The Northern Renaissance

Chapter 5 Section 2
 Occurred in European Countries
 North of the Alps.
 Italian Ren ideas begin to spread north after 1500.
Northern Renaissance
Photo Analysis #1
Photo Analysis #2
Similarities and Differences between a chateaux
and a modern mansion?
The Northern Renaissance
During the late 1400s, Renaissance art and humanist
ideas began to filter northward from Italy to
France, England, the Netherlands, and other
European countries.
War, trade, travel, and a newly invented
method of printing helped to promote this
cultural diffusion.
ADD: German named Gutenberg invented the first
movable type printing press in 1439…made books
far more availible….
In fact, people of the Northern Renaissance adapted
ideas of the Italian Renaissance to their own
individual tastes, values, and needs.
Northern Renaissance Area
The French Renaissance
The French Renaissance had a character all its own.
French architects blended medieval Gothic towers and
windows with the classical arches used by Italian
architects to create chateaux, or castles.
Chateau of Chambord
Many French Renaissance writers borrowed
extensively from the new literary forms of the
Italian Renaissance.
 sonnets
 Writings about Love
 Passing of youth
 Personal essays
 Comic tales
Northern Europe
The Italian Renaissance was also enthusiastically
accepted in Northern Europe. Specifically by
the wealthy towns of Germany and low countries
Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.
Universities and schools promoted the humanist
learning, and printers produced a large quantity of
Latin remained the main language here, but writers
did increase their use of German and Dutch.
Christian Humanism
Unlike in Italy, the Renaissance in Northern Europe
had a more religious tone.
Groups of scholars, known as Christian
humanists, wanted reforms in Catholicism that
would eliminate abuses and restore the simple
goodness of the early Church.
They truly believed that humanist learning and Bible
study were the best ways to promote these goals.
Northern European
Artists in northern Europe
Developed a style of painting that
Relied more on medieval than classical models.
For example, painters painted scenes from the Bible
and daily life in sharp, realistic detail. They
developed the techniques of painting in oils. Oils
provided artists with richer colors and allowed
them to make changes on the painted canvas.
Painting in oils soon spread back to Italy.
The English Renaissance
Renaissance ideas did not spread to England until
1485, when the Wars of the Roses-bloody
conflicts over who was the rightful heir to the throne,
English humanists interest in social issues. some
writers wrote books that criticized the society by
comparing it with an ideal society in which all
citizens are equal and prosperous.
****Utopia: Sir Thomas Moore
The English Renaissance was especially know for
drama. In fact, the best-known English playwrights
included William Shakespeare. Add: Wrote in
late 1500s….
He drew ideas for his work from medieval legends,
classical mythology, and the histories of England,
Denmark, and ancient Rome.
Shakespeare specifically dealt with universal human
qualities such as jealousy, ambition, love, and
despair so effectively that his plays are still relevant
to audiences today.
Words Shakespeare Invented
 academe accused addiction advertising amazement arouse
assassination backing bandit bedroom beached besmirch
birthplace blanket bloodstained barefaced blushing bet bump
buzzer caked cater champion circumstantial cold-blooded
compromise courtship countless critic dauntless dawn
deafening discontent dishearten drugged dwindle epileptic
equivocal elbow excitement exposure eyeball fashionable fixture
flawed frugal generous gloomy gossip green-eyed gust hint
hobnob hurried impede impartial invulnerable jaded label
lackluster laughable lonely lower luggage lustrous madcap
majestic marketable metamorphize mimic monumental
moonbeam mountaineer negotiate noiseless obscene
obsequiously ode olympian outbreak panders pedant
premeditated puking radiance rant remorseless savagery scuffle
secure skim milk submerge summit swagger torture tranquil
undress unreal varied vaulting worthless zany gnarled grovel
Famous Plays of Shakespeare/Quotes
 Caesar:
"Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never taste of death but once."
Julius Caesar (II, ii, 32-37)
What light through yonder window breaks?
Romeo And Juliet Act 2, scene 2, 2–6
And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Shakespeare Even made in Reduced form!
Wrap Up:
 In groups appoint a writer , researchers and a
presenter: Each group of 3 or less will create a
Review WEB of as many details as they can from the
 Be Ready to share them!