World War II - Canton Local Schools

World War II
United States
Part 1
• The Home Front
I. Mobilizing For War
• A. We were not ready, but......
1. Draft--1940
2. 1.6 million in army--1941
3. guns, planes, tanks, and ships built
• ***This got the United States completely
out of the Great Depression.
II. Converting to Wartime
A. Factories = war materials = full employment
= prosperity on the home front
B. Ration
1. oil, sugar, meat, shoes, coffee, gas
2. coupons
III. Women During World War II
A. In the Armed Forces: 1945
1. 258,000 women in armed forces
2. no combat
3. did all other jobs
B. Had to join work force
1. 6 million more women (Total = 18 million)
C. Did men’s jobs
1. lumberjacks
2. blast furnace operators
3. blacksmiths
4. doctors
5. chemists
6. lawyers
D. Black women benefit
1. better jobs
2. more able to work
IV. African-Americans During the War
Racial segregation and the
A. 1 million black
--less discrimination than
B. Dr. Charles Drew
--blood bank
C. Segregation still
D. 1949--no racial
quotas in armed forces
. Black Americans and the
home front
A. A. Philip Randolph
--fought for racial
B. Blacks moved to the
cities to work for
(Just like in WWI)
United Streaming Video “Factories
During WWII” 3:03
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
V. Japanese-Americans are Interned
• A. 1942
1. 11,000 J-A rounded up
2. sold homes
3. closed businesses
4. put into camps
5. no evidence of guilt
6. released in 1944
• ***1200 of these J-A’s fought for the U.S. in WWII!!!!!!
United Streaming Video “JapaneseAmericans are Interned” 1:05
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
VI. Raising Money
• A. War cost $321
1. taxes raised
2. war bonds ($100
billion sold)
***Farmers were doing well during the war.
***Manufacturing wages went up 50%.
***Many prospered during the war.
United Streaming Video “Financing
the War” 1:34
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
VII. Propaganda
• A. U.S. created Office of War Information
– 1. promoted public support for war
– 2. used propaganda
a. movies
b. advertisements
c. artwork
d. one of most famous: Frank Capra’s series Why We Fight,
which was shown around the U.S.
B. This propaganda showed our enemies as brutal barbarians and
the U.S. as the good guys.
OGT Multiple Choice
• (Practice Test Booklet 2005) During World War II,
in the United States Japanese-Americans were
• A. given full rights as American citizens
• B. given partial rights as Americans citizens
• C. treated as though the war had not happened
• D. forced into internment camps
OGT Multiple Choice
Which was NOT a way the U.S. raised money for World War II?
• A. taxes were raised
• B. war bonds were sold
• C. the government forced people to
donate money
OGT Multiple Choice
• (Practice Test Booklet 2005) Which of the
following statements best describes what
happens to constitutional rights in the United
States during times of war?
• A. Americans are free to exercise all of the
freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution
• B. Many constitutional freedoms are restricted
because of concerns over national security
• C. By law, the Constitution is temporarily
abolished until after the war is over.
• D. Americans find no change in the amount of
freedom they have during wartime
OGT Short Answer
• During times of war or perceived danger to the
United States, groups of Americans have been
singled out as potentially disloyal to the country.
For example, during World War I, patriotic support
for the war led to a distrust and persecution of
German-Americans. In some places, German
language instruction was forbidden, and German
culture and heritage were subject to
Identify a group of Americans that was targeted
as potentially disloyal in the years between 1940
and 1985. (1 point)
Explain why this group was targeted. (1 point)
OGT Extended Response
What impact did World War II have
on African-American and women in
regards to the workforce?
(4 points)
OGT Extended Response
Before World War II began, the United
States was in the worst depression in
history. Although FDR tried many
different programs in his New Deal, the
depression did not end until World War
II. Explain how World War II impacted
our economy, and how this war led us
out of depression.
(4 points)
OGT Extended Response
During World War II, Japanese-Americans
were forced into intern camps.
•Do you agree with this?
•Give two reasons why you agree or disagree.
•What rights were taken away from this group?
(4 points)
Part 2
War on Two
U. S. Had War on Two Fronts
A. Pacific
1. Japan
2. Pearl Harbor
3. Wake Island
4. Guam
5. Philippines
6. Dutch East Indies
7. Malaya
8. Hong Kong
9. Others
B. Atlantic
1. Germany
– a. submarines
– b. controlled most of
– c. Balkans
– d. close to Moscow
2. Italy
I. The End of the Beginning
• A. 1st--Beat GERMANS!!!!!
