provide an in-depth evaluation of business requirements, plans,
architectures, and designs of operational systems and environments.
Planning, Architecture and Design Services:
• For assistance in building solutions from the ground up, these services help you create plans for business
solutions and technical architecture, as well as design infrastructure and mission-critical applications.
Proof-of-Concept Services:
• Subsequent to planning and design, these services provide a limited functionality project prototype to help
you mitigate risks and accelerate the formation of a project team prior to development or deployment.
Operations Consulting:
• To help improve your IT policies and procedures, we support best practices for IT operations such as
customized service-level agreements, configuration of production systems, and more effective and efficient
change controls.
Services Solution Components
Information Technology Architecture & Planning (ITAP)
Your IT systems play a critical role in your business success, and to be successful your IT team must focus on those
initiatives and projects that have the highest business impact. Enterprise Strategy Consulting works with you to get the most
from your decision to implement Microsoft technology. It does so by focusing on the three areas that have the greatest
impact on your competitiveness: improving your customers’ experience, improving your people’s Microsoft technology skill
set, and most important, helping you achieve the projected return on your Microsoft IT investments. Enterprise Strategy
Consulting helps to deliver on your business vision through:
Strategic Discovery
and Analysis
Enterprise Strategy
Consultants (ESC)
work to identify gaps
between existing IT
capabilities and your
optimal portfolio of
IT solutions. Your ESC
helps you define,
measure and
communicate to
other stakeholders
the business value
they are getting from
IT investments and
fully align them to
needs of business
Program Planning
and Management
Technology &
Working with your
people, the ESC
delivers a multi-year
vision for your IT
strategy and a
roadmap to optimize
your portfolio of
technology solutions
aligned with your
organization’s core
business objectives.
The ESC maintains a
comprehensive view
of your IT projects to
develop an overall
program plan and
will work with you to
set priorities, oversee
schedules, manage
execution and help to
ensure that each
successfully meets its
The ESC helps your IT
organization develop
Microsoft technology
expertise, succeed
with deployments by
incorporating best
practices, and stay
up to date on the
latest Microsoft
products and
A Microsoft Architect
works with your
people to develop a
strategic blueprint
for enterprise-wide
service delivery,
providing the
platform for
successful business
Appendix – Licensing Solution Component
Microsoft Enterprise Agreement
Microsoft Select License
Software Assurance
Licensing Solution Component
Microsoft Enterprise Agreement
What is it? - The Enterprise Agreement helps large businesses standardize across the
enterprise, simplify license management and provide access to maintenance benefits to
support your organization’s competitive advantage and employee productivity. Businesses
that want to license 100 percent of their qualified desktop PCs for a three-year period can
initiate an Enterprise Agreement. The Enterprise Agreement offers the following:
 Selection of Enterprise products, including Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007, Microsoft
Office Enterprise 2007, Windows Vista Enterprise Edition, Core Client Access License (CAL) Suite,
and Enterprise CAL Suite.
 A fixed, annual price per desktop PC for enterprise products, based on the initial number of
desktop PCs enrolled.
 Software Assurance is included to maximize return on technology investment.
 The software, tools and resources needed to build and maintain a responsive, flexible and
dynamic IT infrastructure.
 The opportunity to evaluate any licensed product for 60 days before buying a license for it.
 The ability to license additional products under the terms of the original agreement to help
rapidly respond to changing business needs while keeping costs predictable.
Qualified desktop PCs do not include any PCs designated for use as a server rather than used
as a personal computer, any system dedicated to run only line-of-business (LOB) software,
or any system running an embedded operating system (for example, Windows 9.x for
embedded or Windows XP embedded).
Value Proposition - The Enterprise Agreement (EA) is the premium Microsoft Volume
Licensing program. An EA helps standardize IT choices across the organization, centralizes
purchasing, simplifies license management, and provides maintenance benefits that include
deployment assistance, support, new version upgrades, and training. This all helps
companies maintain a competitive advantage and increase employee productivity through
access to the latest Microsoft technology.
Benefits  Value through Software Assurance - Customers get more value, increased manageability,
upgrades and more assistance built into their software investments with Software Assurance.
Software Assurance can help customers get the most from the latest technology through added
benefits that can save time, money, and help deploy software products in less time and with less
 Flexible infrastructure - The Enterprise Agreement helps customers seamlessly build and
maintain an IT infrastructure that can respond more effectively and efficiently to changing
business environments, giving their business the agility it needs to stay competitive.
 IT standardization throughout the enterprise - The Enterprise Agreement can help customers
effectively use standardization to reduce the overall cost of computing.
 Centralized purchasing - Customers can significantly reduce the administrative overhead it takes
to show compliance of enterprise products acquired through the program, helping to diminish
any legal risk to their business.
 Simplified license administration and budgeting - With the Enterprise Agreement, customers
can streamline administration and budgeting, enabling more accurate and predictable business
planning. Customers benefit from the simplicity, flexibility, and value of having Microsoft
technology at the core of their software infrastructure.
Products & Levels - The Enterprise Agreement offers businesses access to the latest
technology—Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007, Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007,
Windows Vista Enterprise Edition, Core CAL Suite, and Enterprise CAL Suite. The total
quantity of initial qualified desktop PCs when enrolling in the Enterprise Agreement
determines the price level of enterprise products and any additional products under the
corresponding product pool.
Qualified Desktop PCs and Qualified Users - As part of the enrollment, customers are
responsible for reporting the number of qualified desktop PCs in their enterprise. This
number is the quantity indicated on the initial order at signing, along with any additional
desktop PCs added throughout the term of the enrollment, which would be covered by
submitting the annual True Up order. Qualified desktop PCs are the personal desktop PCs,
portable PCs, workstations, and similar devices that are used by or for the benefit of an
enrolled affiliate (including affiliates in the enterprise) and meet the minimum requirements
for running any of the enterprise products included in your agreement. The user count may
be different than the quantity of desktop PCs, but the price level is determined by the
desktop PC count. For example, a customer may have 2,500 desktop PCs and 2,300 users.
