
Running Head: Culture Difference
Culture Difference between China and Africa
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Running Head: Culture Difference
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
China ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Culture of China.............................................................................................................................. 3
Food and Eating Habits ............................................................................................................... 3
Sports........................................................................................................................................... 4
Marriage ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Government and Politics ............................................................................................................. 5
West Africa / Nigeria ...................................................................................................................... 5
Culture of Nigeria ........................................................................................................................... 6
Food and Eating Habits ............................................................................................................... 6
Sports........................................................................................................................................... 6
Marriage ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Government and Politics ............................................................................................................. 8
References ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Running Head: Culture Difference
The purpose of this paper is to make a comparison between China and Africa from the
culture point of view. The focus of this paper is the culture of both countries and what
differences between the cultures from food, sports are and some other aspects are discussed in
this whole paper. The detailed report is as under.
China is located in eastern Asia on the western shore of the Pacific Ocean, with a zone of
9.6 million square kilometers. China's mainland coastline stretches out for around 18,000
kilometers, and its boundless ocean surface is studded with more than 5,000 islands, of which
Taiwan and Hainan are the biggest. A significant part of the content is arranged in the mild zone,
with the tropical and subtropical zones toward the south, and coming to the sub-zero zone in the
north, so temperatures vary strikingly the nation over. China's high tundra zone is arranged in the
Qinghai-Tibet, where the temperature is low in each of the four seasons, and amazingly low in
winter (
Culture of China
The culture of China is as follows,
Food and Eating Habits
The principle contrast in the middle of Chinese and western dietary patterns are that
individuals in China lounge around the table and impart the sustenance to one another. On
numerous events, particularly in the nation, the rich feast offered a visitor would never be eaten
by the host. There are typically eight frosty dishes and no less than eight hot dishes on the table
Running Head: Culture Difference
when formally welcoming visitors. Generally Chinese has, who are not acquainted with western
society, will keep placing food into a dish or onto a plate for a visitor, as a method for
demonstrating their neighborliness and good manners. It's the host's obligation to ensure a
visitor's dish is never unfilled, particularly if that visitor is very regarded and/or elderly. The host
will watch out for the sustenance at the table, and as the visitor's plate gets to be unfilled the host
will refill it (
Since the establishing of the PRC in 1949, China's physical culture and games have
entered another verifiable period. Conventional games are an essential part of China's games
exercises, and additionally a valuable social legacy. Since the establishing of New China, the
administration has appended incredible significance to the improvement of the customary games
of national minorities, adding up to around 1,000 sorts, for example, Mongolian wrestling,
horsemanship and bows and arrows; Dragon pontoon hustling, flying kites, manage moving,
wiki, qigong and taijiquan are conventional games mainstream among both Han individuals and
individuals of national minorities (
Chinese weddings and the customs going before the wedding are saturated with old
conventions. Red is the overwhelming shading for Chinese weddings, from attire to candles on
the tables to red sparklers. The Chinese groom's family formally solicits in the structure from a
letter for the hand of the woman. On the off chance that transactions were fruitful, a blessing
letter is sent to the woman's family, and the lucky man will bring the woman's family an
assortment of sustenance and other customary things. A tea function takes after, in which the
Running Head: Culture Difference
woman serves tea to the groom's gang. The woman will get adornments or cash wrapped in red
envelopes (
Government and Politics
China is a one-gathering state, with genuine force lying with the Chinese Communist
gathering. The nation is administered under the constitution of 1982 as corrected, the fifth
constitution since the promotion of the Communists in 1949. The unicameral lawmaking body is
the National People's Congress (NPC), comprising of agents who are in a roundabout way
chosen to terms of five years. The NPC chooses national financial methodology, chooses or
uproots high officeholders, and can change China's constitution; despite the grouping of force in
the Communist party, the focal government's control over the territories and neighborhood
governments is constrained, and they are frequently ready to act with the relative exemption in
numerous zones. The lawful framework is not free of the administration, on the other hand, an
issue that is particularly intense on the neighborhood level, where degenerate authorities control
the procedure to secure themselves and point of confinement subjects' rights.
