
Sentence Outline Template
Directions: Summarize the assigned chapter in outline format using complete
sentences for each element of the outline. Use your own words as often as possible.
When quoting from the book, cite page numbers. For headings and sub-headings, you
may want to phrase a question or make a summary statement of the section.
Main Heading (large print under the red line of the text)
a. Sub-Heading (bolded slightly larger than regular text)
i. Details: important information located in the sub-heading
Main Heading (large print under the red line of the text)
a. Sub-Heading (bolded slightly larger than regular text)
i. Details: important information located in the sub-heading
b. b. Sub-Heading (bolded slightly larger than regular text)
i. Details: important information located in the sub-heading
Main Heading (large print under the red line of the text)
Example from Chapter 3: Supply and Demand page 52
Supply and Demand drives a market system.
a. An example of Competition in economics is several companies
creating similar products to give the consumer a choice.
i. Businesses use marketing, advertising, etc. to get consumers to
choose their products.
b. Surplus refers to having too much product for the demand.
i. Prices are lowered (sometimes price wars develop) as
businesses compete for people still interested in the product.
ii. Surplus can be dangerous in the long run.
1. Costs of reduced prices are recouped through laying off
workers that are not needed to produce goods.
c. Scarcity exists when demand is greater than the supply of goods.
i. “When there is greater demand for a product, prices tend to
rise.” Page 52