The price level would be B (see price levels below) for both, but the product order would
indicate 2,500 for the Microsoft Office or Windows product, and 2,300 users for the user
CAL purchases. Customers who sign an Enterprise Agreement enrollment are referred to as
“enrolled affiliates.” An enrollment is a standard option, giving global companies greater
flexibility in defining their enterprise. Each enterprise must consist of entire legal entities,
not partial entities such as departments, divisions, or business units. Each affiliate must be
entirely “in” or entirely “out.”. Customers renewing their Enterprise Agreement may sign a
renewal Enterprise Agreement for only the Software Assurance portion of their licenses.
Four price levels are available for each of the enterprise products (both desktop PC- and
user- based pricing).
Desktop PCs
Licensing Solution Component
Microsoft Enterprise Agreement
Agreement Structure - Negotiating terms and conditions common to multiple agreements is
streamlined through the Microsoft Volume Licensing agreement structure. A perpetual
Microsoft Business and Services Agreement (MBSA) defines general terms and conditions
common to the Enterprise Agreement and Microsoft Services. A separate license or
agreement services work order is signed to cover the specific terms of the Enterprise
Agreement or Services programs. This structure allows for flexible contract maintenance in
the renewing of contracts and in licensing Microsoft software products. A key benefit to this
structure is that the contract terms common to Microsoft licensing, service, and support
agreements are signed once.
A Microsoft Business and Services Agreement is a perpetual agreement between the
customer and Microsoft. It contains high-level terms and conditions that are applicable to
all agreements signed under it. Terms and conditions such as use and ownership,
confidentiality, warranties, and others can be found in the MBSA. It must be signed either
with or prior to the Enterprise Agreement. The Enterprise Agreement defines the terms for
enterprise and additional product license acquisitions, subsequent orders, True Ups, and
perpetual rights.
The Enterprise Agreement enrollment establishes the basic information that businesses can
use to buy product licenses under the Enterprise Agreement. It defines purchase details
such as the term of the licensing arrangement, products, subsidiaries, language options, and
Enterprise Software Advisor (or Large Account Reseller, where applicable).
An Enterprise Agreement cannot be initiated without an MBSA, and an Enterprise
enrollment cannot be initiated without an Enterprise Agreement.
Agreement Renewal - The initial term of the Enterprise Agreement enrollment is three
years. At the end of the third year, the Enterprise Agreement enrollment may be extended
once for one year or renewed once for three years. Renewal pricing for existing desktop PCs
is based on Software Assurance only.
Additional Products - A broad selection of software titles are available as additional
products. They provide the same license and Software Assurance coverage as enterprise
products, but do not require an enterprise-wide commitment. For products licensed at
signing, payments can be spread throughout three years in the same way that enterprise
product payments are annualized. Spreading the cost of software licenses throughout three
years can help businesses re-focus critical IT budget and provide a predictable framework
for budgeting purposes. Also, once an additional licensed product is purchased, it will have
corresponding use of the True Up ordering process, consolidating ordering annually.
True Up - During the time a customer is enrolled in the Enterprise Agreement, it is likely that
the business will grow and add desktop PCs. When a customer adds desktop PCs, the
desktop PCs immediately get the same license coverage as those enrolled at the beginning
of the agreement term. An annual True Up is the reporting of software licenses deployed on
desktop PCs that were added during the past year of the license agreement. The annual
True Up feature helps reduce time and expense by consolidating the report of multiple
additional software use under one purchase order.
Customers have the additional option of truing up multiple times throughout the year as an
added benefit in managing costs. This feature is in addition to the annual True Up required
each year.
If no desktop PCs are added during the year, an update statement is reported to alert
Microsoft not to expect a True Up order.
Step Up - With an Enterprise Agreement, it is possible to migrate from Standard Edition
licensed products to Professional Edition or Enterprise Edition licensed products while
maintaining Software Assurance coverage on a given product. The Step-Up License is
available to make it easier to upgrade from a Standard Edition to Enterprise Edition without
incurring the full cost of licensing two separate editions of licensed products.
Qualification to Obtain the Step-Up License - Customers must have a license with active
upgrade protection coverage (e.g., Software Assurance, Upgrade Advantage, or Enterprise
Agreement) for the qualifying product to acquire a Step-Up License. The Step-Up License
must be acquired, and is valid only when acquired, under the Enterprise Agreement or
Select License enrollment or the Open Value Agreement under which upgrade protection
coverage for the qualifying product was originally acquired. The customer’s right to use the
software under a Step-Up License is conditioned on their having and retaining a license for
the qualifying product. Customers cannot transfer the license for the qualifying product
separately from the Step-Up License. Customers’ perpetual rights under the Step-Up License
supersede and replace the underlying license for the qualifying product. Step up to the
Enterprise CAL Suite, Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise, Microsoft Exchange Server
Enterprise, Microsoft Office Professional Plus, Microsoft Office Enterprise, Project
Professional, Microsoft Visio professional drawing and diagramming software, and more.
Step-Up License Pricing - The Step-Up License price is the difference between the license
and Software Assurance price of the Enterprise Edition software products and the Standard
Edition software products. For a new Enterprise Enrollment, the Step-Up price is spread out
in equal annual billings for the duration of the customer’s enrollment term. For Enterprise
Enrollment customers who step up partway through the enrollment term, the billing is paid
at the time the step-up is acquired.
Licensing Solution Component
Microsoft Enterprise Agreement
Additional Value - Customers can take advantage of these additional features in the
Enterprise Agreement to help boost the value received by participating in the program:
 Commitment on Use Rights provide Enterprise Agreement customers the security of knowing
exactly what the use rights are for the products they license under their Enterprise Agreement
enrollment. Microsoft agrees not to change Product Use Rights (PUR) for any version of a
product after it becomes available. Furthermore, we make a commitment that we will not
change use rights for enterprise products during the term of an enrollment to be more restrictive
or to the customers’ detriment (this commitment does not relate to new features and
 Training and Evaluation Licenses help extend budgets for software training and evaluation
purposes by offering a limited number of complimentary training and evaluation copies of any
- Twenty copies per software title for use in a dedicated training facility
- Ten copies per software title for a 60-day evaluation
 Downgrade Rights provide businesses with version standardization considerations and the
flexibility necessary to purchase a license for the latest software version available, but run a
previous version.
 Re-Imaging Rights allow the use of certain software media for reimaging to provide added
convenience during product rollouts.
 Secondary Use Rights allow employees to be more productive by sharing the same application
license for any additional product on a work PC as well as a portable PC for work-related
purposes only.