• B. Pacific (Japan) = “active defense”
II. The battle of the Atlantic
A. Germans--subs
1. sinking many ships
B. Battle of the Atlantic
1. Radar and sonar invented
a. radar-planes
--locate and destroy
--advise ships
b. sonar-ships
III. Success in North Africa
(Map--page 680)
A. “Desert Fox” Edwin Rommel
1. German commander in N. Africa
2. great and daring
3. moved closer to taking:
a. Egypt
b. Suez Canal
c. Oil fields in Middle East
4. Ultra--decoded German signals
a. Brits built up for offensive
Success in North Africa, continued
B. General Bernard Montgomery
1. Brit Commander
2. Oct. 23, 1943
a. attacked Germans in N. Africa
b. broke through and chased Rommel
c. Rommel beaten! His Afrika Corps
were known as unbeatable!!!!!
C. U.S. / Britain surprise attack
1. Nov. 8, 1942
2. 350 ships land in W and N Africa
3. Quickly got help from Vichy France
4. 3 days--Allies control Africa (except Tunisia)
D. Russia
1. Broke sieges of Leningrad and Stalingrad
2. moved west to Europe
***The tide is turning!!!!!!!!
IV. Active Defense in the Pacific
**Map on page 684
A. Japan winning!
1. control most of Pacific
B. Active defense
1. Hang on until beat Nazis
2. Keep Samoa and Hawaii and
United Streaming Video
“Kamikazes” :34
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
V. Raid on Tokyo
• VI. Raid on Tokyo
A. U.S. aircraft carriers at sea
during P. Harbor
1. used these to attack/annoy
a. Ex--Wake Island
2. April 18, 1942
a. Gen. Doolittle
--B52-s attack Japan.
VI. Battle of the Coral Sea
A. Gen. Yamamoto wants major sea battle
1. Prevent U.S. from getting strong
B. Coral Sea
1. May 7th and 8th, 1942
2. NEW!!!!! Aircraft carrier vs. aircraft
C. Heavy losses
1. U.S. loses Lexington
2. Japan had to use its fleet heading to
VII. The Battle of Midway,
June 4, 1942
A. Strategic island--U.S. controlled
1. Japan wanted it!
2. Admiral Yamamoto attacks
B. “Magic” decoder
1. U.S. knew of the attack
2. U.S. sank 4 of Japan’s best carriers
3. U.S. destroyed planes
4. ***Japan’s first major loss!!!!
United Streaming Video “Battle of
Midway” 1:02
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
VIII. The Battle for Guadalcanal
A. Japan had control
B. Allies want it back
C. Operation “Shoestring”
1. 20,000 marines land on the island
2. short on supplies (due to loss at Savo
Island--read 684 left col.)
3. steaming jungle
4. hand-to-hand fighting
5. Marines outfought Japanese
6. Feb. 9, 1943--Japan surrenders
7. Heavy losses for both sides
******8. Japanese advance was stopped
OGT Multiple Choice
When the U.S. first entered the war, our goal was to first
defeat the
OGT Multiple Choice
• Which battle was fought in the steaming
jungle and resulted in heavy losses for
both sides?
• A. Battle of the Coral Sea
• B. Battle of Midway
• C. Battle of Guadalcanal
• D. Battle of Wake Island
OGT Multiple Choice
• During World War II, what weapon did the
Germans use to sink many American ships
in the Atlantic?
• A. destroyers
• B. aircraft carriers
• C. battle ships
• D. submarines
OGT Multiple Choice
Which battle was the first ever to be between aircraft
Battle of the Coral Sea
Battle of Midway
Battle of Guadalcanal
Battle of Wake Island
OGT Multiple Choice
Which battle was Japan’s first major loss?
A. Battle of the Coral Sea
B. Battle of Midway
C. Battle of Guadalcanal
D. Battle of Wake Island
Part 3
Victory in Europe
A. U.S.--wants to invade France (1943)
B. GB--Take Sicily and knock out Italy
***Not stop until “unconditional surrender.”
I. The Fall of Tunisia
A. Axis army surrounded (Rommel)
B. March 7, 1943
1. Rommel called back to Germany
C. May 7, 1943
1. Gen von Armin surrenders
2. 250,000 prisoners taken
3. Ger. best soldiers
4. Italian morale destroyed
***Major victory for Allies--now can invade Italy
II. The Battle in Italy
A. July 10, 1943
1. 250,000 Allies land in Sicily
2. largest water operation ever!
