
Make New Page for Cornell Notes
• Title these notes
Development of
• Draw a line 2” from left
edge of paper
• On left, write slide titles
• On right, write notes on
• At end of session, write 2
sentence summary at
• Use bullets and
Journal: Pretend….and Write
• Write “#1. Journal on the
left column
• Write your answer next to
#1 on right
• Pretend you and 30 other
people are stranded on a
deserted island with no
chance of being
– What 3 rules would you
establish for your
community and why?
Debriefing “Creating a
Your Homework
• Ask an adult and you
write their responses or
summary of it on the 9/11
Interview page
• Get their signature
• = The use of violence against
people or property in order to
force changes in societies or
– Why?
• Independence
• change societies
• destroy “forces of evil”
• Effects of 9/11
– Fear
– Dept. of Homeland Security
• Aviation Security
• Patriot Act
– Wars
The Ideology of Al Qaeda
• “Terrorists vs. Freedom
• 4 goals:
– 1. Drive out Americans
and US from all Muslim
– 2. Destroy Israel
– 3. Create one big Islamic
– 4. “Jihad” (=“holy” war): kill
all non “pure” Muslims
Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
• 2001 declaration of war
against Af gov = TALIBAN
– For assisting Al Qaeda
• 2003 against Iraq
– Bush argued that they had:
• A nuclear weapon
• An evil government
• Links to Al Qaeda
• 2 out of 3 of Bush’s arguments
false (lied or bad intelligence?)
• War in Iraq lasted 11 years, Af
Write A Summary….
Pick ONE for a total of FOUR sentences:
Sentence #1:
 In this lesson, I learned __________________________ about _________________________.
 The notes explained that _______________________________________________________.
Sentence #2:
 ______________________ is important information about the topic of ___________________.
 A key detail from the text is _____________________________________________________.
Sentence #3:
 ______________________ helped me understand how/that ___________________________.
 Another important point from the notes is __________________________________________.
Sentence #4:
 By studying ________________________________, I realized/discovered _______________.
 As a result of learning about ________________________, I now understand_____________.
Let’s Discuss, Then Write
• Discuss
– How did you feel?
– Give an example of when the
majority agreed on a decision.
• Advantages?
• Disadvantages?
– Give an ex. Of when one
person made decisions for the
entire class.
• Advantages?
• Disadvantages?
• Write answer on “Development
of Democracy” page
– Based on this experience, can
people be trusted to govern
themselves? Give examples
from this to support your
• Autocracy
– Government in which
power rests with one
– Symbol?
• Democracy
– Government in which
the people have power
– Symbol?
Use Whiteboards: Autocratic or Democratic?
Ms. Dean says there’s a quiz Friday
Jack, Jane and Juan decide on which movie to go to by discussing possibilities
and voting
Fresh Freeze manager decides to give workers a 50 cent raise
Your mom listens as you complain about not being able to stay our late and then
decides to let you stay out one hour later
Your family members all choose to go to the beach for vacation even though you
wanted to go camping in the mountains.
Pat plans a surprise romantic date for Jordan. He took her to dinner at
Mazzottis and then to a concert
Elected Mayor Bass Jackson decides to build a city hall.
The citizens of Eureka vote to pass a tax to increase school funding.
Types of Democracy
• Representative
– when the ppl elect
someone to make
decisions for them
• Draw a symbol
• Direct Democracy
– when the ppl vote on
every law
• Symbol?
T - Chart
• Generate a list of
several advantages
and disadvantages of.
Use our simulation to
get your thoughts
•Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other
forms that have been tried from time to time.” Winston Churchill
Activity: Learn How Demo
Developed in Ancient Greece
• Let’s partay!
– What station?
– What volume?
– This activity will use
the 4 forms of gov’t
from Ancient Greece
to select a station and
Let’s Try Monarchy
• The earliest form of
• One person: king, queen
or emperor has all power
to make decisions
• Who wants to be the
• Prince?
• King, program the radio!
Uh – Oh, the King Died!
• Go to the cemetery,
• Now the Prince is
Debrief Monarchy
• Subjects: How did you
• King?
• Prince?
• Who makes the decisions
in a monarchy?
– Disadvantages?
