The Wellness Wheel A Healthy Balance Dori Babcock, M.S., ACSM 1 3/23/2016 Objectives Distinguish between health and wellness List 10 health habits that impact wellness Identify the 7 dimensions of wellness Wellness activities by dimension 6 factors that influence growth in wellness 2 3/23/2016 Health or Wellness: What’s the Difference? Health: The lack of disease or infirmary. 3 3/23/2016 Health or Wellness: What’s the Difference? Wellness: An integrated and dynamic level of functioning oriented toward maximizing potential, dependent upon self-responsibility. 4 3/23/2016 Wellness Is: A process A commitment Proactive A way of life An integration 5 3/23/2016 The Wellness Wheel 7 dimensions of wellness Physical Occupational Environmental Emotional Intellectual Social Spiritual 6 3/23/2016 Physical Dimension Deals with the functional operation of the body and habits that may have an effect on it. 7 3/23/2016 Occupational Dimension Involves deriving personal satisfaction from your job. It should provide the internal and external rewards you value. 8 3/23/2016 Environmental Dimension Deals with the preservation of natural resources and the protection of plant and animal wildlife. 9 3/23/2016 Emotional Dimension Involves awareness of your own feelings, as well as those of others. Includes 3 areas. 1. Awareness 2. Acceptance 3. Management 10 3/23/2016 Intellectual Dimension Involves the use of your mind. It is the continuous acquisition of knowledge throughout life, engaging your mind in creative and stimulating mental activities. 11 3/23/2016 Social Dimension Involves the ability to get along with others, appreciating their uniqueness. It means exhibiting concern for the welfare of your community and fairness and justice toward others. 12 3/23/2016 Spiritual Dimension It involves the development of the inner self and one’s soul. It is where we define our purpose for living. 13 3/23/2016 The Cornerstone of Wellness Living Self Responsibility 14 3/23/2016 Six Factors That Influence Wellness 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Awareness Assessment Knowledge Skills and management techniques Motivation Support 15 3/23/2016 Is Your City Supportive of Wellness? 16 3/23/2016 Ten Health Risks That Impact Wellness Tobacco usage High Blood Pressure Stressful living Lack of physical activity Overweight/ obesity Poor diet Home safety Lack of personal care Speeding Not wearing a seat belt or personal safety gear 17 3/23/2016 Health Risks Affect Every Dimension 18 3/23/2016 Ten “Healthy” Habits to Have 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Stop tobacco usage Reduce blood pressure Manage stress Exercise in moderation Maintain a healthy weight Eat a well-balanced diet 7. 8. 9. 10. Check smoke detectors Participate in cancer self-exams and age appropriate screenings Drive within 5 miles per hour of the speed limit Wear a seat belts in cars and helmets on bicycles/motorbikes 19 3/23/2016 Summary Difference between health and wellness 10 health habits that impact wellness 7 Dimensions of the Wellness Wheel 6 factors that influence growth in wellness 20 3/23/2016