B. Italian army pushed back to Italy
1. tired of war
2. Mussolini resigns
3. Sept. 3, 1943--armistice with Italy
C. Germans send army to Italy
1. fierce fighting
2. June 4, 1944--Allies take Rome
3. thousands killed
III. The Air War
A. Allies began bombing Germany
1. G.B. began in 1941 (RAF)
a. “saturation attacks”--destroy cities
b. 46,000 tons of bombs dropped
c. lots of damage
d. hoped to get Nazis to surrender
2. USA Air Force--1942
a. “pinpoint” attacks”--specific targets
b. “Flying Fortresses”--used B-17 bombers
3. Bombing helped weaken Germany
a. destroyed cities and factories
b. lowered morale--civilians killed
IV. D-Day in France
• A. June 1944--invade France via English Channel
1. best kept secret of war
2. Dwight David Eisenhower--U.S. General
• B. Nazi buildup along coast
1. 58 divisions
• C. Allies trick Axis
1. Calais--shortest distance
2. sent radio broadcasts to fool Nazis
D-Day, continued
• D. June 6, 1944--D-Day
1. Normandy, France
2. 600 warships
3. 4000 support craft
4. 11,000 planes
• E. Success!
1. Hitler still waiting at Calais
2. Allies secure beach
3. 326,000 men
4. 50,000 vehicles
5. 100,000 supplies
• ***Many people were killed on this bloody invasion.
United Streaming Video “D-Day” 2:30
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
D-Day Invasion Audio
V. The Allies on the Move
A. July 6 - July 24 Battle of Normandy
1. 1 million men
2. controlled 1500 square miles
B. Move through France
1. July 25, 1944
a. Gen. George Patton strikes Germans
b. French help
c. General A.M. Patch
--comes up from Mediterranean Sea
Allies on the Move, continued
• C. Allies take Paris
1. took only 6 weeks!
2. Germans lost 1/2 million men
• D. Going to Germany
1. General Courtney Hodge
2. Battle Hitler’s “unbeatable” Thousand
Year Reich army
3. Sept. 12, 1944--3 million Allies ready
4. Soviets help
a. came from East
b. battled the Germans
***Germany fighting a two-front war!!!!!!
VI. The Battle of the Bulge
A. Dec. 16, 1944
1. Germans--1 final attack
2. Goals
a. seize Antwerp (main Allied base)
b. cut Allied army in half
B. The attack
1. foul weather
a. grounded Ally planes
2. Woods
a. Nazis hid
b. surprised Allies
Battle of the Bulge, continued
3. The start
a. good for Germans
b. advanced 60 miles
c. created “Bulge”
d. Nazi surrounded McAuliffe
e. McAuliffe “Nuts”
f. McAuliffe holds on
g. Bulge pinched off
h. U.S. losses heavy
i. Nazis lose 120,000 of best soldiers
• ***Allies win this battle!
United Streaming Video “Battle
of the Bulge 1:23
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
VII. The Yalta Conference
A. Feb. 1945--Allies winning
1. FDR
2. Churchill
3. Stalin
B. Soviet Union wants:
1. Punish Germany: pay reparations
2. Control Eastern Europe: Czechoslovakia, Hungary,
Austria, Bulgaria, Romania, and Poland. Make all under
Soviet control.
C. US and Britain want
1. SU to help vs. Japanese
2. Promise free elections in Eastern Europe
3. We knew we couldn’t trust Stalin
D. Yalta Accords: Oct. 1945. Gave SU control over
Eastern Europe
VIII. The Failure to take Berlin
(Map on page 693)
A. Germany surrounded
1. U.S./GB from west
2. S.U. from east
B. DDE decision
1. Take Berlin--Democracy?
2. Allow S.U. to take Berlin--Communist?
• **DDE stops 50 miles short of Berlin-no more killed. **Churchill believes
this is big mistake.
XI. The Death of Roosevelt
A. Warm Springs, Georgia
1. FDR getting treatment for paralyzed
B. April 12, 1945
1. blood vessel burst in his brain
2. died shortly after
C. Million mourned
D. FDR unable to see Nazis surrender
E. VP Harry S Truman takes over
United Streaming Video “Death
of FDR” :41
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
FDR Dies Audio
X. Germany Surrenders
A. Germany surrounded
B. Hitler commits suicide
C. Mussolini captured and executed
1. Hung up for all to see
D. V-E Day--May 8, 1945
1. Germans unconditional surrender
V-E Day Audio
OGT Multiple Choice
• The D-Day invasion was designed to
drive the
• A. Japanese out of the Philippines
• B. Italians out of North Africa
• C. Germans out of France
• D. Russians out of Poland
OGT Multiple Choice
• All of the following were present at Yalta
• A. FDR
• B. Adolf Hitler
• C. Winston Churchill
• D. Joseph Stalin
OGT Multiple Choice
• Which pair of countries was Nazi
Germany unable to conquer?