 Examples of products available as additional products include Microsoft Office Visio drawing and
diagramming software, Microsoft Project, and the Windows Server operating system and
Microsoft Exchange Server.
Licensing Solution Component
Microsoft Select License
What is it? - Microsoft Select License is designed specifically for midsize to large
organizations that have mixed software requirements and want an affordable way to
purchase licenses for the latest Microsoft technology on a “pay-as-you-go” basis.
 Incentive-based price structure helps customers receive the best possible price point based on
their technology needs and the volume of purchase during a three-year period.
 Annual payment plan for customers who add Software Assurance at time of license purchase.
 Convenient access to software through media kits and downloads.
 Self-managed asset management system through Microsoft Volume License Services (MVLS) and
the new Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC).
Select License customers receive a volume price level based on their forecast for each
product pool selected—applications, systems, and servers. Each product offering is assigned
specific point values to determine pricing levels. The customer’s forecast is based on the
projected accumulation of points in each pool. Examples of licensed products in the
applications pool are Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet software, and
Microsoft Office Project. The Systems pool contains the Windows desktop operating system
upgrade to Windows Vista. Examples of licensed products offered within the servers pool
include the Windows Server operating system and associated CALs.
The Select License customer receives a complimentary media kit subscription containing the
products in the product pools selected in the license agreement. The customer can choose
which products they would like to reproduce and deploy. Customers then place an order
with a Large Account Reseller (LAR) at the end of the month for the quantity of licenses
equal to the number of copies of each product deployed. Select License is available
worldwide through the LAR channel.
Value Proposition - Select License is a transactional Microsoft Volume Licensing program
designed for medium and large organizations. This program offers a simple, flexible, and
affordable way for organizations to purchase licenses for the latest Microsoft technology on
a pay-as-you-go basis. Because it is based on an incentive-based pricing structure, Select
License customers receive the best possible price based on their unique technology needs
and purchase volumes.
Benefits  Affordable - Select License offers incentive-based pricing based on technology needs and
purchasing volume. Select License helps customers reduce up-front software costs and enables
predictable budgeting by amortizing payments through the annual payment option when
Software Assurance is included at the time of purchase. Evaluate before deployment with
training and evaluation license use rights to ensure the right choice for your customers’ business
 Flexible Purchasing Process - Tailored to the size and purchasing preference of your
organization, Select License offers a flexible pay-as-you-go purchasing model. This model offers
the freedom to purchase the product licenses you need when you need them, so you can start
using the software immediately.
 Simplified License Management - The Microsoft Volume License Services and Volume Licensing
Service Center Web sites offer electronic access to purchase history, order confirmations,
Microsoft license statements, and other helpful resources, helping you manage your licenses
with ease and confidence.
 Accelerated Deployment - Select License provides instant access to hundreds of software titles
through media kits, making it easier to evaluate, deploy, and train employees, helping your
organization stay competitive and productive. Accelerate your deployment with reimaging
rights, downgrade rights, cross-language use rights, and training use, all available to help shorten
the time frame when you realize the true value of you software investment.
Levels - Customers must purchase at least one-third of forecasted points each year to
remain in the enrolled desktop PC as well as a portable PC used for work-related purposes
only. Price Level: Level A: 1,500 points Level B: 12,000 points Level C: 30,000 points Level
D: 75,000 points
Agreement Structure - The process of negotiating terms and conditions common to multiple
agreements is streamlined through Microsoft’s Volume Licensing agreement structure. A
perpetual Microsoft Business and Services Agreement (MBSA) defines general terms and
conditions common to the Select License, Enterprise Agreement, and Microsoft Services. A
separate license or agreement services work order is signed to cover the specific terms of
the Select License, Enterprise Agreement, or Microsoft Services programs. This structure
allows for flexible contract maintenance in renewing contracts and licensing Microsoft
products. A key benefit to this structure is that the contract terms common to Microsoft
licensing, service, and support agreements are signed once. The MBSA is a perpetual
agreement between the customer and Microsoft. It contains high-level terms and
conditions that are applicable to all agreements signed under it. Terms and conditions such
as use and ownership, confidentiality, warranties, and others can be found in the MBSA. It
must be signed either with or prior to the Select License Agreement.
The Select License Agreement establishes the details of the organization’s purchase needs,
like forecast levels and product pools. A Select License Agreement cannot be initiated
without an MBSA, and a Select License enrollment cannot be initiated without a Select
License Agreement.
Licensing Solution Component
Microsoft Select License
Step Up - Customers with Software Assurance may migrate from Standard Edition software
to Professional Edition or Enterprise Edition software while maintaining their Software
Assurance coverage on a given product. The Step-Up License makes it easier for customers
to upgrade from a lower-level edition to a higher-level edition without incurring the full cost
of licensing two separate editions of the software. Customers can upgrade their license as
their companies and needs grow.
Qualification to Obtain the Step-Up License - Customers must have a license with active
upgrade protection coverage (e.g., Software Assurance, Upgrade Advantage, or Enterprise
Agreement) for the qualifying product to acquire a Step-Up License. The Step-Up License
must be acquired and is valid only when acquired, under the Enterprise Agreement or Select
License enrollment or the Open Value Agreement under which upgrade protection coverage
for the qualifying product was originally acquired. The customer’s right to use the software
under a Step-Up License is conditioned on their having and retaining a license for the
qualifying product. Customers cannot transfer the license for the qualifying product
separately from the Step-Up License. Customers’ perpetual rights under the Step-Up License
supersede and replace the underlying license for the qualifying product.
Customers can step up to the Enterprise CAL Suite, Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise,
Microsoft Exchange Server Enterprise, Microsoft Office Professional Plus, Microsoft Office
Enterprise, Microsoft Project Professional, Microsoft Visio Professional drawing and
diagramming software, and more.
Step-Up License Pricing - The Step-Up License price is the difference between the License
and Software Assurance price of the Enterprise Edition licensed products and the Standard
Edition licensed products. For a new Enterprise Enrollment, the Step-Up price is spread out
in equal annual billings for the duration of the customer’s enrollment term. For Enterprise
Enrollment customers who step up partway through the enrollment term, the billing is paid
at the time the step-up is acquired.