– Why do you think this was
the first form of government
to develop in ancient
Read about Monarchy
Read and fill out chart
Let’s Try Oligarchy
• Let’s use the
oligarchy form of gov’t
w/ the radio!
• Oligarchy developed
in Greece as
• A few individuals
(aristocrats and
wealthy mid class)
have power
Aristocrats and Middle Class
• 3 students = Aristocrats
– Musicians in family?
– Powerful by birth
• 5 stu’s = Middle class
– Taken music?
– Wealthy & talented, but no
Debrief Oligarchy
• Citizens, how did you feel?
• How did you feel when a
member of the mid class was
allowed to help the aristocrats?
• Who makes decisions in
– Advantages?
– Disadvantages?
– Why do you think this
developed after monarchy
in ancient Greece?
Read about Oligarchy
• Fill out chart
Let’s Try Tyranny
• Discontent with
leaders of oligarchies
led to rise of new
leaders called tyrants
– One individual seizes
power by force and
rules alone
– Tyranny not = cruelty
– Tyrant often mid class
and military leaders
Tyrant’s style
• Blue jeans?
– Gifts?
Debrief Tyranny
• Tyrant:
– How did you feel?
Everyone else:
– How did you feel?
• Who makes decisions in
a tyranny?
– Disadvantages?
– Advantages?
• Why do you think this
developed after oligarchy
in Greece?
Let’s Try Democracy
• 510 B.C.E, after
overthrowing a harsh
tyrant, citizens of
Athens chose to
share political power
– Majority vote
Debrief Democracy
• How did it feel?
• Who makes the
• Advantages?
• Disadvantages?
• Why do you think
democracy developed
in Ancient Greece?
Speaking of Democracy
“The ballot is stronger than the bullet.” Abe Lincoln
• “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a
man’s character, give him power” Abe Lincoln
• “The great thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a
chance to do something stupid”. Art Spander
• “Democracy means government by discussion, but it is only
effective if you can stop people talking.” Clement Atlee
• “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all
those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”
Winston Churchill
• “When the government fears the people that is LIBERTY. When
the people fear the government, that is TYRANNY.” Unknown
• “The greatest fallacy of democracy is that everyone’s opinion is
worth the same.” Robert Anson Heinlein
A Challenge For You To Attempt
• Try to do this task, using ½ of your paper:
– Draw 9 stars like this:
– Draw 1 line through all the stars. Follow these rules:
Don’t break your line; must be continous
Make the least number of corners as possible
Go through each star only once
No intersecting lines
No super curvy lines
How This Connects to the
Enlightenment Era
• Revolutionary thinkers “think
outside the box
• Philosophers challenged old
ideas about government, world
and people
• Democracy was RE born from
these ideas
• Looked at human nature
Natural laws
What’s the best type of
Read and Cornell Note Pages
• You will have 20 minutes tomorrow to
• Do one bullet per red / black titled section
and also one for each picture or chart
• Total 19 sections
• Write a summary at the end or no credit!
Press Conference With Enlightenment
Philosophers – What’s the best form of
– Actor
– Historian
– Public Relations Agent
– Investigative Reporter
Get into groups of 4 and pick roles
Write your role and answer
questions on the “Press
Conference” Page
Today, questions
Monday, prep your actor
Tuesday, your role’s tasks
Wednesday, showtime!
Discussion of Press Conference
• Place your thinker on the
spectrum and make sure actor
knows why he/she is where he
• Whose ideas did you like the
best? Why?
• Whose ideas did you like the
least? Why?
• How might the time period they
lived in affect their views?
• Which thinkers do you think are
the most influential in the
development of democracy?
• Write a summary of this
discussion, including who would
be your chief advisor if you were
the president of the U.S.
Comparing Bills of Rights
French British
• Make a 3 column t -chart with
the titles
• Go through your country’s
rights and paraphrase them
in bullets in the appropriate
• Then, find someone from the
other 2 countries and write no
or yes if they do not have or
do have that same right
• Then write a sentence as a
summary comparing the 3
bills of rights. Similarities,
differences and traits of each.
How do the Bills of Rights
• French and U.S. are similar
1787, 1789
Ppl focused
Enlightenment’s influence
No mention of King
• British about balance between King and
– 1689
– written before the Enlightenment