• A. Poland and France
• B. France and England
• C. Russia and France
• D. Russia and England
OGT Multiple Choice
• The critical D-Day invasion was directed
by the Supreme Commander of Allied
Forces, General
• A. George Patton
• B. Courtney Hodges
• C. A.M. Patch
• D. Dwight D. Eisenhower
OGT Multiple Choice
• At Yalta, Joseph Stalin made all of the
following promises except to
• A. tell Germany they did not have to pay war
• B. allow Eastern European countries their
choice of governments
• C. support the United States against Japan
• D. allow free elections in Poland
OGT Multiple Choice
• After the D-Day invasion, how many
weeks did it take for the Allies to take
• A. 2 weeks
• B. 4 weeks
• C. 6 weeks
• D. 8 weeks
OGT Multiple Choice
• The bombing of Germany did all of the
following except
• A. rise the morale of the Germans
• B. weaken Germany
• C. destroy German factories
• D. destroy German cities
OGT Multiple Choice
• The critical D-Day invasion was directed
by the Supreme Commander of Allied
Forces, General
• A. George Patton
• B. Courtney Hodges
• C. A.M. Patch
• D. Dwight D. Eisenhower
OGT Multiple Choice
• Where did the D-Day invasion take
• A. Calais
• B. Antwerp
• C. Normandy
• D. Paris
Part 4
War in the Pacific
“The victory is but half
won.” -- President
I. The Struggle for the Islands (Map pg. 700)
A. Gen. Douglas MacArthur
1. west Pacific islands
B. Marines and navy
1. central Pacific
• **Both had to succeed!
C. Fierce fighting
1. Japanese fought hard
2. Thousands killed
D. Islands we took
1. Tarawa (Nov. 1943)
2. Kwajalein (Feb. 1944)
3. Saipon (Feb. 1944)
4. Iwo Jima (Feb-March 1945)
5. Okinawa (April-June 1945)
II. The Return to the Philippines
A. Gen. Douglas MacArthur
1. 1942--lost Philippines “I
shall return.”
2. 1944--he came back
3. U.S. took back control of the
a. knocked Japan’s navy
III. Splitting the Atom
A. The best from around the world came to the US
1. Albert Einstein--Jew from Germany
2. Enrico Fermi--Italy
3. Others from Austria, Czech, and Denmark
B. Atomic bomb
1. split atoms
2. catastrophic weapon
C. December 2. 1942 at 3:45pm
1. successful in splitting uranium atoms
2. university of Chicago
IV. The Atomic Bomb
A. Manhattan Project
1. FDR set it up to prepare to build the bomb
2. took 3 more years to develop the bomb
3. cost $2 billion
B. July 16, 1945 at 5:30am
1. test
2. Alamogordo, New Mexico
3. first “mushroom” cloud
C. Germany and Italy already surrendered
The Atomic Bomb, continued
D. Warned Japan
1. they still didn’t give up
E. Should we drop bomb
1. If yes--thousands of innocent people killed
2. If no--thousands of Americans killed
F. August 6, 1945
1. Hiroshima
2. 75,000 killed immediately
3. Thousands more died of radiation
G. August 14, 1945
1. Nagasaki
United Streaming Video
“Atomic Bomb” 1:49
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Atomic Bomb Audio
Japan Surrenders :30
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
V. The Cost of World War II
U.S.--lost 292,000. (four times more than WWI)
Russia--27 million
Germans--4 million
Japanese--2 million
Chinese--22 million
Jews--6 million killed in concentration camps
United Streaming Video “End of
World War II”
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
OGT Multiple Choice
Which is FALSE about the Manhattan project?
• A. FDR set it up to prepare to build the
atomic bomb.
• B. This project took 3 years to develop the
atomic bomb.
• C. This project cost $2 billion.
• D. The project was not kept secret, and the
American public knew about it.
OGT Multiple Choice
• The United States lost how many
people in World War II?
• A. About 300,000
• B. About 1,000,000
• C. About 4,000,000
• D. About 10,000,000
OGT Multiple Choice
• On August 14, 1945 the U.S. dropped
the second atomic bomb on which city?
• A. Tokyo
• B. Hiroshima
• C. Nagasaki
• D. Kyoto
OGT Multiple Choice
• Where was the first test of an atomic
• A. Denver, Colorado
• B. Alamogordo, New Mexico
• C. Truth or Consequences, New
• D. Phoenix, Arizona
OGT Multiple Choice
On August 6, 1945 the U.S. dropped the first atomic bomb
on which city?
OGT Multiple Choice
At which university were uranium atoms first split?
University of Chicago
University of Ohio State
University of Michigan
University of Indiana
OGT Short Answer
• When World War II ended, this began a new
world order. There were now two
superpowers in the world. (2 points)
Who were the two superpowers? (1 point)
What is the name given to the relationship
between these two countries over
the next 50 years? (1 point)
OGT Extended Response
(Practice Test Booklet 2005) The United States
dropping the two atom bombs on Japan remains a
controversial issue. If you were an advisor to President
Truman, what advice would you give? Explain why you
would give him this advice. (4 points)