West Africa / Nigeria
Nigeria is a nation situated in West Africa with a coast on the Gulf of Guinea and
Atlantic Ocean. Nigeria has a blended monetary framework in which the economy incorporates
an assortment of private opportunity, joined with unified financial arranging and government
regulation. Nigeria is an individual from the African Union (AU) and the African Economic
Community (AEC). The Federal Republic of Nigeria, normally alluded to as Nigeria is a
government sacred republic in West Africa, flanking Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in
the east, and Niger in the north. It contains 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, where the
Running Head: Culture Difference
capital, Abuja is found. Nigeria is authoritatively an equitable mainstream nation. Advanced
Nigeria has been the site of various kingdoms and tribal states for centuries. The cutting edge
state started from British pilgrim guideline starting in the nineteenth century, and the converging
of the Southern Nigeria Protectorate and Northern Nigeria Protectorate in 1914. Nigeria turned
into a formally autonomous alliance in 1960, and dove into a common war from 1967 to 1970
Culture of Nigeria
The Culture of Africa is as discussed as under,
Food and Eating Habits
Nigerian nourishment society contrasts from distinctive gathering then onto the next;
There are more than two hundred and fifty unique tribes in Nigeria so it is normal that each of
these tribes would have diverse sustenance society, despite the fact starting with there are
dependably a little distinction starting with one tribe then onto the next. This page is about
Nigerian sustenance traditions and society, you have to know somewhat about the majority of
this on the off chance that you are dating or wedded to a Nigerian. In a Nigerian home the men
are relied upon to give cash to every one of the nourishments eaten at home while it is the
obligation of the lady to buy and set up these sustenances for the family, the main special case is
the point at which the wife I beneficially utilized (
Nigeria is Africa's most well known country and there are Nigerians who have
accomplished both neighborhood and universal acclaim through games. Football (known as
soccer in the United States) appeared formally as an Olympic sport in Atlanta 1996 Olympic
Running Head: Culture Difference
Games and the Nigerian Super Eagles won the first gold award that year by beating the
Argentine group. Its a dependable fact that football is the most mainstream game in Nigeria as
well as all over Africa! Boxing is additionally a surely understood game in Nigeria, and
renowned Nigerian boxers, for example, Bash Ali have made ready for youthful Nigerian boxers.
Ball is a game that is adored by a great deal of youthful Nigerian young men and young ladies. A
few organizations even sort out ball facilities where proficient b-ball players train youths in the
specialty of playing this world well known diversion. There are many individuals who tune in
this game and a number of them want to make it to the Olympics, however just few ever find the
opportunity to be picked to speak to the nation at the Olympics or Common Wealth Games
There are three sorts of marriage in Nigeria today: religious marriage, common marriage,
and customary marriage. Christian guys are permitted stand out wife, while Muslim men can
take up to four wives. Conventional relational unions for the most part are held at the wife's
home and are performed by traditions of the ethnic gathering included. While Western methods
for romance and marriage are not incomprehensible, the force of conventional qualities and the
solid impact of the family imply that customary ways are normally taken after, even in the urban
areas and among the first class. In cases where there are as of now one or more wives, it is the
first wife's obligation to take care of the most up to date wife and offer her some assistance with
integrating into the gang. Numerous Nigerian ethnic gatherings take after the act of offering a
spouse cost for a proposed wife. Not at all like an endowment, in which the lady would convey
something of material worth to the marriage, a spouse cost is some type of remuneration the
spouse must pay before he can wed a wife (
Running Head: Culture Difference
Government and Politics
Nigeria is a republic, with the president going about as both head of state and head of
government. Then again, this example was broken on 29 May 1999 as Nigeria's present
president, Olusegun Obasanjo, took office taking after well known races. Under the present
constitution, presidential races are to be held at regular intervals, with no president serving more
than two terms in office. Nigeria's legal branch is going by a Supreme Court, whose individuals
were named by the Provisional Ruling Council, which governed Nigeria amid its late move to
majority rule government.
Running Head: Culture Difference
References (n.d.). The 5 Most Popular Sports in Nigeria. Retrieved November 23, 2015,
from (n.d.). Nigerian Food Culture. Retrieved November 23, 2015, from (n.d.). Physical Culture & Sports. Retrieved November 21, 2015, from (n.d.). China Introduction. Retrieved November 21, 2015, from (n.d.). Nigeria: Introduction. Retrieved November 23, 2015, from (n.d.). Games & Sport. Retrieved November 21, 2015, from (n.d.). Chinese Marriage Traditions. Retrieved November 21,
2015, from (n.d.). African wedding traditions. Retrieved November 21, 2015, from (n.d.). The Eating Habits in China. Retrieved November 21, 2015, from