Government Debate Paragraph

Warm –up (15 minutes)
• Copy HW-review notes and stay organized
• You have 15 minutes to complete your game
piece –IF NEEDED
• Place your game piece on the game board
* If you are done prepare to present!!!!!
Present Your Game Piece
One person will be chosen at random to present
your game piece.
Please introduce yourself, explain what you
made and why you chose to create this
particular piece. You may also want to share
some of your key facts.
The best presenter will earn 2000 citizens!!!!!!
Essential Question???
•How has the
relationship between
citizens and their
government changed?
Which form of government do you thinks
deserves the highest overall grade and
Types of Government
Direct Democracy
Representative Democracy
• Making Efficient Decisions
• Giving Equality to all People
• Meeting the Needs of the
Debate Instructions….
• Please have page 10 out to record new information
• Please speak clearly and loudly.
• Please turn your chair to face the audience
• Please keep your comments to 30 seconds
• Each person will speak at least once
• Each comment will earn 1-5 points
• Citizens will be awarded based on the points your team
earns in the debate: 6000 for first place >1000 for 6th place
Points to consider!
• Which gov’t is best for a small/large society?
• Which gov’t is best in time of war?
• Which gov’t allows you to get the most
• Please use your notes and government report card to
write a paragraph explaining…
Which type of government you think is best and
Don’t forget the following…
Topic sentence- Clearly state which government you are choosing.
Supporting points- List and explain at least three reasons why you chose this
particular government.
Refute your opponent- Explain why the other governments are not good choices.
Conclusion-Make a power statement about why your choice is the best!!!