Price Levels - Select License customers receive a volume price level based on their forecast
for each product pool selected—applications, systems, and servers. Each product offering is
assigned specific point values to determine pricing levels. The customer’s forecast is based
on the projected accumulation of points in each pool.
Additional Value - Customers can take advantage of these additional features in Select
License to help enhance the value received by participating in the program.
 Cross-Language Use Rights can enhance an organization’s ability to have a global presence and
can help ensure that staff located internationally can communicate easily.
 Training and Evaluation Licenses help extend the budget for software training and evaluation
purposes by offering a limited number of training and evaluation product license use grants.
- Twenty copies per software title for use in a dedicated training facility
- Ten copies per software title for a 60-day evaluation
 Downgrade Rights provide businesses with version standardization considerations and the
flexibility necessary to purchase licenses for the latest software version available, but still be
able to run a previous version.
 Reimaging Rights allow the use of certain software media for reimaging to provide added
convenience during product rollouts.
 Secondary Use Rights allow employees to be more productive by sharing the same application
license for any additional product on a work desktop PC.
 The commercial customer must purchase at least one-third of forecasted points each year to
remain in the enrolled desktop PC as well as a portable PC used for work-related purposes only.
Licensing Solution Component
Microsoft Select License – Frequently Asked Questions
When does the annual level adjustment check occur, and what is the penalty for failure to reach the required level?
 Select License customers are expected to have reached 33 percent of their three-year forecasted orders (aggregated across all enrollments) within 12 full
calendar months of signing the Select License. Customers who purchase 33 percent of the next level forecast after one year are automatically re-leveled
up. Customers falling short of the level check at the 12-month check are reassigned to the price level reflective of the orders they have placed to date.
Failure to meet the goal commensurate with Select License level A results in termination of the affected pool. Customers and Large Account Resellers are
kept apprised of the level check through quarterly summary reports. The process is similar after the second year.
What happens if the customer has a Select License with just one level A product pool elected and they do not meet one of the level checks? Is their Select License
 No. If a customer forecasts only one product pool and fails to meet their forecast threshold, the customer’s enrollment is terminated, but the Select
License Agreement remains in force until the natural expiration date. It is then possible for the customer to elect additional product pool(s) on their
Select License Agreement at a later date by requesting an amendment and to subsequently sign additional enrollments for the new product pool(s).
What is the minimum number of points a customer must forecast to sign a new enrollment form?
 A customer must forecast a minimum of 1,500 points during the term of the agreement to sign an enrollment form. All Select License products acquired
by a site count toward this 1,500-point minimum, regardless of the product pool(s) from which they are acquired (as long as the product pool(s) is/are
selected at the Select License level).
What is the length of a Select License enrollment term?
 The enrollment begins the day Microsoft signs the enrollment (the effective date) and ends concurrently with the end of the Select License Agreement
term. The Select License term is three years. It is not possible for an enrollment term to extend beyond the term of the Select License Agreement under
which it was signed.
Is there a limit for the number of enrollments that can be signed under a single Select License Agreement?
 No. No limit exists for the number of enrollments that may be executed under one Select License Agreement, provided that each customer is forecasting
to acquire a minimum of 1,500 points of Select License product per enrollment.
Are Portable-Use Rights granted to applications software under Select License?
 Yes. Because companies are increasingly purchasing laptop computers for employees who require more flexibility, Microsoft allows a second copy of the
application software to be installed for the primary user’s exclusive use on a portable PC. These changes apply to all new Microsoft desktop PC
applications, licensed under the current version of the Select License Agreement or the Open License Agreement. It is not retroactive to previous Select
License or application versions.
Is downgrading to a previous version of the software allowed under Select License?
 Customers may downgrade non-Select licenses, such as original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and full packaged product (FPP), that are enrolled in
Select License Software Assurance.
Licensing Solution Component
Software Assurance – Software Lifecycle
Microsoft Software Assurance is a comprehensive maintenance offering that helps you get the most out of
your software investment. It combines the latest software with phone support available 24 hours a day,
partner services, training, and IT tools that help to deploy, manage, and migrate software. With Software
Assurance, you can:
 Connect people, processes, systems and information.
 Reduce IT complexity and increase business agility.
 Deliver intuitive and productive user experiences.
 Improve the business impact of individuals, teams, and organizations.
 Support mission-critical requirements.
With every Microsoft Enterprise Agreement comes a set of valuable Software Assurance (SA) benefits to help you get the most out of
your Microsoft software. You already have SA coverage, so why not take advantage of your training vouchers, deployment planning
services, and online courses on Microsoft products? These and other Software Assurance benefits are ready for use across your
organization’s Software Lifecycle.
Stage in
Life Cycle
- Gain budget predictability
- Control and manage IT costs
- Align IT investment with latest products
- Maximize value by deploying all licenses
- Reduce cost and complexity of
New Version
Spread Payments
Packaged Services
Value Proposition
Help lower operating expenses such as technical support, training and
deployment costs. Easier license management, predictable payments and
budgeting, enabled by standardized desktop.
Help lower initial cash outlay and predictable budgeting for three years,
leading into savings on cost of capital.
Help reduce cost and complexity of software deployment with expert
planning and automation tools delivered by certified and qualified
partners, and help increase IT productivity.
- Automate deployment and patching
- Increase productivity of IT staff
Licensing Solution Component
Software Assurance – Software Lifecycle
Stage in
Life Cycle
Software Assurance
- Increase worker productivity with fullfeatured software
Windows Vista Enterprise
- Enhance employee skills & knowledge
Microsoft Desktop
Optimization Pack (MDOP) for
Software Assurance
Training Vouchers
Employee Purchase Program:
Home Use Rights
Enterprise Source Licensing
- Get the support you need to keep their
business up and running
- Keep current on IT best practices for
purchased products
- Have latest technology available for
resolving issues quickly
- Get support while upgrading and migrating
- Operate effectively in a mixed-version
24x7 Problem Resolution
TechNet Subscription through
Software Assurance
Cold Backups for Disaster
Windows Fundamentals for
Legacy PCs
Extended Hotfix Support
Value Proposition
The premium edition of Windows Vista for business that helps
global organizations with complex IT infrastructures, lower IT
costs, reduce risk, and stay connected.
An add-on subscription license that provides a dynamic
desktop solution designed to increase Windows desktop
manageability and reduce system complexity.
