
Sentence Structure
Simple Sentences
Has one subject-verb pair
1. Filmmaker George Lucas
has changed the film
industry in many was.
2. One new technology was
a special computer-assisted
camera crane.
Simple sentence formulas
1. SV
The Star Wars movies were
international hits.
2. SSV
Young people and adults enjoyed
3. SVV
The films entertained and thrilled
audiences everywhere.
Luke Skywalker and his friends
battled evil and made us laugh at
the same time.
Create Simple Sentences
Self Check
1. Does you sentence contain a
2. Does you sentence contain a verb?
Compound Sentences
Contains at least two simple sentences joined
by a comma and a coordinating conjunctions.
"They may take our lives, but they will never
take our freedom." -Brave heart
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough
to see yourself become a villain." -Batman
For- Introduce a reason or cause.
Same meaning as because.
And- Joins sentences that are a like
Nor- Means "not this and not that." Join two negative
But- Joins sentences that are opposite or show
Or- Joins sentences that give choices or
Yet- Shows contrast or joins opposites. Use yet
when the second part of the sentence says
something unexpected or surprising.
So- Joins sentences when the second sentence
expresses the result of something described in the
first sentence.
Self Check
1. Does your sentence include two independent clauses?
2. Are your sentences joined by a comma and a
coordinating conjunction?
Complex sentence
A complex sentence is a combination of one
independent clause and one (or more) dependent
Anna left the part early because she was tired.
Becasue she was tired, Anna left the party early.
Dependent clauses usually begins with a
subordinating word.
Time: After, As soon as, Before, Since,
Until, When, Whenever, and While
Reason: Because, Since, and As
Place: Where and Whenever
Create Complex
Self Check
1. Does each sentence have an independent
2. Does each sentence have at least one
dependent clause ?
3. Did you add a comma if you started with a
dependent clause?
Compound Complex
A sentence with two or more independent clauses and at
least one dependent clause.
While Tom reads novels, Jack reads comics, but Sam
only reads magazines.
Although I like to go camping, I haven't had the time to
go, and I haven't found anyone to go with me.
Charlie could not hear his watch because it had stopped,
and he was worried.
Create Compound
Self check
1. Does your sentence have at least two independent
2. Are your sentences joined by a conjunction?
3. Does your sentence have a dependent clause?
4. Does your dependent clause start with a transitional
word or phrase?
Quiz Time
Is it a simple, compound, Complex, or
Compound Complex sentence??
Sentence 1
Because of her disdain for the north, Roxie moved to
Sentence 2
The three female siblings were determined to gain
their independence, and each desired a dwelling of
her own.
Sentence 3
Because of the string of robberies, Cindy carries
pepper spray.
Sentence 4
Linda spends all of her money on shoes.
Sentence 5
John went to school, but James remained at home
because he had a sore throat.
Sentence Fragments
An incomplete thought!!!
Because his car was in the shop(What did he do?)
After the rain stops (What then?)
When you finally take the test (What will happen?
Since you asked (Will you get the answer?)
If you want to go with me (What should you do?)