Combining KR and search: Crossword puzzles Next: Logic representations Reading: C. 7.4-7.8 1 Changes in Homework Mar 4th: Hand in written design, planned code for all modules Mar 9th: midterm Mar 25th: Fully running system due Mar 30th: Tournament begins 2 Changes in Homework Dictionary Use dictionary provided; do not use your own Start with 300 words only Switch to larger set by time of tournament Representation of dictionary is important to reducing search time Using knowledge to generate word candidates could also help 3 Midterm Survey Start after 9AM Friday and finish by Thursday, Mar. 4th Your answers are important: they will affect remaining class structure 4 Crossword Puzzle Solver Proverb: Michael Litman, Duke Univ Developed by his AI class Combines knowledge from multiple sources to solve clues (clue/target) Uses constraint propogation in combination with probabilities to select best target 5 Algorithm Overview Independent programs specialize in different types of clues – knowledge experts Information retrieval, database search, machine learning Each expert module generates a candidate list (with probabilities) Centralized solver Merges the candidates lists for each clue Places candidates on the puzzle grid 6 Performance Averages 95.3% words correct and 98.1% letters correct Under 15 minutes/puzzle Tested on a sample of 370 NYT puzzles Misses roughly 3 words or 4 letters on a daily 15X15 puzzle 7 Questions Is this approach any more intelligent than the chess playing programs? Does the use of knowledge correspond to intelligence? Do any of the techniques for generating words apply to Scrabble? 8 9 To begin: research style Study of existing puzzles How hard? What are the clues like? What sources of knowledge might be helpful? Crossword Puzzle database (CWDB) 350,000 clue-target pairs >250,000 unique pairs = # of puzzles seen over 14 years at rate of one puzzle/day 10 How novel are crossword puzzles? Given complete database and a new puzzle, expect to have seen 91% of targets 50% of clues 34% of clue target pairs 96% of individual words in clues 11 12 Categories of clues Fill in the blank: 28D: Nothing ____: less Trailing question mark 4D: The end of Plato?: Abbreviations 55D: Key abbr: maj 13 Expert Categories Synonyms 40D Meadowsweet: spiraea Kind-of 27D Kind of coal or coat: pea “pea coal” and “pea coat” standard phrases Movies 50D Princess in Woolf’s “Orlando”: sasha Geography 59A North Sea port: aberdeen Music 2D “Hold Me” country Grammay winner, 1988: oslin Literature 53A Playwright/novelist Capek: karel Information retrieval 6D Mountain known locally as Chomolungma: everest 14 15 16 17 Candidate generator Farrow of “Peyton Place”: mia Movie module returns: 0.909091 mia 0.010101 tom 0.010101 kip 0.010101 ben 0.010101 peg 0.010101 ray 18 19 20 Ablation tests Removed each module one at a time, rerunning all training puzzles No single module changed overall percent correct by more than 1% Removing all modules that relied on CWDB 94.8% to 27.1% correct Using only the modules that relied exclusively on CWDB 87.6% correct 21 Word list modules WordList, WordListBig Ignore their clues and return all words of correct length WordList 655,000 terms WordListBig WordList plus constructed terms First and last names, adjacent words from clues 2.1 million terms, all weighted equally 5D 10,000 words, perhaps: novelette Wordlist-CWDB 58,000 unique targets Returns all targets of appropriate length Weights with estimates of their “prior” probabilities as targets of arbitrary clues Examine frequency in crossword puzzles and normalize to account for bias caused by letters intersecting across and down terms 22 CWDB-specific modules Exact Match Returns all targets of the correct length associated with the clue Example error: it returns eeyore for 19A Pal of Pooh: tigger Transformations Learns transformations to clue-target pairs Single-word substitution, remove one phrase from beginning or end and add another, depluralizing a word in clue, pluralize word in target Nice X <-> X in France X for short <-> X abbr. X start <-> Prefix with X X city <-> X capital 51D: Bugs chaser: elmer, solved by Bugs pursuer: elmer and the transformation rule X pursuer <-> X chaser 23 Information retrieval modules Encyclopedia For each query term, compute distribution of terms “close” to query Counted 10-k times every times it apears at a distance of k<10 from query term Extremely common terms (as, and) are ignored Partial match For a clue c, find all clues in CWDB that share words For each such clue, give its target a weight LSI-Ency, LSI-CWDB Latent semantic indexing (LSI) identifies correlations between words: synonyms Return closest word for each word in the clue 24 Database Modules Movie Looks for patterns in the clue and formulates query to database Quoted titles: 56D “The Thief of Baghdad” role: abu Boolean operations: Cary or Lee: grant Music, literary, geography Simple pattern matching of clue (keywords “city”, “author”, “band”, etc) to formulate query 15A “Foundation of Trilogy” author: asimov Geography database: Getty Information Institute 25 Synonyms WordNet Look for root forms of words in the clue Then find variety of related words 49D Chop-chop: apace Synonyms of synonyms Forms of related words converted to forms of clue word (number, tense) 18A Stymied: thwarted Is this relevant to Scrabble? 26 Syntactic Modules Fill-in-the-blanks >5% clues Search databases (music, geography, literary and quotes) to find clue patterns 36A Yerby’s “A Rose for _ _ _ Maria”: ana Kindof Pattern: for _ _ _ Maria Allow any 3 characters to fill the blanks Pattern matching over short phrases 50 clues of this type “type of” (A type of jacket: nehru) “starter for” (Starter for saxon: anglo) “suffix with” (Suffix with switch or sock: eroo 27 Implicit Distribution Modules Some targets not included in any database, but more probable than random Schaeffer vs. srhffeeca Bigram module Generates all possible letter sequences of the given length by returning a letter bigram distribution over all possible strings, learned from CWDB Lowest probability clue-target, but higher probability than random sequence of letters Honolulu wear: hawaiianmuumuu How could this be used for Scrabble? 28 Questions Is this approach any more intelligent than the chess playing programs? Does the use of knowledge correspond to intelligence? Do any of the techniques for generating words apply to Scrabble? 29