Opportunities for IT and developers to deepen their technical
skills and expertise, to help them deploy complex solutions
and maintain the IT infrastructure.
Opportunities for end users to learn new technology and IT
staff to build and refresh their skills.
Help increase employee satisfaction and enhance ability to
work at home.
Save the full cost of an Office Work-at-Home license and
potentially increase employee productivity and satisfaction.
IT staff can use the source code to make adjustments and
improvements to systems and related applications, enabling
them to improve debugging, help maintain security and help
protect against viruses and other computer hazards.
The value of support depends on usage. It contributes to
increased productivity due to reduced downtime for problem
resolution, which can lower support costs and free up IT
resources to deploy additional projects.
TechNet Subscription through Software Assurance provides IT
Professionals with three distinct benefits: TechNet Online
Concierge Chat, Managed Newsgroups, and a single-user
subscription to TechNet Plus Direct.
Save the full cost of a license plus Software Assurance for each
Delay hardware upgrades (cash flow impact), save on support
costs, and help increase productivity and security.
EHFS provides “peace of mind” and critical fixes.
- Extend support for legacy systems
- Smooth the transition among software
products or versions
Licensing Solution Component
Software Assurance
Packaged Services - Provides consulting services to create high-level deployment plans for desktop PC and Microsoft SharePoint Server deployments.
Depending on the service level, engagements can include architectural design, strategy, and technical drilldown sessions, as well as a proof-ofconcept lab to demonstrate zero and light-touch deployment within the customer’s environment.
Windows Vista Enterprise - A premium desktop operating system designed to help organizations with complex IT infrastructures to lower IT costs,
reduce risk and stay connected. Building on the features in Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise provides higher levels of data
protection using hardware-based encryption technology. It also includes tools to improve application compatibility and enables organizations to
standardize by using a single worldwide deployment image. For every Windows Client License covered under Software Assurance, you are
entitled to one Windows Vista Enterprise Upgrade License. If your organization is looking to centralize storage or execution of Windows,
Microsoft offers Windows Vista Enterprise Centralized Desktop (VECD). Part of the Windows Vista Enterprise family, VECD is a flexible,
subscription-based option for enterprise customers and early adopters wanting to deploy Windows Vista in virtual machines on server
hardware. EA customers are entitled to purchase VECD, you won’t automatically receive it as an SA benefit.
Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) for Software Assurance - Software Assurance customers are also eligible to acquire an optional
subscription license for MDOP. This software enables IT to take control of the Windows desktop to reduce TCO by accelerating desktop
software deployments, simplifying management, increasing security, enhancing IT responsiveness / user uptime and turning software into
centrally managed services. EA customers are entitled to purchase MDOP, you won’t automatically receive it as an SA benefit.
Training Vouchers - Provides vouchers for instructor-led technical courses geared to developers and IT professionals who support, implement, and
develop solutions using Microsoft technologies. You can choose from a wide variety of courses, whether you need to develop intensive skills for
a specific project or train your entire staff to plan and manage a worldwide deployment. Authorized training is provided at no additional cost by
Certified Partners for Learning Solutions (CPLS), Microsoft’s premier authorized training channel. You can also convert unused Training Voucher
days to Packaged Services days.
E-Learning - Transfers maximum skills in minimal time through self-paced online courses on Microsoft products. Each course offers a highly interactive
guided learning experience, enhanced with user-selected learning styles, simulations, virtual practice labs, multimedia components, and more.
Courses are available for end users, IT staff, and developers on a wide range of products for desktop PCs, servers and development tools. For
customers with Learning Management Systems (LMS), you can download SCORM-compliant content for integration with your LMS system.
Employee Purchase Program (EPP) - The EPP benefit gives your employees discounts off retail pricing on the some of the most popular Microsoft
productivity and entertainment products. Employees can save money on great software products, including the Windows Vista operating
system, the Microsoft Office System, Xbox hardware and games and the Zune digital media player. Including EPP as a benefit of employment is
a great way to help boost employee morale and keep your best employees, and it is available at no cost to your organization.
Licensing Solution Component
Software Assurance
Home Use Program (HUP) - The Home Use Program is designed to help increase employee productivity and satisfaction while also maximizing the
value of your Microsoft Office desktop PC investment. With this benefit, eligible employees can obtain a licensed copy of most Microsoft Office
desktop PC programs, which they can install and use on a home computer. Employees pay only for media (DVDs), shipping and handling.
Customers using HUP have found that there are fewer help-desk calls when employees have the opportunity to improve their software skills at
home. Employees also become familiar with new versions, and this can help lower the cost of deployment.
Enterprise Source Licensing Program – Provides access to Windows source code for internal development and support. IT staff can use the source
code to make adjustments and improvements to systems and related applications, enabling them to improve debugging, help maintain security
and help protect against viruses and other computer hazards.
24x7 Problem Resolution Support - Provides around-the-clock phone support for business-critical issues, as well as extended product support for
Windows, the Microsoft Office system, and server products and editions, even for products without Software Assurance coverage. This benefit
also provides unlimited Web support during business hours for all Standard- and Enterprise-edition server products covered by Software
Assurance. Microsoft Premier customers have the additional option of transferring phone incidents earned through Software Assurance to
Premier Support, where they enjoy faster response times and managed incident escalation.
TechNet Subscription for Software Assurance - Help IT and help-desk professionals find the right information fast with access to TechNet Online
Concierge Chat and Managed Newsgroups. In addition, a designated IT professional will receive a single license subscription to TechNet Plus
Direct, offering evaluation copies of Microsoft software as well as other technical tools and resources.
Cold Backups for Disaster Recovery - Helps maintain IT operating efficiency and protect mission critical solutions in disaster recovery situations by
providing complimentary “cold” backup server licenses for each production license with SA coverage. If disaster occurs, “cold” servers (which
are turned off until an emergency) are moved into production mode to give users continued access to critical data and applications.
Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PC’s - Helps to reduce the costs of owning legacy PCs, while improving management and security. Benefits include:
Reduce personnel costs by minimizing the number of different operating systems that need to be managed; Bring legacy desktops into a wellmanaged infrastructure using the same tools as Windows XP SP2; Deploy the minimum required functionality; Delay short-term hardware
acquisition costs by locking down the desktop; Protects legacy PCs to the same high levels as Windows XP SP2 PCs; Work on applications by
using Web browsers and terminal emulation.
Extended Hotfix Support (EHFS) - Provides the enrolment fee for an Extended Hotfix Support Agreement, allowing access to an extended time period
for “Non-Security Hotfixes” support. Microsoft offers a minimum of 10 years of support—five years of Mainstream Support Phase and five
years of Extended Support Phase for business products.
Licensing Solution Component
Software Assurance - Training Vouchers & E-Learning Benefits
Training Vouchers
Software Assurance E-Learning
With the Microsoft Software
Assurance Training Vouchers benefit,
you receive training vouchers for
courses that are designed to help IT
professionals and developers deploy,
manage and support your
organization's infrastructure. Training
is instructor-led and delivered by
Microsoft Certified Partners for
Learning Solutions (CPLS), the premier
authorized training channel for
delivering learning products and
services on Microsoft technology.
Training vouchers help you do the
Microsoft Software Assurance E-Learning for Applications, Systems, and Servers is available over the
Internet on Microsoft E-Learning Online. If you are an Applications or Systems customer and have your
own Learning Management System (LMS), you can also download SCORM-compliant content-only files
from Microsoft Volume License Services (MVLS) or order media kits for SCORM-compliant content
from your reseller. This enables you to integrate the e-learning into your LMS for behind-the-firewall
training. Courses in the Server pool cannot be integrated into your LMS because they provide virtual
labs that must be hosted on the Microsoft E-Learning Online Web site.
Support your software
investment by preparing your IT
staff to efficiently deploy,
maintain and support new
Provide your developers with the
technical expertise to build lineof-business applications for your
Training vouchers entitle you to
receive courses from a Microsoft CPLS
for a specific number of training days.
The number of days awarded varies
by product and by the number of
qualifying licenses for which Software
Assurance is acquired.
Official Microsoft E-Learning offers a variety of e-learning products to help you maximize your
technology investments and accomplish your learning goals. Here are a few of the features that make
the learning experience even more beneficial.
Assessments - provide guidance on where you may want to focus.
Progress Tracking - tracks your progress through a course, so you can pick up where you left off.
Offline Player - enables you to download modules and study offline, then synchronize your
progress when you come back online.
My Achievements - enables you to view the completion of any course in one place.
There are more than 1,000 hours of in-depth Official Microsoft E-Learning available for IT
Professionals, Developers, and Information Workers. Software Assurance includes approximately 24%
percent of the total e-learning offering in the Technical E-Learning Library, and 84 percent of the total
e-learning offering for Information Workers.
What is the difference between the Software Assurance E-Learning benefit and the Training Voucher
Software Assurance E-Learning courses provide engaging learning experiences for your IT pros as well
as end users on a broad range of products and can be accessed online to provide your employees with
a guided learning experience. The training voucher benefit carries different eligibility criteria and
applies to instructor-led training of Microsoft Official Courses offered by participating Microsoft
Certified Partners for Learning Solutions.
Licensing Solution Component
Software Assurance - E-Learning Classes for Applications (96 Classes)
2007 Office System Classes
2007 Office System Classes (continued)
SharePoint Services 3.0 Classes
34) Managing Mail and Contact Information in Microsoft® Office
Outlook® 2007
35) Managing the Calendar in Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2007
36) Working with Tasks and Notes in Microsoft® Office Outlook®
37) Sharing and Remotely Accessing Data in Microsoft® Office
Outlook® 2007
38) Core Training for Microsoft® Office Access 2007 Collection
39) Getting Started with Microsoft® Office Access™ 2007
40) Importing and Exporting Information in Microsoft® Office
Access™ 2007
41) Working with Forms in Microsoft® Office Access™ 2007
42) Locating Specific Information in Microsoft® Office Access™ 2007
43) Keeping Information Accurate and Secure in Microsoft® Office
Access™ 2007
44) Working with Reports in Microsoft® Office Access™ 2007
45) Core Training for Microsoft® Office Project 2007
46) Getting Started with Microsoft® Office Project 2007
47) Working with Resources with Microsoft® Office Project 2007
48) Formatting and Printing Your Project Plan with Microsoft® Office
Project 2007
49) Tracking Progress on Tasks with Microsoft® Office Project 2007
50) Introduction to the New Microsoft® Office User Interface
51) Getting Started with Microsoft® Groove 2007
52) Core Training for Microsoft® Visio® 2007
53) Getting Started with Microsoft® Office Visio® 2007
54) Working with Shapes and Connectors with Microsoft® Office
Visio® 2007
55) Creating Special Diagrams with Microsoft® Office Visio® 2007
56) Visualizing Data in Diagrams with Microsoft® Office Visio® 2007
57) Core Training for Microsoft® OneNote® 2007
58) Getting Started with Microsoft® Office OneNote 2007
59) Taking Notes with Microsoft® Office OneNote 2007
60) Performing Web-based Research using Microsoft® Office
OneNote 2007
61) Sharing Information with Other Users and Applications using
Microsoft® Office OneNote 2007
62) Core Training for Microsoft® Office InfoPath® 2007
63) Getting Started with Microsoft® Office InfoPath 2007
64) Creating and Modifying Forms with Microsoft® Office InfoPath
65) Working with Data using Microsoft® Office InfoPath 2007
66) Collaborating with Others using Microsoft® Office InfoPath 2007
What's New in Microsoft Office System 2007 Collection
What’s New in Microsoft® Office Access 2007
What’s New in Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007
What’s New in Microsoft® Office InfoPath® 2007
What’s New in Microsoft® Office OneNote® 2007
What’s New in Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2007
What’s New in Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007
What’s New in Microsoft® Office Word 2007
What’s New in Microsoft® Office Visio® 2007
Core Training for Microsoft® Office Word 2007 Collection
Getting Started with Microsoft® Office Word 2007
Editing and Proofreading Documents in Microsoft® Office Word
Formatting Documents in Microsoft® Office Word 2007
Working with Columns and Tables in Microsoft® Office Word
Working with Graphical Elements in Microsoft® Office Word 2007
Working with Longer Documents in Microsoft® Office Word 2007
Core Training for Microsoft® Excel® 2007 collection
Getting Started with Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007
Performing Calculations on Data in Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007
Formatting and Printing Worksheets in Microsoft® Office Excel®
Filtering and Summarizing Data in Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007
Working with Pivot Tables and Charts in Microsoft® Office Excel®
Collaborating with Others in Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007
Core Training for Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007 collection
Getting Started with Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007
Working with Slides in Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007
Working with the Slide Layout and Themes in Microsoft® Office
PowerPoint® 2007
Working with Tables, Charts, and Diagrams in Microsoft Office
PowerPoint® 2007
Enhancing the Slides with Multimedia Elements in Microsoft
Office PowerPoint® 2007
Printing, Reviewing, Sharing, and Delivering a Presentation in
Microsoft Office PowerPoint® 2007
Core Training for Microsoft® Outlook® 2007 Collection
Getting Started with Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2007
Working with E-mail Messages in Microsoft® Office Outlook®
Core Training for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
Getting Started with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
Creating and Managing Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Sites
Team Collaboration with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
Using Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 with Microsoft Office
System Applications
72) Microsoft® Windows® SharePoint® Services Collection
73) Getting Started with Microsoft® Windows® SharePoint® Services
74) Doing More with Microsoft® Windows® SharePoint® Services
2003 Office System Classes
75) Upgrading to Microsoft® Office 2003 Collection
76) Core Training for Microsoft® Office Professional Enterprise Edition
77) What's New in Microsoft® Office Professional Enterprise Edition
78) Microsoft® Office Standard Edition 2003 Collection
79) Core Training for Microsoft® Office Excel 2003
80) Core Training for Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2003
81) Core Training for Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2003
82) Core Training for Microsoft® Office Word 2003
83) Advanced Training for Microsoft® Office 2003 Collection
84) Advanced Training for Microsoft® Office Excel 2003
85) Advanced Training for Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2003
86) Advanced Training for Microsoft® Office Word 2003
87) Communicate and Manage with Microsoft® Office 2003
88) Core Training for Microsoft® Office Access 2003
89) Core Training for Microsoft® Office FrontPage® 2003
90) Core Training for Microsoft® Office Project 2003
91) Microsoft® Office System Collection
92) Core Training for Microsoft® Office OneNote® 2003
93) Core Training for Microsoft® Office Visio® Standard 2003
94) Microsoft® Office InfoPath® 2003 Collection
95) Designing Forms Using Microsoft® Office InfoPath® 2003
96) Working with Forms Using Microsoft® Office InfoPath® 2003
Licensing Solution Component
Software Assurance – Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the value of Software Assurance if I don’t plan to upgrade?
 Software Assurance is about more than rights to version upgrades. It offers a comprehensive solution set that includes technology,
support, and service features that help extend the value of your technology investment. Each benefit supports specific business
challenges—and collectively can help you boost productivity, minimize downtime, and reduce costs.
I do not have budget allocated for Software Assurance. What are my options?
 Software Assurance offers a Spread Payments benefit that translates to a first-year calculation at one-third of the total cost—and is much
less than the cost of a new license. Financing for hardware, software, and partner services is also available, so you can get what you need
up front.
Why should I purchase Software Assurance instead of just purchasing new licenses when I need them?
 Software Assurance is a cost-effective way to acquire future releases, plus you receive all the benefits that help extend the value of your
technology investment.
Will I have access to new benefits if I already have Software Assurance?
 Yes. Software Assurance customers can begin using the benefits when they become available.
I already have a Premier Support Agreement, so why do I need Software Assurance?
 Software Assurance provides many valuable benefits in addition to support. For instance, you receive training, deployment, and
management benefits in addition to unlimited Web support for servers and Software Assurance phone support incidents that can be
transferred to a Premier Support Agreement.
I already acquired Windows software with my PCs, so why do I need Software Assurance?
 Windows Vista Enterprise, offered exclusively to Software Assurance customers, offers additional valuable services to help you protect
sensitive data, improve application compatibility, and simplify IT management and deployment.
If I acquire Software Assurance today, how can I be certain I can take advantage of the New Version Rights benefit and get the next versions of
Windows and Microsoft Office System software?
 With Software Assurance, you will receive all product updates and new releases leading up to a major product release. In addition, you will
be able to take advantage of the benefits that help your organization across the entire software life cycle and its stages.
Appendix - Infrastructure Optimization
Infrastructure Optimization
Core Infrastructure
Core Infrastructure Capabilities
Identity and Access
Security and Networking
Data Protection
and Recovery
Desktop, Device, and
Server Management
Security Process
Management Process
No common identity
management model
Identity management for
user identification
Centralized configuration
and authentication
Information protection
Centralized administration
Federated Identity
No Standards
Antivirus, central firewall,
basic networking
Secure remote access
Policy-managed firewall
on server and desktop
Fully automated
IT management
and mitigation
Quarantine solution
No formal procedures in
Mission critical server
Back up all servers
Fully automated IT
No desktop standards
Many images
No management
Automated patch
Standard images
Mission critical server
Mobile device
Automated software
distribution and asset
Layered image strategy
App comp solution
Secure mobile device
Capacity Analysis Solution
Application Push to mobile
Fully automated IT
Lack of standard security
Formal security
policies defined
Defense-in-depth policy
for Web server security
Fail safes for attacks are in
Efficient web server
All security processes and
policies in place
Reactive, Stable IT
Optimizing Cost
and Quality
Current Capability Level
Recommended Capability Level
Infrastructure Optimization
Business Productivity
Business Productivity Capabilities
Communication and
Inefficient document
Limited cross
functional teams
Difficult to find people
and team info
Departmental Teaming
Enterprise managed
IM and Web Conferencing
Difficult to find people
and info across enterprise
Enterprise wide
standardization and
pervasive access
Secure and integrated
No integration with
LOB data
Seamless collaboration
across firewall
Federated communication
and services integration
Enterprise Content
driven processes
Limited cross
functional teams
Personal stores
No search standards
No electronic forms
Siloed content
Electronic organization of
Inconsistent metadata
Disconnected repositories
Basic search
Inefficient form
and workflow
deploying process
Limited document
collaboration via trusted
relationship with partners
Fragmented record policy
No personalization
Federated DM/RM
Dynamic document
Standard search across
desktop, enterprise,
internet, and LOB
Ad-Hoc Analysis
Departmental data model,
ETL tools
Shared subscription and
self-service reporting
Standardization of BI tools
and Data Audit
Real-time data access
from desktop
Centrally managed
data models
Real-time closed loop
proactive analysis
embedded BI
Visualization Mapping
Data Mining
Formal Data Architecture
Business Intelligence
Limited/custom reporting
Data silos
Current Capability Level
Recommended Capability Level
Infrastructure Optimization
Application Platform
Application Platform Capabilities
Multi-tier development
Lifecycle development
Mission critical apps
Modeling tools
Dedicated development
and QA group
Integrated change
Core business processes
Cross application and
department integration
Some process abstraction
via workflow mapping
Project management
Unmanaged departmental
Legacy development tools
and platform
No development
Legacy and modern
development tools
Stored procedures
Basic development roles
Status reports
SOA and
Business Process
Reactive to
business needs
Process is locked inside
standalone application or
involves manual
integration solutions with
point-to-point integration
or usage of packaged
No Database Management
and Standards
data model
Basic security
Minimal High availability
Scalability and disaster
recovery standards
Common data architecture
across systems
Centrally managed data
Data audit standards
Data encryption
Dynamic data services
Real-time integration among
Data Mining
Formal Data Architecture
Ad-Hoc Analysis
ETL tools
Shared subscription and
self-service reporting
Standardization of BI tools
and Data Audit
Real-time data access from
Real-time closed loop
proactive analysis
Event-driven embedded BI
Visualization Mapping
Data Management
Business Intelligence
Limited/custom reporting
Data silos
Current Capability Level
Integrated transactional and
web application
Development policies
Design patterns
Full process abstraction and
SOA maturity
Business modeling
Recommended Capability Level
Infrastructure Optimization
IT Projects Supporting Capability Growth Areas
IT Project
IO Model
7. Simple
Access and
Retrieval of
9. Data
Training and
Sharing Best
12. Collaboration
Capability Investment Areas
Current IO
Required IO
Application App Dev – SDLC
Platform Business Process Management
Business BI – Reporting Analytics
Productivity ECM – Doc/Record Management
Desktop/Server Management
Security and Networking
Identity and Access Management
ECM –Doc/Record Management
Data Management
Business Process Management
BI – Reporting Analytics
Required IO Capabilities
Desktop/Server Management
Security and Networking
Identity and Access Management
Business ECM – Search
Productivity ECM– Doc/Record Management
Appendix – Product Lifecycle Roadmaps
Windows Client Operating System
Windows Overview
2005 & Prior
2009 & Beyond
Windows Client
Vista SP1
*Windows 7
Related Products
Fundamentals For
Legacy PCs
Feature Packs
For Vista
= Mainstream Support Timeline
= End of Mainstream Support
* Targeted for 2010
Support timelines on this page were taken from the online ‘Product Lifecycle Information’ site at . Additionally, information on this page is subject the Microsoft Support Lifecycle Policy
( ) and the Microsoft Policy Disclaimer and Change Notice ( ).
Office System & Visio
Office / OneNote / Groove / Visio Overview
2005 & Prior
2009 & Beyond
Office 14
Office XP
Services 3.0
Visio 2007
Visio 14
= Mainstream Support Timeline
= End of Mainstream Support
Support timelines on this page were taken from the online ‘Product Lifecycle Information’ site at . Additionally, information on this page is subject the Microsoft Support Lifecycle Policy
( ) and the Microsoft Policy Disclaimer and Change Notice ( ).
Outlook & Exchange
Outlook and Exchange Overview
2004 & Prior
Hosted Services
2008 and Beyond
Server 2003
(x64 only)
Services 5.x
Services 6.0
= Mainstream Support Timeline
= End of Mainstream Support
Support timelines on this page were taken from the online ‘Product Lifecycle Information’ site at . Additionally, information on this page is subject the Microsoft Support Lifecycle Policy
( ) and the Microsoft Policy Disclaimer and Change Notice ( ).
Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting
Office Communications Server Overview
2004 & Prior
Communications Clients
Comunications Servers
Live Meeting
Live Meeting
2004 (updates)
Live Meeting
2005 (updates)
Live Meeting
2006 (updates)
2008 & Beyond
Live Meeting
Server 2003
Server 2005
Server 2005 SP1
Server 2007
Server 2004
Speech Server
Web Access
Mobile Access
= Mainstream Support Timeline
= End of Mainstream Support
Support timelines on this page were taken from the online ‘Product Lifecycle Information’ site at . Additionally, information on this page is subject the Microsoft Support Lifecycle Policy
( ) and the Microsoft Policy Disclaimer and Change Notice ( ).
Enterprise Content Management / SharePoint
Content Management Overview
2003 & Prior
SharePoint Portal
2007 & Beyond
Server 2001
CMS 2002 –
Portal Server
Portal Server
Server 2003
CMS 2002 Standard
Server 2002
Feature Pack 1
Server 2007
Portal Server
2003 SP1
FrontPage 2002
FrontPage 2003
Server 2000
Server 2002
Server 2007
Office SharePoint
Services 3.0
= Mainstream Support Timeline
= End of Mainstream Support
Support timelines on this page were taken from the online ‘Product Lifecycle Information’ site at . Additionally, information on this page is subject the Microsoft Support Lifecycle Policy
( ) and the Microsoft Policy Disclaimer and Change Notice ( ).
SQL Server & Business Intelligence Platform
SQL Server & Business Intelligence Platform Overview
2006 & Prior
SQL Server & Analysis Services
2010 & Beyond
SQL Server
SQL Server
2000 64 bit
SQL Server
SQL Server
2005 SP1
SQL Server
2005 SP2
SQL Server
= Mainstream Support Timeline
= End of Mainstream Support
Support timelines on this page were taken from the online ‘Product Lifecycle Information’ site at . Additionally, information on this page is subject the Microsoft Support Lifecycle Policy
( ) and the Microsoft Policy Disclaimer and Change Notice ( ).
Project & Portfolio Management
Project and Portfolio Management Overview
2005 & Prior
2009 & Beyond
2002 Project
Server 2007
Services 3.0
UMT portfolio
= Mainstream Support Timeline
= End of Mainstream Support
Support timelines on this page were taken from the online ‘Product Lifecycle Information’ site at . Additionally, information on this page is subject the Microsoft Support Lifecycle Policy
( ) and the Microsoft Policy Disclaimer and Change Notice ( ).
Product Lifecycle Support
Appendix – Customer Evidence